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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 25, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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come to the russia forum exhibition. russian troops improved the situation along the front line in the donetsk direction and defeated three formations of the ukrainian armed forces. this was reported to the ministry of defense. in addition, in the vdeevsky direction, units of the center group occupied more advantageous positions. in the avdievsky direction
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, units of the center group of forces occupied more advantageous positions, and also inflicted defeat with a concentration of manpower and equipment of the third assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces and the 107th teroborona brigade in the populated area point tonenkoye, donetsk people's republic. in addition, seven enemy counterattacks were repelled in the areas of the settlements of novgorod, leninskaya, lastochkina and novo-bakhmutovka, donetsk people's republic. the enemy lost up to 100 troops, four. since the very morning, donetsk has been under fire during the retreat to the ssu and carried out terrorist attacks on several districts of the city at once, petrovsky, kievsky, kuibyshevsky and kirovsky. an elderly man and woman were injured, there was destruction.
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ukrainian authorities admitted that citizens countries do not want mobilization, although there is a need for this in the army. this statement was made this week by the head of the faction of the pro-presidential party servant of the people in the verkhovna rada. david arakhamia. he believes that slogans about canceling mobilization are populism, because, according to arakhami, some brigades are only 40% staffed. this is why military commissars continue to take men directly by force. from the streets, however, they are meeting more and more resistance every day, with details from evgeny petrukhin. million us dollars more than 22 thousand euros in boxes from under a toaster and a box of chocolates. the military commissar from the chernigov region put all this in his pocket, and those who paid, so to speak, were excused from mobilization. the sbu detained the former head of the military medical commission of the chernihiv region. for a long time he was suing , well, essentially, the local authorities over the size.
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the mobilization plan in kiev is not being implemented , possibly for the same reasons due to the insatiable military commissars. in addition, as the head of the ukrainian transformation office maxim bakhmatov noted, military pensioners can also be taken to the front, since they are already being dragged fifty-five-year-old tractor drivers into the trenches. 155. we have 155,000 military pensioners. a military pensioner is 55 years old, but the same person, a tractor driver, is drafted into the army, but a military pensioner is not drafted. here is a door-to-door inspection in the zhytomyr region. the police and, apparently, tcc employees first tell the population that these are supposedly counter-sabotage measures, and then they hand over a summons. sirsk’s first decision after his appointment as commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine was to appeal to zelensky. and
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then the decision of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine on that military commissariats are switching to round-the-clock work, that is, they are now catching ukrainians around the clock, day and night. in lviv , intercoms have become an obstacle for military commissars; local residents simply do not open the door for them; when asked where this or that potential conscript is, there is only one answer in poland. good evening, vsky commissariat. good evening, military commissariat, what did you want?
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he's apparently trying to relieve stress. for a summons, a brick to the head. in kiev, two conscripts beat up a retail center employee and also took away his work notebook and phone. now he was attacking. ukraine is facing total mobilization - said oleg dunda, secretary of the defense committee of the rada , and noted that it is possible to envisage the closure of the country and even the blocking of the economy, in order to first of all provide for the army, we must realize that step by step we are moving towards
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total mobilization, and it will actually include closure of the country, closure of the economy, we will produce most of the products ourselves, accordingly there will be money to finance weapons, the budget of... ukraine for this year, 86 billion dollars, of which 42 billion , almost half, need to be looked for, if they are not found, there will be no pensions, well, for example, i looked at the results of the economy for the first month, the month of january, 110 billion hryvnia were collected, and only 150 billion is needed for the army. although the ukrainian parliament passed a bill in the first reading... on tightening mobilization, in reality the trade center is not yet very successful in catching 5,000 future soldiers; they even have to go into public transport to check where the military commissars are from ukrainian women are pushing out, many of whom have already buried their husbands. evgenia petrukhina, anna pogonina, news. the peace plan will be handed over, but
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will not be discussed; the head of the kiev regime said on ukrainian television that ukraine has some proposals ready for moscow for a measured settlement. handouts from their western patrons, the main burden has to be borne by the europeans, since in the usa the republicans are blocking the allocation of new military tranches, what are they going to do in kiev in such conditions, boris figured out ivanin. forum ukraine. kind, take an earphone, i think you do. do you have a translation? no, everything is fine, be interested not only in the question, but also in the answer.
