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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 25, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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with wide study, everything , happily, thank you, there is still 1 km ahead, we will , we will look around, i will never have enough words, there is not enough wisdom to speak for him, to show, to tell, to make this report from that very last shooting, 22 november 2023, zaporizhia. region, the oryakhovsky direction , where the fields are all dug up with trenches, the front edge, the front line, which is a paradox, the closer, the more humanity, bore tried to discern it in the heroes of this material, to understand, he tried to everyone, that’s why he left for these dangerous business trips, boldly, courageously, in spite of, because he said there, being for the country is now the most important thing, it was important for him to see with his own eyes. those whose ordinary life has turned
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into an everyday feat. this is all bore, my beloved husband, wise teacher, the best reporter for me, who writes and shows how he himself saw and felt. we tried to preserve this special feeling in this film. conversations from the meeting on that last day, everything that borya filmed in the trenches. at the reception, physicist, accepted, this is the communication point, observation point, yes, it’s here we have a communication point, an observation point, so we rise from here, we observe, towards the opponents, we look, i see, there is a walkie-talkie now and the internet, but nevertheless , the old ones are like in the old movies, of course, in the old movies we have soviet tapikas. this is very good
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the most reliable thing sa uh it turns out it’s not at all uh they won’t catch our conversation, they won’t listen in, these may not have come up with anything like an old wire-tested telephone for communication, of course there’s nothing better than this, as i already said, it’s scrolling , how old is this thing? well, i’ll say , probably since... since the thirty-ninth, forty -first, they’re like that, clear, cool, yes, thank you , i don’t have a call sign, i don’t have a call sign, a unique person without a call sign, yes, what’s your name, then islam, islam, where is he from , a treacherous bulgarian, also mobilized, yes , i don’t want to go home, i want to, who doesn’t want to, why is here then, the homeland must be defended, that’s it, let’s, guys, let it be, that’s it, that’s it, come on. "goodbye, goodbye, thank you for
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the warmth, let's move on, i have nothing to say goodbye to, borya wanted to make this special report about the characters, he filmed one of them with the call sign grandfather the day before and managed to leave notes, the text of the whole episode, it remained the same as boreeva wrote, this is how it was edited, with only one inaccuracy, behind the scenes, instead of borenov , my voice sounds, hurray, the people in the kitchen feel the same during war, yes, as i understand it, sometimes you have to too, yes, well, as they say, war is war, and lunch is according to the schedule, it’s a cozy field kitchen, like a reminder of our home and the world, here everyone has their own preferences, recipes , including for life, tastes that they don’t argue about, but that you so want to share, the best cook, cook, pilaf that yuzhdagovsky makes, avashi hikal, i make it myself.
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zaporozhye region a couple of kilometers from the front line, kuban borscht on the table and your favorite movie on the screen, a cultural cat uniting a dagestan history teacher and an orthodox priest.
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and for whom, well, right from another film , there is such a profession of defending the homeland and it is in his blood during the years of the great patriotic war his native small mountain village went to the front. there is not enough time for stupidity , it sounds like a toast, this is his personal lesson in courage, his honest conversation about what is important right from the trenches, an example to his students, his children and three grandchildren, but above all, this is an example to himself, a lesson from a real teacher on the topic, what
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real caucasian men do, i thought that i don’t have the right to sit at home, i don’t have the right, roughly speaking, in schools, now i have something important in my hand sitting... at home he talks about lessons in courage when you have full the opportunity to participate myself, the military commissar didn’t let me in. the military commissar also had a little fight, although we are close friends, he said, if you don’t send me, that’s it, delete my number , i’ll delete yours too, and we don’t know each other, i’m a historian and not i want history to be written without a historian, but these guys who are here at the moment, they write from...
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so the historian will say, no matter how many wars europe or anyone starts against us, they have the same end, the first domestic war was completed in paris, the second domestic one was completed at elbe, in berlin, well, the supreme commander-in-chief will give a decree, we will complete this, probably somewhere in washington, as they say, and what kind of people, such meetings at the front.
