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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 25, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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sasha, who should i vote for? and you must decide this for yourself. together we are strong, we vote for russia. next, our broadcast will be continued by nikita mikhalkov’s author’s program without agon watch after a short advertisement the real legend can be seen right away, it’s almost impossible to touch, but not for you, this is your legendary alfabank credit card. order
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happen, they, they excite, they excite everyone, in general, besides, our viewers and subscribers simply asked us very convincingly. speak out, we know how many opinions there are on this matter, the media, politicians and ordinary people, we kind of have our own point of view, the only thing i ask of you, since our program will contain quite a lot of candid footage, i would leak it to you - still, i would like to take children away from screens so as not to traumatize them, calmly, without hysteria, without fuss. turn to the facts, look at the sequence, the chronological sequence of what happened, that is, there are two main questions, why is this happening and who benefits from it, let’s try
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to understand this a little, i would like to turn to those of our issues, i just ask you to focus on this, which were earlier in the fourteenth year, in the fifteenth year, in the seventeenth year, in general, all these years, one way or another, we returned to this question. so, on february 18, 2014, clashes began between citizens and security forces. this resulted in violent clashes leading to mass bloodshed. first of all, i want to show you one of the episodes of our program, which was recorded in 2018, just...
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for a long time to rush around his country, because he was followed by normal persecution and persecution. in principle, according to witnesses, yanukovych should have been forced to flee kiev and kill him, if not for our special services, they would have done it. yanukovych was just a jerk, but...
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7%, whom he allowed to the very trough at which he himself is. radically tuned nationalist elements, on the basis of which, in principle, pyotr alekseevich poroshenko rests today. and now i want to rewind time a little to show you how the citizens of ukraine felt about... the separation of ukraine from the ussr and the acquisition, so to speak, of independence, this was in 1991, please pay attention, this episode was recorded in 2015, and since we were in a union, then
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we will be in a union, one way or another, regardless of whether we will be a separate state or joint, there will be no connections with russia interrupted, we will still be together with russia, but we will just somehow proceed from our own. republics, what do you expect from independence? well, of course, more freedom, yeah, economic freedom and improvement of life, of course, but what will the relationship with russia be like, just like that, the best. level, but there can be no other way, in general, we still need to stick together, you already voted today, so, for what? for independence, but do you think some controversial issues may arise? no, what happened further, please note, it was in this year of 1991 that people of military age, military personnel, officers began to be called up to the ukrainian commissars, and so these people
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were obliged to sign the following document: in the event of military aggression, russia undertakes to fight against it, you will now pay attention , this is exactly in the same year, when others were saying that everything was fine, nothing would happen, what are you talking about, already at this time, already at this time... in the ninety-first year , military personnel and people of military age signed a document , in which they undertake if necessary, fight against russia. now let’s compare what those ordinary people said on the streets of ukrainian cities with what those who received this power began to say publicly. this is officially , so to speak, posted on the website in order to create
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a real ukrainian ukraine, physically liquidate the entire russian-speaking intelligentsia of all ukrainophobes, quickly, without trial , shoot, a register of ukrainophobes in their area can be compiled by any member of freedom, execute all members of anti-ukrainian parties and organizations, not only... at this time, a huge amount of work is going on to
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influence the psyche of children, young children, in order to raise a whole generation of ukrainians who hate russia, look, these are the releases of 2016 and 2020, who are you marichka, there is no marichka here, really , is it possible for your friend to be called? marichka , then don’t call marichka masha, because if she’s masha, then this uniform is not ours, let her go there, let these marches live, as soon as you call petrik an aunt, but she’s also not a ukrainian boy, you’re a bi star get up, or learn how to properly call yourself ukrainian,
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yushchenko announced from the rostrum that he was posthumously awarding stepan bender the title of hero of ukraine. for inviolability of the spirit of the national idea, display of heroism and self-sacrifice in the struggle for an independent ukrainian state, i decide to award the title of hero of the territory with the honors of the order of the bandera power to stepan andriyevich . glory to ukraine. for reference, stepan bendera was
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convicted in poland of murder, sentenced to life, and has still not been rehabilitated. and now. we we started talking about stepan bender, i want you to look at what bender and the benderites are, this is a document, this is a memory, the real memories of eyewitnesses. from the book the atrocities of ukrainian nationalists committed against the polish population of volyn in the thirty-ninth, forty-fifth years. november 9, 1943. polish village of porosle in the sarmi region. a gang of ukrainian nationalists, pretending to be soviet partisans, misled the village residents, who treated the gang throughout the day. in the evening, bandits surrounded all the houses and killed the polish population in them. were 173 people were killed. only two survived, who were littered with corpses and a six-year-old boy who pretended to be killed.
