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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 25, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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the most painstaking, it is necessary to restore not only the original appearance, but also the frescoes that have become weathered over time. the temple is also unique for its acoustics, history keepers say, this is also a design feature that was included in the project by architect nikolai benois, and now the restorers have a difficult task - to preserve these acoustic properties. work miracles. father sergei, rector of the temple for more than 20 years. services are currently only taking place in the lower part of the building in the basement. this is how you have to keep warm firewood, but over all these years the faith that the temple would someday be restored did not leave, the priest admits. of course, this is the despair of the entire people, here, the residents of the village of vysokoye, and, of course, the priests. whenever you see a ruined temple, they are twofold.
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feeling, that is, it is delight, splendor from the architecture, and, of course, bitterness from the loss of these monuments of their neglect. large-scale work will begin very soon in the building of the former agricultural technical school, this is also part of the ensemble of the noble estate. in that 54 agronomists and mechanics will graduate here this year, and in september students will begin their studies at the updated technological college.
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college will have comfortable living conditions. now work is in full swing in the historical premises of the stud farm, where in the future there will be rooms for students. and all this is the first stage of the large restoration of the sheremetyev estate, noted vyacheslav volodin. after its completion , the restoration of the remaining nine architectural monuments will be discussed. implementation of planned plans will make it possible to create a large cultural and educational center in the village and breathe new life into this territory. and local residents asked, is this really it? it will be, that’s why, when the restoration work began, here, of course, we were all very happy, we hope that all this will come true, but still it will continue to develop highly, a similar project for the preservation of cultural heritage sites vyacheslav volodin is implementing in his constituency in the saratov region, the program includes the restoration twenty historical... in the second part
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of our program, see: supervision of pedophiles will become tougher, we are establishing self-bans on loans, detailed instructions on how prices for eggs and meat and poultry are under the control of parliamentarians. the final four of the russian minifootball cup is taking place in norilsk, the match for third place has already ended, the bronze medal went to the communist party of the russian federation team. the final match will begin in a few minutes, with niki from naril and gazprom ugra facing each other. my colleague alexander abramov is watching the tournament, he is in direct contact with narilsk. sash, greetings, as far as i can tell from the picture, the championship is taking place in the football complex at aika. an iconic place for...
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three this year is hosted by the ike sports palace, which is named after the polar bear; it can accommodate about 1,100 spectators, and of course, today the main match will be sold out. well, just recently, here, at the aika sports palace in norilsk, the match for bronze medals has already ended. the moscow club of the communist party of the russian federation beat another participant in the final four on penalties, this is the ukhta team. i remember, that it was the communist party of the russian federation that were the current champions of russia and that it was the moscow club that was considered the favorite. football, this is a relatively
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new format, four teams gather in one city, play in the format of two semi-finals, a match for bronze and a final, so this is how we see, today norilsk nickel will have the opportunity to compete and perhaps take the trophy on their home court. it is curious, by the way, that initially the two semi-finals were supposed to take place here in norilsk on friday, but the weather interfered with the schedule of the tournament in norilsk, or rather near norilsk, it was stormy. warning, heavy snow and the local airport did not accept planes, so not all participants in the final four simply managed to get to norilsk on time, so instead of friday, the semi-finals were played the day before on saturday, well , in general, the format of mini-football as a sport is quite acceptable when
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matches are played 2 days or even more often in a row, so for the football players themselves, for the participants in the final four, this is of course not new, they are as much as possible... used to this and gazprom yugra and norilsk nickel have already become winners of the russian football cup at different times, so on the one hand we can say that today the cup will have a new owner, because last year’s winner of the tournament, ekaterenburg senaro, didn’t even make it to the final four this year, on the other on the other hand, i repeat, both clubs already had this trophy once, so it will just be another plus in the club’s museum, we are waiting for the start of the match, mini-football is a sign:
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the parliamentary hour is on the air and we continue. the worse the situation at the front for the ukrainian armed forces, the more often they strike civilian targets. this was announced by state duma vice speaker anna kuznetsova during a regular meeting of the parliamentary commission to investigate criminal acts against minors by the kiev regime. since the end of last year , 11 children have been killed and 22 injured due to ukrainian actions. more than twenty children's infrastructure facilities were damaged. since the beginning of the year , more than 9,000 arrivals of fsu shells have been recorded on the territory of the new reunited regions of russia. militants use jets multiple launch rocket systems with cluster warheads produced by nato countries. mainly
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usa, germany and czech republic. materials on confirmed facts of ukrainian crimes against children already occupy more than 300 pages, including reliable information about testing new vaccines on children. proposals on the possibility of discussing the crimes of the kiev regime at the brix parliamentary forum, it will be held here . what is important, it seems to me, is to prepare now in st. petersburg, to work out formats in which this will be appropriate and possible, and i i think it will. another step towards defending the interests of russia and protecting our children. on behalf of state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin, a health program will be organized for children from regions exposed to shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. by the end of the month , the state duma will send 80 children to sanatorium and resort treatment. in total
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, about 200 children will undergo rehabilitation, including from belgorod. the topic of child protection was raised by politicians more than once this week, and we will return to it later. now. about the current legislation, which in relation to pedophiles are imperfect, the state duma continues to pay attention to this. one of the initiatives to ban molesters from schools and playgrounds has passed its first reading. alexander shavirin understood the details. january 2022. kostroma. while her mother was finishing work, five-year-old veronica asked to stand outside for a few minutes. and this time was enough for two unknown people to kidnap the child. the girl was found already dead in the room where the men lived, a repeat pedophile and his accomplice. what is he detained for now? for murder, for murder of whom? girls. the reaction of the state duma
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was not long in coming. deputies introduced life imprisonment for those who were convicted of violent acts in relationships with minors or committed against two or more children. pedophiles need to be punished. pedophiles, experts agree that the criminal, after leaving prison, is capable of attacking children again ; it is necessary to protect them. of course, such risks always exist, because this is an organic brain lesion in which not only is the emotional-volitional sphere not developed in a pedophile, and a pedophile, in principle, will not be able to develop it; he lacks a sense of control and self-control. kindergartens and schools, medical, sports and cultural institutions, camps intended for children, all of these... will be inaccessible to persons convicted of pedophilia, the list also includes playgrounds and sports grounds. the bill
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is designed to combat repeat crimes. the ban on visiting places where children are located, which the court established individually, will now become a direct rule of law. the bill proposes these systems restrictions should be replaced by a direct indication of these restrictions in the law itself. this, firstly, simplifies the procedure for establishing restrictions, and secondly, it allows. reduce the overall cost of organizing these supervisions. in addition, pedophiles will still not be allowed to leave the territory established by the court. law enforcement agencies will monitor compliance with the restrictions through video surveillance systems and citizen reports. violation of the conditions of administrative supervision is fraught with consequences. the bill itself does not contain liability measures, that is, measures general liability for violation of supervision rules, and this is an administrative arrest. or a fine, but it seems to me that in the case of repeat pedophiles, it will not be
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a fine that will be applied, but rather, probably, administrative arrest. during the discussion of the bill , various proposals were made; deputies called for increased liability for those convicted of pedophilia. the issue of the parent community, about creating, for example, a register of pedophiles, has been discussed many times. today we have enough accounts that competent people can enter. see who is by whom. the head of the family protection committee, nina ostanina, proposed establishing lifelong supervision over pedophiles. according to the law, it is now valid until the criminal record is removed or expunged. well, what other incentives, so to speak, are needed for you and what signals are needed from civil society that not only preventive measures are required, but we have public condemnation, it already exists, these people are all sick today, so let’s treat with the help of tightening.
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deputies may return later. in the first during the reading of the bill establishing a ban on visiting places where children are staying, they passed it unanimously. alexander shavirin, yulia borodina, sergei gordeev, nikita kharaskin, sergei vergunov, duma tv. parliamentary hour. we ourselves can protect ourselves from scammers by establishing self-bans on loans. this opportunity is provided by a new law adopted by the state duma. this will make it much more difficult for scammers.
