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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 25, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

12:30 pm
even worse, the scoundrels beat him severely, in addition they broke his arm, that day we were just walking on our own, i don’t even want to remember, it was tough, but he and i were walking with water, we were just going to our restaurant, a group of people attacked us, which we couldn’t even imagine that this would happen to us, because since i’ve been here for 13 years, i haven’t had any problems, on that day they attacked us and they broke my arm and now i have more broken ones.
12:31 pm
they looked at david tronenko as if he were a deity and unquestioningly carried out his orders for the execution of direct actions. one of them was aimed at chinese citizens. suntan and hauji-han, students of the belgorod state technological university, study at the faculty of economics on a... commercial basis and pay
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a lot of money for it. a significant part of these funds goes to the budget of the belgorod region. from this money, local kindergartens, schools, clinics and hospitals are financed, but corbit and his team did not even think about this, or maybe they have such cause-and-effect relationships and there weren't enough brains. chinese students still remember it with horror.
12:33 pm
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12:37 pm
to understand what david tronenko, nicknamed corbit, is like, we decided to talk to him ourselves, but first, while our requests were being considered, we met his family and went to visit border village of nikhoteevka. it turned out that until 2015, the spouses oleg and svetlana tranenka , their three sons, david, andrey and daniil, lived in a village in the dnepropetrovsk region, in ukraine. we lived very well, we lived very
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well, but the whole situation that arose in 1914, the dnepr battalion began to be based here, when i saw what kind of people they were, our children couldn’t even go to the store because... in the scars , they bought everything there with gold cards and behaved disgracefully, i say, light, i say, it is necessary to do something, because children, young boys, men were also being taken away to the ato, and you have three sons, three sons, i knew where they would end up, you know, and we decided with my wife to come to russia, first we filmed an apartment in lipetsk, received russian citizenship there, and then moved to the belgorod region, closer to ukraine, stayed there... and then the eldest son david turned 18, he decided to move to the capital and work. david spent almost 2 years in moscow, and when he returned home, he became completely different, somehow uncontrollable. he
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said, i will not be the watchdog of the system. i don’t know, this is the first time such words were spoken. did you explain to him, or what were we talking about? the conversation was going on all the time , i say, son, how can you , i say, you dreamed, no, he says, now i won’t serve anyone, that’s it, that’s it, i’m a partisan, imagine, that’s what he said, that i’m a portica, now the parents of david tronenko understand perfectly well what their sons have gotten themselves into, the eldest david is the middle andrey, but they really hope that their children will come to their senses in the end, you have no life, son experience, i always repeated this to you, only life will sort out who is right and who is wrong, so...
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bring suffering to people, you will answer, you will suffer, with the leader of an extremist group. i remember, well, yes, there were disagreements with the authorities, after all, in general, my whole life,
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in fact, it changed very much depending on how they treated me, as soon as i saw different, how to say, rude attitudes and such, how to say, when they looked at me like a slave, i immediately broke off all relations with these people, just like actually, because of this i had various problems in the army and in the future. at work and practically, as i say , they accompany me all my life, here are various interesting stories that come out because of my impatience, namely servility, my father found a job in a construction company, the company deals with government tenders, that is, me he worked as a builder in two positions, a concreter-reinforcement worker and a high-rise installer, but corbit did not keep tronenko in the latter position for long.
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corbid's explanations are more than strange, here
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how he tried to justify the syrian attack. the syrians have a video on the internet, on vkontakte, last year or the year before, near belgu, near the university, in an underpass, eight of them beat two russian guys, so we simply have to resist them, all our attacks are... he is syrian nationality, but he is a doctor, he treats people just like you, me, like other people, these same, these same doctors, they, this absolutely does not stop them from committing various crimes. of course, regarding the dream of achieving high positions in the ukrainian national battalions, david tranenko today refuses, apparently understands what this could threaten him with. were going to continue my service somewhere there, for example in azov, i really wanted to leave the russian federation and continue
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my activities in ukraine, but not in the security forces and especially not in azov, because in azov there are various people of other races, but for for me, as for national socialism, this is not absolutely unacceptable. we met with several members of david tronenko’s extremist community. with those to whom he openly fooled people, hiding behind his own ideas for building the world.
