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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 24, 2024 8:00pm-8:28pm MSK

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mechanized third assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy lost up to 425 military personnel killed and wounded, three tanks, 10 armored combat vehicles and 24 vehicles. italy, as the current chairman of the g7, decided to combine the g7 summit with a visit to kiev. however, instead of triumph, it turned out more like mourning, given the refusal of part of the delegation to come and the failure of the ukrainian armed forces on the battlefield. however, it was still possible to sign an agreement with italy and canada, since their leaders had arrived. will this save the situation with the shortage of ammunition due to the lack of military supplies? from usa? boris ivanin found out. jumping out of the train, on which she had been shaking all night, on the way to kiev, italian prime minister giorgia miloni did not even immediately understand who to shake hands with. there were no ukrainian faces familiar to her on peron, and the landing of western politicians only seemed representative. there is little benefit from it. the head of the european commission is the first 4.5 billion euros out of 50 under the new program.
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large cities are destroyed, troops are exhausted, ammunition is running low, and russian missiles and drones rain down almost daily. russia this month won the biggest victory in 9 months, taking avdiivka and ending the deadly urban fighting. former british prime minister boris johnson is also in kiev, who convinced ukraine to disrupt the implementation of the istanbul agreements when russia made a gesture of goodwill by withdrawing troops from kiev. now western leaders are passing it off as. russian troops wanted
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to quickly take this airport, followed by kiev. well, we are here today because they were wrong. your fight is our fight, you fight for your democracy, but also for ours. the heads of government of canada and italy, who currently chair the group of seven, signed security pacts worth billions of dollars on saturday with the ukrainian country, but they want to secure not so much kiev. finland has again become the center of collective security in europe, followed by sweden soon to strengthen nato's eastern flank. the prime minister of belgium, however, did not mention the farmers on the streets of brussels. the european union sacrificed its own farmers by supporting ukraine, and now they are turning away from it nearest neighbors. warsaw ignored the delegation from kiev when the head of the cabinet of ministers denis shmygal arrived at the polish border, where.
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blocking ukrainian grain, to save the situation, but vladimir zelensky himself rushed to lviv to curry favor with american congressmen. as you know, my ancestors lived here seven generations ago, but you are not alone, because what you do, what ukrainians sacrifice their lives and destinies, with all this you not only defend your country, which wants to be free, you protect europe, you defend the west, and you defend the honor and strength of the united states, so we have faith in you. however, these are just words. in fact, on the second anniversary of the conflict, zelensky is preparing for the defeat of ukraine, as democratic majority leader in the us senate chuck schumer wrote after the meeting, if there is no money from washington. but $61 billion in aid promised by us president joe biden is being blocked by congressional republicans, casting a major shadow over kiev's hopes of repelling a larger russian army that is much better supplied. as the publication writes, politics.
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there is a feeling of disappointment, and the atmosphere in zelensky’s office for 2 years is increasingly , in the corridors of ukrainian power, quote, rather gloomy. and how could it be otherwise, if in ukrainian cemeteries there are crosses, yellow banners and flags of the banned nazi upa everywhere. in lviv, danish prime minister matte fredrickson lays flowers at the graves and immediately promises deliveries of f-16 fighters in the spring. thus, western politicians who intend to fight until the last ukrainian are only burying dreams of peace. literally. boris ivanin, maya alenova and artemy bondar, lead. if the counteroffensive was successful, ukraine intended to complete the special military operation on its own terms. this opinion was expressed by the deputy president of the russian academy of missile and artillery sciences for information policy, konstantin sevkov. he wrote an article for tas, in which he analyzed the offensive operation of the ukrainian armed forces and compared it with the actions of the wehrmacht during the great patriotic war. details.
