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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 25, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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but the methods raised questions among many of those who, in their opinion, violated traffic rules, they put stickers on the windows, getting caught on two counts at once, petty hooliganism and arbitrariness, man, man, please catch them, sticking by pimps increasingly often ended in fights or even shooting. media personalities were often caught on their cameras; here they conflict with actor valery barinov; in this video, gymnast alexey nemov actively communicates with them. in 2018, the ministry of justice liquidated the movement, there was a logic in this, to fight so fiercely for the law, while it is impossible to violate it regularly, and a turning point has emerged in public opinion. the idea is good, just without aggression, but for them it’s like everything has already moved into the criminal area. as long as they were within some framework of more or less legality, it was one thing when they switched to this kind of hype component. then this
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, of course, became too much, of course, the fact that they were not fighting for compliance with the laws, for the number of views and likes, also leaves no doubt, if it were legal, i mean, they saw a violation, recorded, called the traffic police officers, then these videos would not have aroused interest among their viewers, naturally it was necessary to cause some kind of conflict situation in order to start some kind of dialogue with this driver and to arouse interest among... directly among their viewers the trial of the activists lasted a year and a half, over thirty witnesses were questioned, video recordings were examined and seized, which recorded the illegal actions of the defendants. the investigation obtained irrefutable evidence confirming the involvement of accomplices in the criminal acts accused of them. the babushkinsky court sentenced all three participants in the fraud to six years in prison in a general regime colony. maxim abarin, mikhail verdiev, igor stepanov, pavel letnik. a week in the city,
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we will return soon to the main stories that happened nearby, now there is news that could not be ignored. nurses in the capital's hospitals now have mechanical-electronic colleagues; robot couriers successfully deliver food, medicine and necessary items to the wards. the experiment continues it’s been 3 months already, during which time the robot cats, as they are called, have completed more than 30,000 tasks. this miracle of technology can be seen in the corridors of varahobogo hospitals. as well as at the sklifosovsky institute. the section of the m5 ural highway, which passes through lyubertsy near moscow , will be launched in the fall. the road will bypass the village of oktyabrsky and significantly relieve congestion on the neighboring novoryazanskoye highway. several new interchanges are also being built there. for hundreds of thousands of residents of four city districts at once, travel time from moscow to home will be reduced more than three times. well, the famous katyusha, the little panda from moscow. the zoo
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is becoming a real star, keychains with a built-in troika card, depicting a bamboo bear cub, are now on sale. you can buy the new product at the information desks in souvenir shops on trubnaya and mayakovskaya. katyusha herself now weighs 15 kg, she is no longer gray, like any baby, she has even learned to tumble. meanwhile, in the center of moscow , a children's center that is almost 100 years old may close. guys, retirees too. which they did vocals, theater arts, sports there, they just asked to go out, along with them and a workshop where volunteers sewed warm underwear for our soldiers. there was also no place for the patriotic club, which was located next door. and to evict the children of their teachers, they even sent police with machine guns to the center. what is going on, is this legal? our oksana maksimova immediately stood up to defend justice. three healthy ones. they brazenly kick out
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two completely defenseless women, in the entrance on the stairs there is noise and indignation in at the elli cultural and leisure center on the first miuska street, the doors are closed , classes are cancelled, here we work out completely free of charge, elderly people, longevity, i don’t understand what’s going on, the entrance to the organization is guarded by a policeman with a machine gun, outside the door representatives of the tverskoy district government and the police are describing property, everything happens according to the law here, well... i think so. before the eviction began, the center first turned off the power and water, then took decisive action. you represent the government, right? the premises are located in run by the local government. two dozen free clubs for children and adults have worked here for more than 30 years. the lease agreement was renewed every 3 years, but this year the competition for the right to be here was suddenly held according to a different scheme. we were misled, we were told that the documents would be ready soon and the competition would be held. the director of the center has doubts about the legality of the competition.
