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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 26, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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and are their descriptions really true? a discreet passage leads to an underground bunker where ukrainian soldiers are tracking russian spy satellites and listening to russian commanders. on one of the screens , red line tracked the route of a drone carrying explosives as it passed through russian air defenses from central ukraine to its target in rostov. there is another secret: the base is almost entirely financed and partially equipped by the cia. the publication assures that this base is one of twelve cia spy facilities, which... the cia, other relevant departments of the united states, they began to actively work in ukraine even before 1914, they began to actively recruit people and train.
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these people for subversive work in relation to our country, this is well known, the well-known work of the so-called american advisers, most of whom departmentally belonged specifically to the cia, even before the age of 14 they perfectly occupied jobs in the building of the presidential administration of ukraine, this is not for anyone not a secret, but around 2016 the new york times continues, the cia began training elite ukrainian special forces. the so-called unit 2245, one of its fighters was kirill budanov, now the head of intelligence of the kiev regime, the same one who promised to kill russians, and who was even predicted to replace zaluzhny at the head of the armed forces of ukraine after a failed counter-offensive. the article itself was published very timely, experts say. this is an indicator that ukraine has been surrendered, they are now moving on, they understand that they finally understand that they will not be able to defeat russia on the battlefields, they are leaving. this is nonsense
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to the european six, who are still yapping that they are ready to do something there, this leak, as they say, is not accidental in itself, and i think that such a general, you know, such a signal, we are retreating to pre- designated positions, we are changing the tactics and strategy of waging war with russia, we are now moving, as they say, to such secret espionage and sabotage actions, this change is also dictated by the fact that arms supplies from the united states have dried up, and money for new ones is not yet expected ... support kiev at least morally, as the new york times writes, cia director william burns secretly came to ukraine in mid-february, this is his tenth visit in 2 years, after which the rhetoric of the kiev regime towards russia became even more aggressive, here on the sidelines is the form of ukraine, the revelation of the head sbu. there will be many surprises at sea, in the air, in crimea, and in other temporarily occupied territories. however, it is unclear to what extent the american intelligence services sanction this and how bloody they are. initiative
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of the kiev regime itself, as in the case of murder the legendary motorola, the commander of the militia in the donbass, was blown up in an elevator by ukrainians from a spy group that was trained by the cia, but they did not give the order to kill, the new york times insists. but with the beginning of the northern military district , american intelligence actually takes a direct part in the conflict. within weeks, the cia returned to kiev and sent dozens of new officers to help the ukrainians. a senior us official said there was a significant cia presence. are they pulling triggers? no, do they help with target designation? absolutely. essentially this is another admission that it is the cia that directs ukrainian drones at russian strategic targets, for example, the crimean bridge, and helps prepare assassinations of famous people, such as writer zakhar prilepin and journalist daria dugina, who was blown up in the moscow region. experts explain that the terrorist attacks carried out by ukraine are the handwriting of american intelligence services. they certainly advise the special services of ukraine. from
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the point of view of carrying out terrorist and sabotage actions on the territory of the russian federation, they are sitting with them - with the ukrainian special services, the sbu, the main intelligence department , they just sit in these ours, their legs are dangling, they, of course, are always trying to direct them, so to speak, to create some conditions for causing more damage to the russian federation, as the new york times emphasizes , the cia, creating its own spy bases, together with the british mi-6, are turning ukraine into a springboard for the operation. against moscow. in fact, this was one of the reasons to launch a special military operation to protect donbass in order to stir up these hornets’ nests. boris ivanin, news. they drive away local residents because of their skin color. it's time to stop this madness. an appeal on the page of the popular business portal sri lanka, which drew attention to the outrageous situations in one of the establishments opened on the island by foreigners, and specifically, russian relocants, who... a bar on
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the coast, in fact, local entrepreneurs drew attention to the announcement of a party with very scandalous inferences, according to the poster, a strict dress code and face control are planned for the event; guests' clothing is required. be exclusively white, like them faces. natural questions arose for the organizers. sri lankan businessmen were outraged by this approach of foreigners and rightly noted to clients that a ban on entry due to an unsuitable skin tone is not some kind of face control or establishment policy, this is real racism. now the owners of the bar are literally trying to whitewash their reputation. anastasia ivanova was wondering whether it would work out. it seems like no one mixed up the doors this time, but they still miscalculated the announcement of the event. organizers of a party in a bar in sri lanka in literally they wanted to divide people into black and white. despite the fact that the poster indicated entry conditions based on a certain color, a local entrepreneur was convinced that it was not
