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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 25, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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american, this is a canadian dry drink, where they have still advanced along the front, there are, there are, and the president’s first impressions of the flight on the tu-160m strategists. the technology is excellent. the west is demoralized by military defeats in the ssu. the russians are taking over. the russians have regained the initiative and are advancing along the entire 1.00 km front line. will planes and new missiles save zelensky? two columns? it will be difficult to find the same source of funding, and what did the bloody outbreak of february 14th with foreign money turn out for ukraine. in spain, on a false passport, as a laborer, a traitorous helicopter pilot, kuzminov. betrayal, it is never forgiven, never. i would be happy to meet him, i would be happy to get even. i wanted a sweet life, but received six bullets. it was a regular transport flight.
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the main shots of the week. on wednesday, supreme commander-in-chief vladimir putin took a flight on the modernized tu-160m supersonic strategic bomber. a beautiful and formidable machine that has no equal in the world. all details in the telegram channel pavel zarubin in the moscow kremlin putin program immediately after our graduation. snippet right now. only. we saw that
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the president again climbed into the cockpit of a tu-160 strategic bomber for the second time in a row in 2 days, we don’t know what this means. dmitry sergeevich, why did you enter the tu-160 again now? because yesterday he decided to take the flight. footage that you rarely see, the presidential motorcade without the main passenger, driving along the airfield, driving away from the rocket launcher. what is happening on board is unknown, everyone is watching listening to what is happening , the more and more powerful roar of the engines, this power is so , you know, approaching, it is felt right here, several tens of meters away, we are watching together, the flaps are being checked, apparently, there are only a few seconds left before the start and... here the last
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accompanying mourner departs from the tu-160m on board, the commander and president, supreme commander-in-chief vladimir putin, is on board the most powerful, largest, highest-speed strategic bomber tu-160m. missile carrier taxis to the runway for acceleration. the strategic missile carrier tu-160m with vladimir putin on board is taking off, together with you we are now watching this truly unique event. so, lifting off the ground, taking off, now, of course, everyone is very interested in finding out what the route will be, this, as you and i understand, is a military secret. presidential press secretary peskov said that the flight.
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will last about 40 minutes, and you and i know, of course, the tactical and technical characteristics, we know that this missile carrier can carry nuclear warheads, news of putin's flight spread. millions of messages all over the world, and of course, the residents of kazan rushed to their windows, words during the flight that we were able to hear in our program. the country, and the whole world, froze in anticipation, waiting for every new shot and new message, return.
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vladimir putin’s flight lasted 30 minutes , of course, the most interesting thing is now to find out about his impressions, it’s hardly possible to do it right here, because it’s very noisy , but i think we’ll all try to find out about his impressions, then how much in the wind regardless of the winds, the airfield is cold, as can be judged by dmitry peskov. vladimir putin descends from the assembly of the strategic missile carrier tu-160m, let's try to find out about his impressions. the very first gesture says it all. listen, that’s not the point, the point is that we are getting new equipment, well, the equipment is excellent, it ’s really new generation, as i told the commander of the ship, uh, now i’ll say it again,
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the leadership of the ministry of trade, of course, you can accept the composition armed forces, this is truly a new, new machine. on tuesday, in the kremlin, president putin heard a report from defense minister sergei shaigu on the liberation of the most important fortified area of ​​the armed forces of ukraine in the city of avdeevka in the dpr. all the most important moments in the reports of evgeny ryshitnev and grigory vdovin.
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vladimir putin learned about each phase of the special operation to occupy avdeevka and clear the city of remnants of armed forces immediately from the reports of the minister of defense and the head of the general staff. at 6, at 7 in the morning the beginning of the enemy began such a chaotic retreat from this settlement, now it was already what time at 11 yes, you were there again here, together with the chief of the general staff , they reported on what was happening in avdeevka , this chaotic flight, by this time, as i understand it, the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine... and issued an order to withdraw its armed forces when they were already in motion and left this populated area , well, as i understand it, this was done for political reasons, in order to cover up this move and give it the appearance of such an organized withdrawal, a lot of weapons were thrown
