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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 24, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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in sight, let's go, let's go, so we're here too, yes, carefully, vole, let's go, what's your name? nikolai, nikolai, call, dutch. dutchman, why did a dutchman play football before, just professionally, well, no , well, he played for teams, mobilized, no, a volunteer, how long is this enough, yes , we do a little bit each day, in an economical mode , yes, there is hot tea here it’s very cold right now, well, you’re trying to somehow maintain comfort, and there are seagulls, well, yes, yes, we have cats there, and a lot of mice, so how are you, by the way? almost everywhere in all eyes, yes best best friend, listen. you said, a volunteer
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from rostov, how did you get in, why did you come , when did it all start, this is a military operation, well, a military operation, yes, i watched on tv how my godfather was fighting, what pushed you, they beat their own people, pushed me, to be honest , well, yes, i looked like they were making fun of russians , and so on, that’s all for me, i couldn’t stay at home, so i got ready to go, and what i worked for in civilian life, in civilian life i had an individual entrepreneur, so i worked in cargo transportation.
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i traded all this for the cold for a russian soul, so that the russian children don’t suffer there and the russian people don’t be discriminated against or mocked there anymore, well, i went for it , yes, thank you for the warmth, let’s go further to study akops, everything is happy, thank you. there is still 1 km ahead, we will , we will look around, i will never have enough words, wisdom, not enough to speak for him, show, tell, make this report from that very last shooting, november 22, 2023, zaporozhye region, oryakhovsky direction,
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where the fields are all pitted with trenches, the front edge, the front line, which is a paradox, the closer, the more humanity he tried to discern in the heroes of this material, he tried to understand everyone, that’s why he went on these dangerous business trips, boldly, courageously, in spite of, because he said there, to be the most important thing for the country now, it was important for him to see with his own eyes those whose usual...
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at the reception the physicist accepted, this is a communication point, an observation point, yes, this is our communication point here, an observation point, so we rise from here, look towards the opponents, look, i see, there is a walkie-talkie now and the internet , nevertheless, here are the old ones like in the old movies, of course, in the old movies there are soviet tapikas, we have them very, the most reliable. it turns out that they won’t catch our conversation at all, they won’t listen in, it’s possible that they can , that is , they haven’t come up with anything like an old wire-tested telephone for communication , of course there’s nothing better than this, as i already said, it’s scrolling how old this thing is, well, i i’ll say, probably since the 1939s, forty of them. clear, yes,
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thank you, what is the call sign, i don’t have a call sign, i don’t have a call sign, a unique person without pozybnogo, what is your name then islan, islam, where are you from? i was also mobilized from bulgaria, but i don’t want to go home, who doesn’t want to, why is it here then that we have to defend our homeland , let’s do it all, guys, thank you, goodbye, thank you for the warmth , let’s go further, don’t turn around, there’s nothing to do with this special report borya wanted to do about the heroes of one of them with the call sign the grandfather he filmed the day before managed to leave notes on the episode, it remained the same as bori wrote it, this is how it was edited, with only one inaccuracy, behind the scenes, instead of borin’s, my voice sounds. murat, well, the vykovsky man in the kitchen during the war feels the same, yes, as i understand it, sometimes you have to too, yes, well, as
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they say, war is war, and the vow is according to the schedule, this is a cozy field kitchen, as a reminder of one’s home and world, everyone here has their own preferences and recipes. including life, tastes that they don’t argue about, but which you so want to share, the best is the cook, culinary specialist, pilaf, which is made by yuzhdagovsky, ovakal, i myself make whatever you want, well, caucasian cuisine is sometimes more yourself, when it is possible to sit down, but as god has provided, so, father, yes, thank god, we have enough of everything.
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you see for yourself, since they watch such films, everyone who loves such films is here at the moment in front of everywhere, for whom there is a value in life, who do not take bribes and for whom, well, right from another film, there is such a profession in their homeland, and this is their in his blood during the great patriotic war from his native small mountain village, 150 people went to the front, bogilov murat,
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sounds like a toast, this is his personal lesson courage, his honest conversation about important things, straight from the trenches, an example to his students, his children and three grandchildren, but above all, this is an example to himself, a lesson from a real teacher on the topic of how real caucasian men act, i thought that i had no right to sit at home, i have no right, roughly speaking, in schools, now there is a lesson about important things, while sitting at home he talks about lessons in courage, when...
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a page in our history, russian history, he dreams of writing a book, talking about everyone he met at the front, who i saw, why medals are laughed off, this is a question i would like to skip, as they say, for the fact that i do avash khinkal well, last summer he built a monument to the participants of the great patriotic war in his native village for his own money, together with the school staff, as a historian i follow. no matter how many wars europe or anyone else starts against us, they have the same end, the first domestic war was completed in paris, the second domestic war was completed on the elbe, in berlin, well, the supreme commander-in-chief will give a decree, we will finish this one,
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probably somewhere in washington, as they say , so it will be, oh, what people, such meetings at the front have a special value, because it was not easy to see each other. apparently, he calls the school director nothing more than uncle, we haven’t seen each other for almost 2 years, he managed to receive three military awards when they told me that the school director went like this, voluntarily, i was shocked, of course, but in fact he was the one showed the whole of dagestan, the whole world, one might say, everywhere, in russia he showed an example everywhere that you need to act like this, it’s not for yourself that you’re afraid, probably from the height of what you’ve lived, too, like they say it’s scary for these young guys who have not yet...
