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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 26, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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there is a stage on which there are chairs, ottomans, monitors, a large screen, which the spectators in the stands are already looking at, and today the first match was attended by a team from armenia and the alcatas team, representing three countries at once, ganduras, guatemala and canada, an equal fight in in the cyber part, on the real court, everything was decided by literally one goal, we can assume that it was scored - in the cyber part, we can say that on the real court, but in any case, today. it became clear that the team from armenia is flying out of the tournament, of course, guys we were upset, and it was noticeable in the post-match interview. we liked the experience , we will prepare for the next tournaments , if there are any in the future we will prepare more seriously, because we did not imagine the scale of the tournament, initially we came for the victory, well, it turned out that way, maybe it’s our fault that we didn’t finish it somewhere, but well, this is sport it turns out. sometimes it’s just unlucky or
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, well, most likely it’s their own fault, it seems to me. noteworthy is the team from brazil, called tyamu junto, and it is represented by our russian blogger alexey gurkin, all the other team members, they are really from brazil, he went there a few days, a few years ago, put together this team, which participated in more than one similar event, and here too in... verchasti, when they competed with a team representing saudi arabia, the score was equal after the first half, but in the second half alexey just took the joystick into his hands and the score went from 4:4 to 9:4, so here we can say that he really decided it. i invited the guys my friends, bloggers, 2 years ago, at the first games of the future , we were just performing as a blogger team when we received an invitation to play in the finals. tournament
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that is happening now, i realized that i need to play with the same guys, seven brazilians, one moskvich, the brazilians want to play more football, so why immediately go to 1/4, one-eighth, now essentially 1/16, in general , the scenario here is different, tim johnt was eventually defeated with a score of 9:6, but we continue to follow everything that happens here at the games of the future, yes, thank you, on there was a direct connection with the facts... well, even today, at the international exhibition at the russia forum at vdnkh, the authors of the best educational projects of the year will be awarded. for the fourth year in a row, the knowledge prize has been presented among laureates by teachers, lecturers, bloggers and everyone who helps make science popular. we will learn more about the award from varvara nevskaya. now varvara joins us live. hello barbarian, how many nominees will compete for awards today? natalya, good
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evening, ceremony, presentation educational knowledge prize, these are 19 nominations, four of them are dedicated specifically to the year of the teacher-mentor, which , let me remind you, was held in our country last year, the shortlist of the award included 97 nominees, among the applicants there were three thirty-four foreign citizens...
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many nominations for general contribution to education, educational company of the year, for contribution to education in the field of history, sports and a healthy lifestyle, art, economics, business and law, and, of course, the nomination mentor of the year and many, many others, which is noteworthy, there is also ... a nation for,
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which is called a foreign educator, and it includes the former minister of foreign affairs karin kneisel and the famous war correspondent from france adrian. on the russian side they didn’t burn bridges, they were burned on the european side, the st. petersburg dialogue, the sochi, russia-austria dialogue, which we started in 2019, and we can invite anyone to st. petersburg from the french or german side, this is not a problem, but they don’t want to be afraid for their accounts, with the russian on the other hand, everything is still open, but from the same side from an economic political point of view. institutions are making a turn towards the world and the state of france, which is happening in the east. these one and a half years i have been showing everyone the reality in donbass, ukraine. so i'm really flattered today. i am very glad to be here, this is a real recognition
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of my work. i thank you and it really touches me very much. the winners in all categories will be awarded an honorary title. the prize winner will be awarded very interesting awards, they are stylized as such cubes, each cube represents the nomination in which this or that person won, for example, in one of the nominations dedicated to high technologies, the cube is stylized as a certain gadget, a black cube with as if there was a golden pattern on it, but of course we will see about this a little later, when these prizes are... awarded to their owners, let me remind you that the honorary jury includes the minister of education sergei krovtsov, the minister of health mikhail murashko, the people's artist of russia konstantin khabensky, film director alexey uchitel, and also the director of the national research center kurchatov
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institute mikhail kovalchuk and many, many other most honorable, authoritative state and public figures of our country. natalya, yes, thank you, varvara nevskaya. spoke about the educational knowledge prize, its laureates will be presented with awards today as part of the international exhibition of the russia forum at vdnkh, we are waiting with you for the start of this ceremony.
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hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project headquarters of free thought. together with experts
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, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the sums are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are top of the world, stood up, dusted himself off, let's go, are you ready? russia changes in any structure, evolution occurs.
