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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 25, 2024 6:00am-6:30am MSK

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early voting in the presidential elections has started in russia; it is being held in remote, hard-to-reach places, and also for the first time in new subjects of the federation. 37 regions of the country have the right to announce such a format for some of their residents. we are primarily talking about sailors, hunters, fishermen and lumberjacks, as well as miners and employees of lighthouses in nature reserves. in addition, election commission employees.
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voting boxes. according to statistics from the last presidential elections in russia , more than 210,000 voters voted early, in including about 30 thousand sailors. in the kherson direction, fighters from the dnepr group destroyed a nationalist observation post. the crew of the 120-mm mortar received coordinates and quickly took up a combat position. a group of ukrainian armed forces infantry and drone operators were destroyed by precise fire in a matter of minutes. they took refuge in an abandoned building on the right bank of the dnieper. russian assets will remain frozen until damages are compensated to ukraine. this statement was published in the final document online.
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g7 summit under the italian presidency. countries the semi groups also announced that they were going to tighten the price ceiling on our oil and continue to put pressure on companies from third countries that would help circumvent the restrictions. let me remind you that moscow has repeatedly called the sanctions illegal. the summit was held online due to the visit of a number of western leaders to kiev. they again promised to support the ukrainian armed forces until the last ukrainian. they told what awaits the residents of the country , what the situation really is on the front line, and also the future, if the criminal kiev regime remains in power and continues hostilities, running lines with this information appeared live; hackers helped convey to ukrainians a point of view different from zelensky’s propaganda; they gained access to the channel’s service programs. donald
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trump wins the republican primary in south carolina. 2/3 of the ballots have already been processed. trump has more than 60% of the vote. his only opponent, nick haley, is under forty. haley has already admitted defeat and congratulated trump on his victory. and the former president himself said that as soon as he wins the elections, he will close the us borders and expel from the country of all illegal migrants. according to the american media, trump's victory in south carolina is especially important, because earlier. was the governor of this state. the israeli government will meet in the coming days to approve an action plan in the city of rafah in the south of the gaza strip. the project includes, among other things, the evacuation of civilians. this statement was made by israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. according to him, the plan also involves the complete demilitarization of gaza and the transfer of power to local forces not associated with hamas. at the same at that time, the israeli military cabinet decided to send a delegation.
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government rallies, several thousand demonstrators took to the central squares of large cities, demanding netanyahu’s resignation and early elections. police dragged protesters into cars in tel aviv to disperse the crowd, used water cannons, and at least ten arrests are known. a unique tournament on the border of russia and china, an international winter sports festival is taking place on the ice of the amur river, on the eve of which the best hockey players were revealed, passed in parallel. qualifying races in
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auto racing, about the brightest moments of the competition alexey cherbakov. the international sports festival on the amur has reached a new level this year. now it's not just hockey. matches and car races, but a rich program on the embankment of the border river, and also, for the first time, a large-scale russian-chinese ice postcard. today we have guys from all over the region, yes, these are people of different professions, different ages, this is skovorodino, mogdagache, belogorsk, free, mikhailovka, and railway workers and economists, and gas workers, yes, that is, educators, pensioners. on the ice of the border amur , three hockey teams of russia and china, children and young adults, crossed their sticks. hockey box. installed right on the border of two states, to my left is russia, to my right is china, and i’m standing exactly in the middle, exactly on this very imaginary line, what ’s most interesting is that in just 10 seconds the puck can visit several times, then one, then in another country. part of the first match
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commented the famous tv presenter dmitry guberniev. i am simply delighted with all those who have come now, who surround me, because i have already talked to many, and of course, the most important thing. there is enthusiasm in the eyes and spectators of the athletes, i’m just here, look, watching everyone, i feel great pride and enormous respect for the region and, above all, for the people. all three russian teams confidently beat the chinese hockey players, giving a storm of emotions to numerous spectators. due to combination hockey, due to crucian carp game we leveled up, scored good, beautiful goals, i think on the contrary, this is exactly the kind of hockey that the audience liked more. sports excitement overwhelmed the stands and even the spectators who had gathered on the shore were rooting for the guys and the minister for development.
