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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 25, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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for a certain amount of time, everything that was in this warehouse was taken out , new things were brought in, mudding, boots, sheepskin coats, caps, but not, so to speak, in a store-bought quantity, but there are 70,000 pairs of boots, roughly speaking, there are 500 sheepskin coats and so on and so on, since it was very difficult to carry out audits all the time, this person became more alert. from time to time let him go to the left, then padded jackets, then boots, then foot wraps , and so on and so forth, and during this interrogation i heard an incredible thing, he remembered everything, when, where someone gave him money for what he stole, he didn’t remember how many, he didn’t remember how many, either 30, what... it was 70, why?
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because they didn’t matter to him, they didn’t make sense, he couldn’t buy himself a car, because he’s a storekeeper, they’ll ask where he got the money, he couldn’t go on vacation to the south, he couldn’t go for a walk, he didn’t he could buy himself a house, he couldn’t do anything, he could go somewhere secretly and enjoy. the opportunity that this money gave, but it didn’t matter to him, he couldn’t take advantage of it, that’s where everything loses its meaning, work, hopes, the desire to get a better job, with a better salary, everything loses its meaning. this is what people should experience, in front of whose eyes the budget of a small city is burning, money is being burned for... which could have been built for
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kindergartens, nurseries, cinemas, and so on and so forth, what does a person experience? look at an excerpt from our film 12, and we will continue, rolex, yes, dears, yes, cemetery? to the cemetery, yes, to the cemetery, i won’t lie, but for these cemetery ones i also have a chapel in the cemetery i restored it, i feed the homeless all the time, i built a cemetery for those who were killed, they have to eat somewhere, and i built a school in the village where i grew up, 830 km from moscow, here... there’s a gym,
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come see this horror of a nightmare, this no, i have a pipe underground , as it should be, a computer class with lcd screens, teachers from the city all with good salaries, and a bus was launched so that the swans would be brought to school as well, but of course they were taken back so that they would not have time sniff glue. and if you ask people in this village, how much money was used to build the school, do you know? they absolutely don’t care how much money the school was built with, but for the school to stand and work, so i use the money of the dead to help the living, well, since no one else is doing this, i understand that they will tell us... that you
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encourage money laundering, the mafia, corruption, i’m not talking about that at all, i’m talking about something else , something deeper, where this failure of the matrix occurred, what it is, this is directly related to the huge loss that we are experiencing in our country, one of the most important qualities of the russian person is disappearing, compassion. pity , and what it rests on, and pity and compassion , sincerity, no, compassion is, of course, loud compassion so that you can be heard, compassion that is more connected with appearing yourself, compassion, this is not something quiet , sincere, sincere, compassion or pity, we... are losing the opportunity
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to be horrified by the vile act of people, your little girl lives, when i was, what did you write so that...
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the faster your path to fame, to fame, this is very important, this a terrible force, she corrodes a person, it arouses in him not the desire to help, but the pleasure of the fact that
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this is happening to someone else, you watch this, when this conversation took place, do you want the advertisement to pass quickly so that you can return there again? i am horrified by this, that if you are drinking coffee, at that time there is one on tv, you look there, this normal small and vile thing in you
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is turned and opened towards the screen, you wonder to what depth the creation can go. not at all, he killed five people, and you only two, well, that means you're better, and this happens in development, and this leaves an imprint on our entire lives. if we take a closer look, our elite
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is doing a lot to ensure that this terrible path, indifference and schadenfreude develops, because you don’t have...
