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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 25, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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russian troops have improved the situation along the front line in the donetsk direction. this was reported to the ministry of defense. in the ovdeevsky direction, the russian army continues to occupy more advantageous positions and also repel enemy attacks. in the avdeevsky direction, units of the center group of troops continued to occupy more advantageous positions, and also defeated the 24th and 53rd mechanized brigades of the ukrainian armed forces with a concentration of manpower and equipment.
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the enemy lost up to 425 military personnel killed and wounded, three tanks, 10 combat armored vehicles and 24 vehicles. on saturday , sergei shaigub visited the zone of a special military operation. the minister of defense inspected the group of troops at the center and heard reports from the commanding officers on the current situation. mikhail fedotov has all the details. the minister of defense gets to the command post of the center group by helicopter along the road and listens to the report of the head of the main operational department on the situation in the ardeevsky direction. transport mi-8s are accompanied by combat night hunters. in front of the headquarters there is an exhibition of trophies equipment, what the ukrainian military abandoned when fleeing avdievka. whose is this? loading grenade 40 mm. here in croatia.
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attack drones played a major role in the liberation of avdievka. in the last 2 weeks alone, kamikazes in this direction have destroyed about 700 targets, including armored vehicles, artillery systems and enemy personnel. the minister of defense promises to supply new drones to the troops. supplies should be arriving now, we were already on our way. we discussed whether we should go with artificial intelligence so that there is no need for - control the joystick. this will simplify, firstly, this and...
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and andrey netreba, lead. during the unsuccessful counteroffensive, the command of the ukrainian armed forces repeated the actions of the wehrmacht. this opinion was expressed by the deputy president of the russian academy of missile and artillery sciences for information policy, konstantin sevkov. he wrote an article for tas, where he compared the numbers of aviation and armored personnel of the kiev regime in the summer of 2023 with what germany had at kursk in july 1943. all details of the article in stanislav’s material bernwald. the collapse of the citadel 2.0 is a large thoughtful article by doctor of military sciences konstantin sevkov for tas dedicated to the failure of the ukrainian so-called counter-offensive. in the article, the author provides very important figures. at the beginning of the offensive, the ukrainian armed forces' strike force numbered 132,000 personnel - that's 110 battalions, more than 2,000 tanks and other armored vehicles. 960 field artillery guns, 114 aircraft. more than 45% of personnel. of the total composition
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of the group and more than 75% of the strategic reserve were trained according to nato standards. western countries transferred about 600 tanks to ukraine, more than 2.0 combat ones. armored vehicles and more than 1.00 artillery systems for various purposes. if we compare these figures with the composition of the strike group in the ssu, we can see that in terms of the number of armored vehicles and artillery, it is quite comparable to what the wehrmacht had near kursk in july 1943. the armed forces of ukraine grouping contained significantly fewer personnel and aircraft. with the exception of aviation, the strike group of the ukrainian armed forces was, according to sevkov, comparable to that that the wehrmach put up for operation citadel. then the goal of the operation was the decisive defeat of the strategic grouping of soviet troops on the kursk ledge by encircling it. the offensive operation of the armed forces of ukraine, under the strict leadership of westerners, pursued the same objectives, to decisively reach the coast of the sea of ​​​​azov, cutting the group of russian troops on the southern flank
