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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 24, 2024 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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during the split, the high art of communication in hostile conditions. the abolition of russia and new sanctions, a good try, but no. materials of our program. escalation of the conflict in gaza. why doesn't anyone want a sequel? threat to peace in the middle east. when military-political tension grows, there are misfires. amid talk of an imminent conflict with russia, the british navy decided to test the trydon-2 intercontinental ballistic missile. the launch was carried out at the end of january from the nuclear submarine vanguard, and the minister of defense, grand chabs, was watching right there on board. it didn't turn out very well. the rocket fell into the ocean just a few meters away. from
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the submarine, that is, from the minister. the incident was called an anomaly. in fact, the nuclear deterrent forces regularly ensure the safety of his majesty’s subjects. true, the previous test 8 years ago also did not work out. the rocket veered dangerously off course and self-destructed. anything can happen. rule britain's seas, and beyond as you can. have you lost your atomic bomb? its cost will be deducted from your salary. this saying attributed to an unknown american general, although most likely this is a story. but atomic bombs were actually lost and even dropped on people’s heads. little is known about cases of airborne nuclear supplies in the ussr. they may not have happened, unlike submarine or ballistic missile incidents. and here is american strategic aviation.
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detonated and exploded, but the plutonium core was missing, so instead of a nuclear explosion , the area was contaminated, and the explosion also killed a cow. another case is related to the error crew. in 1958, on one of the b-47s, a malfunction light on the bomb release mechanism came on. the navigator went to check, climbed into the descending device and activated it with his weight. the bomb broke through the hatch. flew down into the residential area of ​​​​mars bluve in south carolina, only by luck the explosion of the high-explosive part left a crater 20 m in diameter and did not kill anyone. six people were injured, three of them children. by the way, the navigator did not fall out of the plane, everyone was paid compensation. in 1966 , in the skies over spain, a b-52 collided with by plane to the tanker. the crew of the tanker died immediately. and of the seven
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bomber pilots, four were saved. there were four thermonuclear bombs on board. one’s parachute opened normally and she was quickly found. two crashed into the ground and exploded. it was necessary to carry out decontamination, but in 2006 an increased background was discovered again. and the last bomb fell into the sea. during her search , the first african-american diver became disabled. his story became the basis for the film. the plane's wreckage did not kill anyone on the ground, but it was impossible to hide the incident. operation chrome dome, which always kept the b-52 unit in the air with nuclear weapons, was in danger of being closed. it was canceled after another incident in greenland. the military-political crisis around
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ukraine remains the main global topic, pushing the war in palestine into the background. the situation there is far from resolved, but the feeling of fate has passed. another tough and bloody middle eastern confrontation, essentially changing little. but the ukrainian conflict is perceived as something turning point for the whole world. by the way, why? partly because the biden administration has decided to raise the stakes, turning the conflict into a battle for the preservation of order based on a rules-based battle between democracy and autocracy. the russian side of the bet. it turned out that only europe is in solidarity with him, because the rest of the world does not at all believe that their sovereignty and
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territorial integrity depends on whether they accept the democratic model, as the united states sees it, and the future of the international order will be determined. representatives of the usa and the ussr, charles steele and semyon tsarabkin signed a memorandum on establishing a direct communication line. contrary to the common
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name direct telephone line, it was not a direct telephone line at that time. communication took place along the lines of washington, london, copenhagen, stockholm.
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on that day, us secretary of defense robert mcnamara woke up president johnson at 7 am, having received a message via a hotline from soviet prime minister alexei kosygin, who asked to put pressure on israel to stop the war in the middle east. during the six day war, washington and moscow 19 messages were exchanged, but the hotline began to be used not only in crisis situations. for example, johnson. ordered to transmit information about the flights of american spacecraft under the apollo program to the ussr. nixon sent his first letter to brezhnev via a hotline in 1971 during the military conflict between india and pakistan. this time, washington asked moscow to convince
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delhi and show restraint. nixon used it more than two dozen times, but carter only three times. on his own he sent a confession. hotline to moscow , his harshest message during his entire tenure as president, this happened shortly after the entry of soviet troops into afghanistan, at the end of seventy-nine. during the times of reagan and gorbachev, an innovation appeared. facsimile communication began to be used to transmit information. this made it possible to transmit not only text, but diagrams, maps and diagrams. contact was maintained even after the collapse of the soviet union. in 2016, president obama sent a message to the kremlin demanding that interfere in american elections. but if this is a war of democracy against autocracy, then there is no room for compromise. yes, if
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you describe what is happening so categorically, then no compromise is visible, but the categorical nature has decreased over the year. this idea was more typical of the first. year, then, it seems to me, the biden administration shifted its focus somewhat, they began to talk more about the world and regional order than about the confrontation between democracy and autocracy. it’s generally strange to talk about this in the world scale, such respected democracies as, for example, india and brazil are not going to take sides at all, maintaining strong relations with russia and the west. some countries believe that in order to mobilize the support of the population, they need to present the conflict in the ideological scenery of the cold war, but as a foreign policy argument, this does not work, and if we turn to the middle east, the theme of democracy... if we recall the first salvos of the crisis, the memorandum of the russian
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foreign ministry in december twenty-first year, as well as agenda of the failed negotiations in istanbul in march twenty-two, it turns out that nato is a key topic. the neutrality of ukraine and the end of the expansion of the alliance were the main demands of moscow, and they remain. in theory, this should be part of any compromise. russia will probably have to agree that ukraine has the right to security guarantees and recognize that respect for russia's security interests and status does not mean a threat to the existence of ukraine as an independent state. perhaps russia will see a temporary inherent in the age, understanding of the sphere of interests.