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to lift the self-prohibition it is necessary for 2 days to pass, that is, the so-called cooling period is in effect, life shows that, as a rule, people who are under influence, either emotionally, when they go to a store, buy some thing that they don’t need, or under the influence of criminals, within
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a certain period of time they come to their senses and realize that they don’t need a loan, after that after two days pass after receiving such information, which means the self-ban is lifted, you can already go to the bank to get a loan, and in addition, we are also working on this, this can already be established in the central bank, a special code, an sms message should come to the person that he is removing, so by entering such and such a number, which came to him in the form of an sms
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message, he removes this self-prohibition, that is, the procedure. lifting a self-ban, it is not easy, and it is unlikely that attackers will be able to take advantage of it. uzbekistan is one of the ten leading trade and economic partners of russia; the growth in trade turnover between the countries last year, compared to the twenty-second year, was 11.5%. this post-soviet country occupies a leading position in personnel training in russia. the number of russian tourists who decide to... to visit uzbekistan last year for a third, politicians discussed how to make our interaction even more successful at the first meeting of the inter-parliamentary commission on cooperation of the state duma of the legislative chamber of the oli majlis of uzbekistan. details from my colleague alexander shavirin. not only
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partnerships, but also a common history connects russia with the republic. common memory, tragedies and victories. before the official part of the visit to moscow, the chairman of the legislative chamber oley of the majlis of the republic of uzbekistan, nuriddin ismailov, together with vice-speaker of the state duma alexander bobakov, lay flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier. official part. okhotny ryad. state duma, meeting with vyacheslav volodin. according to the state duma speaker, it is necessary to more actively develop interaction, look for new formats of cooperation, and fill the work of friendship groups and the interparliament. commission with specific content. the speaker of the parliament of uzbekistan noted that the republic respects the russian language and pays great attention to it. we have there are a lot of russian schools, we have a lot of preschool educational institutions that provide education in russian. and we have a lot of russian speakers, there are quite a lot of russian cultural centers. besides, we have
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a common history. our people united in opposing the fascists, we will need to unite again. uzbekistan occupies a leading position in personnel training in russia. 53.00 students of citizens of uzbekistan are studying in our country, of which 12 thousand are free of charge. parliamentarians have also achieved a lot in the field of labor migration. we have ratified an agreement with uzbekistan, and there are training centers for those citizens who later come here to work. the patent system allows a fairly large number of citizens to come. find work here, and we are interested in them, highly qualified specialists, and low-qualified ones. uzbekistan today is one of the ten leading trade and economic partners of russia, the growth in trade turnover last year was 11.5%, and the number of russian tourists in the republic increased by almost a third, amounting to about 714
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thousands of people. this direction is also developing, and the uzbek side informed that in many cities the service is already at a much different level, and the number of rooms, and the logistics itself, it already provides for the possibility of receiving a much larger number of tourists from russia than even exists now . cooperation in the healthcare sector is also expanding, the exchange of scientific experience between medical centers has reached a qualitatively new level, said the chairman of the health protection committee, badma bashankaev. we have an agreement for over the past few years, there have been about 200 agreements between scientific and medical institutions. after all , about 400 students from uzbekistan study at medical universities in russia under the jurisdiction of the ministry of health, in fact, of course, there are much more of them. let me remind you that a branch of our university named after was opened in tashkent. the state duma and the legislative chamber of uzbekistan are in constant dialogue. russian parliamentarians within the framework of friendship groups plan
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to travel to uzbekistan in june this year, and in the fall they will invite colleagues to moscow for an international forum for the development of parliamentarism. state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin announced this. alexander shavirin, anna melikyan, nikita kharaskin, elena bogdan, duma tv parliamentary hour. prices for eggs and meat and poultry are under the control of parliamentarians. let me remind you that, on behalf of vyacheslav volodin , deputies of three relevant state duma committees took up this issue. the current state of affairs in the poultry industry was discussed this week at a meeting of the committee on agrarian issues. the meeting was attended by deputies of various factions, members of the government, managers of poultry farms and representatives of retail chains. according to vladimir kashin, last year the country produced 46 billion