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a later examination of the dead showed the exceptional cruelty of the executioners. breast babies were nailed to tables with kitchen knives, several people were skinned , women were raped, some had their breasts cut off, many had their ears and noses cut off, their eyes gouged out, their heads cut off. after the massacre , they arranged a drinking party at the local elder’s place; after the executioners left, among the scattered bottles, moonshine, leftover food, they found a one-year-old a child nailed to the table. and in his mouth was a piece of pickled cucumber, half eaten by one of the bandits. turovsky, simashka, atrocities committed by ukrainian nationalists against the polish population in volyn, 1939-45. and two regions, donetsk and lugansk, mainly populated by russian-speaking people,
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did not accept what happened in kiev. in other words, the people of donbass, who realized that... they were in danger as a result of this coup, they decided to secede, two republics arose: the donetsk people's republic republic and the lugansk people's republic, they wanted to speak their russian language, they wanted to think in it, they wanted to study in it, they understood that as a result of ukrainization they would lose this opportunity, they did not want this and therefore held the referendum that exists. .. naturally was not taken into account by the incoming authorities. the situation was heating up and what was happening required intervention. then in 2015 the so-called minsk agreements were signed. they were signed by ukraine, russia, representatives of the osce and
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representatives of the dpr and lpr. what were these minsk agreements? chechnya or tatarstan have, this agreement was signed, what happens next, how the terms of this agreement were fulfilled , look, we will have a job, they will not have one, we will have work, they will not, we will have pensions , they will have no, we have the support of people , the children of pensioners will be, but they don’t
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, damn you, poroshenko, your children up to the seventh day, damn you, poroshenko, you can’t live like this anymore, it’s simply impossible, help, who can? help us as much as you can, i i want to eat, i haven’t received a pension for the seventh month, we are very afraid, in the basements, come, where is this government that sits there, shameless,
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and i have to shout words to ukraine, for what? for the fact that i worked all my life, paid taxes and now i’m sitting in the basement, and little children are dying, their arms and legs are being torn off, and i will shout words to ukraine, during this time people are dying in the donbass... we continue to sincerely believe that that there is a law, international rules, that our western partners, sincerely, like us,
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want the conflict in donbass to be resolved diplomatically, we believe in this , what is happening in ukraine at this time, the same thing, at this very time, look, bandera is our hero, glory, glory, nazi marches, the use of the russian language is prohibited at the state level, not only in state papers, just in everyday life, in a pharmacy store, media that are objectionable to the ukrainian leadership are prohibited, at this very time a new president appears in ukraine, look, an artist, a popular, not poor, talented person. you can do this see for yourself, look at what he said before he became president. hello, uncle igor, aunt valya and uncle sasha.
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contrary to your fears, i inform you that i live well, as long as i live, it will be even better, because it’s already 3 weeks since i was accepted into benderovtsy, and how could it be otherwise, otherwise we can’t make a career in ukraine, although what does it tell you. you already know everything, my salary is small, but this is not the main thing, because we were allowed to take money and property from the russians, before it was possible from the jews, but then the boss benderovitz came kolomoisky banned it, i, for example, am now learning english in order to forget russian, american mercenaries, who we have here at every step, help me with this, by the way, i married a vadika for the second time, for us europeans this is
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normal, today our president , well, the most important one, who is our most important president barack obama, promised that we will soon join nato, for now, of course, as... an american henchman, if possible, friends, please send me hitler’s book mainkum, otherwise they will sweep us away, sometimes in the morning i go out onto the balcony and start doing exercises, from the heart to the sun, like this, well , what am i telling you, you also know, it’s none of our business, who do people choose? president , but something else is interesting here, why do people choose this person and not another,
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what interested people so much from the promises made by the presidential candidate, mr. zelensky, listen, our greatest task is to bring fire to the donbass. in order to ensure that our heroes don’t die again, i’m ready for anything, i’m definitely not afraid to take risks i have decided, i am ready to spend my popularity, my ratings, and if necessary, i am ready to spend my money so that peace can only be restored. time, and president zelensky begins to understand that the life of him and his family depends... on the nazis,
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on people of extreme right-wing views, on the right sector, and after very little time, he says the following, not all representatives of people, people, there are individuals, guess twice who this is correct about, about the residents of donbass, that is, there are people, and there are individuals, here they are, and politicians in...
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after all, the minsk agreements will be respected, president macron leaves for ukraine, meets with zelensky, who promises him that everything will be exactly as the world community wants the next day. this evening, official kiev stated that it does not intend to implement the minsk agreements and conduct direct negotiations with donbass. this happened just 20 hours after the joint press conference between macron and zelensky.
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accepted into nato, but what does that mean? this means that 39 km from our city of belgorod, there may be ballistic missiles, flight time, which to moscow is four minutes. fine? isn’t it clear why we are categorically against ukraine losing its neutral status and
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becoming a member of nato? they don’t hear us, but you combine this possibility of ukraine joining nato with the speeches that the leaders of ukraine spoke to the people. we have one path, to destroy moscow. this is why we live, this is why we came into this world, to destroy moscow, to destroy not just muscovites on our lands, but the black hole of european security that needs erase from the world map.
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on may 2, 2014 , 50 people were burned alive in the house of trade unions in odessa. i want to show you a short excerpt from our also bessagon, recorded exactly then in 2014. this is a short essay by the famous writer, actor, evgeniy greshkovets. listen, what happened in odessa is such a disaster. which odessa residents and ukrainians cannot even comprehend yet, cannot comprehend the scale of what happened, a terrible historical event happened, injustice, injustice, that’s what i’m now literally strangling, although i know very well that justice as such does not exist at all, well, what’s strange is
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that justice does not exist. and the injustice of souls.


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