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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 25, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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russian troops improved the situation along the front line in the donetsk direction and defeated three bsu formations. this was reported to the ministry of defense. in addition, in the avdievsky direction, units of the center group occupied more advantageous positions. in the avdiivka direction , units of the center group of troops occupied more advantageous positions, and also inflicted defeat with a concentration of manpower and equipment of the third assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces and 107.
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the europeans now have to bear the main financial burden, since the american republicans continue to allocate new military tranches. boris ivanin will tell you what he is going to do in kiev under such conditions. the ukraine forum, dedicated to the second anniversary of the conflict, was supposed to become a platform of triumph for the kiev regime, but it turned into a stream.
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fired the first shot in donbass, destroying the fragile peace. 10 years later, ukrainian neo-nazis boastfully promise to produce more than a million fpv drones in a year, although they secretly hope for new supplies of western equipment, but how many weapons from the usa and britain have reached ukrainian front line?
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a journalist from the english publication independent decided to ask about this at the forum, her question was even translated into english, but they were afraid to show the answer of the minister of defense of ukraine live, the broadcast was cut off, and new technologies, which may reveal what was left behind the scenes, is an unpleasant truth , as for the situation, since the situation is always dynamic, always changing, at the moment 50% do not arrive on time. without timely deliveries, work becomes more difficult, we lose people, we lose territories. but the kiev regime is still under the illusion that the west needs it. the courtesy visit of the head of the european commission and three prime ministers, italy, belgium and canada, inspired vladimir zelensky the day before so much that he rushed to curry favor even with the swedish minister of defense, i hope that stockholm, which so far cannot get into nato itself, will help kiev become a member of the alliance . only inviting ukraine to nato will give europe and the world a real chance of returning to
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the alliance summit in washington in the summer of 2024. entry of ukraine nato will be blocked by at least slovakia, prime minister of the republic robert fitza has already promised this. according to him, the west’s attempt to use the conflict in ukraine to destroy russia has failed; all the sanctions that the leaders of the group of seven again threatened the day before are no longer in effect. fis itself does not support them, just as it is not going to help ukraine with weapons. it is shocking that there is no peace plan, that iis is not using his full weight to secure an immediate ceasefire. the fact that a military conflict with ukraine could spreading to the territory of nato countries also frightens many ordinary residents of europe. in germany , more than 60% of germans think so. this is a fresh opinion poll. in addition, only 15%
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are in favor of at least membership in the eu, and 14% are in favor of joining nato. 41% are against both options for joining, 12% abstained from answering. also, about half of the germans are against the supply of long-range taurus missiles to ukraine. however, at the forum in kiev they made it clear that they would continue the course of escalation, of course, at the expense of the west. only the usa expects to receive almost 12 billion dollars, that’s just washington isn't giving a dime yet. boris ivanin, evgenia semtsova, maya alenova and artemy bondar. news. two people were wounded today during shelling by donetsk-ukrainian troops. the textile microdistrict was under fire. an apartment building and a beauty salon were damaged. two more people were injured the night before when
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seau was hit in the heart of the city. explosions occurred near the restaurant, where a wedding was being celebrated at that moment. in just one day, ukrainian troops fired more than forty into dpr settlements.
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the central election commission protects members of election commissions; there are more than 70 thousand people in commissions around the country and does not publish their personal data. due to security problems in other countries, it was decided to refuse voting abroad. belarusians living abroad can do this.
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european union, including from germany, poland, italy, france and lithuania. vacuum. completely vacuum. and even in lithuania there are also three election processes this year. even the pro-lithuanian elections are also a kind of vacuum. they seem to be going crazy there. they are already preparing for war. belarus refrained from inviting the osce mission due to the degradation of trust and bias of the organization. but more than 45 thousand national observers work at the polling stations. representatives of the csto, sco and cis missions. pay attention to the correctness of voter lists and the availability of information. i can say that the beginning of today is the voting and organization of election
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commission chairmen are experienced, that is, we can poll at a high level. like in russia, in belarus there is early voting, but not 3 days, five and voters are active, for example, in gomel region has already voted. tomorrow even more so, so we came and voted without any coercion, no matter who poured the water, that is, it was not that we did not vote, this is important, very important. according to the results of early voting, the turnout was more than 41%, which means the elections can be recognized as valid in the coming hours; the final results are planned to be announced no later than march 1. anastasia sakhovskaya, alexander alexandrovitsa, oleg peletsky, yana gulevich, lead minsk. now she will appear, come on!