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collapse of the citadel 2.0 great thoughtful article doctor of military sciences konstantin sevkov for tas is dedicated to the failure of the ukrainian so -called counter-offensive. in the article, the author provides very important figures. at the beginning of the offensive, the ukrainian armed forces' strike force consisted of 132,000 personnel - these are 110 battalions, more than 2,000 tanks and other armored vehicles, 960 field artillery pieces, 114 aircraft, more than 45% of the personnel of the total force and more than 75% of the strategic reserve were trained according to nato standards. western countries handed over to ukraine. about 600 tanks, more than 2 thousand armored combat vehicles and more than 1.0 artillery systems for various purposes. if we compare these figures with the composition of the ukrainian armed forces’ strike force, we can see that in terms of the amount of armor, equipment and artillery, it is quite comparable to what the wehrmacht had near kursk in july
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1943. the armed forces of ukraine grouping contained significantly fewer personnel and aircraft. with the exception of aviation , the ukrainian armed forces strike group was, according to sevkov, comparable to what the vermah deployed for operation citadel. then the purpose of the operation consisted of the decisive defeat of the strategic grouping of soviet troops on the kurdish ledge by encircling it. the offensive operation of the ukrainian armed forces, under the strict leadership of the westerners, pursued the same objectives, decisively reaching the coast of the sea of ​​azov, cutting the group of russian troops on the southern flank of the russian-ukrainian front and thereby stopping the land communications of continental russia with crimea, but well- prepared turns. the russian armed forces in all directions left no chance for the enemy. russian army prepared to repel this offensive, thorough measures were taken to create a defense along the entire front line, more than 1.00 km long. just imagine,
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over 3,000 strongholds, 45,000 dugouts and more than 150,000 shelters for equipment were equipped along the entire front line, about 2,500 km of anti-tank ditches were created. more than 7,000 km of minefields have been installed, where about 5 million mines are located. in addition to the troops occupying defensive positions, the russian command has provided significant reserves totaling about 60,000 people with more than 8,500 units of military and special equipment. one of the conditions for the success of breaking through such a defense system is the conquest by the attacking side of at least time-limited operational superiority in the air, but air. russia’s superiority remained undeniable; apparently, the command of the armed forces of ukraine and their nato curators relied on unmanned aircraft, but they failed to achieve superiority in this area. according to the author of the article, the enemy started for health and ended for peace. advancing on the main direction
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the enemy's armored formations initially suffered losses from attacks deployed at the forefront of atgm and helicopter crews. at the same time, carnet complexes demonstrated the ability to effectively hit. the latest well-protected western leopard tanks and the vaunted bradleys. the enemy consistently introduced the most combat-ready, prepared formations into the battle, but he failed to even reach the front edge of the defense zone of our troops. the ukrainian command decided to strike in the kherson direction and by mid-december the ukrainian armed forces suffered heavy losses there - 79% of the original composition of the thirtieth marine corps . in mid-december, he believes. it became clear to everyone, even western politicians, that the widely publicized strategic offensive in the ukrainian armed forces had failed on all fronts. the losses of the ukrainian army personnel amounted to 166,000 people, 789 tanks and about 2,500 armored vehicles, as well as 132 aircraft, impressive, but
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one should not relax. the author recalls that just as after the victory at kursk, there was still a long road ahead to berlin, so today after the failure in the ssu, we still have ahead... a long struggle until the final victory. stanislav bernwald, news. a member of the sejm and former minister of justice of poland shared a video of dead birds filmed by eyewitnesses on the border with ukraine. judging by the comments of marcin armanowski, dozens of crows and jackdaws were found on railway tracks in the lublin voivodeship. presumably, the birds died after gorging themselves on ukrainian grain pumped with chemicals. and, although this version was exactly there, there were carriages. wheat blocked by polish protesters farmers, and the protesters dumped some of the grain right on the path, so that it could easily have been eaten by the dead birds. well, now a short advertisement, then we will continue, stay with us.
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they also collect humanitarian aid, always hand it over, help the fighters, and help civilians. today in the atom pavilion at vdnkh there was a day of non-profit organizations, representatives of regions and ngos that work there discussed support for public initiatives and their significance for the life of the country. and as the head of the presidential administration, sergei kiriyenko, said, essentially the expenses of the president’s fund.
