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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 26, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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developing friendly relations between our countries. there are only a few days left until the world youth festival, which will open on march 1 on the federal territory of sirius. 20 thousand participants from more than 180 countries are waiting there. this is a great opportunity to show your talent, find new friends, and exchange unique experiences. pavel milnik assessed the readiness for the festival. together with you can take the most inaccessible heights, to the world youth festival, participants will bring pushkin’s works in their native languages. latest preparations sirius university will be transported into the atmosphere of a large international airport; it will even have its own duty-free shopping area. here is such a handbag, a russian bridge directly to the far eastern federal university. over the next few weeks, the space for dialogue remains unchanged. the exhibitors in this zone are large government ones. cool
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programs, personnel elevators that work today so that young people can develop. the grand scale of the organizers, on the site of the olympic park the soul of russia awakens, a whole city of youth world, so that each of the festival participants can find something to their liking: together discover new things, like this cheburashka in a researcher’s spacesuit, together make plans for the future, the world youth festival includes tens of thousands of participants from all over the planet. here is big russia in miniatures. many objects were built by the hands of young specialists. the nizhny novgorod pavilion shimmers with the waves of the volga. our program is in the pavilion, it was designed jointly with the russian knowledge society. then here you can still meet our famous people, young nizhny novgorod residents. everything is ready for the world youth festival: contactless currency exchange offices operate in several languages, new spaces have appeared in hotels along the coast. participants of the festival are of different, for example, religions, yes, and there are music rooms, for example.
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for all faiths, so that the dialogue of cultures takes place, almost 5,000 volunteers from all over russia arrived in sirius, i am a volunteer, they are involved everywhere, at the emeritinsky resort station there is a victory train, an immersive installation of the events of the great patriotic war will help better understand our country. we went through history, we know this, but it is important that the new generation also understands that those events took place relatively recently. the organizers' forecasts are almost impressive. 90 thousand visitors will be able to visit a variety of venues; there are only a few days left before the opening of the world youth festival. pavel milnik and nikita kalchenko, news: federal territory sirius. the international multi-sport tournament games of the future is in full swing in kazan. week two started today tournament, within the framework of which a multifunctional medical center was also deployed to provide timely assistance to athletes. about the capabilities of this center and how the work is carried out?
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taking into account innovative disciplines and the specifics of the games, our correspondent, danilo makhadlin, will tell you, he is connected, danilo, greetings, as an impression, yes, greetings from kazan, we are in the center of sports medicine of the fmba, which was deployed at the games of the future, and just now we will show, how it all looks from the country, there are several offices here at once, who are preparing to receive athletes, there are a lot of athletes, considering that their number is greater, 2000 are in full swing, the procedures here are pressotherapy, massage, boron chamber, let's go further, we can see, a little behind the sports psychology office, this is also very important, considering that this games are not only sports, but also e-sports, if we walk a few more meters, then we get just a sports massage, and as you know, many athletes are controversial outside of independence. no matter whether it’s a cyber sport or
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a real sport, everything, of course, comes down to massage are positive, considering that these games of the future are modern in themselves and include a huge number of situations, we just talked with the specialists of this center to find out what situations have already happened during the time that the games have been running, which is almost a week. we had an athlete who participated in that part, that is, in the esports part and... in the physical part, and he came purposefully to the psychological correction room because he said that under conditions of nervous overstrain, a sleep disorder began, to from match to match, that is, throughout the entire playing day, he accumulated anxiety, the emotional state is an aspect that is very closely related to muscle coordination, and if your attention is distracted by... what a person can
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give in the game , this center itself appeared on behalf of veronika skvartsova, and most importantly, there are specialists working here who, at the same time, are doctors of national teams in various sports, and for example, basketball players are currently here right now, fidzital basketball players, to be precise, the unix team, came here. for example, a colombian skateboarder who was injured , sprained his leg the day before, in general, work is underway and we continue to monitor everything here at the games of the future, word from the studio, yes, thank you, at the medical center of the fmba of russia, at the games of the future my colleague
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to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. today on the program four leaders looked into the future. central asian states took part in the opening ceremony of the games future in kazan, we didn’t forget to talk about the present, about the brave new world, uzbekistan will now buy cotton from the united states, a scandal with a leak of personal data is breaking out in kazakhstan. lately there has been a lot of speculation on the topic of language, with frightening regularity, instigators are taking this question into a provocative direction, who respects whom or... does not respect whom, infringes or does not infringe, pure populism with the sole purpose of sowing hostility. i would like to remind you once again, do not listen to provocateurs, this is the official position, a beautiful answer to all those offended and concerned about this issue. at the opening ceremony in kazan, where
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the heads of kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan and uzbekistan were present, vladimir putin asked the leaders to greet the athletes in their native language. president vladimir vladimirovich, eng aldyn men sizge ulken rezashlymdy bildirim keledi. bul oyun take care oyyn. dunie zhuzinde bunday oyyn zhok. i thank dear vladimir vladimirovich for holding these games. these are unique games that have no analogues, perhaps in modern world. i wish everyone success. khurmattu kelechek oyyndary tournamentdin katyshuuchulary, sport duynoun elchisi, sport bul den sooluktyn bulagy dep zhon same. dear participants in the games of the future, it is not for nothing
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that they say that sport is the source of health in the world, i wish you harmony and health, may the strongest win, i wish you success.
