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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 24, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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feats of the rear, which are completely indescribable, feats of the rear, without which it was impossible to win, they owe a lot to these battles, which bought time and gave them the opportunity to at least somehow settle in those new places. and then the germans try to break through.
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contacted their largest companies ; there were already certain contacts with the wehrmacht regarding the fact that after occupying these territories, the largest german concerns would like to receive their ownership of specific enterprises, that is, everything was already planned there in advance. in 1941 azovstal - a young metallurgical plant, there are four blast furnaces at the plant. and six
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open-hearth furnaces. with the outbreak of the war, work was stopped; most of the equipment was taken to the urals. the powerful industrial potential of mariupol made it possible for the germans to turn it into a supply base supplying troops with weapons and ammunition. therefore, it is no coincidence that the azovstal plant was transferred to the famous concern of alfred krupa. however, production will be fully launched. the wehrmacht never succeeded, prevented by numerous, very successful sabotage of the soviet underground workers. in the first days of the occupation, the whole city was plastered with announcements that everyone must report to their workplaces within three days at the factories; they were mainly interested in the factories, for failure to appear they would be shot, and, of course, there were people who called on the local population not to obey german occupation. regime, we
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had more than twenty such groups. almost all groups were spontaneous, people tried to resist the enemy as best they could, but were caught and shot by the nazis. one of the places of mass executions was the area near the entrance of the plant named after ilicha. there were also underground groups led by children in the city, for example, the group of sasha kravchenko, this is their peculiarity, their specialty. they destroyed the policemen , five people were killed, on the sixth the pistol misfired, the guys, the guys were captured, two were shot a little earlier, three were executed by hanging, as in all other occupied territories, they were forcibly sent from mariupol to germany, according to the plans of the reich to withdraw from the ussr had to do forced labor at least 15 million people. everyone knew this house in mariupol
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resident, it was here that the lists of those who were stolen were formed. in memory of these terrible events , a memorial plaque was installed here after the war; it will be kept in the museum during restoration work. during the occupation of mariupol, in 1941-43, there was a labor exchange in this building, from here they were driven into slavery.
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the tank stopped and pointed a gun at us, we realized that the lives of people for that government, in principle, are worth little, moreover, after the fourteenth year, after the execution, rather shady personalities came to our museum, somehow the caretaker calls me into the hall , two people are standing there and they told me, if you don’t remove the material, the battle of moscow for stalingrad and the kor... battle, i will bring people here, they will destroy all your windows, the term great patriotic war is forbidden to us it was used, it was the soviet-german war, well, there was a lot of stuff, there was a lot of everything. the occupation of mariupol lasted 700 days and
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nights. the germans started publishing newspapers and leaflets, and back in '41 they began to stir up the interethnic issue. this is a demonstrative encouragement of the ukrainian literature and language, distribution. fobic sentiments of ideas, the russian language was categorically prohibited in all schools, teaching was conducted only in ukrainian, starting from the third grade, compulsory study of the german language was introduced. in some cases , propaganda of hatred towards russians took the form of pogrom calls. in the first days of the occupation, calls appeared calling for the kataps from ukraine. nazi policy consisted of flattery towards the ukrainian people, who had proven themselves as a people worthy of being among the peoples of the new europe. such speeches and slogans are not uncommon today, a direct analogy with the events of eighty years ago and, as a result, the genocide of its own population in the donbass, new victims and new destruction; russia is engaged in restoration, as after the great patriotic war. on april 10
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last year, the twenty-second, i was able to come here for the first time, because there were military operations here... i never expected that this would happen to the museum, almost everything burned down, you know, when i entered the museum, i just i cried as if over a dead man, because well, everything was burned, it was just ashes, ashes and nothing more, the condition was almost the same, it was just now that the doors were boarded up, because the doors were swung open so that they wouldn’t climb in, because they were striking , we were already looking for something to profit from, good afternoon, good afternoon. before the outbreak of hostilities in 2022, andrey latkin worked as a senior restorer at the regional museum of mariupol. polovetsky statues were damaged, several were completely broken, guns with the help of which one can say that donbass was liberated 80 years ago.
