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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 25, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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groups of 15-20 people with this composition of groups was about 10-12, plus there was fire impact as well, on the sides, a free aircraft with release devices , also multiple launch rocket systems worked periodically, inflicting fire damage on mortars and howitzers in accordance with the tanks too, that is, you were only mobilized then, yes, yes, at least you can go on vacation. have you signed the contract? with understanding? why? because they see what is happening. i live in bryansk, there is also a border zone of the chernovsk region, too every day these shellings, civilians die. in what rank? that is, he was a contract soldier, then? well, i was in the navy , served for over 20 years, i came here , they awarded me a rank and... why did they offend me then,
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why not a captain of the third rank, it was like that, no, well, you know, they have a cool one, this is the navy, i’m the commander company, company commander, what is mine, well, there is an understanding, as if during this time , what is here, but i already understood everything, everything, there is an understanding, and you kind of know that like and what is your favorite weapon, kalashnikov, it’s too early to promote, your favorite weapon commander - these are two walkie-talkies, one team, the other takes orders, what rank are you?
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well, groups of up to 10-15 people came in, and i had a platoon of 35 people with me, reinforced by loyal units, but all the guys were not fired upon, but for everyone it was the first battle, the most important thing is that there was no panic, there was no panic, as it were well , i had to manage everything, accordingly, but let’s say this is my job directly, a hereditary military man. i don’t even know how
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to answer, well, actually, i’m a military person from the soviet union, probably any kid would like to become a military man, my grandfather went through the great patriotic war, was wounded twice, as a child they played, everyone played war games, so the idea came to me, and it was natural for my parents and me to enter the sorov school, why peter? absolutely, banally, two suvorovskaya schools where they studied french, and the frenchman is leningrad and the kazan suvovorovskaya, but why french? and at school they taught french, well, apparently, apparently it was necessary, this is perhaps the most unusual choice. well, how is your french still,
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that is, can you conduct an interrogation? military school, i really wanted to go to the moscow ob school, but history also intervened there, of course, they said that most likely you would go there...
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it turns out it’s impossible, impossible, no, no, no, war is any kind, not emptiness, not they tolerate it, no, no, no, you won’t be there, you won’t be observed, the enemy will be there. the enemy should not be underestimated in any case, the contour battery fight, we have generally strengthened quite well recently in terms of the battle formation, we have tightened the direction in terms of battle formation, i already said that the units came with such good combat experienced native artillery, a counter-battery counter station, a strong group of unmanned aerial vehicles. vehicles , attack vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles are also present, engineering troops , in turn, anti-tank defense has been strengthened , well, of course, the build-up is underway, and mine explosive barriers, if by and large it is about the construction of a border that did not exist,
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well, really, who could to think that someday a border would be needed here, well , of course, there was no need to rush through it. the most serious fortifications structures, at the moment the crew has deployed, a repeater has been installed, the pilot is in cover, the mining field is behind this hill, now i will demonstrate to you so that you can see, that is , we practically all throw it off, then destroy it, accordingly. that's it, let's control, here's our weapon, pvc-1 for this mine, pom-2, ztp, that's it, forward, anti-personnel mine pom-2, which means that when
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installed, the alerting system is triggered, they shoot like a tripwire in four directions 10 m, and accordingly...
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that our guys who are mobilized, these definitely won’t be silent, these guys immediately tell the whole truth, a military man, he is restrained, he
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can remain silent, he will look at the situation, but these guys immediately tell the truth, and rightly so. vladimir, shaman, shaman, that’s right, quite common, in the zaporozhye direction the shaman commands, the fifty-eighth army is sudaplats, well, there are other tsudaplatsya,
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a good guy, lugansk, has been fighting since the fourteenth year, he’s like that, you should be introduced to him, his relatives, mind you , i don't i’m asking if you’re eating or not, so tell me that you have a mesh here - is this so that the fp doesn’t fly in? the valovetsky network is very effective, yes it is in the know, yes , that is, it is apparently a forest regiment, in fact a powerful fortification structure, yes, but it is still ongoing and work is slowly being developed, something is quiet today, well, thank god for now, it is usually noisier. today the weather seems to allow us to make some noise, but that’s why i
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’m surprised, it’s deep, right in the underground, damn it , we’re even digging even deeper, how much 3 meters we’re digging so that there’s more pillows, see what for sure? that is, it can withstand a direct landing, well, 120 can be withstood boldly, and is not even discussed, 152 flew in, well, it hit the side, in principle it also survived, well, they did everything later, the main thing is that the personnel are intact, that is, there are personnel there, yes so definitely on vacation, yes, he is resting there in a position with us that goes out not covered to the border.
