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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 25, 2024 7:00am-7:30am MSK

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early voting has started in russia for the presidential elections. it is carried out in remote, hard-to-reach places, and also for the first time in new subjects of the federation. 37 regions of the country have the right to announce such a format for some of their residents. we are primarily talking about sailors, fishermen and lumberjacks, as well as miners and employees of lighthouses in nature reserves. in addition, election commission employees will traditionally come to meteorological and polar stations and travel to distant settlements. regular transport does not go there; you will have to get there by helicopters or snowmobiles and even dog sledding. the commissions will bring sealed ballot boxes with them. according to statistics from the last presidential elections in russia , more than 210,000 voters voted early. including about
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3,000 sailors. russian assets will remain frozen until damages are compensated to ukraine, this statement was published in the final document of the online g7 summit chaired by italy. the group of seven countries also announced that they are going to tighten the price ceiling on our oil and continue to put pressure on companies from third countries. which will help bypass restrictions. has repeatedly called the sanctions illegal. the summit was held online due to the visit of a number of western leaders to kiev. they again promised to support the ukrainian armed forces until the last ukrainian. viewers of the ukrainian tv channel direct suddenly learned the truth. they were told directly from the tv screens how things really were on the front line. they also told what awaits the residents of the country in the future if the criminal kiev regime remains in power and continues hostilities. in the running line with this one.
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at the historical competitions of the games of the future there will be a super final in this discipline, but the participants in the dance simulator tournament , on the contrary, are just beginning to fight for victory. the day before, the point of attraction for the audience was robot battle after battle, which seemed to have come out of movie screens, observed danila makhalin. one of the main dangers for each robot is the two zones at the two edges of this ring; if the robot gets into them, then this lever quickly rises and the robot can simply fly off and roll over. however, sometimes troubles enough without this, there is a high probability of stumbling upon the enemy’s main weapon, be it... a flipper or a spinner, the battle is over,
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literally one such touch may be enough. the location of the battle of robots, the kazan circus, only instead of animals, acrobats, clowns, a real one hundred kilogram hero, similar to a vacuum cleaner, determined to incapacitate an opponent in 3 minutes, we always participate, sometimes at the ice palace, that is, it was always cold, right now i was at the crocus there, well, it was in moscow, at the circus for the first time...
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the surroundings therefore correspond. the full stands at kazan-expo watched how it all began with the cyber part of 2:2, however, on the screen you need to control a team of five people, each half for 3 minutes, then change the playing twos. after this, exit to the real field and continue the game without resetting the result. this is my first time participating in this format, it’s a little hard for me, of course, i’m not young anymore and i haven’t played for a long time. it requires constant movement, but the experience is interesting, especially in conjunction with a game console, it’s cool. exception in the form of station wagons, there
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kids from school, football school, by the way, there’s just nothing surprising about this in principle. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur, last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season and these months passed my business by,
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this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance and already broke the record for monthly sales in just one week, the sales season begins. let it go, join the megamarket, megamarket, just grow with us, give gifts with a free vtb credit card, 20% cashback on that's all, and 200 days without interest, with yota you can speed up, with yota you can do everything to the maximum, 50 gigs, 2.0 minutes for 399 rubles. can. yota! what a blessing that navita is on sale? and discounts up to 70%. give yourself and your loved ones a completely new technology. inspiring
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sale of electronics on avito. new yandex browser. give me nerosil. put together a presentation. with pictures like this to make the client melt. oh, sweeties! download the new yandex browser! be amazed at your neural powers! what do you think? are we going on vacation? class! and we 're going! third year, and put it off like that haven’t started, so open a vtb savings account, the rate is 16%, save up faster and transfer your salary to vtb, it will be! more profitable, let's go to the tank, mountains, skis, speed, you accumulated faster than you go down, vtb, together everything will work out, it tastes better on fire, burger king,
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burger king, when buying a car you can do without a car service if you have scanning vision, at least i would buy it. and those who don’t have superpowers, have a car library and a complete history of the car according to 25 criteria, calmer, buy with a car library on avito , one of my friends asks me to give it to her snowdrops, i give them, now the prices for flowers are such that it’s cheaper to buy a smartphone, mega discounts up to 50%. backgrounds with communication only in a megaphone , it’s just plastic, and this is alpha pay, the freedom to pay as it’s convenient for you, with a smartphone, a sticker or online, pay as conveniently with
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alphapay and receive a superkick every month, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, what for you? a good car, mileage, condition, comfort, and smells like new, everyone has their own good car, find it on the author. there will be no mercy,
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participants of an extremist group were detained in the belgorod region the organization has carried out more than thirty daring attacks on foreign citizens. hello, eduard is in the studio. these crimes were committed against foreigners, as they called them. killings of many people, it was a shocking moment for me, i didn’t understand why...