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the organization remained on the street altogether, a competition came, we submitted an application, but our application was lost, but the new hostel was right here in the center of moskvyusskaya, the local administration obviously has no complaints, we don’t push hands, non-profit organizations in the struggle for a place in the city are clearly losing to companies
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that bring in money, but how much to estimate the clubs a stone’s throw from the house, which make childhood bright, soviet times, free sections, courses for for teenage children were not only a form of leisure, they helped to get... somehow preserved in my memory, what adds spice to the situation with the elli center on pervaya miuskaya is that the premises will be occupied by another club solar angel, it won the competition, in the organization deals with children with down syndrome. the boys are bakers, and our girls are designers, seamstresses, models, everything. we
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won the competition and entered into an agreement with the prefecture, and we pay, interestingly, and pay utilities for this premises. in the center. ellie is perplexed as to why two helpful children's organizations are put in a situation where the victory of one must result in the collapse of the other. i understand everything that yes, there are children with down syndrome, there are special competitions for them, very good, but why pit two organizations very skillfully against one another? actress ksenia alferova has been involved in charity work for 12 years and knows how difficult it is to find space for a good cause. in my opinion, the situation is wild, what is the center? children's creativity, this is not just a set of rooms, this is already a living, some kind of established, necessary, important organism, it is criminal, in my opinion, to do such things, criminal, because those children who studied there, well, they will not return here already. the doors of the elli center were sealed, the director was taken to the police to find out everything
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circumstances of the incident, the right to exist, the organization intends to defend in court. oksana maksimova, denis voskovsky, igor yaroslavtsev, alexander kucherovsky, inna borisova, a week in the city. this week in the city and the most interesting stories, as always, are ahead, we have a very short advertisement, but tea or coffee is on time to fly, order a free credit card with a whole year without interest and receive a supercake in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atm , not just profitable. alpha benefits from the head pain there is ascafen p at an affordable price and ascafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. alyon, again shopping for gifts on marketplaces with a
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so, moscow transport, this phrase in recent years has not in vain become synonymous with not just fast, but... shaped development, real scientific and technological progress, and also the highest level of precision comfort. by buses, electric trains, metro trains, you can set the clock. this week it became known what changes await the capital's transport system in the coming years. among other things, these are five more regular routes of electric vessels, three new metro lines and unmanned trams. and these changes will go far beyond the borders of moscow. which direction is the big transport moving? the economy of the capital and what awaits passengers, we have learned everything, a new product that
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is already firmly on the rails, the newest moscow 2024 trains can even be seen at the stations, while there are no passengers , the trains are being run-in, drivers are mastering new equipment, press kvd, hold kvd, here so, these futuristic, almost silent trains with bright side lights will replace veteran cars on the green line this year, those who worked theirs. millions of passengers will instantly reach a completely different level of comfort. over the past 15 years, the metro has become completely different: instead of 182 stations, there are 430, including four lines of the mcd and the mcc. this is a transport artery that led to gentrification, that is, to the radical development of huge industrial, old industrial areas of moscow. rail transport is the main priority for... in the coming years, tram routes and lines laid to new moscow will expand.
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three new lines will appear in the metro: berilyovskaya, rublevo, arkhangelskaya and troitskaya. its first site will open this year. the moscow transport ticket system will cover all suburban railway lines, which will make people’s trips even more profitable. trains that connect moscow with regional centers and the largest cities of central russia will begin to run six times more often. and this. a new bridge is being built across the moscow river. 230 m of steel structures packed with technology. there are even wi-fi sensors that monitor load levels. from good mnevnik to filyovsky park you can will not take a detour, but directly across the river. two more bridges are being built near novozavodskaya street and shelepikhinskaya embankment. thus, it turns out that shelepikhinskaya embankment can be driven to the north-western chord. overall, of course, this is a serious improvement. this entire area is home to about 300,000 inhabitants. the new bridge will open next year.
