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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 25, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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the general here for a long time was not allowed to collect the corpses of our soldiers, well, the fascist methods are the ones they use, unfortunately, today on our territory, in our donbass, almost the same thing is happening, in the spring of the twentieth year, the title of hero of russia was awarded to minigali minagazovich shaimuratov, major general, who died here on our territory, was immediately eligible for such a high award during the war, but here... the fact that his
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body was not actually found, he was considered formally missing, then this further did not give any results, no one supported it, so they did not present him for the award of hero of the soviet union, but here we must pay tribute that vladimirovich putin awarded the title of hero of russia to major general shaimuratov, thereby i i think historical justice has been restored, comrade head of the republic of bashkartastan. by decree of the president of the russian federation, major general minigalish imuratov was awarded the title of hero of the russian federation. i give you a medal, a gold star of the hero russian federation, for the eternal protection of the republic of bashkatastan.
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several generations of our republic have dreamed about this long-awaited event. in his last campaign , general shaimuratov proved that there is no higher honor than to die fighting for the homeland. the bashkir cavalry division is one such unit, which includes 78 heroes of the soviet union, and the seventy-ninth. this is the hero of russia shoi muratov. today, in exactly the same places where the bashkir horsemen carried out the debalsevsky raid, their grandchildren and great-grandsons are fighting. i'm already fighting in these parts quite a long time ago, and i was pleasantly surprised that my combat path is very similar to the combat path of minigalish imuratov. and we practically went through the entire battle path with him. on the same
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day when the southwestern front of the red army liberated voroshilovgrad, the southern front carried out an offensive operation and captured rostov on the don. 4 days after the liberation of rostov , soviet troops switched from offensive to defensive. the germans managed to concentrate the necessary troops, struck on the flanks and...
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then in a sophisticated way, because naturally, if the trench is called streets in berlin, then they are fighting for their city, the capital of germany, this is how it should have acted on those who here carried out the task of adolf hitler. almost along its entire length, the front switched to positional battles, in which each side tried to gain the strategic initiative. and, of course, it was the battle of kursk that resulted in these gigantic efforts, which stretched over several months of armed struggle on the soviet-german front. soviet army it was necessary to consolidate the turning point after the battle of stalingrad, but the germans also understood that the question of who would ultimately win the war was being decided at kursk. the kurdish operation , this is how events developed, then military operations, from... initially, it was planned
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to wear down the enemy in a stubborn defense, then go on a counter-offensive, in the wake of this contour offensive, not allowing the enemy to gain a foothold on any lines. liberate donbass and a significant part of ukraine. july 12, after the largest tank battle in history battle of prokhorovka, the red army launched a counteroffensive. the battle of kursk was called the "arc of fire". during 50 days of fighting , the germans fired 500,000 bomb shells at the red army. this is one and a half times more than in the battle under. every trench, every hill, every bend in the terrain was actively defended, and if necessary, the red
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army absolutely did not hesitate to counterattack. the story of andrukhaev’s feat, which since forty-one has served as an example of incredible courage, has been continued. battle his classmate at the military school, nikolai ilyin, took part; together they were the founders of the sniper movement, which from the beginning of the war showed its relevance at the front. the sniper became a massive military specialty, so to speak, during the great patriotic war. the snipers selected the healthiest, most morally stable, most resilient and youngest. guys, from the memories of a sniper school cadet, we were trained by competent and intelligent officers, taught sniper business, we must be able to hit accurately, and it’s not so easy, for the first time we were brought to the firing line, the targets were 400 m away,
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they were ordered to fire at the targets, there were five of us, each of us was assigned our own target, after five shots we had to run to the targets to check how. .. got it, but you don’t come right away. first, the training platoon commander looks at the shooting results. those snipers who had huge combat accounts, 400, 500 germans each, were people who were unique. this is literally fifty people per army for an armed force of 33.5 million. in october 1942, the command of the red army decided to establish. rifle in memory of the hero of the soviet union, khussen andrukhaev. and they handed this rifle to the best sniper of the division at that time, nikolai ilyin, and he was the political instructor’s assistant too, and he was a friend of andrukhaev. and so the kurdish battle begins.
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what do snipers do? they, of course, are trying to act like a sniper, that is , with their own fire, the fire of a sniper weapon.