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this means that russian concerns will be taken into account, the issue of ukraine's membership in nato will be postponed for the foreseeable future. not forever, so that western participants can save face. and russia respects ukraine's right to make sovereign political decisions, such as joining the european union. ukraine's accession to the european union and delays.
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made public, binding statements that ukraine should join nato, it has earned the right to membership, and it is a deeply ingrained part of western political rhetoric, not to mention the ukrainian government itself, which has repeatedly expressed its intention to join, i don’t know how all this can be annulled. while there is an element of surrealism, it doesn't seem to me that ukraine is any closer to nato membership now than it was 5, 10 or 15 years ago, and president biden has been clear that there is no prospect until the war is over. it’s a paradox that the topic around which they are so furiously breaking the copy is, in general, far from reality, but it is real enough to provoke an acute conflict, and it is not clear how to get out of it. adam zyglis with a typical american approach. russia is heating up
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the conflict. the dish inside the microwave says "cold war". 2014 - numbers "year of the beginning of events." the button says: reheat leftovers. bill bremhit takes a philosophical approach. an evening of memories. the boy asks his grandfather, tell me about the cold war, what was it like then? what is he responding to? write, you will soon find out for yourself. john darkov does not lose his composure, possessing a certain amount of humor. “hello, neighbor,” says the man with the shovel. i'm building a winery a basement, or a nuclear shelter, it depends on the news. a view from beijing, a drawing desperately by the china central television media group. patient with mental disorder is written on the bed. new cold war - uncle sam shouts.
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ukraine and the usa, it’s even hard to imagine how all this could end. recently financial times, prominent european commentator ivan krasev. proposed to treat ukraine like west germany in the early fifties, to recognize the loss of part of the territories in favor of russia, and to accept the diminished ukraine into nato is at full strength. one of nato's problems in the ukrainian issue is that the alliance is generally not equipped to deal with a conflict of this kind. nato was created in the late forties, when there was a stable community of western european states on one side of the iron curtain. they were given full security guarantees to contain the ussr. a very clear task,
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the situation with ukraine has nothing in common with that one. it's in full swing on its territory. war, the very structure of nato does not imply guarantees for 2/3 of the country, through stripes of gray zones, demetrized zones, there is nato responsibility here, there is no responsibility here, the problems that will arise in the event of accepting a country with unfixed borders and incomplete territorial control are greater than those that will try to do this to solve, and it seems to me that this will not suit russia at all, but if this does not suit russia, then it will try to achieve changes, whatever it will put in place. professor kimidzh correctly understands that russia will not be happy with this. the world is entering the third year of the crisis without a plan b. a military solution remains the only one, although ideas about it are changing. apparently, as popular wisdom says, we will count in the fall.
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a non-trivial aspect of the ukrainian conflict. manifested itself far, far away from the scene in ecuador. a dispute arose between moscow and china, which showed another facet of the modern way of conducting diplomacy. ecuador is the largest exporter of bananas in the world and the main supplier to russia of this product, which is actually a grass. they buy it from us even more often than apples and pears. last year, ecuador supplied 75 million boxes to... the market, which is more than 95% of the total our country's needs for bananas. against this background, the news about the restriction of exports to russia by five out of twenty ecuadorian companies shocked local suppliers. during the inspection of the next batch, rosselkhoznadzor detected in it the larvae of the polyphagous
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humpback fly, a dangerous pest and a potential carrier of cholera. and a day later representatives. organizations reported violations of phytosanitary requirements when supplying flowers from ecuador. the claims were preceded by a diplomatic scandal. in january, the president of the republic, daniel naboa announced his intention to transfer to the united states, in exchange for new american weapons, samples of soviet military equipment worth $200 million, which violates the terms of the russian-ecuadorian arms supply contract. we were talking about american black hall helicopters.