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of the russian-ukrainian front and thereby cut off the land communications of continental russia with crimea, but the well- prepared defense of the russian armed forces in all directions. left no chance for the enemy. the russian army was preparing to repel this offensive; measures were taken thoroughly to create a defense along the entire front line, more than 1,000 km long. just imagine, over 3,000 support workers, 45,000 dugouts and more than 150,000 shelters for equipment were equipped along the entire front line. about 2,500 km of anti-tank ditches were created, more than 7,000 km of minefields were installed, where about 5 million mines were placed. in addition to the troops occupying defensive position, the russian command has provided significant reserves with a total number of about 60,000 people, having more than 8,500 units of combat and special equipment. one of the conditions for the success of breaking through
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such a defense system is the conquest of at least time-limited operational superiority in the air by the attacking side, but russia’s superiority in the air remained undeniable. apparently, the command of the armed forces of ukraine and their nato curators relied on unmanned aircraft, but they failed to achieve superiority in this area. what does he think? the author of the article, the enemy started for health, ended for peace. the enemy armored formations advancing in the main direction initially suffered losses from attacks from atgm crews and helicopters deployed in forward positions. at the same time , the kornet complexes demonstrated the ability to effectively hit the latest, well-protected western tanks. leopard and vaunted bradley. the enemy consistently introduced the most combat-ready, prepared formations into the battle, but he was unable to reach even the front edge of the zone defense of our troops. the ukrainian command decided to strike in the kherson direction and by mid-december the ukrainian armed forces suffered
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heavy losses there - 79% of the original strength of the thirtieth marine corps. in mid- december, according to the author, it became clear to everyone, even western politicians, that. the widely publicized strategic offensive in the ukrainian armed forces failed on all fronts. the losses of ukrainian army personnel amounted to 166,000 people, 789 tanks and about 2,500 armored vehicles, as well as 132 aircraft, impressive, but you shouldn’t relax. the author recalls that, just like after the victory at kursk, there was still a long road ahead to berlin. so today, after the failure in the ssu, we still have a long struggle ahead until the final one. victory. stanislav bernwald, news. they promise to increase military supplies to ukraine, reduce russian oil revenues and will not give up illegally frozen russian assets until, quote: moscow compensates for the losses. this is all from the statements of the g7 countries following the so-called
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online summit chaired by italy. italian prime minister george melanie herself came to kiev. she was joined by the head of the government of canada and... and growing dissatisfaction with the ukrainian topic, both in the united states and in europe. the chairman of the supreme court of russia, vyacheslav lebedev, has passed away ; vladimir putin expressed condolences to his family, as well as the entire judicial community. the president noted his professionalism, integrity and dedication. about the contribution to the formation and development of the judiciary.
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and it was the reform that fell to his lot russian judicial system, and i know how many experiences he had, and how he treated this issue, how he treated the judges, how he defended each judge. lebedev was, without exaggeration, one of the creators of the modern russian judicial system, one of its symbols and pillars. he was a man of the highest professional level, deeply understanding the very essence. law and justice, their significance for society, for the state. in his work, vyacheslav
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mikhailovich followed exclusively the interests of russia; destinies depended on his decisions millions of people, further formation and development of the judicial system of our country. our judicial system, i say this not because i am the chairman of the supreme court of russia, it is the most accessible, probably, any person, in the manner prescribed by law, can appeal to the supreme court. he sought to correct miscarriages of justice. correctional labor, doesn’t it entail very negative consequences. he paid special attention to the system of military courts and the protection of the social rights of military personnel and members of their families. vyacheslav lebedev was the highest professional and talented leader, enjoyed well-deserved.