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immediately after his death, the political department of the division established a new rifle, now named after two sniper heroes, angrukhaev and ilyin. her handed over. sniper, his name was gordienko, afanasy emelyanovich, a famous sniper, he was awarded two orders of the red star and a medal for the defense of stalingrad, and he was a friend of nikolai ilyin. with this rifle , afanasy gordienko reached kharkov, where on august 18 he died in a battle outside the city from a shell fragment. the same fragments mutilated his signature rifle. fight with this rifle. it was impossible. the division's political department decided to send the weapons to the central museum of the red
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army for eternal protection in memory of three famous heroic snipers. on august 23 , kharkov was liberated. as a result of the kurdish battle, the soviet union inflicted a crushing defeat on nazi troops and completed a radical turning point in the course of the war. the red army defeated 30 german divisions, including seven tank divisions. losses. the enemy numbered 500,000 killed, wounded and captured. it is interesting to look at german documents, even after the kursk they believed that the red army was still weak. disregard for the enemy, you know, i think that this is the influence of nazi propaganda, that like these untermensch subhumans, how are they, how do they do it, there was an explanation for everything, the simplest one is the weather there, that they can only fight in winter, yes. then they were defeated in the summer, it was a big surprise for them, but they thought that these powerful fortifications
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that they created, the front, that they would stay there, no one would ever take them. while the decisive battles on the kursk bulge were unfolding, the southern front under the command of general tolbukhin received an order to cut off the enemy group from their rear on the mius front, together with parts of the southwestern front of malinovsky, to prevent the transfer of german troops to the khursk area. when it came to planning the summer campaign, the priority task was precisely the liberation of donbass, the entire donbass. in august 1943, the mius front already consisted of three lines of german defense, up to 50 km deep. the bank of the mius river, which the germans occupied, was very beneficial and convenient for them, and such structures were built there. bunkers and pillboxes, and underground structures, naturally, the approach to them was
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very difficult. the red army was advancing on a defense line 180 km long, it was opposed by three german army corps, a group of the army south under the overall command of manstein. general manstein received a direct order from hitler to hold the territory of the donbass region and manstein so that the territory would not be destroyed. with whom dad continuously met throughout the war, this is stalingrad, where dad’s second guards army stopped manstein’s tank army, here again is the same nun. on august 28, the decisive stage of the neuz breakthrough, the assault, began. saur graves, the highest the point of german fortifications, here was
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the headquarters and main command post of the sixth army of the wehrmacht, that is, by adjusting the stench of artillery there, in fact, any offensive can be stopped while the main forces are approaching. it was here that the key to the entire mius front was located, the key to donbass, so the fighting here was really incredibly fierce.
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here already in the fourteenth year, that is, the grandfather sometimes lies next to his grandson. in the summer of 2014 , there were fierce battles for saur-mogila between the dpr militia and the ukrainian armed forces. the memorial complex received significant damage, the abelisk collapsed, and the pylons and bas-reliefs were badly damaged. only by the end of august was the height finally occupied
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by donetsk militias. these are the easterners who died here, who caused the fire. when the ukrainians came here, yes, they adjusted their fire, it was ukrainian shells, missiles that destroyed this national monument, from the soldier who points to the donbass, to the free donbass, only his boot remained, the parts of the soldier lay here, nearby. the dead militias stung, and this place, of course, was filled with a new tragic meaning. both in 2014 and in 1943, the month of august was especially difficult for the red army troops. the fighters tried to take this height, the germans brought up more and more reserves. and only on the night from august 29
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to august 30, the scouts of the younger ... saur graves, and the germans on the morning of august 30 suddenly felt that in the very central place of their very, very strong line of defense, suddenly there was a handful of red army soldiers, of course, everyone was concentrated on them attacks that came one after another, but... they held out until the approach the main forces, which were still able to capture saur-mogila during the day, the symbol of the liberation of saur-mogila is essentially the bloody shirt of junior lieutenant shevchenko, which he raised here as a red banner. the capture of
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saura mogilov symbolized that donbass is free, and if you look at the chronology. makeevka and many others. on september 7 , battles began to liberate the city of stalin. it was possible to drive the germans out of donetsk and september 8 is considered the day of liberation of the capital of donbass. by the way, in moscow in the event of liberation, a salute was given, which
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marked a very important stage in the cleansing of the territory from the nazi invaders. the capital of our homeland, moscow, saluted in honor of the new victory. september 8th is the day of the liberation of donbass; there were still germans in mariupol. during the offensive operation, the red army broke through the german defenses in several directions and knocked out. retreating, the nazis destroyed block after block, special detachments of german torchbearers burned and blew up
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all public and private buildings, schools, hospitals, kindergartens, suffered greatly for... material from which certain lessons need to be learned. if in 1943 mariupol was liberated quickly in 5 days, then in the 22nd the fighting lasted for a long 3 months. the kiev regime back in 2014 declared mariupol the temporary capital of the donetsk region, for 8 years, turning it into a powerful fortified area, but even the walls of the workshops of the famous
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asustal plant did not help the ukrainian nationalists, the most affected, of course, were civilians, we changed the basements several times, where we won't go everywhere on the line fire, where they won’t take us, everywhere we are on the line of fire, just like... the germans during the great patriotic war in the ssu used human shield tactics, hiding behind the civilian population and using living houses as firing points. deaths, massive deaths, after all , they number in the tens of thousands of dead civilians. i should have died three times. once a shell fell near us, but did not explode. the second time there was a direct hit on the second floor right above us. you know, everything jumped, the furniture jumped from the impact, glass flew past us, flower pots,
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i turned the doors open, it was very scary , believe me, when the guns fell silent, the liberated mariupol residents had to revive their city again, like in 1943, restore the peaceful life of mariupol, as after the great patriotic war, overnight.
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as a result of the liberation of donbass , another major defeat was inflicted on the german army, 13 divisions were defeated, this was a very great success, great damage for the germans, excellent conditions were created for crossing to the other side of the dnieper and the complete liberation of ukraine. successful donbass operation showed the whole world the strength and power of the red army from 1943 until the capture of berlin by our troops. they were just advancing victoriously.
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3:59 pm
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4:00 pm
ukrainian military shelled the tekstilshchik microdistrict in donetsk today. two civilians were injured, three cars were burned, an apartment building and a beauty salon were damaged. the day before, rockets produced from... hit the very center of the capital of the dpr and exploded near a restaurant where a wedding was being celebrated at that moment. two people were taken to the hospital, the terrorists of the kiev regime again used their favorite tactics when they gathered at the scene of the attack emergency services, journalists fired again. in total, over the past day, the ukrainian armed forces fired more than 40 shells at populated areas of the dpr. one person died, three were injured.


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