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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 25, 2024 9:30am-10:00am MSK

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i saw a lot of support actually, this time i saw a lot of attention. i think the press is starting to understand what the implications are, how serious this is, and that it's not just julione, but it actually puts a very, very real threat to the press's ability to do its job, especially the press that does the most important job, which forces power having to feel uncomfortable and worried. yes, there are few such journalists, but they still exist. stella asansh, thank you very much for this interview. thanks tucker. thank you. they go to war they leave to return, but they still have to get to the front to fight. rotations in the zaporozhye direction in a special report by anton stepanenko, immediately after the advertisement.
9:31 am
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what they eat, well, i don’t know, how delicious it is, how homemade it is, for what’s delicious, they thank him. thanks dear, so he got a call sign, dear 54 on the north military district has a second contract, here he became a grandfather, the morning of the beginning of the fifth began with arrivals, we all started to unpack, well, thank god the attack there was repulsed on the front end of the very first flank, that’s a lot if you go now it’s all for nothing, but don’t go now, they took a sample, it’s delicious, the way out, in fact, this is the last time when the guys will be able to eat in a normal way, hot, home-made, cooked, in positions of what you will eat, soups, stew, porridge, and i will show you, i will get ready, i will show you, and in general there is i want to, no, no
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, the last time i had a serious outlet, he didn’t eat for three days, i drank tea twice in three days, and water, mostly water, in a group of volunteers from the bars 11 detachment to go out tonight for rotation, the average age of fighters is 40 plus. reliable men, who have seen life, trench hard workers. they change their people to part-time positions, so their relatives pamper them. bars-11 has been holding defense in the orekhovsk direction since the summer, when the kiev offensive began. and although it choked, both then and now, this is the hottest section of the zaporozhye front. in strategic terms, in general, our sector is important than, if, accordingly, they pass , that is, they go to the main one,
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that he does not wait for his homeland to call, he is the first to get into formation, over the entire period of the detachment, i was convinced of one thing, that.. the russian spirit of a soldier, fighter, volunteer, in general russian, he is unshakable, this is the fortitude of those people who are possible in civilian life, and without
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thinking that this boy-hero, belomor , worked as a foreman in a factory, he is 55, has a wife. i made this decision for myself, he says: i ’ll go with my guys, they know me there, i ’ll be with them. how my mother endured them, mother, like all mothers, like all mothers, after the youngest, the ibelomor went to the front, it’s already the fifth month here, they asked me why you were going there, i’m like, why, well, then my grandchildren will ask me, you what did i do when i was
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mine, well, one day i was lying on the sofa there discussing everything, well, it’s not for me, how many options you have, i don’t know, the thing you need is already salt, well, and two grenades
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, how much they weigh, but i weighed them with two canters, maybe there was a mistake , but 18 exactly , four tourniquets, so that there is enough to tighten all the limbs, to help a wounded comrade they use only his first aid kit, not their own, this is their own order, in the order of things here are signs, amulets, talismans, everyone has their own, atheists in the trenches can not be.
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sprats also work well, finally i i think i’ll get to this stew, i ’ve been carrying it with me for the fifth month, back and forth, back and forth , i forget everything about it, my soul doesn’t lie there for the stew, here, to be honest, i’ve already eaten enough if i know how to cook. it’s good when you know how to prepare it, that is
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, you take a plate, pour a can of stewed meat into it, without fat, crush it, two packs, dry potatoes, dry potatoes, and pour a little water on it and mix it like a solution , then it infuses , mix it up, this is a cool topic. 170 g of water, pour 170 g of water, stir, you get it so thin, so thin, but it’s not like that, don’t trust the instructions, trust your eyes, belomor has collected the backpack, weighing how much it stretches , but i don’t know, not now it’s empty , well, so empty, now we’ll see, damn it, hit, oops, that’s just part equipment that the group will carry to... the private on the street before dark puts gas cylinders and gasoline into the water, which you can’t do without in positions,
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the detachment of your unit has some traditions, when the guys leave, they come back, damn it, well before there is no way out to wash, not to shave, and that’s why we’re sitting here unshaved, ready for battle, we still have to get to the battle in which his collage can be useful, now i overheard some area, it was probably mined. accordingly, if the enemy sees this by means of visual control, then
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the danger will increase significantly, that is , the work of mortars, cluster munitions on the bed begins, accordingly, according to these studies, mining is carried out, komikazes are working, drops, that is, well, they throw all the means it is difficult to prevent personnel from being replaced this, you don’t know the people you live with? you share blood, food , that is, everything for months, it’s like you live here as one family, when these people leave, well, damn, you worry, your brothers, so we have to hope for...