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in recent years, he was actively involved in organizing legal proceedings in new territories, defending the rights of participants in a special military operation, and did not devote many free moments to art, when i found out that he himself loves jazz and likes to play the saxophone, he has a saxophone and we even met, i gave him a couple of conditional lessons on the instrument, it was always pleasant and interesting. vyacheslav lebedev was awarded the highest awards in the country, became full. knight of the order for services to the fatherland, from the hands of the head of state he
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also received the order of st. andrew the first-called apostle, the country's highest award, which is awarded only for exceptional merits. i have every right to say that you, and i must say, that you have done a lot over the many years of work as chairman of the supreme court of the russian federation. well, in france, the international agricultural exhibition began
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predictably with mass protests by farmers who were very dissatisfied with emmanuel’s policies macron. and according to media reports, macron is ready to give in to farmers, promises new support measures, will this help both farmers and macron himself? for now, a question from paris from our european correspondent anastasia popova. macron simply could not avoid attending the agricultural fair. her visit is a tradition, especially this time the salon is the sixtieth anniversary, understanding how this could turn out, given the mood of the farmers, the police blocked one of the pavilions, it did not help. angry that they received nothing but promises, the farmers broke through cordon in hopes of finding the president. we 're going to take it out, we're at home, we're... farmers, we're dying, he'll get out of here, he won't be walking the streets with his riffraff. additional police,
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urgent reinforcements to contain the crowd. here and there, fights broke out in the alleys of the exhibition. according to tradition , law enforcement officers did not risk releasing tear gas inside the pavilion. they poured pepper on people, which also burns the eyes and causes severe coughing attacks. someone, it is possible that they were farmers, connected with the firefighters hydrants, in the crush and confusion, people stumbled and fell on each other. as a result , one of the stands dedicated to, coincidentally, europe was demolished. the owners tried to find their animals in the crowd, which scattered throughout the area in panic. complete chaos inside and little better outside, where over a thousand
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people were left waiting for the president. the marseillaise sounds at the entrance to the pavilion. there is a symbolic coffin over the heads of the farmers, which then flies to the police. we will not be able to respond to the agricultural crisis in a few hours, it will not be resolved today at the fair , the agricultural fair is an important moment for our farmers, it is a moment of pride and recognition, and this fair must go well, calmly, for the sake of the french farming sector, we all have the same goal, the protesters cannot be heard they want, they have
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long had their own opinion. macron is engaged in macrology, today he tells you one thing, tomorrow another, because he...
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we’re closing everything at once, you’ve thrown colossal sums at ukraine, we’re not against ukraine, we’re 100% for it, but the sums colossal, we were given crumbs, crumbs, mr. president, while the police were holding people back in one part of the pavilion, macron was petting a cow and taking pictures with those who wanted to in another. farmers are demanding the abolition of strict environmental regulations and protection of the european market from goods coming from outside the eu. in the case of france, we are talking mainly about ukraine. the proposed measures, empty words, no longer suit the farmers. demonstrations in the center of paris, blocked roads and a whole tent camp at the entrance to the agricultural fair. they say bye if they don’t achieve results, they won’t leave here.
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anastasia popovia bernatsk, evgeniy samsonov, lead paris, france. we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in the application or on the website. seversk, it is in this small city that a new era of nuclear energy begins. for the first time in the history of mankind, a complex with a closed nuclear fuel cycle will appear at the site of the siberian chemical combine. in the frosty air the temperature dropped to -30. construction symphony, stretches into the sky armature in endless movements, technology and
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people. almost one and a half hundred people are working at the site at the same time. the nuclear energy complex is becoming a virtually waste-free and virtually waste-free factory. endless energy production, a key role is assigned to the fast neutron reactor. almost all nuclear reactors on the planet are thermal and operate on
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the uranium-235 isotope. approximately every 5 years , fuel elements need to be replaced, and spent nuclear fuel must be placed in special storage. this principle is called the open nuclear fuel cycle. breakthrough does what previously seemed impossible. the mined and then enriched uranium enters a special module that creates nuclear fuel, everything is the same as in an open cycle, but then there is a fundamental difference: it is sent to a fast neutron power unit, and the spent fuel, after reprocessing , is returned back to the reactor, and so on in a circle. this approach will make it possible to more efficiently use nuclear fuel, the raw materials for which are becoming scarce. according to magathe existing reserves. uranium 235 is enough to keep reactors already operating in the world working about a century and a half, but if the cycle is closed , russian scientists believe, the issue of raw materials for
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nuclear energy will be resolved for the next few thousand years, this will increase the fuel base by almost 100 times, and at the same time it will allow us to approach the problem of accumulation of spent fuel and radioactive waste for... storage cycle. the heart of the breakthrough was the nuclear reactor, but before installation could begin, the main parts had to be delivered to seversk. the body of the installation has impressive dimensions; it was brought from the manufacturer’s plant in parts. from st. petersburg to kronshtat on self-propelled modular trolleys, then on a barge along the northern sea route, and from port to seversk again on trolleys. to install
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such a large element of the housing, it was necessary to deliver such a complex large object to this site along a pre-agreed route with the dismantling of power lines and blocking of roads. a real special operation, one might say so. and now the settings are all.