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about clothes. in the messages, the organizers replied: there should be no locals at the party, and apparently nothing bothered them when they answered the sri lankan. by the way, the barat of the party hastily disowned it. we urgently canceled the data. event, we also severed relations with the organizers who were planning a party at our site. on this time we did not conduct a thorough enough check, we have never supported and do not support russian statements or organizations. all these quote the words of the party organizer, a certain yuri geo. he, the same dj, claims that no racism was implied, they expressed it incorrectly. the bar owners wanted to gather relaxants from russia; they knew this very well. local residents. to figure out who exactly was engaged in discrimination, people are asking the police to conduct raids on such bars, many of which are allegedly owned by tourists without official work permit , it was reckless to organize such an event, realizing that this was a kind of challenge, yes, and so, in general, there is
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social tension, but at the same time, it means that those who do not read this social tension in time may receive the corresponding consequences , now you need to understand that... in principle, the owners of this establishment, and therefore the tenants who wanted to hold this event, should be wary of potential criminal prosecution by the sri lankan authorities, because for them this was clearly an unpleasant precedent, it was after the incident with the failed white nights that the chief migration commissioner of sri lanka announced that visas for residents of russia and ukraine would be extended, relaxants would have to leave the island before march 7. however, local authorities have already denied this statement. the office of the president of sri lanka said that there was no approval from the cabinet, but the police statement is a clear sign that the relocants are still guests and not the owners of the island. excess of russian or cis relaxants in countries
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southeast asia, it leads to the fact that in a number of cases our fellow citizens there, compatriots or citizens of cis states, they begin to break the law. it's such. here is one of the signals so that the citizens of russia who are there understand that they are not in their legal field, and for them this will be such a signal stimulating discipline on behalf of the government, in general it is strange that in the bar of russian relocants they announced some kind of then the white crowd, judging by the content on social networks, sri lankans do not go there at all they go, but for the most part the locals treat tourists with respect, as long as they follow the law, this is a terrible story, no doubt, but these are very rare stories here, there’s nothing terrible here, it’s just terrible... what happens is that the tourist police always side with the russians, and even if something happens, someone tries to deceive someone , the locals are always to blame, but some relocants, apparently, take advantage of the good attitude of the sri lankans, apparently until the first official warning of
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deportation. a resolution will be introduced in the us congress about the removal of joe biden from power, the author of the initiative, a republican from colorado, said that the american president... cannot fulfill his duties due to memory problems, but meanwhile the head of the white house himself, in an attempt to raise his rating, decided to address the topic of migration . following his main rival donald trump, biden announced a visit to texas on the border between the united states and mexico. both politicians intend to speak there on the same day. our us correspondent valentin bogdanov provides details. donald trump sees the goal, sees no obstacles is moving toward the republican nomination like a steamroller. by competing with...
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in ukraine, we kicked out kevin mccarthy, who approved the decision to allocate
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$115 billion to kiev, and now we see how this money is circulating in money laundering capitals around the world. matt getz was the one who virtually single-handedly removed the previous speaker of congress, that same macarthy; current speaker mike johnson cannot help but keep this in mind. once again , tomorrow biden and the leaders of congress will personally persuade johnson to help zelensky.
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that they are carrying out the process of impeaching biden, and meanwhile biden is again confused, telling his favorite story. when i was vice president, my president wanted me to meet shizen ping, because it was clear that he would be the head of russia and china. it is not surprising that the us president in this state is simply not ready for an academic debate with trump; biden avoids them. trump says he's ready to debate.
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judging by the pace that trump has gained, he will have such a number already on march 12, after south carolina they will go winner take all states, but will trump be allowed to be that winner? in europe today there is another wave of farmer protests, members of agricultural trade unions came out for a large-scale demonstration in the center of madrid, it was actually blocked by dozens of tractors and thousands of protesters, and meanwhile the poles, who previously held a siege on the border with their eastern neighbors, have now also blocked the exit to territory of germany, and they didn’t forget about ukraine, as reported on one of...
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the ministry of internal affairs did not expect such aggression, later the police admit that not only eggs and oranges were thrown at them, but also firecrackers, under the pressure of the crowd, defenders of european institutions. fell the police are using water cannons not only to disperse the protesters, but also to extinguish the tires that farmers set on fire at the approach to the euroquarter. next to the burning tires there is a smell of not only burnt rubber; before dumping them on the streets of the capital, farmers generously smeared everything with manure. the rain that has been pouring all day on the protesters only helps, they can’t go out into the field anyway, so they can go protest. european farmers have been protesting for almost a month, but so far only the brussels police are drawing conclusions.