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here, let's go inside. very sad look, be careful, watch your step, there is a lot of broken glass on the way. after two hits, and the ukrainian soldiers who were here set the museum on fire, they fled. the third floor, the second floor, the first floor burned down, as you can see, the ceilings fell down, just when there was a strong draft, so... what i’m trying to sift through flies into my eyes. andrey goes to the ashes every day as if he were going to work; every day he sorts through the rubble, trying to find fragments of exhibits in them. so, 20-25 times a
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day. this is our great one domestic, be careful here, you see the hole in the floor, it’s better not to go there, heroes, what’s left of the busts, in this case we see a mortar from the great patriotic war, at least it remained, i heard people passing by, looking at the museum , they said, but history was reset , i think, well, what are you guys talking about, history cannot be reset, autumn 1941, the most critical moment during the great patriotic war, the germans
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are rapidly advancing towards moscow and leningrad, kiev has already captured most of ukraine, at the end of october first tank the german army occupies stalin, now donetsk, almost immediately... dozens of concentration camps appear on the territory of donbass. in stalin alone, the occupiers created three death camps in which prisoners of war and civilians were systematically exterminated. the kalinovka mine was flooded even before the start of the great patriotic war and was unsuitable for coal mining, so the nazis found another use. a modest monument in one of the districts of donetsk, a place of terrible executions, a mass grave, thousands and thousands of those killed by the germans, some were shot here, others they threw them alive into the pit, the entire shaft of the mine , and this... 55 m was littered with corpses, the nazis
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achieved with their occupation policy, their cruelty, such an embitterment of the people that there was a desire to inflict a massive defeat on the germans, then the anger was such, and this can already be seen you know, from the letters of the soldiers, in relation to the enemy, from the letter of the junior political instructor. precisely in the donbass. the 733rd regiment was tasked with holding the enemy's onslaught in the area of ​​the village of
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dyakova. the nazis surrounded part of our troops, the commander of the second company died in the battle and... to prevent the entire company from being captured, he ordered those who remained alive to retreat from the heights and make their way to their own, he himself lay down behind the machine gun and began to cover. their departure, a young
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boy, a political instructor, just before the war, graduated from a pedagogical college in maikop, the capital of the adyghe republic, he is an adyghe, he worked in the newspaper socialist adyghe, he wrote good poetry for journalists. the cartridges ran out, andrukhaev allowed the germans to approach him, there were two grenades in his hands, there was an explosion, everything went quiet, this high-rise building, and soon our people recaptured it and found the body political instructor, he was buried. together with his dead comrades there near the village of dyakova in march 1942
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, he was posthumously awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. the story of the feat of political instructor khusen andrukhaev supported the morale of the red army soldiers. a legend appeared at the front that before his death, surrounded by the nazis, ade-gates shouted: “the russians do not surrender.” then in '41, the red army temporarily stabilized the front, eight more. in july 1942, the wehrmacht finally captured the territory of donbass in the region
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an occupation regime is established, which lasted in some areas until february 1943, and somewhere until mid- september 1943. krasnodon was one of the last cities occupied by the nazis; the famous underground organization young guard operated here. the average age of the underground fighters -
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lists, even if you look at some albums created at that time, tritikevich is nowhere to be found and even photographs have been confiscated, the name tritikevich is written that he could not withstand torture, this has been going around for a very long time the story that it was he who betrayed the young guard, the real traitors were punished in 1943, they were shot publicly, and in krasnodon, it turns out that this whole
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truth was stored somewhere in the archives , not disseminated to the masses, in the end later. .. for 80 years we tried not to overshadow the feat of our young guardsmen, finally justice has triumphed, the award has found its hero, we will always remember our heroes, our krasnodon boys and girls, we will always look up to them. i'm always about this
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i think about what was possible when they were at shurf when they were executed. they had already heard the sounds of fighting, because the kamyansk-krasnodon offensive operation had already begun, they understood perfectly well that the long-awaited liberation was about to come, but unfortunately there was absolutely no one to help them, so they never lived to see liberation. what the young guards dreamed about came true just a few days after their execution. on february 14, the forces of the third guards division liberated krasnodon and... a huge contribution to the liberation donbass was brought by the cavalry; on february 10, its corps went on a raid to the debaltseva station, they managed to cut off the germans from supplies by rail. the cavalrymen in this raid, as a rule, use, well, german
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captured weapons. as a result of this raid , the germans could not fully supply varshalovrad. here the german general, who headed the warslawrad offensive, decided that it would be necessary to withdraw, because the city turned out to be such a definite protrusion, our units were operating in its rear, dear men, a holiday is coming, i’ll tell you a secret, amazon cashback is 3% on sbp on everything. and it doesn’t matter what you want to give, buy gifts for ozone psbp profitably, register on, for constipation weak can help in the morning, available in... every day we arrange a small holiday for your loved one happy monday, please
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if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha debit card and buy it at half price. this the flag was hoisted by colonel rusakov, this is the regiment commander. the rifle division that liberated the city. on february 14, it was raised above the destroyed lenin monument in the center of lugansk, on the central square. and at this time, accordingly, on february 14, the eighth cavalry corps, a liaison plane, dropped an order from the people's commissariat of defense to award them the rank of guards. there was the 112th bashkir division. in general, it was a national formation, because during the formation.