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he said that he adheres to the policy of national socialism, which was under nazi germany, i followed david’s instructions, most often striking the first blow, then he did the rest. unfortunately, these slogans, they quite quickly, often the fragile washed ones cling. for almost a year , a gang of strong guys operated in belgorod, terrifying foreigners. the victims of the thugs, as a rule, were black students at local universities. attacks happened in broad daylight in the most unexpected places. the nightmare for... ended immediately after the arrest of the group's leader , david tronenko, nicknamed korbit. this
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young man preached neo-nazi ideology and called his goal the creation of the belgorod region of the state, representatives of the so-called white race. how special services identified rabid neo-nazis and defeated their group. whom did david ranenko recruit into his. and what the extremists were planning to do, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation.
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this is a video recording of david tranenko's training, a young man who is improving his knife fighting technique and recording everything that happens on a smartphone camera. one night i will look at where you will spend the night and cut your throat. it is unclear who these threats are addressed to, but here is the following entry. together with david several guys. they arrange boxing sparring matches, and the main one then dashingly brandishes knives
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with tronenko himself in the leading role, only the video in this case is not shot by him. i think it’s probably the other way around, the training lasts an hour and a half. then the friends disperse, none of them realizes that all movements are being monitored by representatives of the belgorod fsb department, six people came out, heading straight towards us, that’s it, they said goodbye, they will disperse, one went towards the sports hall, he left, the covert surveillance continued for several months,
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most often, the sports ground in the archigery grove is a forest park, almost in the center of belgorod, 10-15 people gathered, the operatives found out the names and nicknames of all the participants in these strange trainings. the leader of david toronenko was called corbit by his comrades. for his explosive character, almost always next to him were vladislav tsurkin and dmitry poderyagin, respectively, the young cross, and also boris. salting, code. aleksey kazantsev, nicknamed grif, was a regular participant in outdoor sports activities. vladislav zhukovin - swede and felix alexandrov - serbian, david’s brother, andrey tronenko.
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yes. it is no coincidence that the special services pay such serious attention to these young guys; according to operatives, they are all involved in the brutal beatings of foreigners. the ground passage above vatutina avenue leads to an observation deck next to the monument to prince vladimir, a favorite place for belgorod residents, a kind of calling card of the city, it is always full of foreigners.
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the guy in the hooded jacket was clearly unlucky; he was of asian appearance and ran into local extremists, who, apparently, were not i liked the shape of his eyes. david ronenko strikes first, with a massive knuckle in his hand and joins in the beating.
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but another attack, the so-called direct action, took place in broad daylight on a student street. this time , two natives of the syrian arab republic became victims of the raiders. six brothers, led by carbide david tronenko, brutally beat the foreigner. come on, come on, come on, let's work. vlad, alexey
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kazantsev, and... lost consciousness at this time, continued beating another who was trying in every possible way to protect his head, to protect some vital organs. the blows were delivered with great cruelty, many blows with considerable force. almost all the victims filed
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reports of beatings to the city departments of the ministry of internal affairs. but it was not possible to identify the members of the group, the police could not trace the relationship between the crimes, then employees of the belgorod department of the fsb became involved in the case. during detailed work, they acquired information that attacks could david tranenko, born in 1999, was involved; attention was drawn to him due to openly extremist publications on social networks. on social networks we saw the page of tranenok david, which was filled with video materials, photos and texts regarding radical ideology.