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not only technology failed, but also logic. a journalist from the american abc asked: isn’t it time for the kiev authorities to talk to vladimir putin, since they can’t win, but zelensky even has such an opportunity. considers, we have no alternative not to win, no, if ukraine loses, we will not exist, our existence will not exist, therefore such an ending is definitely not suitable for us, but whether ukraine will lose, how many victims there will be, depends on you, on your partners, on the western world. comedian zelensky seriously tried to convince foreign reporters that western countries need to support the kiev regime not completely, now, otherwise, quote, the end will come very quickly, but even the audience of ukrainian publics rose.
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did not give any hope, meanwhile the ratio of forces in the field is one to seven not in favor of ukraine, this is said in kiev itself, but instead of sober assessments there are unrealistic promises to organize a new counter-offensive, judging by performances are equally disastrous. it seems that everyone says that it is better for our actions
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, our results speak, we are doing everything possible and impossible to make a breakthrough, plan 224 already exists, we do not talk about it publicly, it is powerful, strong, it gives not only hope . it will deliver results in 2024, so we are working with all relevant security and defense forces to achieve the goal. but how many weapons from the usa and britain reached the ukrainian front line? a journalist from the english publication independent decided to ask about this at the forum, they even began to translate her question into russian language, but they were afraid to show the answer of the minister of defense of ukraine live, and the broadcast was cut off. and what remains behind the scenes is unpleasant, isn’t it? since the situation is always dynamic, always changing, at the moment 50% do not arrive on time. without timely deliveries, work becomes more complicated, we are losing people, we are losing territories, but
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the kiev regime is still under the illusion that the west needs it, only inviting ukraine to nato will give europe and the world a real chance to return to the genuine security, ukraine seeks to obtain it at the nato summit in washington in the summer of 2024. ukraine’s entry into nato will be blocked, at least by slovakia, as prime minister of the republic robert fitz has already promised. this war began back in 2014 with... the orders of ukrainian neo-nazis, and today nato is already going so far that ukraine can become a member state. i personally consider this to be the basis for the outbreak of world war iii. it's shocking that there is no peace plan, that the ip is not using its full weight to ensure an immediate ceasefire. the fact that a military conflict with ukraine could spread to the territory of nato countries also frightens many ordinary residents of europe. in germany, more than 60% of germans think so. this is a fresh opinion poll from the country's largest newspaper bilt. respondents are
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in favor of both options for accession, in addition, only 15% are in favor of membership, at least in the eu, and 14% for joining nato, 41% are against both options for accession, 12% abstained from answering, also about half of the germans are against supplies ukraine has long-range taurus missiles, but at the forum in kiev it is clear. made it clear that they would continue the course of escalation. boris ivanin, evgenia semtsova, maya alenova and artemy bondar, lead. the cia has created a network of secret bases in ukraine that supplies kiev with intelligence for targeted missile attacks. the new york times reports this with reference to one of the ukrainian intelligence commanders, sergei dvoretsky. the publication became aware of 12 spy bases located along the border with russia, including an underground headquarters disguised as destruction. cia with ukrainian intelligence began about 10 years ago on the
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initiative of kiev. the publication reports that us intelligence officers were constantly in ukraine and trained the elite commandos unit, known as detachment 2245. according to the publication, it was ukrainian spies trained by the cia who were behind the murder of the militia commander with the call sign motorola. the west is destroying the world. food security from speculation on stock exchanges to land contamination by british shells with combined uranium, as commented by foreign ministry official maria zakharova another sabotage with ukrainian grain in poland, west of warsaw, unknown persons poured at least 160 tons of corn from a freight train. in total, polish farmers damaged eight carriages. this protest became the largest ever during the rallies of local farmers. the minister commented on the situation. structures of ukraine, calling the poles vandals and lawbreakers, i note that grain exports for kiev are one of
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the most important ways to support the country’s economy. early voting has started in russia for the presidential elections, this this year, it is also being held in new regions, where residents of settlements near the line of combat contact, as well as military personnel, are voting for the first time. in the north and east of the country, members of election commissions are going to... the main days in the presidential elections will be from march 15 to 17. the winners of the leaders of russia competition were awarded in moscow. the solemn ceremony took place at the gorky moscow art theater in the fifth season of the flagship project of the presidential platform russia-land of opportunities. out of more than 16 thousand applications, only 302 best managers.