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here is alexey kazantsev, in the group he was given the nickname “he was involved in athletics, worked as a cook, when he took part in direct action, he was still a minor, now, having found himself under investigation ... of national socialism, which was with said that he adheres to nazi policies germany, and what is finding guys, like supporters, is gradually developing, he offered to try himself in his business,
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told about the actions, what is it? well, the fight against migrants, the fight against the enemies of, well, as he said, the russian people, and migrants are the enemies of the russian people, well, he thought so, well , you thought so too or you think so, i don’t think so now, alexey kazantsev seems to have really repented and even i tried as best i could to make amends to the foreigners, not really... but i met with both syrians, i made my apologies to them , fortunately they forgave me, i really do, i’m really sorry that this happened, i'm really glad that these people forgave me, that they understood that i
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i made a mistake, something like this, but since you’re not working, can you still compensate? now tsurkin repents, says that he was mistaken and truthfully talks about his, in quotes, exploits. so what did you do? i followed david's instructions, what did he demand from you? most often, the first blow is delivered to the victim, because, well, in connection with my
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activities, sports, contact martial arts, i have a knockout blow.
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“i’m sorry, i’m very sorry that i was like this, like this, because i know my character, i wouldn’t forgive my son for something like that, no,
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it is unknown how long the court hearings will last, but now we can say with complete confidence that not a single participant in the extremist community will escape responsibility. the commission of crimes by neo-nazis seems to begin, well, call them harmless, complex, but a crime of great gravity, these are beatings, beatings, the use of violence, maybe.
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the opportunity to recruit their own groups and thus , over time, turn them into such a leader, to enable them to spread this activity not only within the region, but beyond it outside, meaning after a possible departure from the country, how did he plan to do this? groups similar to the extremist community of david tronenko have been frequently identified in our country over the past 2 years, in the rostov region.
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dozens of citizens were interrogated, pistols, grenades, cartridges, bladed weapons and a lot of extremist materials were confiscated. parliamentarians and politicians have been talking about the danger of the spread of extremism in modern russia for a long time; there is an urgent need to systematize the resources of adherents radical views. in the summer of 2022 , the russian state duma adopted a bill to create a data bank of extremist materials. this is a collection of all extremist materials in one.
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extremism can develop into even more serious crimes, unfortunately, there are enough examples of this in the modern history of russia, why, why does this phenomenon not leave us, well, by the way, including because of its such a decent spread on social networks, to unfortunately, these slogans often catch on quite quickly fragile minds , first of all these are young people, of course, this is the target audience
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, teenagers cannot express themselves in the adult world, although they have such a need, and often extremist ideas fill the void, provide a point of reference in a world where it is not very clear what what is possible and what is not, teachers, professors, and first of all , parents need to constantly communicate with children and explain what a person can do for his people and... his country.
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this is how we saw the story of the defeat of the extremist group of david tronenko. nicknamed corbit, this was our investigation from the belgorod region, only you can draw conclusions, see you on the russia 24 tv channel
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. mobile voting point. pa, are you waiting for someone? but now you will see, this is a special mobile point that will come to places where there is no polling station and transport rarely goes, so that every resident can vote. how does it all work here? and just like at a regular station, you present your passport. you receive a ballot, make a choice and vote, but how will your ballot be saved? the boxes are sealed, the ballots from them will be stored in safe bags until the end of voting, and there will also be observers at the polling station.
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hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics. through concrete stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? all resources must be mobilized. give me a recipe on how to achieve what you have achieved. you feel like you're on top of the world. he got up, shook himself off and went. is
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russia ready for me? in any structure there is an evolution , the first one that i had in august does its job efficiently, if you do it well, then everything works out, i bet, the whole war is a trick, in fact, than...
1:00 pm
retreating, the ukrainian military inflicts terrorist attacks on civilians, in the consequence of an attack from the american haimers rocket system in these minutes. eliminated in donetsk, one person died, three more received shrapnel wounds. from the scene of the event, report by vadim topalov. there is a huge crater near one of the popular donetsk restaurants; ukrainian terrorists fired at a wedding. the rocket arrived at the beginning of the seventh evening, during the first dance of the newlyweds. the doors of this establishment are closed, unfortunately, we cannot get inside, but through the open window we can see what is on the tables snacks.


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