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, a lot of personal weapons, a lot of anti-tank guns, manpads, well, actually everything now it's cleaning up, big job. demining is going on, in general, a lot of things were left, but with the understanding that the exit was really running and chaotic, there were no specially mined objects, the city was turned into a fortified area, with underground passages, concrete bunkers, kiev initially planned to use it as a springboard for the capture of donetsk, and for 10 years bombed peaceful city blocks day after day. during the liberation of avdeevka, all types of troops and aviation were used. worked by managed bombs on the ground pinned the ukrainian armed forces units in pincers, and the first russian troops entered the city underground along utility lines. the diameter of this pipe, as the commander of this unit reported to me, he did not personally report, i think 10 meters, 20 meters, here
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they are, healthy men there along this pipe, not knowing where to go, they walk, they walked over 3 km, they actually went out into the unknown place, they captured 19 buildings there at once , held there for several days when they were blocked, they had losses, in general, of course, this is such a special page in the history of military actions in general in russia as a whole in protecting its interests are vitally important. operation pipe was prepared for several weeks; to get behind enemy lines, the pipe was improved and a hole was made. for ventilation, work was carried out carefully under the noise cover of artillery strikes. as a result, 150 attack aircraft crawled along it and jumped out behind them, taking up advantageous positions near vsushnikov. all military units, all military personnel, of course, deserve the
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highest awards, encouragements and words of gratitude from the country, from russia, on the part of our people. rifle brigades, tank regiments, volunteer brigade, veterans. by the end of the operation, flags planted by russian fighters fluttered over every significant military and civilian facility. one of the first russian journalists to enter avdeevka was vesti correspondent grigory vdovin. the number of prisoners on the ground in front of the kamaz is growing and growing; this is only one of a batch of two dozen people that will now be transported along the chain. further, everyone is united not only by blue tape and the ukrainian uniform, the chevrons that have already been removed and
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not yet, the outlandish overseas weapons, a kind of exhibition, the usual ones weren’t even shown to us, and walkie-talkies, communication systems, all different, cunning, american, will now be studied by our relevant specialists. avdiivka became for them the last point of ukrainian reality, through which they found themselves in the reality of the dpr with its associated one. worry, nothing will happen, no one is going to shoot you, like the veterans did me, so you can’t hear me, okay, i can’t hear it any louder, well done, they say that they didn’t shoot there, didn’t fight, no matter how much that’s a lie, cook, postman, cook, postman, yes, they’re all doctors. drivers, as if none of them were shooting, some were found and detained on the streets of avdeevka, some were captured by this very
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unit, as a result of that same legendary assault, when veteran stormtroopers marched through an underground pipe to the rear for the tsar’s hunt, well how suddenly everything was, it was not expected, it was not expected, alyonka, i ’m fine, i’m alive and well, thank god, thank you to these people for this, thank you, war, all people alive, that... on your side, that on our side, my task was to help people, that’s all, it didn’t occur to you that we’re all on the same side, it didn’t come off as a lie, we’re all intertwined, russians, ukrainians, it was clear that avdiivka was converted or it’s not clear, well, it’s clear, of course , it’s clear, well, you knew that you were actually surrounded, in fact, you knew this, but no one really brings any such information to us , 2 months ago they transferred .
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they continue to find mountains of ammunition in basements, garages and warehouses, that’s all new and increasingly foreign made in usa, but ukrainian soldiers are also found , of course, there are a lot of dead people lying on the roadsides, the living are being detained less and less often, and even more so the healthy ones, apparently, almost all of them have already been caught, they come across, but three or four people are all they run in dashes, the little ones are afraid , they hide, what are they counting on, i don’t know, luck, maybe it has betrayed them? but i think yes for a long time. sappers work in the city; they periodically block roads
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to neutralize unexploded ordnance. or a mine. lanes are gradually being cleared , barricades and rubble are being pulled away, and anything explosive or lying around is being collected from the roadsides. here the fighter accompanying us, as if in between, finds a grenade launcher hidden behind a bus stop. this is an american bumblebee. how do you say bumblebee in american? no idea, he has, here’s the pin , here’s the pin, here’s the trigger, well, that is, in normal working condition, yes, it’s not fired, everything is clear, the legendary industrial zone, the avdeevka industrial zone, is now busy, as if in a kind of military rush hour, all these years we we looked at it in the loophole from the yasenovataya and gorlovka highways, only now we can look at it from the other side, this is the former extreme position of the ukrainian troops, foreign journalists were brought here. shoot intense reports that frighten western viewers. the destruction of the high-rise buildings
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in the central part is colossal, the apartments stand with their insides facing out, although on the stairs, it is unclear how the jam survived, the wall of the stairwell has ukrainian visual political propaganda. the roofs of the central part, where the spotters sat and tourists can see donetsk and deny themselves the opportunity, it’s difficult to see the city. the flags of the units that took part in the battles for the liberation of the city, the russian banner and the banner of the veterans who appeared here first, others are now growing around these flagpoles, from here in the palm of your hand everything...