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gone on vacation this whole life? yes, we went , they let us go, held us in our arms and back, that’s right,
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i personally fell out of the hospital and back, yes, there is a kilometer to the position, 200 kilometers, 300 kilometers , well, to the farthest one, well, from here, as you yourself think, birds fly, they shoot like birds fly almost constantly, that is, they change. what kind of business plan are you talking about, a business plan to take this forest stand, make an individual entrepreneur and then
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bring them here, in short, tourists, so that they lie in these dugouts, they carried an outfit , who must be defeated first, this is a must , in the near future, circassian, there is something to read, charge the phone, the generator is working, everything is in principle, what kind of books are they, let 's see, there are locals here, who left what, yes , yes, well, that is, there is even time for reading. as i understand it, yes, basically there is military news, we read here, and tv and tv, everything is there, in principle , so not detached from the world, as they say , we are standing in the trench where i personally dug, i’m not afraid of this word, so here the equipment didn’t work, everything was dug up by hand, all these communication passages are right here, a whole small town, i’m talking about this business-planned town, a whole one here, yes.
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it’s immediately clear who you came to, hello, hello!
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well, we miss him at home, we feel pain, the emptiness of the house, that no, especially for the first week it generally seemed empty. well, then little by little, of course, you get used to it, after the prayer i ask the almighty to come back safe and sound. hello, murat, hello, my name is olga, i am the wife of boris maksudov, very nice, so you hold on, he left a very strong, very great memory of himself , he was a very good guy, i’m sorry,
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for about three hours, we talked with him, how can i tell you, such a... guy who immediately, immediately falls in love with himself, immediately falls in love with himself, such a huge departure, he was much younger than me, i had such respect for him, i just brought your wife filming to show where you and boris were, yes, we sat and talked about various topics , he wanted to show the soul of a russian soldier. he wanted to show a person from the inside, this is not a beautiful report there, how they fight, how beautifully, how skillfully, no , he wanted to show the russian soldier from the inside, he succeeded, i’m telling you, i myself didn’t understand how he pulled everything out of me, everything he wanted to know, not by asking questions, he
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pulled it out of me, he was, as one might say, a correspondent from god, it was possible to collect. i'm thinking about going on reconnaissance with confidence. almost all of donetsk is smoking in clouds of black smoke over the near-vox area. today we are at a front-line airfield, behind me is the k-52, the legendary alligator. our mission is, of course, humanitarian, but the road, especially this area is quite military. the obstacle is really serious and moving further either by car or by boat is not possible, but this characteristic burning smell haunts almost every part of the city. this is an electric train. a unique opportunity to see with your own eyes how one of the most secret, at the same time most famous types of weapons of the russian army works, we are entering gorlovka, one of the most frequently shelled settlements, just a huge crater after a hit
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, parts of an exploding shell are scattered here such characteristic traces of fragments. don’t worry, we won’t go out, yes, we’ll drink tea and we’ll go, what is it, they will spend some more time in the trenches, waiting out the drone attack after the first explosions that happened on the way back, and from there borya will have time to send a short message from the dugout video of walking through the endless zaporozhye steppes, then hitting the road again. second attack, targeted, deadly, close, fragments, faith in a miracle, fighting, remember, like tsoi, you are not with me, but you are, lesva fell a long time ago, zaporozhye region,
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now we were told that the drone had been detected and we had to interrupt the interview. but nevertheless, there is still no better place in these fields than these already bare trees to hide, so we wait until i give the go-ahead to go to the guns, the fields around seem endless, of course, i want to quickly get to some kind of shelter, it’s already quite cold in zaporozhye, sub-zero temperatures, that’s why. also makes adjustments to the battle tactics now, it’s impossible to hide here, well, practically nowhere, everything is clearly visible, shot through, especially from sky, we are lucky that now the sky is overcast , but no one guarantees, of course, that clouds will fly in.
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in the ninth company, it was just the first day of filming in general, the month of november, probably not the first time it was clear from him that he was doing such explosions there. not afraid of sounds, a good guy, i would say, no different from our comrades in arms, brothers.
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i think it will end, i say, borya, come, see beautiful places, elbrus, go snowboarding, skiing, i don’t know, so ska, we’ll show you the blue lakes, i say, we that night they separated, when after all this happened, the portions had already been handed over, honestly , at first they didn’t believe it, the doctors already examined it, everything was fine, the condition was adequate, they were taken to evacuate further, so what would happen, i even wrote him a text message at 6 pm, struggling, salaam alaikum and that cherkess i say, get well, may allah give you health,
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get well, but unfortunately, this text message never reached the sky, as i lost a comrade in arms, it’s people like borya who make our country strong, these are the people... . must to be the personification of our country, our country, our homeland needs such people, more such people. alfabank for business. register for free and open a business account with free service. alfabank is the best
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11:00 pm
vladimir putin expressed condolences on the death of chairman of the supreme court vyacheslav levedev. the president noted his highest professionalism, integrity and dedication, as well as the contribution that vyacheslav mikhailovich made to the formation and development of the judicial system systems in modern russia. vyacheslav lebedev headed the country's supreme court for more than 30 years. a professor, an honored lawyer, the author of many scientific works, he always enjoyed indisputable authority among his colleagues and
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advocated expansion. the jurisdiction of the court is jury.


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