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scientists in europe, the usa, japan, but it was russia that not only put such installations into operation, but also approached the creation of a nuclear fourth generation energy system. so far, this is the first object in the world that is being created precisely according to these classical principles, that is, it is security, that is, absence. the need for evacuation of population settlement is full fuel use, radiation-equivalent waste management, non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and cost-effective solutions, that is, these requirements must be fulfilled within the framework of the breakthrough direction project. the working name of the brest installation is an abbreviation - fast reactors of natural safety with lead coolant. the sample is experimental, but as the developers say, it is absolutely reliable, all thanks to its revolutionary design. this is a new type of reactor. it has a metal-concrete body, it has a lot of features, its layout is unique, its approach is unique. engineers will place all
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the technological equipment, a steam generator, the main circulation pump and the core inside the installation; it does not need an impressive hermetic shell. as a coolant for the first time it was proposed to use lead; it itself retains radiation well, and when in contact with air. cools down and hardens, that is, it is capable, if necessary, of sealing the active zone with nuclear fuel inside itself. the lead coolant that we use has a high boiling point, it is relatively chemically inert, thereby eliminating a whole class of accidents that could lead to boiling of the coolant and loss of core cooling, and thereby we increase the safety of our reactor installations. another important unique feature. fast reactors can produce more potential fuel than they consume, and at the same time burn out highly active transuranium elements,
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including the so-called minor... actinides, the half-life of which amounts to thousands of years, but for such a plant to become truly eternal, for it needs to produce special fuel, it will be produced literally a few meters from the future power unit, on the fabrication module. what is revolutionary about this project is not only the fast neutron reactor, and in fact the entire complex at the site of the siberian chemical plant, will work here side by side for the first time in the world. a power unit, a nuclear fuel production plant - this is where we are now, and a module for processing already used fuel. the fabrication module is planned to be launched in the near future, and this will be the first of the objects of the experimental demonstration complex of the proryv project. the installation of all four production lines has now been completed. specialists at the ladder once again check everyone’s work device and perform the necessary tests. the site
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is at the finish line of comprehensive testing, comprehensive testing will end in the near future, we will begin work on simulators. the breakthrough project will use a mixture of uranium plutonium nitrides, abbreviated as snoop. this fuel is denser, which is more profitable. samples are being processed on one of the production lines. i have aluminum oxide in my hands, why was this material chosen? in this form, we use it as a model powder for testing manufacturing technologies. elements of nuclear fuel of a new generation, then there will be snoop, a mixture of nitrite, uranium , plutonium fuel, at the moment practically no one in the world has used this fuel on such a scale, that’s why we call it an experimental demonstration energy complex, the first of its kind in the world. each tablet weighs no more than 3 g. experts evaluate several parameters, including geometry and proportions. now everything can be corrected by hand. after launch, non
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-human participation will only be excluded. control, the line will be fully automated. the last thing to appear on the site will be a spent nuclear fuel reprocessing module, one of the three main components of the complex. it will allow, as they say, to close the cycle. spent nuclear fuel, after reprocessing, will be sent here again for refabrication. the system will gradually become practically autonomous and independent of external energy supplies. right here. complexes that were considered, so to speak, 5 years ago, what they say, there after the fiftieth year, this is very far away, this is the reality of today , the so-called combined technology will be implemented here, when well-known and proven technologies are combined with unique, not yet industrialized, rechemical technologies, processing, that is, the energy source becomes eternal, this is exactly the idea that is embedded in adek, we create the infinite.
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nothing like this has ever been done in the world; not only wind solar, but nuclear energy is becoming renewable. russia can radically change the situation with by producing electricity for ourselves , to supply to the world market a high-tech product that has no analogues to fourth- generation nuclear power. after the prototype shows its effectiveness , russian nuclear power plants will begin to be re-equipped with such or even more powerful reactors. however, our country is ready to offer its unique solution to the world, once again proving its leadership in the development of nuclear technologies.
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