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is being evacuated to the rear, here is the nato m113 armored vehicle, apparently, first it was blown up by a mine, after that it was finished off with fpv drones, the mines were stacked here, they were removed from the road, as we see, a little trick was used here, you can probably already use it open, mines wrapped in some old things, sweaters, jackets, sweatshirts, dressing gowns, so that they were dark in color and in the heat of battle the driver simply did not notice them, this is what let him down, ukrainian... burnt tank , the turret was thrown to the side, which means the ammunition detonated. the crew of the tour, they came in, dug in and waited for the tanks, they caught him and locked him down. and in the midst of all this post-ukrainian apocalypse , people... more and more of them are starting to come out of the basements along the streets; these are ordinary civilians who are just beginning to come to life. andrei and tatyana's
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household was more or less preserved, but they had to go through a lot. yes, it's hard. lost and found starlink, main antenna. hello elon musk. together with the guys from the brigade , the veterans with whom we prepared this report, all units of the ministry of defense in this direction are now making avdeevka safer in order to continue pushing the enemy further beyond the borders of the former donetsk region of ukraine. avdeevka returned to the family of russian cities as part of the donetsk
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people's republic as part of the russian federation. stella remains from soviet times. here it is written avdeevka. and not avdievka, as they tried to call it in ukraine, and what it actually never was. the center group was involved in the assault on avdievka. at the end of the week, the minister of defense went to her command post on a mi-8 helicopter, accompanied by combat night hunters. in front of the headquarters is captured equipment abandoned to the ukrainian armed forces in ovdeevka. whose is this? what's a charging grenade launcher? 40 mm. uh, here we are. liberating avdeevka we advanced more than 10 km, now the fighting is already outside the city, somewhere right now we have already brought out about 200 prisoners after the cleansing, and we expect, based on the information received from local
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residents, that we will forge over a hundred more in the coming days, you heard what the supreme commander said , humane as... this has always been the case. at a meeting with the supreme commander-in-chief, sergei shaigu reported on another direction, also extremely important. krynka, a settlement on our left bank of the dnieper. he wanted to use kiev as a springboard for a push to the south. this question arose, if you remember, even during a direct line with me. i said there then that i don’t understand why the enemy is doing this to his people, sending them to almost certain death, yes. and treats them as if these are not their people, and not their people at all, the krynki have been cleared, we have stood virtually along the entire coast of the kynka icon river, this week the minister of defense reported several times to the president about the situation on the front line, where events were developing rapidly, but this was not the only thing discussed,
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with russia’s successes on the battlefield, apparently connected with a new spread of american disinformation, four words combined into one... sentence: moscow, space, nuclear weapons, obviously, should revive the phobias of the cold war in the west. at the instigation of the american intelligence services, the press created a fuss. russia is going to place nuclear weapons in orbit to destroy american satellites, and all this supposedly could happen as early as this year. lari, we can talk about quite short periods, despite the fact that the president of russia, vladimir putin, stated that he does not want use such weapons. yes, he says that russia is categorically against this. putin really had to respond to these speculations, which hit western audiences like an avalanche. our position is clear and transparent, we have always been categorically against the deployment of nuclear weapons in space, on the contrary, we call not
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only to comply with all agreements that exist in this area, but also proposed to greatly strengthen this joint work. russia consistently opposes the deployment of nuclear weapons in space, sticking. between the usa, great britain and the ussr from 1967, on the principles of the activities of states in exploring the use of outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, signed on the soviet side by foreign minister andrei gromyk, but the information bomb prepared by the state department was planted in the american congress, where apparently they should have immediately approved the allocation of 60 billion to ukraine in the face of such a danger. said in an interview with the tas agency, i don’t understand, to scare senators and congressmen with something that doesn’t exist, when
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well, there are real things that you need to be afraid of, such weapons as poseidon, burevestnik, vanguard, overexposure, dagger , listen, burevestnik, this is a global range of action, or rather not a radius, the burevestnik with a nuclear installation has successfully passed the test of the intercontinental cruise missile, its flight range is practically unlimited. the avangard strategic missile system has been put on combat duty. on defender of the fatherland day, the president announced the start of serial production of zircon hypersonic missiles. all these weapons are located on the ground, not in space. the united states undoubtedly knows about this, but prefers to remain silent so as not to once again be reminded of its superiority.
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on the one hand, he calls for the strategic defeat of russia, on the other hand, they allegedly intend and want to negotiate with us on the issue of passion, believing that one issue is in no way connected with the other, but this will not be possible, if they seek to inflict a strategic defeat on us, then we must think about what strategic stability is for our country, they tend to want to achieve unilateral advantages. it will not happen. russia is ready to discuss issues of strategic stability, but in a complex way: talk about the spread of nato and pitting ukraine against russia, you will have to.
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when karen donfred, assistant secretary of state , came to pick up a draft treaty between the united states and russia prepared by moscow, it was at the end of twenty-one, moscow raised precisely these questions, about the non-expansion of the alliance to post-soviet countries, about the refusal to create military bases and deployment there . the documents were thrown into the trash and not by moscow. in 2003, washington unilaterally terminated the soviet-american anti-ballistic missile treaty. in 2019, it withdrew from
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the intermediate- range nuclear forces treaty. in 2020, states unilaterally terminated the open skies treaty. well, finally, last year russia had to suspend the treaty on the limitation of strategic offensive arms, because the position of its...
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tatarstan and chuvashia alexey golovko and pavel zarubin. takeoff of the heaviest combat aircraft in the world. the spectacle is unforgettable. the tu-160 missile carrier is a legendary white swan, capable of traveling 12.00 km even without refueling, and even at supersonic speed. such unique aircraft are born on kazan aviation plant named after gorbunov, like all defense plants. at enterprises, work on assembling and modernizing military equipment takes place in three shifts. modernization of the tu-160 is the most important task of the russian defense industry. the new vehicle received the m index and is now capable of carrying up to 24 cruise missiles, including those with a nuclear warhead. the coating makes the aircraft more invisible to enemy radars. the bomber also features new avionics and new efficient and more powerful engines. on
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