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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 25, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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psbp for everything, and it doesn’t matter what you want to give, buy gifts on ozone psbp at a profit, register on the defining feature of the united states is freedom of speech; if there is one thing that makes our country truly exceptional, it is that we have the first amendment.
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someone worth reading, but today we want to talk about a special type of censorship, the censorship that is carried out by our military-industrial complex, our defense industry, foreign policy establishment in washington - this is especially important now because we are on the verge of a global war, so we can expect censorship to radically increase. so here's mike bence, executive director of the foundation for online freedom. mike, thank you so much for joining us, i just can't say enough for our audience.
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it is almost unbelievable how comprehensive and comprehensive your knowledge is on this topic. so, could you explain to us how the foreign policy establishment, the defense contractors, the ministries. defense and all this a cluster of constellations of defense-related and government-funded institutions are robbing us of freedom of speech. of course, one of the easiest ways to start the story is with an overview of the history of internet freedom and the transition from this freedom to internet censorship, since freedom of speech on the internet was a tool of government, almost from the very beginning of the privatization of the internet in 1991, we quickly discovered. thanks to the efforts of the department of defense, the state department and our intelligence agencies, people were gathering in blogs on forums, and the promotion of freedom of speech was primarily carried out by the pentagon, the state department, the entire architecture
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of existing cia funds (npos) as a way of supporting dissident groups around the world to help them overthrow authoritarian governments, as they were... presented to us. in essence, freedom of speech on the internet enabled a kind of instant regime change operation and provided an opportunity to implement the foreign policy agenda of the state department establishment. google is a great example of this. google's history began with a grant us department of defense, provided to larry page and sergey brin when they were graduate students at stanford. they received funding as part of a joint program between the cia and the nsa.
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as pentagon projects or as joint cia and nsa projects to assist intelligence community-backed groups in overthrowing the governments that caused problems for the clinton, then bush and obama administrations. and this plan worked wonderfully, from about 1991 to 2014,
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when the stage of discussion began about how useful such freedom on the internet was. higher arabic has become the point of use of freedom of speech on the internet. obama, egypt, tunisia, began to fall in revolutions organized on facebook and twitter. and the state department then worked very closely with social networks to keep them operational during these critical moments. there was a famous phone call from google's jared coin to twitter asking them not to do routine maintenance in order... twitter to win elections, meaning freedom of speech has been used as a political tool since its inception. influence by state security structures. this whole architecture, all the ngos, the relationship between technology companies and
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state security initially supported such freedom. in 2014, after the coup d'etat in ukraine, there was an unexpected counter-coup, as a result of which crimea and donbass broke away and broke away. they were using military support, for which nato was completely unprepared at that time. the last desperate attempt was made during the vote on crimea’s accession to russia in 2014, when crimeans with their minds and hearts voted to join the russian federation, this was the last straw for the concept of freedom of speech on the internet in the eyes of nato. from their point of view , the fundamental nature of the then nato war changed at that moment. announced what they first called the gerasimov doctrine, named after the russian general who was said to have given a speech that the fundamental nature of war had changed. you don't need to win battles to take control of central and eastern europe. all you need to do is control the media and the social network ecosystem, because
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they are the ones who determine the outcome of the elections. and if you put the right people in power, they will have control over the military. that is, instead of conducting a war, it is infinitely cheaper to conduct an operation. to exercise political influence through social networks and traditional media, an entire industry was created that united the pentagon, the british ministry of defense and brussels into an organization: to conduct information and political struggle , an infrastructure was created, initially located in germany and in the central and in eastern europe , there were systematic campaigns to create psychological buffer zones to create conditions for the military to work on social networks and media to censor russian propaganda or to censor right-wing populist groups in europe, which at that time were gaining political weight due to the migration crisis. germany and
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various groups in estonia, latvia and lithuania. when brexit happened in 2016, it was that moment of crisis when suddenly it wasn't just central and eastern europe that we had to worry about. she went west. this the idea of ​​russia's control over the hearts and minds of people. and brexit was next in june 2016. month at a conference in warsaw, nato officially amended the charter to explicitly commit itself to introducing hybrid warfare, giving the alliance a new quality, that is, they moved, in essence, from 70 years of thinking in terms of tank platoons, to creating tools for censoring sources, which were classified as russian proxies, again we are not just talking about russian propaganda, these were also pro-brexit groups, or for example... where
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it was argued that the biggest threat facing nato was not a military invasion from russia, it was the loss of internal elections throughout europe to all these right-wing populist groups who, since they represented mainly the interests of the working class, were campaigning for cheap russian energy, in while the united states was pushing through a policy of diversifying energy purchases. to ispexit in spain with the vox party, to itolexit in italy, to grexit in germany, grexit in greece, the european union will fall apart at the seams and nato will disappear completely without a single shot, in addition to this, then along with nato the levers of coercion of the international monetary system will disappear...
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i have never heard anyone explain it as clearly and precisely as you just did, but at least someone in nato or the state department stopped for a second and said: “wait -ka, we have just determined that democracy within our own countries has become our new enemy, as i understand from your words, they were afraid that the citizens of their countries would get their way, they decided to fight against it. yes, you know, all this has a rich a history dating back to the cold war. the cold war in europe was, in essence, a similar struggle for the hearts and minds of people, especially in central and eastern europe, yes, in these sort of soviet buffer
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zones, and somewhere in forty-eight this alliance of foreign policy, security and intelligence arose departments, then in 1947 a law was passed that established the central intelligence agency, then this whole new world order emerged, built from various international institutions, and also in 1948 the un declaration on human rights was adopted, which banned the acquisition...