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the large moscow resettlement continues. the renovation program is not talked about as often now as it was just a few years ago, but this is only because it has become absolutely working rhythm. five-story buildings are being demolished one after another, new houses are being built according to the approved schedule, thousands of families are moving into spacious apartments. now the second wave of this process has already begun ; even more preparations are being made for the move. 50 thousand families, and for each this will be a long-awaited event, after many years of living in khrushchev, receiving a new modern apartment, this is, without exaggeration , an event of incredible scale at... they were also invited to a housewarming party. it is always exciting and amazing to watch how another family participating in the program renovations, moving from an old apartment to a new one. any person whose considerable part of his life was in one way or another connected with the khrushchev era will understand these emotions. we had an apartment of 28 m2, that is, there was a big dog, a cat, just the two of us. we have been waiting
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for this move for the last months so that we can finally feel freedom. after the cramped panels, kharoma’s new apartment, and there are those. who are moving not even from apartments, from rooms, and this is a completely new life, for example, the kitchen, it is completely at my disposal, i can do whatever i want. now in nine districts the city included 12 more sites in the renovation program; another 6,500 people will receive housing in the houses that will be built there. large-scale restoration of the most famous monasteries continues in moscow, those without which it is simply impossible to imagine the city and its history, or the whole. thousand-year-old russia, they are like the guardians of the truly eternal, eternal, like an unshakable foundation on which everything stands. now experienced craftsmen are working in the oldest convent in the capital, alekseevsky. it has never been renovated since its founding in beginning of the 19th century. and in the course of his work, the restorer discovers age-old secrets that make
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russian history brighter, more voluminous, and richer. anna also peered into the depths of centuries. new ventilation so that there is always fresh air. are you ready for an update? well, this , of course, is the first convent in moscow; it changed its location three times and finally settled here in the krasnoselsky district in 1837. during the soviet years, the walls and towers of the alekseevsky monastery were demolished. the temples housed a house of pioneers and an institute; later, in the nineties, the territory was divided by a highway. the monastery garden has almost completely disappeared.
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the integrity of the territory is being restored, a large institute building has been transferred to the monastery. farm , inside of which there is a church of the exaltation of the cross, the area will be landscaped, the garden will be even larger than before, all buildings will be restored, the main temple, which has been in disrepair for several years, will be strengthened, a large piece of plaster fell in the middle of the temple, after which we were forced to build a dome cover with boards, they say that there is an incredibly beautiful painting hiding up there, to see it, we climb up bell tower, then we will cross this wooden bridge, this bridge... was built specifically for restorers, except for them, no one has ever climbed here, we go and get straight into the drum of the temple, we climbed right up to the dome, the service has already begun, the temple is under us, but we still have the opportunity to look closely at the aging of the frescoes, of course, from old age they have turned black,
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darkened, smoky, but if you look closely on the walls... faces begin to appear on the dome. restoration of the donskoy monastery continues. most of the work was completed even last year. the domes of the cathedral sparkled, now they are again strewn with stars. the abbots restored the house to its historical appearance. the towers have become brighter and more visible, but not all yet. the south tower is in the worst condition. there are some difficulties here. the necropolis, famous for the don monastery, adjoins very close to this wall. and very large measures are required to cover these graves. donskoy. the monastery was founded at the end of the 15th century, there is a wall and 12 towers, from where it was possible to fire at the enemy approaching the city, built a century later, then it was a powerful defensive fortress, and after the revolution , the saved architectural wealth of the city was hidden behind the walls of the monastery. during soviet times, the donskoy monastery was a real refuge for a wide variety of cultural treasures in moscow.