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in kazan, the leaders of the central asian states have already gone down in history, and not only thanks to such linguistic polyphony, the very event that they opened has already entered the world history of sports. games of the future, synthesis classical and e-sports, teams first, for example, play hockey on a console, then go on real ice. several thousand athletes from 1007 countries are participating. president takaev saw the prospect of such competitions and proposed that the next games. in this format were held in kazakhstan, in 2026 already in uzbekistan, this is already a proposal by shavkat
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mirziyoyev. the visit to kazan for the heads of central asian states was an opportunity not only to look into the future, but to talk about the present, and always discuss there is something, even given such a high frequency of summit meetings. at the negotiations between the leaders of russia and uzbekistan , consistent strengthening was noted. russian relations, comprehensive strategic partnership and alliance. they talked about positive dynamics in trade turnover and the implementation of projects in industry, energy and transport. shavkat mirziyoyev also told vladimir putin that he had instructed officials to prepare for his visit to the republic after the russian presidential elections. in victory over the uzbek friends, no doubt. a similar opinion is held in kazakhstan. kasym zhamartakaev stated this during a meeting with vladimir putin. the president of kazakhstan noted that with his... actions, the president of russia is shaping the global agenda, and the russian economy, despite very
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difficult conditions, has achieved great success, which will undoubtedly have a positive impact on bilateral relations. the leaders of tajikistan and russia discussed cooperation in such sectors as energy, agriculture, investment and migration, and noted that there are practically no unresolved issues between the two countries. well, the president of kyrgyzstan sadyr dzhaparov during the meeting wished vladimir putin success in the upcoming elections. what else was memorable about this week in asia: kazakh security forces neutralized eight criminal cells at once, whose members were engaged in propaganda of terrorism, drug trafficking in weapons, as well as kidnappings in oktyubinsk, oterau, zhambyl and other regions. 23 people were detained, and according to the investigation, all of them are connected with international extremist groups. groups. the kazakh police opened a criminal case. on the fact of the desecration of an orthodox cemetery near the city of zhanauzen in the mingestaov region. vandals who
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tore crosses from several graves are wanted. the russian embassy provided a comment. diplomats called the incident alarming, although atypical for the multicultural people of kazakhstan. shtatneft and kozmunaigas will create a new joint venture for geological exploration at the karaton site in the target votera region of kazakhstan. how it is reported that the first well is planned to be drilled this year. according to the terms of the deal, the russian company will receive half the shares of the project operator. news that may seem unexpected to some: uzbekistan will purchase cotton from the united states. where is yours, you ask. everything is in place. uzbekistan is still one of the world leaders in fiber production. about 3.5 million tons of heart cotton are produced here annually, the sixth largest in the world and more than a million. fibers, just the textile industry for has made a colossal leap in recent years. the level of fiber processing has increased from 40% in
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the seventeenth year to 100 in 2021, the production of fabric yarn has doubled, and knitted products by 5 and a half times. one of the main buyers of uzbek textiles is russia. the growing trade turnover between the countries last year was more than 6.5%. shavkat merziyoyev and russian minister of trade and industry denis manturov discussed the matter in tashkent. other issues include cooperation. in industrial operations and energy, very wide palette issues on the agenda, thanks to the relationship with our president. our teams support the groundwork that has been formed , actively interacting in a wide range of areas, ranging from education, healthcare, culture, transport, today we discussed those projects that are at the implementation stage, this is in
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the field of the mining industry. and this is a petrochemical and gas chemical complex that will be developed in bukhariya, we agreed to create joint development institutions that will provide support, for this purpose, the presidents signed a road map on the list of projects in areas and... 60 our task is to increase the volume of mutual trade to 20 billion, all this will ensure the bilateral development of our country. and an office of the chamber of commerce and industry of kyrgyzstan opened in moscow. the new representative office will contribute