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to the whole of dagestan, the whole world , one might say, everywhere, in russia everywhere he showed an example that you need to act like this, it’s not for yourself that you’re afraid, probably from the height of what you’ve lived, too, as they say, it’s scary for these young guys who have yet to begin this life we didn’t have time to get here to show ourselves, show miracles, courage, then only sketches, thoughts, ideas, phrases, didn’t finish, didn’t managed. complete his plot, but in one short day he filmed so much about the manifestations of life that only he noticed, about the people he met with whom he spoke, borya always looked for answers to complex, sometimes uncomfortable, but very accurate questions,
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people opened up to him and trusted him, and that’s why the conversations turned out so simple and personal, yeah, come in, come in, are you filming? yes, come on, my daughter was born, my daughter was born when he was here , yes, lesh, alyosha, support me, yes, he got married, only pain, he just got married, my daughter was born, yes, yes, my daughter was born in may i went on vacation, yes , we went, they let me go, i held him in my arms and back, that’s right, i personally discharged him from the hospital, and back, a kilometer from here to the position, 200 kilometers , 300 kilometers, well, to the farthest one, well, from here, what do you think, the birds fly, shoot, like birds fly almost constantly, that is, they change, one each hangs for about an hour and a half,
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they change it, another hangs, just like ours, ours are constantly hanging on their weight, too, yes, you can just convey my regards. hello to everyone, salam aleikum to everyone, what you say a business plan, a business plan - to take this forestry, make an individual entrepreneur and then bring them here, in short, tourists, so that they lie in such dugouts, carry an outfit, but you need to win first, this is definitely in the near future, circassian, books, there is something read, charge the phone, the generator is working, basically everything is there , what kind of books, let’s see, so the locals, who left what, right? yes, well , that is, there is even time for reading, as i understand it, but basically there is military stuff,
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we read the news here, and tv, yes tv, everything is basically there, no no detached, as they say, from the world, we are standing in the trench where i personally dug, i’m not afraid of this word, so the equipment didn’t work here, everything was dug by hand, all these communication passages, there’s a whole town right here, i i'm talking about this. business plan the town is here let the war end let's do it god willing the war ends yes the museum will be interesting these guys are perfect to the end loyal to their homeland from them i have never heard why we are here why we are here here we are at the call of our hearts here we are because this is how a man is supposed to be: a man was born to protect his homeland and mother.
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it’s immediately clear who we’ve come to. in general it seemed that it was empty at all, well then
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little by little, of course, you get used to it, after namaz i ask the almighty to come back, alive and well, hello, murat, hello , my name is olga, i am the wife of boris maksudov, it’s very nice. this is how you hold on, i left you very strong, a very great memory, he was a very good guy, i’ll hurt you, we talked for 3-4 hours, how can i tell you, such a guy who immediately, immediately falls in love with himself, immediately loves himself, so huge, even though he was much younger than me, i had such respect for him, i just brought the filming to show your wife? where are you and boris? yes, we talked for weeks on various
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topics, he wanted to show the soul of a russian soldier, he wanted to show a person from the inside, it’s not a beautiful report there, how they fight, how beautifully, how skillfully, no, he wanted to show a russian soldier from the inside, he succeeded. i’m telling you, i myself didn’t understand how he got everything out of me, everything he wanted to find out, without asking questions, he pulled it out of me, he knew how, he was, how to say, a correspondent from the bogan gathering, i could go on reconnaissance, confident and reasoning, clouds of black smoke over the station area , almost the whole of donetsk is smoking, today we are at the front-line airfield behind me is k-52, the legendary alligator, our mission is of course humanitarian, but... the road, especially this section is quite military, the obstacle is really serious and
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it is impossible to move further by car or by boat, but this characteristic the smell of burning haunts almost any part of the city, this is the mariupol-volnovakha electric train, especially with its design, there is a cover platform in front of the locomotive, it’s not for nothing that the m14 highway is now called the road of life, a unique opportunity to see with your own eyes how one of the most secret, in also the time of the most famous types... they will spend some more time in the trenches, waiting out the drone attack, after the first explosions that happened on the way back, and
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from there borya will have time to send a short video of walking through the endless zaporozhye steppes. then again on the road , the second attack, targeted, deadly, close , fragments, faith in a miracle, borya, remember, like tsoi, you are not with me, but you are, the fox has long fallen to the porozh region, now they told us that ... i had to interrupt the interview , but nevertheless, there is still no better place in these fields than these already bare trees to hide , so we are waiting until i give the go-ahead to go to the gun, seemingly endless fields around, of course, i want to hurry already get there
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before some kind of shelter, it’s already quite cold in zaporozhye, sub-zero temperature. therefore, it also makes adjustments to the current battle tactics, it’s practically impossible to hide here anywhere, everything is clearly visible, shot through, especially from the sky we are lucky that the sky is now covered with clouds, but no one guarantees, of course, that there will be a storm. on the ninth company, it was just the first day of filming in general, the month of november, probably not
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the first time it was seen. he felt like he wasn't afraid of explosions, such sounds, he was a good guy, i i would say that he is no different from our comrades in arms, brothers, it felt as if he was always with us, he is active, he was always there, and where the coffee is, it’s hot, not hot, there’s no difference, there too they were crowded together, sitting in a crowd, drones were also flying, it was necessary... to take refuge somewhere for a while, everyone was almost sitting on top of each other, they were also drinking coffee, communicating, talking, a very joyful person, like as if we had known each other for a long time, we talked, well, we talked sincerely, i think it will end, i say, borya, come, you will see beautiful places, elbrus, you will go snowboarding, skiing, i
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don’t know, i’ll say so, blue lakes, we’ll show you, i say, we parted ways this night.
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5:00 pm
ska improved the position along the front line in the donetsk direction and defeated three formations of the ukrainian armed forces. this was reported to the ministry of defense. in addition, in the avdievsky direction, units of the center group occupied more advantageous positions. in the avdievsky direction, units of the center group of forces occupied more advantageous positions, and also inflicted defeat with a concentration of manpower and equipment of the third assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces and 107.


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