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motorboating area, also with the chevron of the ss galicia, a division with a cap with the woten jugent logo, also a neo-nazi organization, with a knife in their ankle boots, well, with a high ankle boots and boots, in camouflage clothes. with all his appearance, david ronenko demonstrated belonging to the ideology of national socialism. and most importantly , he introduced this criminal belief among the young. on the internet, tronenko created a page called with city 31, which translates as a white city
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, occult signs, emblems, neo-nazis, symbols of the fascist ss troops were published here, in short, in the head of the young man there was clearly leapfrog and confusion, as a coat of arms, symbols of the extremist community. initially in the twentieth year in 2020 they used the coat of arms of the belgorod region stylized with a neo-nazi theme , here there is an eagle and a lion and a fascist one with the addition and with the addition of a nazi swastika with the addition of a slogan, that is, to the nazi salute and the white region 31 with the name of the extremist community itself 31 belgorod employees continued. methodically study the social network pages of david tronenko, known among his friends under the nickname corbit. tronenko
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used these photographs on various social networks to promote his extremist community, as well as the idea of ​​neo-nazism in general, that is, he was most looking for people who would respond to his publications, to his photographs with neo-nazi symbols, from whom he subsequently... selected candidates for members of the extremist community. the leader of belgorod extremists was under covert surveillance. here are the same footage that we showed at the beginning of the program. try to do everyone. this is a man, this is not ours.
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the leader of the extremist community and his supporters were detained on june 29, 2021.
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a real knife from those times. according to operational data, the extremists were planning an armed attacks not only on ordinary citizens, but even police officers began interrogations. the plans of the extremist community were much, well, more serious, more socially dangerous in the correspondence between participants, in communications between participants from the testimony of accomplices. we see that, uh, they were preparing for subsequent explosions of a police car, arson of a building near the fsb, regional police departments. but that's
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not all. after the planned terrorist attacks, david tonenko was planning to escape to a neighboring country; he pursued the goal of committing a mass a terrorist attack with the killing of many people, somewhere in places of mass gathering of people, including options for killing people in a mosque, in a synagogue, in other places of mass gathering, he did not hide his such goals of tasks and... committing a crime of such mass murder in his opinion , occupying some kind of leadership position there would contribute to the acceptance of his harm to some nationalist battalion aidar azov or something in this regard. david tronenko
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and two other extremist members community, andrei tronenko and dmitry poderyagin were placed in pre-trial detention during the investigation. the recording has started, so we go around putting on the mask. we pass, where we are going, to the office, no , here, straight, straight, straight, for example, andrei tronenko says why he went to jail, what is your article, 282, 282, and terrorize, yes, terrorize, well, participation in a family community, well, like terrorism, yes.
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and you have counterfeiters, yes, who is tsurkin, well, there are a lot of them, i don’t know them all, let’s divide, my brother, here’s dmitry poderyagin in turn talks about why it turned out to be in the season, me. you committed a crime, you were sent to prison, well, of course, we have precedents that you can not commit a crime, but go to prison, that’s what i thought of the bible, and you killed a man, well , it’s a sin on you, you’ll go to jail, this is that you worked there at the wrong time, well, this violation of the regime, let’s say, is also peculiar, but something severely punishes for this, the exact number of attacks on foreigners by members of david tranenko’s group has not been established, because many of the visitors
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just... tried on - according to the nature of the crime committed in a certain period in the territory of our region, there are more than thirty of them. here is a fragment of the investigative actions with the accused members of the tronenko group. they remember what happened well. for example, boris prossol spoke about a direct action campaign aimed at syrian citizens. and he fell on his side. he was lying, yes, on
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his right side. he closed, pulled his legs towards him, his friend, he screamed and ran, i watched as the swede and the serb and the kazan people ran after him, and he began to run away from him, and the swede with the serbs poured pepper on him, we found both victims, the first was sami batsh, originally from aleppo, syria, he came to belgrade. entered the medical faculty of a local university, stayed here, married a russian girl, they have two children, and works as a doctor. during the coronavirus pandemic, sami worked tirelessly in the ambulance crew, and says that the time was not easy. it was hard work, of course.


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