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and what do you think we should do here, that is, how to complete the arrangement, well, we’ll continue to do this here, so we’re preparing a subcortical position that we’ll dig in, yeah, make a ceiling, well, there’s probably still enough work to do, short of a serious weapon, a small supply, and what kind of a26 toys are these
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, you can see the car, yes, you can’t see it from here, of course, but you can hear it, yeah, also, well
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, accordingly, there’s a wickerwork opposite, all the activity it’s coming from there, it was coming , we’re blaming it, we’re installing high -power land mines, yeah, consisting of m62, uh, also police... accordingly, when the enemy advances, the land mines are blown up and, accordingly, that doesn’t allow them to go further. it was powerful. the thirtieth day when i arrived
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here, i’m from starov, we were given this part, a rocket hit here , there was a rocket between the skating rink and the hotel, there was a car on fire and of course the center was a disaster, that is, i had the feeling that... it was burning all year long, when i walked and looked, then, of course, there were so many dead, torn to pieces , i didn’t see my life then, now of course not... the mood of the people, we were a year and a half ago, through the state emergency situations committee, well, through the commission for emergency situations municipal, it was invented by the mayor of the city damedovich, they obliged the management company put the basement in order, they did it on each floor - the entrances
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had keys to the basement, everything seemed fine, now we have done every apartment. to conclude, because they were, but it turns out that when you walk past the entrance, that is, past the house, if you are not a resident, the shooting begins, there is nowhere to go , we have been looking for a technical solution for a long time, now we have found it, that is, we are installing a controller on intercoms , when the head of the ministry of emergency situations presses the missile danger button, they open at one moment, here i am right now i arrived, it’s very cool, it’s really cool, well done, we’re hanging out now.
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man, this was the first terrible blow to belgorod, of course, what happened on december 30 is december 30, then the plane, the plane, when i arrived, walked around the field, looked, nightmare, yes, it’s good that people didn’t see it , what was there, people don’t need to see it, people don’t need it, people don’t need it at all, don’t need it at all, no one needs it, you see, this shouldn’t happen at all, of course. well, the war changed a lot, on the other hand, to be honest, this white quarter, we named it, we are building it, we want to build seven new buildings by the end of the year, we are building, we started a twenty-kilometer embankment last year, i want people from the center, right here where we met, to walk 20 km and not we crossed not a single road, that is, along the embankment, and
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we even bring white sand from other regions, i tell everyone that from... it’s nice, nice, that is, the city and the province definitely live, live, they planted flowers, here we have 5 million telefans are growing, all these lawns, lieutenant general solachuk, with whom we had just met and talked to, he spoke very highly of your volunteers, they are ready to fight for their hometown to the end, no one believed me, to be honest, we
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didn’t come up with them here, that is, just really on the street. they stopped , they said, listen, let's create it, i gathered those who served there, well, seriously, i say , i say, let's do it like this, for me the main question is, for money or for an idea, here we are standing in the dust, they they say, go ahead, i say, then here’s the subscription, equipment, everything, i, everything else, that is, there are no questions about money, we are fighting for our house. yes , for our land, that’s it, this is the second year we’ve had a single word, i haven’t heard a single word, we got such a real people’s gift, minin pozharsky, and pmcs helped us at the beginning, and the ministry of defense provided a lot of help, because instructors came here, then there are, at my request, from the training centers, they said vyacheslavich,
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who did you recruit, it’s terrible when, after a month in... there, again he has already arrived, the head of one of the training centers, a major general, again he worked for 3 weeks, came back, came to shake hands in front of the train, he said, the most combat-ready unit that is here, i say, i mean, listen, you were making noise, he says, dressed, trained, discipline. this is the site of a tragedy, we arrived, my entire city is already assigned to sectors, if a disaster occurs, then we immediately have a construction organization assigned. that is, we are already in this automatic mode, and here we have a large number of cars, but what a magnet, several floors, people