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to the development of trade and economic relations between the countries. here entrepreneurs will be able to make new contacts and... solve pressing issues. opening of a representative office of the chamber of commerce and industry of kyrgyzstan in this is certainly a significant event for moscow. in general, how active is the exchange of business missions between russia and kyrgyzstan now? first of all, it should be noted that in general russia is one of the key trading partners of kyrgyzstan. at the end of the twenty- second year, the foreign trade turnover of the kyrdyz republic with the russian federation reached its record level. amounted to 3.5 billion us dollars, thanks to efforts to increase trade and economic cooperation, as a result of the twenty-third year, russia ranks second in trade turnover, this is about 18.7% of the total trade turnover of the kyrgyz republic after china. in the twenty-third year, in cooperation with the russian side
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, over 20 business missions were implemented, delegations from 16 regions of the russian federation were visited. the development of trade, economic and investment relations with russia plays a key role for us. secondly, during the tenth anniversary kyrgyz-russian interregional conference, we held a joint meeting of the kyrgyz-russian and russian kyrgyz business councils, created as part of the interaction of the chambers of commerce and industry of our countries. as a result
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of the meeting, we were once again convinced that there is great potential for developing trade and economic cooperation. what else do you remember about the past week? about the reaction to the revocation of the license from qiwibank. its registration was immediately canceled by the national bank of kyrgyzstan. in uzbekistan, a number of banks reported that they were suspending work with the contact service. similar news from tajikistan. now they offer clients use alternative translation systems. but qiwi kazakhstan reassured tenge wallet holders. no restrictions apply to them. the kyrgyz parliament passed its second reading
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of a bill on non-profit and non-governmental organizations that perform the functions of foreign representatives. proposed to punish such ngos, as well as their leadership, with a large fine or imprisonment, but only if they call on citizens to commit illegal actions. military personnel of the 201st russian base in tajikistan visited the great patriotic war veteran mukhtor zargarov, who fought with the nazis on the fronts of ukraine, belarus and poland. recently celebrated its centenary. the soldier officers congratulated oksakal on defender of the fatherland day and presented him with food packages for the whole large family and memorable gifts. in addition, a military orchestra played especially for zargarov. a new approach to parliamentary diplomacy. the first meeting of the interparliamentary commission on cooperation of the state duma of the legislative chamber of the oli majelis took place in moscow
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uzbekistan. we discussed issues of labor migration and the development of economic integration in the eurasian space. 6 million people come annually. this obliges us to do a lot so that we can begin to form a legal framework. it is very important for us that... we have 15 universities, if i’m not mistaken, 12,000 students study there in 15 universities in uzbekistan, we have a lot of russian schools,
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we have a lot of pre-school educational institutions that are taught in russian , and we have a lot of russian speakers, russian cultural centers quite a lot, besides, we have a common history, our people united in opposing the fascists, we will need to unite more. ismailov was received by the chairman of the russian federation council valentina matvienko. the speaker of the upper house noted that russia and uzbekistan are at a level of mutual understanding of cooperation that is usually described as a comprehensive strategic partnership and alliance. russia and uzbekistan are today at the level of cooperation and mutual understanding that is accepted.
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sphere of our interaction, we in uzbekistan appreciate your huge personal contribution to the development of our relations, relations between states, relations between our parliaments, the entire public of uzbekistan knows you, we love you, respect you, the entire parliamentary corps, representatives are present here, everyone has conveyed their sincere wishes to you personally, valentina ivanovna, especially our women. they said, hello, tell valentina ivanovna, here i am conveying their greetings. alarmingly, hackers had full access to critical data for several years infrastructure of kazakhstan and personal information
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of citizens. data has leaked onto the network that has yet to be verified, but if it turns out to be reliable, this means that the cybercriminals had, for example, all cellular operators and even some government agencies of the republic under their thumb. ministry of digital development and national security committee. are conducting a joint check, this is still a rather dry reaction of the kazakh authorities to the leak of critical infrastructure servers, allegedly by one of the foreign hacker groups could gain access to classified information about employees of law enforcement agencies, passengers of the air carrier air astana and numerous clients of the largest telecom providers in the republic. mozhelis deputies have a question: who is to blame? the most striking example is the service for controlling access to personal data, this is a program that notifies that someone is using data, the service was developed 2 years ago, it was given legal status, but so far only 118 personal data operators have implemented it.
