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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 24, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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vladimir putin expressed condolences on the death of chairman of the supreme court vyacheslav lebedev. the president noted his highest professionalism, integrity and dedication, as well as the contribution that vyacheslav mikhailovich made to the formation and development of the judicial and legal system in modern russia. vyacheslav lebedev headed the country's supreme court for more than 30 years. professor, honored lawyer, author of many scientific works, he always enjoyed indisputable authority among his colleagues, advocated expanding the competence of the court jury
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from lomonosov moscow state university with a degree in jurisprudence. during the soviet years, he worked in the district courts of the capital, and then headed the moscow city court. since the late eighties, chairman of the supreme court of the rsfsr, since the ninety-first year, chairman of the supreme court of the russian federation. vyacheslav lebedev combined the leadership of the country's highest judicial body with legislative, organizational, research, teaching and methodological work. he has more than 50 articles, comments and various judicial
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problems related to judicial reform, development of the judiciary, improvement of the country's judicial system, expanding access to justice and increasing the efficiency and quality of the courts. russian troops have improved the situation along the front line in the donetsk direction, the ministry of defense reported. in the ovdeevsky direction , the russian army also continued to occupy more advantageous lines and positions, as well as repel enemy counterattacks. in the avdeevsky direction. units of the troop center group continued to occupy more than advantageous positions, and also defeated the accumulation of manpower and equipment of the twenty-fourth and 53rd mechanized brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. in the areas of settlements of pervomaiskaya lastochka in the donetsk people's republic, two counterattacks of the assault groups of the fifty-ninth mechanized third assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces were repelled. the enemy lost up to 425 military personnel killed and wounded, three tanks, 10 armored combat vehicles and 24 vehicles. sergey.
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step by step he checked the work of the group of troops in the center. the minister visited the command post, where i heard reports on the current situation and enemy actions. in particular, they reported that as a result of the liberation of avdeevka, the militants were driven back more than 10 km, and russian troops continued the offensive in their directions. in addition, the head of the ministry of defense was informed that our units are using drones more and more effectively. shaigu, in turn, noted that it is planned to supply the troops with new generation drones in the near future.
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he wrote an article for tas, where he compared the figures for aviation and armored personnel the kiev regime in the summer of 2023 with what germany had near kursk in july 1943. all the details of the article are in the material by stanislav bernwald. the collapse of the citadel 2.0 - a large , thoughtful article by doctor of military sciences konstantin sevkov for tas is dedicated to the failure of the ukrainian so-called counter-offensive. in the article, the author provides very important figures. at the beginning of the offensive, the ukrainian armed forces grouping numbered 132,000 personnel - this is 110 battalions, more than 2 thousand tanks and other armored vehicles, 960 field artillery guns, 114 aircraft, more than 45% personnel from the total force of the group and more than 75% of the strategic reserve were trained according to nato standards. western countries transferred about 600 tanks, more than 2 thousand armored combat vehicles, and more than 1.0 artillery systems
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for various purposes to ukraine. if we compare these figures with the composition of the ukrainian armed forces strike group, we can see that in terms of the number of armored vehicles and artillery, it is quite comparable to what the wehrmacht had near kursk in july of 1943, significantly less in the ukrainian armed forces group there were only personnel and aviation. with the exception of aviation, the strike group of the ukrainian armed forces was, according to sevkov, comparable to what the wehrmach put up for operation citadel. then the goal of the operation was the decisive defeat of the strategic grouping of soviet troops on the kursk ledge by encircling it. the offensive operation of the ukrainian armed forces, under the strict leadership of the westerners , pursued the same tasks to be solved. reach the coast of the sea of ​​azov, cutting off the group of russian troops on the southern flank of the russian-ukrainian front and thereby cut off land communications between continental russia and crimea, but the well -prepared defense of the russian armed forces in all directions left
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no chance for the enemy. the russian army was preparing to repel this offensive ; measures were taken thoroughly to create a defense along the entire front line with a length of more than 1. imagine, over 3,00 strongholds, 45,000 dugouts and more than 150,000 shelters for equipment were equipped along the entire front line, about 2,500 km of anti-tank defenses were created ditches, more than 7,000 km of minefields have been installed, where about 5 million mines are located. in addition to the troops occupying defensive positions, the russian command has provided significant reserves with a total number of about 60 thousand people, having more than eight... units of combat and special equipment. one of the conditions for the success of breaking through such a defense system is that the attacking side gains at least time-limited operational superiority in the air. but in the air, russia's superiority remained undeniable. apparently, the command of the ukrainian armed forces