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they just came for shopping, someone for groceries, so today i was visiting the sick, going to the funeral of mine, my relative, driving with my wife in my son’s car, we stopped, he got into the car, but his wife didn’t have time. which battalion are you in? belgorod, the city of belgorod, yes, doctors, militia 31, yes, how many, how many classes
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are there on average per week? saturday, this is at the plant, there were classes, classes were also held during the week, that is, this is already in the field, yes, this is in the field, this is with mock-up machine guns, this is practicing the storming of a building. training of assault cops, evacuation of the wounded, yes, completely , completely, now what is the task of protecting objects, protecting objects, someone i knew was there, you live here, yes, and what house are you in, we live there on gorky street, next to that house, where to highlight the roof and windows, measurements have already arrived today, they made the windows and said we’ll install them tomorrow, well, now. quickly, because several de, the most important thing is that you look, that everything is of high quality, if there are any questions, so that the administration tells everyone that if something is corrected, there will not be
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even hesitate, okay, okay, okay, here’s the school, right, here’s the school? it’s even, it’s impossible to even predict, when the rocket arrived, it landed almost at the level of the head, and of course,
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what was left of the head was scattered all over, these are the woman’s parts, and the girl, of course, suffered here, the girl died , small, they just hit where they didn’t hit the square, they hit straight, just where they hit just. in belgorod, that is , if the rocket guys had not shot down 14 units, then it would be generally unclear what happened, well, we would have a catastrophe, what we see with these three is that it just happened to explode, even if it had been a little higher up there, but the spread would have gone in different directions, but here it hit all the fragments went, they’re all here this part. they were right here,
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in fact, well, there is a war, there is no war. well , there shouldn’t be children, well, we just need to look, we need to look for a non-standard solution, the bus drivers suggested it, they first asked, help us seal the inside of the buses with film, and we sealed and then he says: listen, let ’s move this film, we’ll use it, of course, and i took this film, took the double-glazed windows, we took it to the russian national guard training ground, blew up the wagons, blew up the mines, one, the other, i looked, it’s holding, i... at first i wanted two seal the sides but not the outside from the inside, and then i saw that even one was enough, they sealed the shelter, training, now, that is, there is not a single
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solution that can be 100%. on the floor, head once, mouth opened, hands closed, that is, everything is so automatic with them, but how did i know, i they told us we arrived in st. petersburg. children from donbass in armitage, they are walking, a midday gun, a shot, they were attacked once, everyone who was there began to cry, i told everything to my friends, look, here is the question, we need it too, this is just our reality, on the one hand we must again reap bread , raise animals, feed the country, teach children, but
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all the time think about what we can do... store up until you understand all this, until you see people who are dying and you don’t you understand how to help them, so you i have everything with me, i have everything with me, because the main thing is here they are, here they are, here they are, these are the gloves, and i understand what to do with this, if it suddenly happens, i have this in every jacket, so yes, this is ours reality, and it seems to me that you just need to do it, think about it. purely rollback and we go through points, you remember everything, you know everything, we calm down,
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get together and win.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary, if there are instructions, does it really read minds or not?
5:00 am
russian troops. front position edge in the donetsk direction. this was reported to the ministry of defense. in the avdeevsky direction, the russian army continues to occupy more advantageous positions and also repel enemy attacks. in the vdievsky direction, units of the group of troops-center continued to occupy more advantageous positions, and also defeated the 24th and 53rd mechanized brigades of the ukrainian armed forces with a concentration of manpower and equipment.


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