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if the communists had won, this could have been the last elections in italy. this is very effective guys, we need an agency to carry out such scams all over the world. this is essentially a new social contract that we are entering into with. with the american people. we have not conducted diplomacy this way before, but now we are prohibited from using the war department. in 1948 , the war ministry was renamed the ministry of defense. again, as one of the measures to create the appearance that diplomacy plays a large role in foreign policy, than open military intervention. but we ended up creating a kind of firewall that separated foreign and domestic
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affairs. let us have a department of dirty machinations that can rig elections, control the media, have the opportunity. interfere in the internal affairs on the soil of other countries, but there is sacred ground on which our homeland stands, where they are not allowed to operate, the state department, the department of defense and the cia are strictly prohibited from operating on the territory of the united states. of course it is so far from the truth that it is not even funny, due to a number of methods of legalizing activities that they have developed over the 70 years of their existence, but in fact, at first there were no moral difficulties regarding the creation of an industry. censorship, when it originated in germany, in lithuania in latvia and in estonia in sweden and in finland, this began to be more actively discussed in diplomatic circles after brexit, then this flywheel spun to its fullest when trump was elected, and what little resistance there was then ,
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eclipsed by the hysteria around rush gate, which gave them an indulgence.
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censorship is a complete inversion of the very idea , after all, something that came with the dawn of the democracy industry. democracy, one might say, derives its legitimacy from the idea that it is rule by the consent of the people being governed, that is, the country.
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threatened by the rise of populism at home, proclaimed their own consensus as a new definition of democracy, because if democracy is defined as the strength of democratic institutions, rather than a focus on the will of the voters, then it turns out that democracy is simply an architecture for building consensus within
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the democratic institutions themselves; from their point of view, this requires a lot of work. in terms of the amount of work that these people do, for example, the atlantic council, one of the large coordination mechanisms for the oil and gas industry in the region. in the field of finance, these are jp morgan, black rock and so on. all ngos and media in the region, they all must come to a consensus. and this process takes a long time, it takes a lot work and negotiations. from their point of view, this is democracy. democracy is when ngos come to an agreement with.
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5 billion dollars for the development of civil society were invested in overthrowing a democratically elected government in the name of democracy, and they brought all the experience gained back home, and now we have all this,
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it is possible that for a very long time, and this has fundamentally changed the nature of the american management because of the threat of someone's words gaining popularity on social networks, and i've said this about five times already, but this is one of the most amazing stories i've ever... i hope to see you again. thanks tucker.
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we need to create the future ourselves and do it together, we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same desire, a diverse and open world for everyone, every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival, let's start the future together, find out more at . historians have found parallels between the events of the great patriotic war and a special military operation; for this , scientists studied the tactics of the nazis and neo-nazis of the kiev regime in the donbass, in including in relation to civilians. watch our documentary below. it was here that the key to donbass was located. the fighting here was incredibly fierce. this region was then now at the center of historical events. we are stronger because we fight for our land.
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no one wanted to believe it, that it would come to this, that again our tanks with crosses would be burning here 80 years later. donbass was a fundamental region; first of all, it had enormous industrial importance for the soviet union. 60% of all coal was mined there. by the beginning of 1941
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, more than 300 mines and 1,680 small mining enterprises were operating in the region. miners managed to extract an average of 85 million tons of coal per year. but the war changed everything. attention, listen to moscow speak. citizens, brothers and sisters, i appeal to you. wars, our country has entered into deadly conflicts.
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the history of this region, it is closely connected with the great patriotic war, these associations with modern history, with the heavy battles that go on there, with the heroism that people show, it’s just one very important part, a connection between modernity and what happened during the war. well, it’s like june 22 in 1941, so we now have february 24, only it started much earlier for us, we received a summons to the museum on february 18, me and my employee, we were mobilized according to it on february 19 and left, we they ended up in the same unit with him, i’m a grenade operator, he’s a marksman, this is in the frunz area and the village of zhilobok, there
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was such a positional war there. ours were constantly advancing, this is just february-march, unfortunately, the employee was unlucky, he lost leg during shelling, and in february it turns out i was wounded, i also received shrapnel in my leg, after treatment i was demobilized, returned to this position, here are the things of our mobilized people, the uniform that i handed over, the hole in my trouser leg, where i just... the fragment flew by, these were the backpacks we had, and the maps that we took as trophies in the area where we were fighting, these things, they simply dissolve in space and time, because well, no one refers to this as some kind of artifact of history, although to a large extent, this is not history yet, we are still living in it. today, the coal industry is one
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of the foundations of the donbass economy; with the beginning of the northern military district , coal production in the lpr and dpr has sharply decreased, but many mines continue to operate. miner's work has always been hard and remains to this day, and today's time is generally hard for us. in connection with the hostilities, a lot of people were taken away , 140 people from us went to defend our homeland, so we have to work with the remaining people, work for those who protect us, we cope, not without difficulties, but we manage, by august 1940 of the first year
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the germans approached


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