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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 24, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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buy an alpha debit card for half the price. a powerful thaw at the end of winter. how long will it last, how long will the snowdrifts settle, and is it true that russia will experience the hottest summer in history this year? we'll talk about this in the next 20 minutes, and here are some other topics we'll touch on. drones rule the battlefield, and erotanks rule the battlefield.
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may break out in the coming days. why? you are watching the main weather program. i'm vadim zavodchenkov. hello! the european part of russia was covered by a powerful wave at the end of winter heat. the thermometers have gone into positive territory even in the arctic. in many regions of the country there is already a breath of spring. the landscapes in kaliningrad are not at all wintery. at the end of the working week, it was raining in the city, and puddles formed on the streets. on friday. the air warmed up to +5 in pskov, in st. petersburg it was about +4, even in northern murmansk the thermometer was able to overcome the zero mark. it’s already real spring in crimea. in sevastopol the temperature exceeded 13°. snowdrops are in full bloom in the forests of the peninsula. and, for example, in sochi cyclomena bloomed in the national park. in the central regions of the country, sharp temperature changes at the end of winter led to a whole
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series of incidents. in khimki , the roof of the pool at the olympic base for synchronized swimmers collapsed under the weight of snow. luckily no one was hurt. another emergency happened in ivanovo. there, the hangar in the special unit of the ministry of emergency situations could not withstand the snow onslaught. a supermarket in an old swimming pool near moscow was suddenly left without a roof. the snow crushed the structure, it was only possible to go into the store. that crawling, judge for yourself, is one cubic meter of dry snow, accumulated on the roof, presses on the roof with a force of 125 kg per square meter. the load from the same volume of wet snow, and even saturated with rain moisture, increases almost nine times. it is not surprising that roofs collapse under such weight. on the other hand, a thaw provokes snow and ice avalanches, and it is not clear which is more dangerous when falling. from
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an ordinary five-story building, such a block at the surface of the earth acquires energy equal to the explosion energy of 33 g of trinitrate; by the way, an ordinary lemon contains 60. in recent days calendar winter, the risk of roof collapse on the russian plain will be very high, the fact is that the weather in the region will be influenced by a series of atlantic cyclones, which bring air masses warmed by the gulf stream to us; only to the southeast the advance of heat will be restrained by the crest of the anticyclone stretching from siberia, so warming will be more pronounced in the northern half of european russia in the middle. cold weather, although here the frosts will noticeably weaken, under the influence of a prolonged thaw,
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snowdrifts in russian cities will begin to collapse, this process will begin to take place most actively in the west and north-west, for example, in st. petersburg and... by wednesday only a few centimeters of snow will remain on the streets, such rapid snow melting can provoke local flooding. the atlantic air flow will hit central russia tangentially, and here the snowdrifts will collapse more slowly. in moscow , precipitation will turn into rain in the coming days, and daytime temperatures will rise to +2-3. at the beginning of next week, the showers will begin to subside towards the rain. clock thermometer columns will reach +40, although at night it will begin to freeze to -3-5, and this will slow down the melting of the snow. on other topics, ukrainian
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militants complain that they cannot use tanks due to constant attacks by russian drones, how drones have changed the nature of modern warfare, let's ask ... military meteorologist evgeniy tishkovets. evgeniy, is there still a place for tanks on the battlefield? vadim, depending on which tank, the one with nazi crosses, there really is almost no room left for maneuvers. ukrainian tank crews complain about hard life at the front on the pages of the spanish newspaper elmunda. one of the crew members of the combat vehicle admits that the drones of the russian army dominate the battlefield and adds that due to the activity of drones, the armed forces of ukraine will soon completely. may stop using tanks on the front line because they are quickly destroyed. by the way, the militant in the photo on the left, the one checking his phone, died after his tank was directly hit by a russian shell. the large losses of ukrainian equipment are confirmed by numerous videos from the front. in these frames
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, the leopard-2 tank was destroyed by a blow loitering ammunition lancet in the southern donetsk direction. and in this video , the leopard, stuck in the fab crater, is destroyed by russian artillery fire. another example of the successful work of our military: fighters from the western group of forces destroyed an enemy tank in the kupinsky direction. in the following frames, the damaged ukrainian tanks to the west of avdiivka were clearly seen to be pividrons arriving one at a time, but they are trying to destroy the damaged equipment that the ukrainian militants cannot take from the battlefield, they are trying to destroy themselves. for example, they shoot their jellyopard from the automatic cannon of the bradley infantry fighting vehicle. the statistics speak for themselves. the lost armor portal maintains a count of destroyed equipment in the mtr. in this chart you can see how many ukrainian tanks were destroyed or damaged by russian lancet strikes. and this section displays the successful use of fpv drones. the number of damaged vehicles is in the hundreds. and let us emphasize that this is only
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the case of a video that was published on the internet. naturally, the actual losses are even higher. hence, from the tone of ukrainian militants, they say the time... for tanks has passed, but we would not generalize, after all, the decline of the tank forces of ukraine is a private story. the tank, no matter how long it has been buried , has been burying tanks as a concept for many decades, but humanity has not come up with anything better than a mobile, highly maneuverable, well-protected, powerful artillery system, which is a tank. we, by the way, should pay attention to the fact that we don’t see tank battles very often. our assault actions are successful, as a rule directly tank against tank, but how assault gun, we see the tank is always accompanied by powerful armored support, so the fpv drone will definitely not bury the tank - tank gravediggers.