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to worry, i really want to see igor, we have been with each other for 8 years, like a thread with a needle , like a tail, we followed each other, so they took it from me and tore mine off. happiness, i really loved igor very, very much, i still don’t understand how this could happen, sincerely, of course, you believe what she experiences and says, of course, and pity comes to you, it should , it should, after all, but it disappears, this pity, when you look back a little at what you said and wrote... i read: this is about
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the tu-154 disaster, the whole alexandrov ensemble, the whole , if not the entire ntv board, but why the musicians, why the wonderful ensemble? thank you, of course, god for the bonus in the form of a filming group, but why the rest, you think about it? the plane crashed, more than 100 people died, and mrs. rynska says that it’s a pity for the ensemble, but there are no journalists, thank you you, lord, that at least he punished these journalists, it’s like in november 15, she commented on the news of the former head. promedia mikhail lesin, this is what she writes: we met the news about lesin’s death with our
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best friend at the elkop fish restaurant. they brought us a huge halibut and langoustines. i ’m just like chekhov’s merchant, who looked out the window at the funeral procession and said with satisfaction: “you’re dead, they’re taking you to the cemetery, and now i’ll go have lunch.” that hanging would seem like heaven to him, then he said, i give my word of honor that i won’t hang myself, i'll go to court. here is mrs. rinska
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, a politician, this is the free russia forum, listen, she asks me very often, well, why are you, a wealthy person who basically has everything, why are you getting involved in this, why do you need this, why are you involved in politics, i will answer , i don’t do politics, i don’t like to do politics and i don’t want to. that is, as soon as a moral and not stupid person stands at the helm of the country, i will immediately again become a girl , a girl, as i was before vasya aleksanyan’s case. this is not a story about an activity. politics, this is a story about good and evil. once upon a time, reagan invented the formulation of the ussr as an evil empire, and it was true, the ussr was an evil empire. so, putin’s russia is also an evil empire, it is absolute evil. this is a lie and this is self-interest, the money is lost, this is actually hell. european
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civilization is not based on money, it is based on law, truth and morality. and there is incredible duality in everything. we see completely different people when we look at the facade, like on a free forum. russia in the backyard, it's the same person, hold it, girl, what are you doing, i won’t give you a microphone anymore, what are you doing, what are you doing, territory, get out of here, right?
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it's distributed all over the world, look.
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the world responded instantly; in less than 3 days, more than a billion euros were collected. this is good, wonderful, and we are also trying to join. mr. gref proposed creating a fund to raise money for restoration. and our first museum worker, the famous mikhail borisovich pyatrovsky. even lowered the national flag over the armitage building, this is what the statistics showed: on question, will you help restore notre dame de paris, almost 85% of respondents answered: no, why? i feel sorry for the money
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, that’s not the point, because our people, they are very... veiled, whatever it is, all the same, as a result, the most important and true thing will be false to injustice, and no matter how clear, tangible it is to them , he cannot be deceived, hasn’t old europe done everything to destroy the spiritual temple, the spiritual significance of the cathedral of the parisian apostle. i'm not talking about architecture now, about a more important thing, about spiritual architecture, that is, the spirit and power that makes people build such
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absolutely magnificent monuments, is not christian. and this sabbath in the singathari tunnel, when it opened in switzerland in the presence of the heads of european states, this sabbath, foreshadowing the coming of the antichrist, is demonic, which was considered as
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a performance, a performance, a work of art, no, it is not so. this is precisely the destruction of the spiritual temple, which has been nurtured for centuries, absorbing the surrounding world, christian culture, and are we not taking part in this, is there an exhibition of the artist and director farbra in the hermitage. where among the great canvases, great masters, stuffed animals are hung, like a phenomenon of art, when the guides say that this is not chutila, these are animals that get a new life, normal, but
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a performance by the same director farmer, which runs for 24 hours. mount olympus, with such dances as sertaki. why such selectivity? and why didn’t they lower the russian national flag over the armitage in a mournful bow when... the animals from isis, vandals tormented the palmyra, taking away, breaking monuments, while we note that
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the palmyra was created 1500 years earlier than the ancient parey, i am not condemning or suggesting lowering the flag in a mournful bow for any accident with an architectural monument, i am not talking about that.
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i really hope that you understand me, i’m not saying at all that you shouldn’t help others,
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i’m saying that respect for someone else’s, without respect for your own, in my opinion, is pharisaism and slavery, that same slavery. which anton pavlovich chekhov suggested squeezing it out of himself drop by drop, that’s all for today, our midshipman has already approached and said, we’ll leave one by one, if anything happens, we are geologists, until the next meeting, i’m waiting for you.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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dad and i went here as children, we also lay like that, silent, figure skater, but i’m not skating, just skate, focus on training, you dreamed of this cup, you can jump, but you still don’t believe in it, i i’ll prepare myself, the thirst for victory is in her blood, go ahead, why take such risks, you
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don't you understand this? russia, traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear. for everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia.
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russian troops have improved the situation along the front line in the donetsk direction. the ministry of defense reported this. in the avdeevsky direction, the russian army continues to occupy more advantageous positions and also repel enemy attacks. in the avdeevsky direction, units of the troop center group continued to occupy more advantageous positions, and also defeated the twenty-fourth and 53rd mechanics with a concentration of manpower and equipment.


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