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the farmers deliberately raised the slogan higher and deployed it in front of the windows of the european commission, so that european officials who make decisions , wheat prices are falling, they have already fallen by more than half, this means that our producers cannot work in such a market, our wheat producers are simply they will go bankrupt in a year and a half with such
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a policy. grain prices have been brought down by ukrainian wheat; there are no import duties or taxes. products from ukraine cost pennies, and it is impossible for european manufacturers to compete with them, a pickup truck arrived and scattered nails and screws. there are no duties at the borders ; screws and nails have appeared on border roads, as one of the indignant poles is trying to stop trucks with grain from ukraine. farmers blocked the main international highway a2 leading to germany. they ask the leadership in their capitals in brussels to protect the market, but... this is a dirty game that russia is playing to put pressure on both to ukraine and to the eu internal market. we are in a global geopolitical context and we must take all these aspects into account. while russia is being blamed from the rostrum, farmers take russian flags with them, this is their sign of solidarity with moscow.
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on the day of the protest, not only farmers from all over belgium came to brussels, here, for example, italian farmers, and all european farmers are very tired, tired of the fact that we work to survive, but we want to live, work to live with dignity, and don't reduce ends meet, we are very tired of these brussels laws. more than 500 proposals for this ministerial meeting came from farmers from all over the european union. they ask not to prohibit them from using fertilizers.
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his gloomy yellow-blue opponent with a recognizable forelock, images of street graffiti in poland, the authors of which, with such a simple plot , make it clear to the ukrainians how they are treated in the country, or, well, they remind that for the polish gentlemen, ukrainian neighbors letters will always be nothing more than serfs. local marketers have also joined in the unfriendly neighborhood trolling, just look at this packaging from the manufacturer of cat litter; reportedly, the product now has a special ukrainian version , which will be produced in the colors of the national flag of the square, and as a mockery, there is a postscript approved by farmers, but apparently by the very same ones who from blocking polish checkpoints in ukraine switched to open sabotage, for which in bandera’s public pages the poles are already threatened to repeat volyn massacre. those in the know also make claims to another, but seemingly reliable ally of latvia, where the armed forces of ukraine, as it turned out, sees the militants as pigs, at least that’s how they were portrayed in the comics
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state media, how pig soldiers quarreled riga and kiev, tracked evgenia petrukhina. if it were not for the acquittal of the artist and the editor-in-chief of the latvian portal, the western media, when covering this topic, would probably have reached conspiracy theories. for example, almost russian hackers portrayed the armed forces of ukraine as pigs on the latvian state portal; they hacked the server and threw the picture onto the site at night, so to speak, to spoil the latvians’ mournful february 24th. in fact, latvian readers who saw these comics, they perceived it as sabotage, a kind of sabotage against ukraine, especially on such a day. this comic book appeared on the second anniversary of the special operation in ukraine on one of the government websites. latvian in a helmet, a bulletproof vest and with a gun, there’s no mistaking it, there’s something like a tattoo on his arm, it says ukraine, and next to it, apparently, is what this character is voicing,
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quote, we will fight until we win, bravado . this frivolous courage is clearly not shared by this character’s colleague, either. vokhryushnik. he just voices another thought, saying that we still have a comic book in latvian, which means we drew it for our own people. also pigs, this is what gundega published in her defense, this is a caricature where a pig is holding a ukrainian flag in her hands, so there was no malicious intent, just an embarrassment,
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how... gundega was lucky that she doesn’t have a russian surname and, apparently, there are no russian roots, otherwise it would be, that is, if this comic was drawn by a person with a russian surname, first name and also russian nationality, then of course if people from the state security service had come to him, at best he would have simply been fined, well, naturally he would have been accused of inciting national hatred, accused of supporting aggression and so on, since the author of the comics is latvian, well , they treated her a little leniently, with one sides. but on the other hand, she was literally, well, she was hated, or whatever it is correctly called in this case, by users of social networks , i think that she will not appear on the pages of this portal for some time, this lsm portal, there really are dozens comics with pigs, as for the latest creative work, it was deleted and on the website there is an apology from the portal’s editor-in-chief marta chiravy, she says that the media resource will continue to support ukraine, probably
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these are the comics. in general, joking, they hadn’t really joked much before, they took it quite seriously, they told all sorts of different interesting stories about how we need to help everyone, then suddenly their president says that you can joke, well, that means it’s already possible, they show the hackles : hold on guys, let's go that's it, drop everything and get out of this conflict, because otherwise, otherwise we will be next. by the way, the french charles hebdo, even before the latvians, painted the ukrainians as pigs, here. and now, what happens to some
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latvians, ukrainian refugees under... not at syrsky’s headquarters, it’s not for nothing that he is a meat general.
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address of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly.
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live broadcast on 29. at 12:00 moscow time.


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