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in the field of sports, the ice festival is, in my opinion, one of the highlights; every year this festival acquires more and more new details. it was noisy not only in the hockey stands, but at the same time there were qualifying races for auto racing. 30 pilots from russia and china each competed for a place in the main stage. among them ivan tratsuk, a debutant in international games. i bought my subaru 5 years ago for off-road driving, but i didn’t miss the chance to test the car in an ice rally. dramatic changes began probably three years ago. when i picked up the grinder, i was, of course, very sorry, so i had to take the first step, sawed off the roof, and so it began. the scale of international matches also impressed the invited guests of the festival, including three-time world hockey champion alexei tereshchenko.
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this is super, yes, and of course, this is popularization hockey in general and sports in general, in our country, and in the world, yes, such games are needed, they are needed, in principle, for children, for young people, for a healthy image. life, so it's great. already today , engines will roar on the border amur. the best racers of the amur region and the kheilumdzyan province are awarded the title of fastest. alexey cherbakov, galina makushchenko, alexander raskazov, leonid kasavan, conduct the amuga region. vocal schools, performances, opera and ballet. an annual arts festival is held in sochi under the direction of yuri bashmet. this a bright event in the winter life of the resort town. a distinctive feature of the festival is the mixing of genres and experiments with styles. and forms, the theme will be continued by sofia sergieva. everyone here in the city knows that an international arts festival is taking place in sochi ; banners and posters like these are hung everywhere, and tickets sell out instantly. according to the organizers, at the performances of the bolshoi theater primalerina svetlana zakharvey , they were completely bought out in a few days.
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the evening of ballet in the winter theater was opened by a beautiful selphid, the oldest spirit of the forest in romantic performance in the world. it's like a cap dress, it's called a cap dress. i still have wings. this is bourninville’s choreography, it’s not exactly a classical ballet, there’s a lot of fine technique, and we want to convey to the viewer the feeling of a light, weightless dance, because she is a selphid - a spirit, the spirit of the forest. svetlana zakharova built this creative evening at the intersection of genres and contrasts, a combination of modern classics with the participation of recognized masters.
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real live performance. prima ballerina herself in a snow-white tutu and tiara under tchaikovsky's music was presented by diamonds from george balanchine's cycle in memory of st. petersburg, which he left exactly. 100 years ago, and a moment later she argued with the laws of physics itself, balancing a chair in the poignant composition revelation, a revelation of the japanese choreographer matoka hirayama. and this is little emma, ​​we met her during intermission; she has been studying ballet since she was 2 years old. this is just something, i really dreamed of seeing svetlana zakharova, she was so charismatic. dreams must certainly come true after the concert primalerina talked to the girl and gave her
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her instructions; the day before, as part of the arts festival, under the direction of yuri bashmet , a memorial concert was held in memory of the best, according to spaniards , carmen of the 10th century, opera singer elena obraztsova. according to andrei gromyk, she did more for soviet diplomacy than the entire foreign ministry.
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head, and at the same time think, what if all people become brothers on earth? sofia sergieva, stanislav petrov, kiril aksenov, lead. now a short advertisement, then we will talk about the disclosure of the loud one. murders in st. petersburg. not only the perpetrator, but also the person who ordered the attempts on the lawyer’s life were behind bars. about this, as well as about the car scam for 100 million rubles. in primorye and other important legal topics of the week in the final episode of the vesti dezhurnaya program. what is the most important thing in business? this is love. sber presents an award for entrepreneurs who are in love with their business. the winners will receive a whole year. clearing without commission and free opening and maintenance of an account for 5 years, all participants receive bonuses from
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new game hunting, draw every 15 minutes, main trophy from 20 million. hunting, check your instinct. wishes are fulfilled not by yourself, but by you, those who love to make small surprises and give great joy, who make plans and are responsible for the future of their family,