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anastasia panko will tell you more about the award ceremony. now she is in direct contact with our studio. nastya, good evening, how many people became winners? hello, dmitry, the winners are already known, but it will be difficult to list them all, because this year there are 102 people. they were able to become the best among 16.
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and it’s not a title, it’s a state of mind, it’s a responsibility that you accept. each winner of this competition received simply the most valuable experience, for example, they analyzed some problems that exist in the regions, they analyzed management cases, quickly coped with complex tasks that may arise in life, for example, managers. we also worked a lot in teams, these were just such tasks. a lot, based on teamwork, because after all, this is one of the most important life skills, especially for those people who want to achieve something more, this is what the winners themselves say about the competition. the competition was memorable because in just a few days, although in fact we worked for a whole year, it turned out to be a collision of the entire country from the far
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east or kamchatka to new territories, that is, we know so many people, so many connections, so many projects, so many ideas. how we can develop our big country, and these are people who love and have a desire to develop our country, so i’m delighted. i have a project for the nizhny novgorod region, to attract children to the children's railway, we are ready to tell them thematic lessons about how cool it is to work on the children's railway railway, in the future on our present one. all these winners, charged, ambitious people who know exactly what they will do as soon as i return... from their regions, the competition for leaders of russia is being held for the fifth time, and besides, there are people here who have been participating for exactly the same amount of time, here’s for example , victoria, the comments we just showed, is also participating for the fifth time, and in previous times she did not go beyond the distance stage, but today she actually took the main prize, so such winners, managers, strong,
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persistent, do not stop, even it would seem, after several failures, managers will take not only experience to their regions. super finalists will receive a million rubles for training plus the opportunity to work with experienced mentors, these are university rectors, governors, heads of large companies, and the winners will, in addition, receive a plus of career support for a year from leading specialists in personnel assessment. the leaders of russia, in general, are ambitious, a unique system of social elevators, these two the words leaders of russia are not just the name of the competition, but in essence we can say that it is real...
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mikhail mishustin held a strategic session on the implementation of socio-economic development initiatives. the government continues to pay special attention to the development of the healthcare system. at the initiative of the president, a set of measures aimed at developing medical rehabilitation is being implemented. over the past few years , more than 700 medical care departments have been re-equipped. the primary care for everyone initiative made it possible to transfer eleven types of medical documents, procedures for making appointments with a doctor, and issuing certificates into electronic format. at the same time, the opportunity receipt of documents in paper form is preserved. the social treasury initiative allows citizens to receive assistance from... today, 42 support measures are assigned only on the basis of one application or without it at all. in 2023
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, almost 23 million people received various social payments in a proactive manner. as part of the initiative, invented in russia, schools of creative industries are being developed. there are already 67 such organizations operating in russia. and in 2024 , 26 more will open. according to the professional program. 220 production facilities were created clusters uniting colleges and enterprises in twenty-four industries. the pushkin card project continues to develop, a program that allows students to visit cultural institutions for free at the expense of the federal budget. about 11,500 cultural institutions have already joined the project. as part of the general cleanup initiative, work is underway to eliminate landfills, dangerous wells, and abandoned industrial enterprises. sunken ships, 131 ships have already been salvaged from the bottom in the far eastern federal district. it is planned to conduct a similar one in 2024 work with another 82 ships. all this is a significant
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stage in the formation of a new modern culture of human interaction with government agencies; it is based on feedback from people, which the president tells us about, and such work will continue. mikhail mishustin chaired a meeting of the coordination council to meet the needs of the armed forces. he also noted that an equally important area is the organization of peaceful life in the lpr, dpr, kherson and zaporozhye regions. the coordination council discussed issues of material and social support for participants and veterans of the northern military district. the government allocated more than 18 billion rubles to the defenders of the fatherland foundation. the funds will be used to fulfill the tasks assigned to the fund.
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on instructions from the president, the government has prepared amendments to the legislation that introduce the concepts of forest climate projects, define a list of activities related to them, protection from fires, restoration and reforestation, protection of forests from pests and diseases, and control over work in the forestry complex will also be strengthened. work participants will be required to promptly provide supervisory authorities with the results of monitoring of implementation. and protect forests more effectively. the world of bcs investment is limitless. there are those who
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program, which talks about what


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