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nato curators relied on unmanned aircraft, but they failed to achieve superiority in this area. according to the author of the article, the enemy started for health and ended for peace. the enemy's armored formations advancing in the main direction initially suffered losses from attacks from atgm crews and helicopters deployed in forward positions. at the same time , the kornet complexes demonstrated the ability to effectively hit the latest well-protected western leopard tanks and the vaunted bradleys. the enemy is consistent introduced the most combat-ready trained formations into the battle, but he failed to even reach the front edge of the defense zone of our troops. the minsk command decided to strike in the kherson direction and by mid-december the ukrainian armed forces suffered heavy losses there - 79% of the original strength of the thirtieth marine corps. in mid- december, according to the author, it became clear to everyone, even western politicians, that the widely publicized strategic offensive
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in the ukrainian armed forces had failed on all fronts. losses the personnel of the ukrainian army amounted to 166 thousand people, 789 tanks and about 2,500. vehicles, as well as 132 aircraft, impressive , but there is no point in relaxing, the author reminds that just as after the victory at kursk, there was still a long road ahead to berlin, and today , after the failure in the ssu, we still have a long struggle ahead until the final victory . stanislav bernwald, news. they promise to increase military supplies to ukraine, reduce russian income from oil sales, and are not yet going to give away illegally frozen russian assets. bye, quote. moscow will not compensate for losses, this is stated in the statement of the g7 countries following the so-called online summit chaired by italy. italian prime minister giorgia melonia herself came to kiev with her canadian prime minister justin trudeau and european commission president ursula fondeen. by the way, all this is against the backdrop of failures of the ukrainian armed forces at the front and a split
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over support for ukraine in europe itself. more details, boris ivanin. the landing of western politicians in kiev in vain turned out to be of little use to them. head of the european commission first 4 billion euros out of 50 under the new eu assistance program are promised only in march, then the plan will be announced, and then only negotiations on ukraine’s accession to the european union, the only tangible thing is its flag, on the hoods of 50 police cars, as a consolation gift. it is a pleasure and honor for me to hand over these cars, we really hope that they will help in your vital work, this, for example, will ensure stability and security in... from ursulyin’s side, this looks like a mockery against the backdrop of the defeat of the kiev regime on all fronts, what even the western media write about. ukraine's position is more precarious, with villages, towns and cities destroyed, troops exhausted, ammunition running low, and russian missiles and drones raining down
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almost daily. russia this month scored its biggest victory in nine months, taking avdeevka, ending deadly urban fighting. in kiev, former british prime minister sloppy boris johnson couldn’t even tuck his shirt into his trousers. it was he who in april 2022 convinced ukraine to disrupt the implementation of the istanbul agreements when russia made a gesture of goodwill -
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following the meeting in kiev, the group of seven adopted a lengthy statement, promising to help
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restore ukraine and, of course, counteract russia. we will continue to put significant pressure on russia's energy and other commodity revenues . we will continue to take steps to tighten oil price controls and enforce these measures. while working to maintain supply stability, we will respond to price limit violations, including by introducing additional sanctions. however, western sanctions. and it’s open about it the press says they don’t work, but ukraine really needs money from washington in order not to capitulate, but the $61 billion in aid promised by us president joe biden is being blocked by republicans in congress, casting a big shadow on kiev’s hopes of repelling a larger russian army , which is much better supplied. as the political publication writes, after 2 years , there is more and more disappointment in zelensky’s office, and the atmosphere there, quote, is quite gloomy, and how...
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zelensky, who promise to continue support western politicians who are ready to fight to the last ukrainian. boris ivanin upa, the personification of that very formula of peace , and artemy bondar, to lead. the west's attempt to use the conflict in ukraine to destroy russia has failed, and now the main task is to prevent global escalation, so slovakia will block.
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first time, really cool, i really like it, it’s so spectacular, large-scale
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, cool, generally super, i really liked it for the first time at the battle of robots, they brought children, the adults themselves were delighted with everything. all teams the fans and stands appear brightly, but then every scenario in the ring is completely unpredictable. we didn’t risk our robot further, we could have pulled them out and continued the show again, but we now need to save it until the finale. robot technology is generally a separate world of engineers. for example, there is a whole room next to the ring, where teams prepare for the next fight, or correct some details immediately after. there are two more consecutive days of fighting ahead, in which the result will be...