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those who are far away but are ready to overcome. any distance to be close to your closest ones, we believe that if a dream exists, it must come true, sber will help you realize everything you have planned, hello, the main right-wing topics of the outgoing week and the big investigations of our correspondents in the final episode of the program conduct money. i'm with you andrey ivlev. let's start with one of the most resonant topics of these days: participants in the contract killing of a lawyer were arrested in st. petersburg, here are the shots from the courtroom, only our film crew managed to film them. behind bars, the alleged customer is the perpetrator of a high-profile crime. it happened last tuesday. the killer opened fire near the school, in front of dozens of children, but instead of the lawyer, the bullet hit
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his driver. the man later died in hospital. the killer has already confessed. posterior showed where he hid the pistol with a silencer from which he fired. we’ll have a detailed report on this a little later, and we’ll talk about something else later in the program. detention of participants in a shootout in a tyumen courtyard, what relation do these people have to the leaders of the criminal world? a car scam worth 100 million, how the schemers from primorye acted and what the so-called auto designers have to do with it. the german monster came out of his cage to take part in court; a high-profile trial began in germany in the case of a rapist involved in the disappearance of herself the world's wanted girl, who disappeared, where the former tambov minister was hiding for almost 2 weeks, telling the police about a scandalous hunt, and what law enforcement officers found during searches in the ex-official's apartment. new details
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of the gantsev detective are skills. police investigators detained the participants in the shootout in the courtyard of a high-rise building. an armed conflict, here is its footage, took place in early january under the windows of a residential building. the attackers hid from the investigation for more than a month, how were they caught and what was their attitude? have to do with the leaders of the criminal world. only our film crew managed to communicate with those involved in the high-profile case. report by andrey romanov. this man in handcuffs, marif aliyev, is one of the likely participants.
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cctv cameras recorded six thugs dressed in black chasing a car, some of the robbers were shooting at the car with pistols. our interlocutor marif aliyev is easily recognized by his long beard; he is armed with a knife and pierces the rear wheel of the car with it several times. attacked driver desperately tries to maneuver in a narrow yard, rams the cars of the attackers, who are propping him up on both sides, hits several parked cars, and ultimately crashes into... a low fence of the front garden, these shots were taken by the raiders themselves, it is clear that the man behind the wheel is seriously injured. the driver of the black sedan was later taken to the hospital with a bullet in his shoulder. his companion, who was in the back seat, was hospitalized with a leg wound; the car that was shot at became one of the pieces of evidence in the criminal case; it is now sealed and stored in a separate box. car at
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the victim will now require expensive repairs; after numerous rams, the side parts are damaged. car, front rear bumpers, and also on the car there are many bullet holes, here are at least three on the windshield, this glass also seems to be broken from being hit by bullets, here, in the center of the body, there is another neat hole, judging by the shape of the bullet pierced the metal, they were obviously shooting not from a traumatic weapon, but from a military weapon. investigators believe that the main target of the attackers was the driver of the car, a businessman from moscow, khattam azizov, he allegedly has yes... investigators believe that behind the story of mutual hostility lies a serious conflict between influential criminal clans. the victim khatam azizov is known in
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criminal circles under the nickname javit. according to open sources, for many years he has been a member of the group of the so-called thief in law ravshan lenkaransky, who was killed in 2016 . there is also evidence that his attacker , marif aliyev, may be connected with people of another criminal authority, nadirali.
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the ministry of internal affairs managed to find their lair in the criminal investigation department of the tyumen residential area of ​​samara. tyumen police operatives, as a result of operational activities, have detained two suspected attempted murders in the city of samara. special forces soldiers entered the apartment where dangerous criminals were hiding with weapons and under the cover of armored shields. police, open the door.