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but the most important figure is probably the number of people who received help thanks to this, it turns out to be more than 15 million people, young specialists have remotely earned more than a billion rubles through the online platform professionals 4.0, gazprom neft ceo alexander dyukov spoke about this today at the super final of the leaders of russia competition. participants in the competition have a unique opportunity to learn the secrets of successful companies and projects. details from varvara nevskaya. each of them is already a leader, a professional in their field,
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and the most ambitious, courageous, talented, young leaders are ready to lead them. almost, personnel reserve of the country, a total of 302 people from 63 regions met in the super final of the main management competition of russia. traditionally, leading russian politicians and heads of the country's largest companies become mentors to leaders. so, at the same table with the finalists sits the first deputy head of the russian presidential administration, sergei kiriyenko, and at the next table, literally a couple of meters away, the general director of gazprom neft, alexander dyukov, helps the participants decide. for the fifth year in a row, the head of the company shares his invaluable experience with young people managers, being one of the mentors. several years ago, the partnership between the leaders of russia and gazprom neft reached a new level. the company launched a social project, an online platform for the development
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of remote employment, professionals 4.0. the idea of ​​creating this service was born directly in the fields. competition, the task was to involve young managers, young specialists, both in the field of it marketing and engineering, to give them the opportunity to participate in the implementation of projects of large companies, more than 50,000 young managers specialists registered, became participants in this platform, and if we talk about the monetary equivalent, then young specialists, managers who took part in the implementation of these projects have already... received and earned more than 1 billion rubles. to interact with large businesses, specialists from the regions no longer need to change their place of residence. the platform enables tens of thousands of talented employees, located anywhere in the country, remotely or in a hybrid format, take part in projects of leading russian companies, industrial enterprises, banks, grocery chains and
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mobile operators. we have more than 80 agreements concluded with companies. primarily with large, large companies, i can probably name a few names, this is gazprom, this is sibur, this is the rusatom academy, this is gipronickel, and many others with whom we work, from this point of view, about 3,000 orders during the operation of the platform were implemented with our help. useful platform services help project managers determine which tasks should be outsourced to freelance experts. find the most suitable specialist. the platform also handles all document flow between the employee and the company, providing guarantees of timely payment. the professional platform 4.0 is not just a platform on which the customer and the contractor meet, it is something more, it provides various support, it provides support in terms of concluding contracts, in terms of monitoring the implementation
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of technical specifications, and monitoring deadlines. u we were assigned a personal manager who helped us during the implementation of the project with all organizational issues. the online service team collaborates with both experienced experts and talented students, paying special attention to specialists in the most sought-after innovative niches in the field of artificial intelligence, robotics, video analytics, and there is no doubt that this talent pool of 4.0 professionals will continue. russia, traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all
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of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition. kuforum russia we need to create the future ourselves and do it together. we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same desire, a diverse and open world for everyone. every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival. let's start the future together. find out more at my name is vladislav davankov, i came to politics from ordinary life, where people want simple things, to live in abundance, to be. happy and confident tomorrow. i am running for the presidential election so that we all live with dignity and freedom, in a modern and peaceful country, live in love and
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the future, live in a new way. vladislav davankov, time for new ones. our broadcast will continue with a documentary by vladimir solovyov about the 103rd week of the special military operation. where are we? we are on one of the areas where the main efforts are concentrated, where i assume. that a provocative action by the enemy is possible, this is a border territory, previously entry here was limited by passes, now,
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naturally, especially since these districts are occupied by troops, but there are no conscripts here anymore, only military service under contract for the concentration area, when you were sent here in the most difficult areas, they thought, well... it’s a shame, it would be better if i moved forward there with the guys, well, we are military people, we set a task, came here, accordingly, well, here too, i want to say, there is enough work, the weather is more or less becoming normal, if we worked, now we were conducting reconnaissance there with quadcopters, now we are raising aviation already, identifying the enemy, especially after yesterday, yesterday there was another shelling of belgorod, yes, i immediately want to say that for
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now... we proceed from the fact that the enemy’s tactics of action are directed along road directions, the soils are not so frozen, heavy equipment will not pass if the enemy will work, of course these are paved roads, well , the equipment of these strongholds, we are looking straight into the future, spring will come, it will dry out and... the need, of course , to thicken battle formations and build defenses in such a way that nowhere missed the mouse, but pay attention
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, one of the first things is done right away, but not normally, that is, so that the anti-drone, plus it’s not noticeable that it was yes, but i see it’s done so that even if when everything starts pouring, so that it’s not about dirt, the engineers, of course, the planet is ahead of us, okay? palmyra, devizor, then again the second or first, second. the second is that after liberation we expanded the zone of control, already in half the world and uh. the first to enter the dorezor
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after the sukhel had broken through the corridor were awarded and the order of merit for the fatherland fourth fourth third already here yes no there yes at the end, what kind of guys, this is all the storm squad, my subordinates, who directly say the year. they have been fighting with me since the formation of the detachment, they were initially mobilized, then after the events of the month of june, as was the case here at tavalzhanga, most of them are all here, they signed a contract for 5 years, even then it was very difficult, yes it was, everyone was mobilized in the detachment, you were, where were you then, here you were on toanka, that is, this is you were all right
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, we were the neighboring unit... our stronghold stood a little to the left , but he was also our enemy, so he went on the offensive, we met him with dignity, didn’t let him through, didn’t let them through entire combat units, and later on in cooperation with neighboring units , they began active operations and by the end of the same day they had restored the defense along the front line along the state border, on that side there were seriously groups of 15-20 people with...
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there is also a border zone of the black german region, too, every day there are these shellings, civilians die, in what rank, senior day, that is, he was a contract soldier, then third rank, so he was a contact soldier, no matter...


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