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each for 40 kg, things in the back are laid out like this so as not to scatter primers on potholes , where sometimes you can only drive a tank, you have some signs, signs, well, i only took a metal spoon from home with a promise to return it back, i took a table spoon from my mother, well, of course i will return it , it takes minutes to get to the unloading point 40, that’s if you’re lucky, now it all depends on the driver, and what’s more worrying? not to the point of unloading or infantry, then it seems to me both ways, because the car is a priority, this is the first target that the enemy can hit, as if you need to quickly get there, quickly unload and, as they say, run away from there, scatter, don’t cluster together, as
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yaary says, you can’t overtake everything with one blow, rotation itself is an extremely complex and unpredictable operation. the situation is changing so quickly that it is simply impossible to foresee all the nuances. rotation it’s alarming because first of all you are always on the surface, that is, you are not in shelter. when a group is on the march, it is quite easy to open it, using enemy reconnaissance means, and , accordingly, inflict fire damage, precisely because rotation is dangerous because it is a large number of people outside their shelters. get to the unloading point.
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you have to hide, cluster soup ammunition, a missile warhead that fills trenches, forest plantations, roads, everything , they hang on the trees like christmas trees decorations ready to explode even from the wind, with a white fragmentation ribbon, with a yellow high-explosive one, this is the road the group should take to the positions, the guys are lucky, the rotation point and the unloading point coincide, that is, the guys will have to walk only a kilometer and a half to the front line, otherwise in this case,
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there are strict rules of movement to the front line, a distance of 30-40 m, radio silence in the air , enemy drones with night lights, therefore , having become the target of a drone, you have the courage not to call for help, in fact. this is why rotation is perhaps the most unpredictable operation, we planned to drive one closer , but we couldn’t get through, the road was so unraveled, the rut was broken, that the car couldn’t go further, even the ural, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, the reverse light goes out in first gear, forward, into the swing, after the fourth
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time it’s possible to break through, it just seems like a flat, hard surface, but in reality it’s all mud - slurry, or as they call it, mulyaka, and the car is not so much for it, as it is rowing with all six wheels, the urals are straight floating in this mud, a group from the front line to it takes twice as long to walk by evacuation vehicle, they finally get out, welcome back, thank you, it was hard to get out, well , it’s a lot of walking, almost 6 km.
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wash, and only then eat, sleep and just smoke on a bench, without fear that it will fly in, in everyday life in positions, what is the most difficult thing? i don’t want to run to the toilet, because the drones are flying, distracting , they keep flying, and they fly all the time during the day, they hang, they just hover and hang over the course, as soon as you come out, the trilens begin, he corrects. the tapes start immediately there cassettes mines mines and the tank still shoot well for them now there is a week of silence, when they will enjoy every hour, and
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then back to the front line, mom, hello, everything is fine, alive, healthy, that’s all, i say hello, don’t worry, how long once i went there, i didn’t read a lot, the genie is already fighting his second contract, his wife, children, grandchildren are at home
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, for him, i wouldn’t know what’s going on here, but i know, i know how what kind of tanks arrive to us dugout, i...
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we need to evacuate, but there is no way to evacuate, and how do you understand what else a little bit and it’s as if the irreversible will begin, and you can’t do anything anymore, you ’ve given your best, i understand, i’m starting to do this, the dogs will get sick, the cats will get sick.
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yes jokes joke jokes poison you know jokes you will poison now you will poison now we will give you the whole enema i won’t refuse yes we will wipe it a little we will disinfect it tweezer tweezer no you yourself will come to this if something happens.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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dad and i went here as children, we also lay like that, silent, figure skater, but not i’m skating, just skate , focus on training, you dreamed of this cup, you can jump, but why don’t you believe in it, i’ll prepare myself, the thirst for victory is in her blood, don’t look, don’t look.
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the whole war is cunning, in fact , the more cunning, the more maneuverable, the more chances you have of winning, it’s difficult when you lose someone, when you injure someone, we have a field temple, the guys and i constantly visit it, i also pray not only for myself, but for my comrades, they listen very carefully to the sermons, they miss this, this word god's help is necessary, you must pray with them . address of the president of the russian
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federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live broadcast on february 29 at 12:00 moscow time. in donetsk, doctors are treating the wounded during heavy shelling of the city by the ukrainian armed forces. us-made missiles hit the very center of the dpr capital and exploded near a restaurant where a wedding was being celebrated at that moment. two people were taken to the hospital. the terrorists of the kiev regime again used their favorite tactics. when they gathered at the site of the impact emergency services at the journalist there was a new attack.


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