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company, but the raider turned out to be unlucky; supposedly the pistol that his accomplices handed him during the attack jammed, and rasul could not make not a single shot, where here, just a sakhamchi, he simply didn’t shoot , three more raiders are on the federal wanted list, the residents of the house under the windows of which the shootout took place are scared, during the armed conflict at least two cars that belonged to the residents were damaged due to damage property, a separate criminal case was opened, but according to our information , the police are going to close it, because the victim damaged the vehicle not on purpose, but involuntarily, saving his life,
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in order to compensate for the damage, people will have to to sue khattam azizov, who crashed their cars, the detained marif aliyev believes that now it’s his opponent’s turn, they will attack again, i already know that, but if possible, you will still attack him, no, i’ll... protect yourself, what should you do? while the investigation is underway between the participants in this long-standing criminal conflict, there is time to find another peaceful way to get rid of differences, but given the gravity of the charges, they are unlikely to be able to get together at the negotiating table in the coming years. everyone risks being delayed for a long time in places of detention. andrey romanov, maria bukata, denis bezlakovsky, ivan usanov, lead the duty unit. in primorye , a large-scale auto accident involving 300 victims was uncovered. 100 million rub. schemers have entangled several regions of the country in their criminal web. my colleague alexandra mostovaya flew to vladivostok, found out the details of this criminal scheme, saw where and
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how artisans make the so-called auto constructors. special report from our program. green corner - the largest automobile market in the far east east. cars are brought here from japan, korea, china and the united states. it is always crowded here and not always everything is legal. we will tell you more about the deadly traps of the local schemers, but for now about one of the largest automobile scams in primorye. the price that was sold at auction in japan does not correspond to the one that was quoted to me in the payment document. vladivostok resident alexey chuvashov, one of the victims of the scammers, says he was deceived out of a million rubles. introduced ourselves major car dealers were promised to buy an suv from a japanese auction at a bargain price. but after making an advance payment. the cost of the car suddenly began to rise, the client risked being left without money without a car. olga pavlenko has a similar story. everything was paid for, we were told to pay an additional 600,000
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then they would give it to us. there are more than 300 victims in this case, all of them overpaid for their cars. the damage exceeds 100 million rubles. the scammers operated in several regions of the country at once. until they were revealed by employees of the ministry of internal affairs for primorsky edge. after the money was transferred, 2 months passed. naturally, the car was not delivered, or it was delivered, but in a completely different configuration. fraudsters were detained throughout the region. this is how, for example, they took the alleged author of this criminal scheme, a businessman from victor’s find. moloshenko, i don’t understand at all what he ’s talking about, i don’t understand, the probable fraudster has thought through everything carefully, his name is not listed in the contracts or payment documents. the police believe that all companies were specially registered for dummies. in the contracts that indicated the data, the personal data of the managers who participated in the transactions were registered to third parties. one of the companies is called tokio trade. according to open sources, its director is listed as a certain alexey kaigorodov.
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we found the man in the find. the owner of an automobile company with a multimillion-dollar turnover appeared before journalists in dirty overalls and orange rubber boots. it turned out that kaigorodov has a very peculiar attitude towards the auto business, works part-time as a parking lot watchman. i understand that it’s illegal, but a friend of mine asked me to help, just, well , initially, well, he said that everything would be fine, did they at least pay some money? no, i didn’t receive anything, it was all just trust. as follows from the materials of the criminal case, the actual owner of the company was the detained viktor moloshenko. in the offices of the companies where the operatives visited, they found more than 30 million rubles in cash. apparently, this is part of the illegal profits. company office in nakhodka tokio trade, according to our information, was located on the first floor of this residential building. after the searches took place, the sign was removed, and the employees hastily left their offices. now viktor maloshenko is in pre-trial detention; the defrauded clients of his companies no longer hope to get their money back. after japan banned the export of
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hybrid cars and cars with engine capacity to russia. for 1.9 liters, residents of the far east rushed to buy right-hand drive cars. prices for foreign cars have soared and along with them the number of unscrupulous suppliers has increased. our program talked about the fire on the angara ship, which occurred in the summer of 2022. as a result of the emergency , hundreds of people lost their cars. and my two cars burned down. the ship fire could have started during the cutting of one of the foreign cars. for the first time on television , our colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigative program spoke about this gray business. the journalists explained how during...
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at a makeshift workshop, fenced with a green metal fence on the territory of an auto junk warehouse, these are the so-called auto constructors, as we can see, here, in all likelihood, there was a seam, because the car was sawn apart, we can clearly see it, dozens of sawn bodies, side doors, rear-view mirrors and even steering cars, from these parts, in all likelihood , the designers assembled, welded the spare parts and at the end received a finished product car, we work for a salary, that is, we don’t ask unnecessary questions, yes... the employment contract is official, no, no, without an employment contract. the workers are clearly disingenuous, perhaps they simply don’t want to talk about their illegal business. superiors. fraudsters regularly come up with new deception schemes, so buyers need to be more careful. victims of a scam involving the supply of japanese cars at auction now purchase them only in trusted dealerships, although after the introduction of sanctions there was no time...


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