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not only infantry, but also tanks, and at the same time within a week, the cavalrymen managed to liberate several villages. when the soldiers of the 112th cavalry division went on the attack, they followed
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shai muratov. he was an authority , he was respected, he was valued, he was loved when they went on the attack, shaimurato raised his soldiers, saying that the descendants of the salavat do not know how to retreat, this salavat is also the national hero of bashtystan, the cavalrymen are leaving the encirclement in the area, now it is a city petrovskaya, there would already be a position 2 km away, that’s exactly what happened, our divisions are making a breakthrough to withdraw the corps, shaimuratov calls fire on himself with a small group, thereby saving the corps, he himself dies heroically, the surviving soldiers , alone and in small groups, were able to cross the front line, the exact losses of the cavalry corps are still unknown, the division’s combat journal was not found, and major general sheymuratov...
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a short line remained in the archival documents, sheymuratov’s feat has disappeared , he has not yet been fully appreciated, with this audacity, courage, bravery, the most valuable thing we have is our life, and you know, that at any moment you will lose this , yet you move forward, this is a feat, only... in 948 , a search party was organized at the site of the battle of the cavalry corps and only with the help of local residents it was possible to find the burial place of the general based on oral testimony and restore the picture his last fight. this is the place of death of two generals, dutko and major general minigali mingazovich shaimuratov. here, when local people found them in this place and wanted to bury them,
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but the germans did not allow them. to bury their bodies and people still gained the courage they buried, despite even risking their lives, but they buried all the soldiers of the division, not only the general, here for a long time they did not allow us to collect the corpses of our soldiers, well, the fascist methods are the ones they use, unfortunately, today on our territory, in our donbass, almost the same thing is happening the same thing, in the spring of the twentieth year he was awarded the title hero of russia. nomination for such a high award was immediately accepted during the war years, but the fact that his body was not actually found, he was considered formally missing, then this further did not produce any results, no one supported it, so they did not present him for the award of hero of the soviet union, but here we must
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pay tribute that... putin awarded the title of hero of russia to major general sheimuratov, thereby , i believe, historical justice has been restored. arech, head of the republic of bashkatastan, by decree of the president of the russian federation, major general minigalish eratov was awarded the title of hero of the russian federation. i give you a medal, the golden star of the hero of the russian federation, for eternal storage. several generations of our republic dreamed about this long-awaited event; in his last campaign, general sheimuratov proved that there is no higher honor than to die fighting
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for... "the bashkir cavalry division is only one unit, which is 78 heroes of the soviet union, and the seventy-ninth - this is the hero of russia miimuradov. today, in exactly the same places where the bashkir cavalry carried out the debaltsevo raid, their grandchildren and great-grandchildren are fighting. i have been fighting in these parts for quite a long time, and i was pleasantly surprised, that the fighting path is mine. “it is very similar to the battle path of minigalish imuratov, and we practically went through the entire battle path with him. on the same day when the southwestern front of the red army liberated varoshilovgrad, the southern front carried out.


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