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fragments of the destroyed sukharev tower and triumphal arch were brought here. in the thirties they managed to bring this one out too. the church of st. john chrysostom closed after the revolution and has rarely been opened since then; built in the byzantine style, it stands out from the entire ensemble, almost the marble iconostasis is ready, all that remains is to finish the paintings, after which worship will immediately resume. returned to life, work will be completed next year. anna balan, anton dubnov and pavel letnikov, a week in the city. one of the main nightmares for any resident of the capital is a neighbor. with a hostel, as soon as one appears in a residential building, the long-term idyll that reigned in the yard comes to an end, the guests in such lodging houses are most often very specific with their own ideas
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about how to relax, and now these establishments have begun to open in places for entire generations of muscovites , iconic, legendary, the polish fashion store is just one of those, some threw something there, while others snatched it, a temple of trade, where... scarcity became a relative concept, there were several of these on the map of moscow, with those who irina baranova reminisced about exactly where to get what and how to get it. at the meeting announced by businessmen, the owners of apartments on the street of twenty-six baku commissars came out not to participate, but to protest.
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i didn’t have any makeup, i went to vanda, but
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at that time, the announcer didn’t wear anything for us , nor were there such queues, women were standing because they had thrown away perfume, there was polish, lipstick, cosmetics, some kind of tonic, and we bought everything there, women then really fought for beauty so that.. .. snatch a lip gloss in a fashionable shade of plum color or a perfume with an intriguing name, maybe. there was one common phrase in the soviet years: a chicken is not a bird, bulgaria is not a foreign country. however, the sofia store was another place of pilgrimage for muscovites, each of whom did not leave him without a bottle of rose oil. it was always available. everything else on the counter, as they said then, was thrown away, and the thrown away scattered in a matter of hours. if you knew a friend, i... uh, a woman who ran a store, then you just won the super lottery, you will look brand new as the most fashionable on your street. in an era of shortages, taxi drivers at
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vnukovo airport did not specify the address when asked by client yadran. almost at the exit from moscow, at the end of the trade union street , was located the most capitalist of all socialist stores. in jadran you could buy everything, from yugoslav perfumes with a now surprising name. to uvelor furniture, but this is already due to great connections. many of these things are still kept in families as heirlooms, they are kept because this is youth, these are family stories that ultimately make up the history of moscow, which is also why the residents of the street of twenty-six baku commissars stand in the way of businessmen who set up shop there, where several generations of soviets spent their youth women. irina baranova, timofey faliev, neli borisova, ekaterina romanova. a week in the city. but here is the case when even the shortage is good old, nostalgia, it was a week in the city, we will be back in exactly 7 days, see you.
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from time immemorial, the law reigned in russia , the people, princes, and governors chose together, this approach of democratic elections of authorities publicly, we keep to this day, filling out the ballot, choosing traditionally only innovatively, progress helps us, improving the process. dec is truly a find, votes quickly, clearly, from a laptop or smartphone.
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in russia there are millions of people who are homeless , there is a convenient solution: to call the elections home, take a portable box, there is a mobile voter, with the swinging way of life , the traveler votes freely anywhere, so that we can comfortably make plans freely, we choose a candidate on a date convenient for us, on at the station, be calm, video control is in place, except for the cameras at the station, like heroes and fairy tales, the observers stand for the law. they are monitoring, in general, everything is technologically advanced, you can see it in person by looking at the website at the site cycl rf, in donetsk, doctors are providing assistance to a wounded person during heavy shelling of the city by the ukrainian armed forces,
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rockets made in the usa. hit the very center of the capital of the dpr and exploded near a restaurant where a wedding was being celebrated at that moment, two people were wounded by shrapnel. vadim topalov with details. there is a huge crater near one of the popular donetsk restaurants; ukrainian terrorists fired at a wedding. the rocket arrived at the beginning of the seventh evening during the first dance of the newlyweds. the doors of this establishment are closed, unfortunately inside we can’t get in, but through the open window we can see what’s on the tables . snacks, to which ukrainian militants added fragments from multiple launch rocket systems, the shelling took place in the midst of the ceremony, half-drunk champagne can be seen on the tables. at the time of the shelling, there were up to 50 people in the hall; it was only by luck that no one died. two civilians arrived from shelling in the city center; they were helped in the emergency department; the patients suffered from mine explosion injuries.


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