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russian military personnel constantly prove the effectiveness of tanks in modern battles; they just need to be used wisely, explains the deputy commander of an armored group, a volunteer from primorye with the call sign best. bringing fire at a distance of 7 km, deviation from the target is no more than 15 m. with good adjustment, our tankers hit the target with almost one hundred percent probably tanks. closed firing positions are used, all this is naturally connected with the number of fpv drones of the enemy, since a tank is a very formidable weapon, and if you let it get close to the enemy, then it can do colossal things there, that is, destroy the enemy’s holes and turn the disaster, flight the entire battalion reacted to the failures of the ukrainian armored units from overseas, after the audit. the pentagon came to the conclusion that the ssu had never learned how to service western equipment. general message
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like this: the weapons were handed over, but in the hands of the kiev regime they turned out to be useless. the uproar in the west over russia's alleged plans to deploy nuclear weapons in space may be a clumsy attempt to restart dialogue on strategic stability. such. the opinion was expressed by defense minister sergei shaigu at a meeting with vladimir putin, while the head of the military department confirmed that our country is not going to use any elements of nuclear weapons against satellites, but on the other side they don’t want to hear anything, the american media continue to stir up hysteria, the wol street journal even talked about some secret negotiations, representatives of the white house... allegedly contacted russia directly and warned against placing
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anti-satellite nuclear weapons in space, the kremlin called such publications another trick of the white house. what makes such a hoax particularly absurd is the fact that russia can, in fact, easily reach any enemy satellite from the ground. so 3 years ago , our military destroyed the old soviet space satellite in orbit. 1408 according to message nasa, in this case, the russian a-235 nudel long-range transatmospheric interception missile was used, of course without a nuclear charge. in addition, the russian army is armed with the peresvet combat laser complex, a weapon operating on new physical principles. information about it is classified, but it is known that the system performs anti-aircraft, anti-defense tasks, by the way, new approaches to combating satellites are being developed in china. recently, chinese
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scientists announced the creation of a powerful microwave weapon based on the engine. stirling, they say, the emitter generates a strong magnetic field; we’ll tell you in the story how the new technology works and where it can be used. science and technology news from beijing. the chinese edition of the south china morning post publishes an article entitled chinese scientist. they were the first in the world to create a powerful microwave weapon against drones. after some time , another article appears in the newspaper with details about how the new gun works. to the list of potential targets that can suppress such a device, in addition to drones, planes, rockets and even satellites are added. the declared power is colossal: the emitter generates a magnetic field with a force of four tesla, this is slightly less than half the strength of the magnetic field of the large hadron collider and 68,000 times... stronger than the earth’s magnetic field, the transfer of energy somewhere leads to the fact that some
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radiating systems, there is a large flow of energy through them, they heat up, they need to be cooled, plus, most likely we are talking about delivering large electrical power to relatively small objects quickly in the passage of time, accordingly, this also causes energy delivery causes heating, chinese engineers have solved the issue of cooling the gun. originally using four compact stirling engines. this technology has made it possible to achieve a significant reduction in energy consumption, as well as ensure continuous operation of the device for 4 hours. the operating principle of the stirling engine is based on periodic heating and cooling of the working fluid, extracting energy from the resulting pressure change. it can work in refrigeration machine, but its cooling limit is 40° above absolute zero. this is not enough to generate strong magnetic fields. chinese engineers were able to solve this problem with the help of second-generation superconducting tape; through the use of new
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technology, they were able to reduce the size of the installation, and therefore its mobility. according to the chinese press, new weapons can be installed on trucks, and they will be capable of generating combat radiation directly while driving, while utilitarian combat systems are still far away, and utilitarian combat systems are not as expensive as the first prototypes from... trial-by-error research, when it comes to real combat samples, it’s difficult to talk about this yet, this could happen in the event of some kind of breakthrough in the energy sector or in electronics, there maybe... in 5 years, or maybe in 50. chinese scientists also do not disclose specific dates when the new microwave gun will be ready for use on the battlefield. it is known that during the tests problems were identified that required improvements, including loss of stability system after 4 hours of continuous magnetic field generation. china intends to continue working in this promising direction.