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polish carriers will resume protests on the border with ukraine from march 1, this was announced by the union of polish transport and logistics, farmers intend to block four border crossings at once, the reason is still the same, import of cheap products into the european union. read more maria slobodyanskaya. protests by polish farmers continue unabated. checkpoints on the border with ukraine and germany are blocked, and grain passing through the country is being destroyed at train stations for the fourth time. last case occurred at the darohusk border station. 160 tons of products from ukraine were in transit to the port of gdansk, and then to other countries. the fourth case of vandalism at polish train stations. fourth case. impunity and irresponsibility, how long will the government and polish police
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allow this vandalism to continue? the situation with ukrainian agricultural products has long been causing discord between the two countries; a few days ago, at the same railway station , unknown people poured women and slaves out of the cars. even earlier, near the midyka checkpoint farmers stopped the movement of the ukrainian train and scattered corn grain from it. the reason for the discontent is the cheap import of these goods to all european countries and the green deal.
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in spain, part of this ukrainian product goes to the gray market for, so to speak, shady payments, not bank payments, which also means it oppresses agricultural producers in hungary and romania, poland and romania. the protesters see a solution either in a complete ban on imports from ukraine or the introduction of quotas, although they have not yet been able to agree on anything else. there is a certain conflict of interest between farmers and producers in ukraine. if the price of agricultural products drops significantly, if it suddenly turns out that the market has been filled with some foreign goods, then this is really a problem on a national scale. meanwhile, ukraine is losing revenue. the key markets for the country are western european countries. on february 1 , the rules for the export of ukrainian products were further tightened; now
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only verified exporters can deliver to europe, these are those who return foreign currency revenue into the country, there are problems with this too. ukraine's losses in this conflict have already exceeded, according to estimates, again by ukrainian experts, exceeded 2-3 billion dollars, this is a lot, but for ukraine, which is, in general, a poor country, it is in such a tough state... economically , financial crisis, and the continuation of this blockade could cause much more serious, destructive damage to the ukrainian economy. how to resolve this conflict? while the question is open, the ukrainian authorities are already looking russian trace in the protests, polish carriers intend to continue the strike on the border with ukraine from march 1. at the same time, if there is no progress on this issue by thursday, then the scale and number of shares may increase significantly. maria.
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we do everything in our power to provide legislative support for decisions made at the level of heads of state, the king of saudi arabia, the president of the russian federation, and so on. we see the purpose of our visit to develop the parliamentary dimension. this is a historic visit for our advisory council and for the royal community. we pay extremely important and serious attention to cooperation with the russian federation, and we note the extremely positive dynamics in the development of relations between the kingdom of saudi arabia and the russian federation, especially in
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light of the agreements that are being reached between the king of saudi arabia and the president of the russian federation. a representative of the rothschild banking clan, british financier and billionaire jacob rothschild died at the age of eighty-eight, about this reports bloomberg. the banker founded one of the largest investment funds in the uk. jacob rothschild's fortune was estimated at $5 billion. let me remind you that the rothschilds are one of the richest families in the world, a banking dynasty known since the second half of the 16th century. 8 million russians today receive salaries on vtb cards. the bank serves almost 100,000 russian companies and organizations. there are plans to expand the number of payroll clients to 11 million people over 3 years, update the loyalty program and launch new products and services. vtb adopted a new three-year strategy, in which the emphasis
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shifted towards retail clients. how the number of metbank service users will increase and how it will expand. and services, about this in a special report by vera moroz. i want everyone present and those who are with us. connected, congratulations on successfully completing the first level of the program, financial university under the government of the russian federation, in this hybrid classroom in moscow, perhaps the most ambitious students to study at this department, the guys undergo a strict selection, several stages of testing , many are already making a career breakthrough at the university, regina
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is a fourth-year student, and she is already on the same team with the banking aces... i passed the test with honors and received an offer to take an initial position at vtb bank, where, accordingly, , now i’m working, the training takes place in a hybrid multifunctional classroom, which is equipped with the latest technologies, for example, we had a lecture on regulating the development of models that allow structuring large flows of information, it was very interestingly allowed us to reveal the practical aspects. the far eastern federal university in vladivostok, the distance from moscow is almost 9,000 km, does not change much for students, the opportunities are the same, to develop
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practical skills, decide on the direction of a future profession or receive a job offer. moscow state university, financial university under the government of the russian federation, st. petersburg state university, vtb actively cooperates with higher secondary educational institutions throughout the country. deputy president, chairman vtb management georgy gorshkov emphasizes that working with both students and teachers is one of the important areas of the bank’s development. this is not only 1,300 students and teachers who...