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of course, the problem is not only circumstances, but in the reasons, if you believe the kazakh center for analysis and investigation of cyber ​​attacks, the array of files stolen by hackers was stored by the chinese company asun, which officially cooperates with the ministry of public security of the people's republic of china, so why did it need to accumulate digital dossiers on its neighbors? we can't blame. there is no direct evidence of any country or any special service that it violated our legislation, especially if we are talking about a state, a strategic partner of kazakhstan, however, according to a number experts just need to take for granted the fact that any telecommunications equipment automatically tracks and systematizes the activities of users on the network, and chinese does this much less actively than western equipment, which is also used in kazakhstan, on the other hand , requests to protect at least... some of the data and above all , no one has canceled the logs of telecom operators from unwanted collection. we believe that yes, a separate agency is needed here, which will have powers, which should be subordinate to...
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directly to either the president or the security council and which will oversee this industry. we will probably find out quite soon how viable this initiative is, but there is no doubt in any case that some measures will be taken , the resonance is too great. developing its subsoil on its own is the new strategy of kyrgyzstan. with this new approach , we decided to return to the project of developing a large field. uranium and rare earth metals. kyzyl ompol near lake isykul, there are deposits of uranium, rare earth metals, in general, all the resources for which the main geopolitical struggle lies ahead. the deposit's reserves are roughly estimated at $300 billion. they tried to start developing the field back in 2019, but were prevented by mass protests and fears of environmental consequences. after 5 years , the government changed, and the methods also changed. sadyr
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japarov had a conversation with local residents. reassured everyone and thanked them for stopping the development of the field 5 years ago, because then it would have gone to foreigners, but now the enterprise will completely state-owned, an approach that takes care of the native land and the local budget will be appropriate. the project, by the way, should give impetus to the entire mining industry of kyrgyzstan. every year, 50 people will be sent to russia for training in order to gradually train their own specialists. it's getting a little alarming. for the kyrgyz brothers, kicked the canadians out of the gold mine, turned blinkin around, are fighting foreign agents and want to extract their own resources, is it really possible to pursue such an independent policy? let's finish this rhetorical question today, see you as usual next week in the center of asia, take care of yourself! sashenko,
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turn on the morning playlist. i turn on the music. sasha, how should i dress today? dress warmly and take the zone. sasha, what time is my meeting? at 15:00. sasha, where should we go for breakfast? i found three establishments nearby, but vote first. sasha, what’s the best way to get there? i've built a route, turn left, you've arrived. sasha, who should i vote for, and you must decide for yourself. together we are strong, we vote for russia. future you need to create it yourself and do it together. we are very happy, we speak different languages, but we have the same desire, a diverse and open world for everyone. every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival. let's start the future
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together. com. about the situation with shelling, mine clearance and restoration plans. denis pushillin spoke about what was happening in avdievka and how a decision would be made on the future fate of the settlement. they coded the road with tractors and tires. belgian farmers have paralyzed the center of brussels. police uses water cannons. what is the situation at this time? the results of the single voting day are being summed up in belarus. what political forces enter parliament and how are the results of voting in local councils of deputies assessed? no grounds were found, denmark is reportedly stopping the investigation into sabotage on the nord stream gas pipelines. how do you explain
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this decision? the territory liberated in videevka is being checked for explosive objects; sappers from the group of troops in the center are finding and destroying hundreds of mines and ammunition every day. now they are examining the main roads, residential buildings and administrative buildings. the head of the donetsk people's republic visited avdeevka. in an interview with our channel, denis pushilin shared his impressions and told how decisions will be made about the future fate of the settlement. of course, a decision will be made not only at the regional, but certainly at the federal level, and after an assessment by specialists, but taking into account the fact that now donetsk itself is also still subject to restoration, that is, there are a lot of repairs and other things, taking into account the deficit housing, taking into account the fact that ovdeevka is a suburb of donetsk, that is...


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