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ponko will tell you how the winners are selected. the fifth anniversary competition of managers-leaders of russia is smoothly approaching its end, all the competitive stages are already behind us, and this evening we will finally find out the names of the winners of the competition, but the participants are not wasting time, they are spending it with benefit, today there have already been several lectures, several meetings with the mentors of the competition, for example, one of them was the head of rosatom, alexey likhachov. there were definitely very literate people sitting in the hall, emotionally charged, very positively, and knowledgeable not only in politics, not only in economics, but in technological aspects, maybe the future chairman of the government was sitting there, maybe the future president, maybe the general director of a state corporation rosatom, but this generation will be in 20-30 years govern our country and achieve its further development. let me remind you that 302 people are participating in the super final, and despite the results that will be tonight, all of these people can essentially be called winners,
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because in order to get this super finalist status, they really had to go through a long difficult path. i was at the competition. 160,000 applications were submitted, first there was a remote stage, where the abilities of managers were assessed, how skillfully they set priorities, there was a test for knowledge of the russian language, experts looked at how the participants are literate and educated, then the regional stage, the participants essentially needed to help their region, they needed to solve some local problems, then they personally presented the best projects to the heads of governors of their regions. by the way, this is an innovation this year and there was no such stage before, but the super final of the fifth competition “leaders of russia” was traditionally in the format of such intensive networking and business games, the contestants had to work on management cases, prove themselves, feel couple on yourself some difficult situations that happen in the lives of leaders and managers, the experts paid attention to both the individual achievements,
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abilities of the participants, and their ability to work in teams, because there were a lot of tasks. exactly in this form, but this is what the participants themselves say about this competition, we met a huge number of people here, and gained interesting contacts and even friends, so i would like to say a special thank you to alexey komissarov for the opportunity to participate in this event. all mine life develops in the field of politics and a political career, so, of course, the personnel competition is primarily for managers and for those who want to do something for their country, this is also an opportunity for me. grow further, develop and ultimately contribute to the strengthening of our country. leaders of russia are an absolutely unique form of social elevators in our country. this phrase “leaders of russia is not just the name of the competition, in fact, we can say, it is reality.” and they have already proven it by their own example. several hundred previous participants who received high appointments in various
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fields, very soon, this evening, we will learn new names, perhaps from whom there will be future contributions... at such a solemn moment, the sign of the national project of russia is easy to miss, but it is impossible not to notice the changes that he brought to our lives. national project of russia by decision of the president. she will appear now. let's! well,
5:19 pm
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5:21 pm
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together everything will work out, we, alexander and dmitry kvashnin, i calculated the model of superhard material for industry, and i for an ultra-sensitive gas analyzer, and this is grandfather, thanks to his ingenuity, we... were attracted to science, develop an interest in science from childhood, enroll in scientific specialties at uka.rf , the first one i had was in august, we fought mainly with the poles, whore, whore on... they shouted, give up, i met with bradley , well, unfortunately, at that time he was already shot down by our guys, it was
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difficult for me when you lose someone, when someone is wounded, when they are fired upon for the first time, it was quite difficult to rebuild at that moment, as it’s like i’ve completely reset myself, i’ve only just arrived, the whole war - this is a trick, in fact, this is not a decision of a force group, not a fire one... the more cunning, the more maneuverable you are, the more chances you have of winning, i turn my head , there is a scarecrow next to me that hasn’t exploded, 1005, i’m lying there, i’m watching at him, so i’m thinking, god forbid, she ’ll just stupidly throw everything away, there’s two of us damn it, there’s just no need to collect it, when i came here, i didn’t believe in, well, neither in god, nor in anyone, just like i was an atheist, having passed so many assaults and so many missions and not a single fragmentation weapon , not even anything,
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from donetsk, i believe , call sign elk, position, assault commander groups, on october 3 i stopped by the tape, since october 3 of the twenty-second year we have been fighting in peaceful life. who were you as a driver in the moscow metro , drove people on trains, i was mobilized, i received a wind-up from my comrades, as soon as i arrived at the recruiting station, they began to find out where everyone
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served, accordingly, i served in the second rota of the honor guard in the 154th separate commandant’s preobrazhensky regiment under the president, well, and accordingly they made the kremlin, well, i kept it for myself, my call sign is malaya, i have been a grenade operator in assaults since august. i did my military service 10 years ago in the artillery, i joined the attack troopers voluntarily, a contract volunteer, call sign white, the position of guard, i am a volunteer, i came to my military registration and enlistment office, and accordingly signed a contract, our call means the location according to this reconnaissance, they have a machine gun here. the machine gun is standing here, our task with you is not to get caught in the crossfire of machine guns, we work the same way...
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we won’t always say much, which means everyone understands what they are doing in this situation, the anti-aircraft gun will lead, and also controls the work machine gun, as a rule, there may be tripwires, we’ve actually gotten into them more than once, but thank god we walked around screaming, my daddy, it’s clear to everyone, kupin’s for...
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everything. the assault squad is one of the most difficult teams in the army. here the life of his comrades depends on everyone. therefore, these units pay special attention to combat coordination. i was going to the direction of the uav, that is, communications, this reconnaissance, well, what is in my heart, what is really interesting to me . so, when they told us there was an assault unit, i was a little scared. guys also supported, that is, we were developing this combat situation.
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all the same, emotions and perceptions vary, i had an active lifestyle, well, it wasn’t very hard for me, but for the guys who are now homebodies, as they call it, yes, of course they had to pay a lot, they went through training, came to the abatement office, the decision was, well six months, i thought, it all took me six months, at that moment my brother was still serving, and basically waited for his brother.
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bc, provisions, completely closed this corridor, that is, we were in the cold for three days, we were just frost, we sat without water, without food, fortunately, fortunately there was snow, ice, on the third day a command was received from.
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we calmly hand over everything as if according to the law. volunteers, contract soldiers, mobilized soldiers, all from different cities, middle age, serve in the storm detachment of the first tank army.


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