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with large investment projects. let's return to the topic of childhood. the basis for this conversation
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was suggested by the parents themselves. the state duma held parliamentary hearings of the family protection committee on issues of paternity, motherhood and childhood. politicians, together with manufacturers of children's goods, including from the regions, discussed legislative and government support for the industry. chairman of the profile committee nina ostanina voiced her wishes parents. by increasing the share of russian goods, reducing the price tag on them. at the meeting , the results of the implementation of the president’s order to support the industry were summed up, the legislative support for its development was discussed, and experts exchanged opinions. the problems that experts highlight are related to the high cost of this group of goods, a large amount of counterfeit products, a shadow market that accounts for more than 30%, and a significant import component. politicians proposed developing a framework federal law that would unify. at the legislative level legal regulation in this area. the result, probably, of our conversation today will be the initiative of the working group to submit to the state duma a bill
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of state support for the children's goods industry of the russian federation. everyone is ready to participate in ensuring that it is in the state duma, although the first reading has already passed in the spring session, the state duma made an important decision for many manufacturers in the autumn session, let me remind you that the deputies... the list of such products included children's car seats, bicycles, some kinds furniture, bathtubs, feeding bottles, diapers. the preferential rate allows manufacturers to save money and direct their own development. this week the country celebrated defender's day. this holiday reflects the heroic pages of the history of our country, when wars, true patriots, stood shoulder to shoulder for the freedom and independence
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of their homeland, stood up and won, emphasized vyacheslav volodin. they fought during the great patriotic war, and in the post-war period took part in restoring order outside countries. our soldier-officers fought in korea and vietnam, in syria and egypt, in mozambique, angola and afghanistan, extinguishing hot spots. ossetia and syria, and today our country is waging a difficult struggle for its future, for its right to be independent. today the date february 23rd is filled with special meaning. our soldiers, officers, and volunteers are bravely fighting nazism with weapons in their hands, protecting civilians and the future of russia, the chairman of the state duma noted. during the special period.
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goals of the state duma, deputies and faction leaders personally went to the liberated territories, thousands of convoys with humanitarian aid were sent to new regions during this time. parliamentarians are working in all directions to protect our guys, for example, deputy shomsail staraliev is involved in the process of exchanging prisoners of war, he annually receives hundreds of requests from relatives of soldiers personally by mail, by phone, these are those who got there, these are those who got there, participated in battles, was wounded. there were pilots who were killed, tankers who were captured in battle, these are all worthy guys, these are all heroes and - our position country, but we don’t abandon our own, we are fulfilling it and will continue to fulfill it, yet the main support for the guys at the front comes from deputies, legislative work, parliamentarians have adopted more than a hundred laws for this, this is
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a huge responsibility. responsibility for us, for everyone who is here in the rear today, makes various decisions, influences some of them, in order to be worthy of the feats that our defenders perform. for the holiday , a photo exhibition opened in the state duma; the exposition is divided into thematic sections that cover everything types of armed forces, as well as operational training activities. holding such an exhibition on the eve of february 23 in the state duma has already become a tradition. and that’s all, you watched the parliamentary hour, see you on air.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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my dad and i went here as children, we also lay like that, silent, figure skater, don’t skate, just skate, focus
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on training, you dreamed of this cup. you can jump, but why don’t you believe in it yourself, i will prepare myself, i have a thirst for victory it’s in her blood, go ahead, why take such a risk, don’t you understand this, i want to be like my mother, ice three. ukrainian military shelled the tekstilshchik microdistrict in donetsk today. two civilians were injured , three cars were burned, an apartment building and a beauty salon were damaged. and the day before, us-made missiles hit the very center of the dpr capital and exploded near a restaurant where a wedding was being celebrated at that moment. two people were taken to the hospital. the terrorists of the kiev regime again used their favorite tactics when...


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