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wave. in essence, the claims of italian farmers differ from the claims of their colleagues, for example, similar actions in other european countries, but from france or germany, which is the main feature of the italian protest, pavel toropov knows. pavel, what the sapyan agrarians are against. vadim, in addition to standard requirements, for example,
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another problem of italian agriculture is the overload of wind generators with solar panels. farming is now so unprofitable that farmers are selling their land or leasing it to energy companies. the situation is especially difficult in sardinia. in recent years , farmland there has been massively decommissioned, and the lands are being repurposed for
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the construction of wind power plants, driven to despair. because this electricity is subsidized, no one will say a kind word to you for diesel, but they will give you money for a wind turbine. italians began to have doubts about the environmental friendliness of wind generators, due to their blades hundreds of thousands of birds die every year. the mass death of birds in turn leads to
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an imbalance in the food chains of the local biosphere. without birds, the number of pests increases, resulting in farmers having to use more insecticides to preserve their crops. in addition, an increased electromagnetic background is created around wind power plants, and this makes land within a radius of at least hundreds of meters unfavorable for cultivation. and all this must be taken into account before you say: yes, let's we’ll use coal there, oil, gas, we’ll put this here, well, it stood for a year, two. well, if there was no engineering error in the installation, yes, what. suddenly it turns out that there is not enough wind there, and they have not reached a certain period of self-sufficiency, and then, that is, everything is in vain. the italians are still trying to resist. thus, in calabria, the mayor of the city of carellano rosano opposed the construction of 28 wind generators along the coast, each as tall as the eiffel tower. local residents fear wind turbines will cause harm fisheries and will scare away all the tourists, but
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the ministry of the environment, which is lobbying for the project, continues to press. and... in the end, he will probably achieve his goal. it is not difficult to guess who will benefit from such an energy transition. first, it is a wind turbine manufacturing company. secondly, food concerns that will flood italians with cheap, genetically modified vegetables and fruits. no one cares about the fate of farmers. and now back to the long-term forecasts. some climate scientists predict. russia's hottest summer stories. the central zone of the country should be covered by a wave of extreme heat. in moscow the air can warm up to +35°. and it's in the shade. it will be even hotter in the sun. temperature anomalies, according to experts, will be associated with the elnino effect in the pacific ocean.
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however, should we believe these forecasts? let's figure it out. since mid-autumn , the temperature in the equatorial zone of the pacific ocean has remained at 28-30°. this is almost 2° above the long-term average values. the sector was in the area of ​​overheating. of course , this heat release directly affects temperature regime. as a result, the global temperature of the northern hemisphere in january set a historical record. for the first time in a century and a half of observations, at this time of year its value exceeded 16°. but it is a mistake to believe that elninho’s heat was evenly distributed throughout the planet. for example, in russia...
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replacement science is not yet able to predict in which sectors of the globe these cold invasions will prevail, so now it is clearly premature to make such alarmist forecasts about a super-hot summer. and in at the end of the release of the sun , the largest flare in the last 7 years occurred. it reached the highest class x. it was 6.3 points, despite the enormous power, it did not have any effect on the earth, this is extremely strange, some kind of mysticism,
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experts say, because this is already the fifth outbreak of the highest score since the beginning of the year , which seemed to be supposed to cause a powerful magnetic storm, but in fact barely touched our planet, according to experts, such luck will soon end, while about ... where the flares occur, we have it because of rotation the sun is moving closer and closer to the line of the sun, the earth, it will come out on it in the morning, sunday, when, in fact, it is possible for the earth to reach its maximum, of course, new explosions, if there are any in this area, their risks will be even higher, so both magnetic storms and northern lights are guaranteed to us in the near future, that’s all, enjoy. weather, whatever it may be, goodbye,
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dad and i went here as children, we also lay like this, silent, figure skater, don’t let me skate, just skate, focus on the trainers, you dreamed of this cup, you can jump, you don’t believe it yourself, i will prepare myself, the thirst for victory is in her blood, look, don’t you understand this? i
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want to be like my mother. three years. russian troops improved the situation. along the front line in the donetsk direction, this was reported to the ministry of defense. in the avdeevsky direction, the russian army continues to occupy more advanced positions and also repel enemy attacks. in the avdeevsky direction, units of the troop center group continued to occupy more than advantageous positions, and also defeated the accumulation of manpower and equipment of the twenty-fourth and 53rd mechanized brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. in populated areas.


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