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more than 440,000 clients from all over russia come here per month, this is 19% of remote support traffic, more than 400 employees, most of them are young
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specialists, students. artyom is 23, he graduated from samara korolev university, studied at the institute of economics, and now leads his team of twenty-five employees, he says that at first he even thought about leaving for moscow, but he is glad that in the end he stayed in his hometown . honestly, at first yes. when you just graduate from university, you think that moscow is exactly the place where you should come and where mountains of gold await you, but after working here for a large amount of time, i looked at the corporate culture, there is a lot of things here, the bank invests so much in young specialists, we constantly have either courses, or trainings, or just some kind of sports activities, there is volleyball, skating sup, ice skating, do you understand? then you can stay in samara, here they are also waiting for you, here they are also ready to invest in you, so that you work and prosper. every step up the career ladder is
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learning,” adds artyom. training classes are located right in the contact center. the theory here is immediately supported by practice, and they start a new position with a full understanding of the matter. ekaterina came to work at the contact center without any specialized education. she is studying to become a primary school teacher. but the urge to work is strong the team of a large company in the modern space of samara overpowered. well, as practice shows, i did not regret it, because after 2 years i am the leader of the group. in this case, at each stage we have additional training for employees, that is, as soon as we arrive at the bank, we are trained, they also give us all the directions, also when we want to grow somewhere, with the manager, we discuss our career growth, and thus we... choose adaptation, the adaptation period so that the employee feels comfortable and gets new knowledge, and so that he feels comfortable, in principle , then in the future he can work in this knowledge.
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today, vtb’s big role is to be a supporting bank for many salary clients; sailors, railway workers, doctors and teachers receive salaries on bank cards. alexander shukshin is an assistant driver of a passenger electric locomotive. before each trip, he inspects the trains, monitors the mechanical part and the signals on the tracks. so, a 12-hour shift, and working with people requires extreme concentration and attention, says the most the main rest is then in the gym, or go skiing, a salary card helps in hop. well, when i pay for a salary card, i am credited with multiborus. which are about a thousand a month, so after some time i can already spend them on subscriptions, on certificates, or at some grocery store.
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more than 2,000 specialists work at the ship repair yard in st. petersburg, many far from home. pavel, the head of the workshop where he repairs and builds buildings, says that it is important... even from a distance to financially support family, my mother lives in the arkhangelsk region, i transfer to her without problems, without interest, large amounts, very convenient, credit cards in my phone, replenishment of the mortgages that i have for an apartment, everything is very convenient, i also pay through phone , i don’t carry the card with me, the card is linked to the phone, companies whose employees receive salaries on cards...
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these are also benefits, and not only for the salary recipient himself, but also for family members, you can issue children’s cards, they can link to main account, children over 14 years old can open their own account, and this is the innovation that we are introducing this year, and we hope that this will increase the attractiveness of our bank’s salary cards. currently, btb serves more than 19,300,000 clients. 18 use online services by the end of the twenty-sixth year, the number of active users will increase.
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up to 33 million. online banking today is available on all platforms, devices, operating systems, browsers, and one of the goals of vtb’s new strategy is to create the best digital bank, independent of imports and accessible to the maximum number of clients. everything we use every day is at hand: we buy groceries, transfer money to loved ones, pay utility bills and other bills. vtb was the first on the market to completely abolish fees for paying for housing and communal services. we launched a service for recognizing details online without qr, introduced a system for transferring regular payments from another bank, you can pay for everything in one application. at the russia exhibition, vtb was the first to launch payments using biometrics. such technologies are increasingly being integrated into our lives. using biometrics you can already become a bank client, pay for metro travel, gain access to sporting events, issue an electronic sim card.
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technologies of the future in everyday life, using biometrics, you can not only pay for travel on public transport, but also, for example, enter a government office without a passport or obtain an electronic signature for processing mortgage transactions or a fan id fan card. last year , clients made almost 350 transactions through the vtb app
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. here, here there will be a different motor, here there will be a different shock absorber, well, because the frame another, i will put these wheels on a new bicycle, i will also put a fork on a new bicycle, well, i will reassemble this and sell it, he buys most of the spare parts abroad, now with payment there is no need to reinvent the wheel and transfer money through a third country, everything is convenient and affordable hand, you can buy the right part at any time,
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accessibility, when the bank builds a close relationship with the client, summarizes deputy president, chairman of the board of vtb, georgy gorshkov, people who trust the bank with transactions every day, for the whole family and all life situations. more than 6 million people trust vtb with their savings. at the end of the twenty-third year, the volume of ruble savings of individuals amounted to more than 6 trillion rubles. over 3 years, the bank expects to practically double its ruble liabilities, which will exceed.
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at the russia exhibition today , the laureates of the 2023 educational knowledge prize are announced ; the high award is awarded based on the results of an all-russian competition. this is recognition of the merits of teachers, lecturers and popularizers of science. read more about this in an interview with our channel said general director of the russian knowledge society maxim dreval. we will show the live broadcast of the award ceremony in a few minutes. maxim alekseevich, hello, hello.


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