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this is my first time participating in this format, i it’s a bit hard, of course, i’m not young anymore and i haven’t played for a long time, it requires constant movement, but the experience is interesting, especially in conjunction with the game console, it was a cool idea, for the most part there is a division in the teams, who is good at fifa almost never gets on the field , but there is an exception in the form of generalists, there are kids from football school, by the way, it’s just that. there is no surprise, and some are just guys, well, professionals play well, they just don’t try their hand at cyber, since there is no time to practice, games of the future they are just gaining momentum, the tournament has not even crossed the equator yet. daniil makhalin, alexander makridin, sergey kuznetsov, at the martuskaevs, leading kazan. the first one i had in august does its
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job well, if you do it well, then everything works out. i bet the whole war is a trick. in fact, the more cunning, the more maneuverable, the more chances you have of winning, it’s difficult when you lose someone, when you injure someone, we have a field temple, the guys and i constantly visit it, i also pray not only for themselves, for their comrades, they are very attentive they listen to sermons, they miss this, they need this word of god, they definitely need to pray with them. dear men, the holiday is coming, i’ll tell you a secret on azon, 3% cashback on sbp for everything, and it doesn’t matter what you want to give, buy gifts on ozone psbp at a profit, register
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11:22 pm
i welcome you, dear viewers of the russia 24 channel, to our next episode of our program. copyright besagon tv, it will be called the end of the bell. listen, kanya, you see this pack, 100,000 days, i ’ll throw it into the fireplace, into the fire. here, in front of everyone , i say, everyone is witnesses, and as soon as the fire engulfs it all, you climb into the fireplace and drag this pack out with your bare hands. you will pull out the fire, yours, all 100 thousand are yours, and i’m on your soul i’ll admire how you
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climb into the fire for my money, but if you don’t climb, you’ll burn , i won’t let anyone in, look, i’ll quit! why are you standing there, ganechka? get in there, don’t be ashamed, otherwise you’ll hang yourself later, and i’m not kidding, allow tattoos for 1,000 teeth, kolya, for 500, for 500, that’s a thousand! lord, lord, lord, lord, mother
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, the all-powerful queen, the go-getter, damned, damned, idiot, that we watched an excerpt from ivan aleksandrovich pyryev’s wonderful film based on dostoevsky’s novel, an idiot, and we see how gannya, who is probably more everyone who is raging here, but needs money, cannot step over their own dignity, cannot, faints, this is a very interesting thing that i wanted to talk about, what is money? money makes it possible to live, eat, dress, study , a person saves, calculates, calculates, and calculates,
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this is for most people, and for these people , money, as a rule, matters precisely in order to ensure their life, and money itself yourself, papers. they don’t have direct meaning for him, they matter for his life, and what happens to a person or to people for whom money loses its meaning, simply loses its meaning, and i wanted to talk about this, because it is directly related to everything that we will talk about below. recently there was information that they tried to burn several tons of banknotes in a barn, someone said that it was... connected with
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the roshukov family, then they said that this was not so, and it doesn’t matter who, it matters what it means , you know, rustam ibragenbekov, when we worked with him, told me the story of writing one of his scripts about theft there, about corruption, and told me that he listened to the interrogation, the investigators showed him the interrogation, of a man who a... worked as a storekeeper at a military warehouse, and as you know, everyone for a certain amount of time, that’s all, what was in this warehouse was exported, new things were brought in, ambudding , boots, sheepskin coats, caps, but not, so to speak, store-bought quantities, but there were 70,000 pairs of boots, roughly i say, there were 500. tulupovs and
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so on and so on, so how very difficult it was to carry out audits all the time, this the man became alert from time to time to let go of padded jackets, then boots, then party pants, and so on and so forth, and during this interrogation i heard an incredible thing, he remembered everything, when, where someone gave him money for what he... stole, he didn’t remember how much, he didn’t remember how much, either 30.00, or 70, why? because they didn’t matter to him, they didn’t make sense, he couldn’t buy himself a car, because he’s a storekeeper, and they’d ask where he got the money, he couldn’t go on vacation to the south, he couldn’t go for a walk,
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he couldn't buy one for himself. he could not do anything, he could somewhere secretly, having gone somewhere, enjoy the opportunity that this money provided, but it did not matter to him, he could not take advantage of it, here everything loses its meaning, work, hopes, desires to get a better job with a better salary, everything loses its meaning. this is what people should experience, in front of whose eyes the budget of a small city is burning, money is being burned that could have been used to build kindergartens, nurseries, cinemas, and so on and so forth, that is a person experiencing? look at an excerpt from our film 12 and we will continue, rollers,
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well, yes, well, yes, nakladbishchinsky, to the cemetery , yes, to the cemetery, i won’t lie, but i also restored a chapel in the cemetery to these cemetery ones, i feed the homeless all the time, cemetery, who have nailed it down, they need to eat somewhere. and i built a school in the village where i grew up 830 km from moscow , there’s a gym there, come see, this horror of a nightmare, this doesn’t exist, i have a pipe underground, as it should be, a computer class with lcd screens, teachers from the city all with good salaries, i started a bus so that
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they could bring lebetishkas from the surrounding area. to school, well, naturally, they were taken back so that they wouldn’t have time to sniff glue, and if you ask the people in this village how much money the school was built with, you know, they absolutely don’t care how much money the school was built with, but to the school was up and running, so i was dead on money. i help the living, since no one else does this, i understand that they will tell us that you encourage money laundering, the mafia, corruption, i’m not talking about this at all, i’m talking about something else, something deeper, where this matrix failure occurred, what it is, it’s directly related to a huge loss.


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