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the united states has declared its intention to contribute to the peaceful resolution of conflicts. the day before, rosselkhoznadzor announced that ecuadorian enterprises will be allowed to import into russia, but only under the guarantees of the ecuadorian competent agency based on the results of a detailed laboratory examination. analysts have calculated that if russia completely bans the supply of ecuadorian bananas and carnations, the republic will lose up to...
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detained this month on the border of colombia with ecuador, these are definitely drugs, some turn pink when tested, others turn blue, which means cocaine and derivatives, 4 tons in total or 10 million doses, all this on the border with the now special country. the riots that the drug mafia staged in ecuador in january were rightly classified as an internal armed conflict requiring the intervention of the army, so put question. victory day, under it, having been elected , nobow climbed the stairs of the presidential palace, and before that he was still a senator... he headed the friendship group with the russian federation council at a time when his predecessor, president lasso, actually froze ties with russia after february 22, but also, nobo is
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the same one who, having been elected, sent his chosen one with him in tandem as vice president, ambassador to israel. today, the actions of the newly elected presidents and vice-presidents of some latin american countries seem so extravagant that you come to the conclusion that politics is over. no, we will now convincingly show that this is just a very political thing, there are just coincidences, some, however, quite pleasant, the fact that the ecuadorian army took control of the prisons is correct, it is also correct that the great power closest to ecuador , the united states, provided the ecuadorian authorities with equipment to continue this fight. we are here today to convey to the ecuadorian ministry of the interior, the national police and the citizens advanced equipment that will allow...
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the parliamentary commission is now chaired by a deputy, and more recently the ambassador of ecuador in moscow, patricio chavis. the ecuadorian indians are the ones who say that they still do not feel safe, but this is definitely a purely internal matter of ecuador. but what is clear is the fruit of diplomacy. sergey brilyov, alexey kalashch and evgeny makarov, especially for the international review program from latin america. the peculiarity of not only military, but also socio-political confrontations in the modern world is their comprehensive in nature, there are practically no areas
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that are not covered by polarization. culture, of course, is no exception; what was previously resorted to to overcome the split is now increasingly spurring it. the phenomenon of social astracism. cancel culture or cancel culture originated in the united states. the word “cancellation” itself in relation to a person was first heard in the early nineties in the action movie newt city, where in one of the scenes, during a quarrel, wesley snipes’ character asked to cancel his girlfriend. at the beginning of the two thousandth phrase was regularly heard on foreign tv shows; in 2010, the expression became popular on the internet.
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called call out culture, recall culture. in 2017, after allegations of sexual harassment in the united states, one of the most powerful producers in hollywood, harvey weinstein, was canceled. he was deprived of awards from film projects and put on trial. after the incident , a movement against mitu harassment appeared on the internet. a wave of stories of harassment by politicians and celebrity corporate employees swept across the world. in 2020 , after tweets about the need to name women women, jk rowling, the author of the harry potter series of books, came under fire from critics. social media users accused her of transphobia, bombarded her with threats, and even started #rest in peace john rowling. today , cancel culture covers the entire social agenda, ecology, minority rights, violence and religion, essentially forming a
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public institution. statements or behavior that go against the current agenda, sexism, racism and homophobia, anyone can get kensled, and often without taking into account when and under what circumstances this has happened, with those who cancel others believing they are acting in the interests of the public good, and those who are culturally boycotted incurring reputational and financial costs. the annual vienna festival, which will be held in may and june, announced the cancellation of the concert planned for june 12 on the stage of the burgtheater. the german radio orchestra, conducted by theodor kurenzis , was to perform benjamin britton's war requiem. maestro kurenzis is greek by birth, working in russia, and the ukrainian government opposed his participation
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conductor. oksana lyn. she also participates in the festival together with the kiev symphony orchestra. kurenzis did not condemn russian actions and ukrainian musicians considered it impossible to perform with him at the same event. the organizers met them halfway. benjamin briton conducts his war requim, a poignant anti-war work. theodor kurenzes, one of the greatest modern masters, i hope, will delight us with this performance. attempts to boycott culture associated with russia
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are made regularly. today to be a representative of russian culture, that’s why i think that we will wait until something has to change, some think that it will last for a long time, some think that maybe it will even get worse, but i, so to speak, by nature, probably
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an optimist, that's why. i know that this is all, well , i would like it to be sooner, of course, and not late, but it will end, so again, so to speak, it will be established, again there will be colossal connections, contacts, so to speak, of the russian intelligentsia, the russian sciences, russian theater, russian music, in general with all the countries that have today severed these ties, i think that this is temporary and... i am sure of this, so to speak, in general, i just want to pray that it will be faster, so to say, in general, this sad time is over. sculptor and painter mikhail shimyakin, although born in moscow, spent part of his childhood in east germany, where his father served. in the fifty-seventh family.


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