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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 26, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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live broadcast on february 29 at 12:00 moscow time. at the same time, six more ukrainian drones were shot down a few hours earlier. the russian army liberated another settlement of lastochkina to the west of avdeevka in the yuzhnodonetsk direction and occupied more advantageous positions. in total, they repelled 23 attacks in the ssu; zelensky’s formations lost over 1,400 more soldiers and mercenary officers. for the first time , an american tank was destroyed in a special operation zone. abrams, in the morning
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footage of his movement appeared, and after a few hours abrams was hit and burned. after the loss of avdievka, kiev transferred its elite reserve, american tanks and the 47th brigade, which was trained by nato, to the front line. in addition, the newest swedish self-propelled gun archer was also destroyed at the front for the first time. according to its characteristics, it is considered one of the best in nato; it can hit at a distance of up to 60 km. the supreme court of the lpr recognized the war crimes of the nazis on the territory of donbass during the great patriotic war as genocide. mikhail will tell you all the details of this case. ermishkin. in the supreme court hall, everyone froze in anticipation of the verdict. justice, which has been awaited for more than 80 years, has arrived today. the actions of the german occupiers and their accomplices were recognized as war crimes, crimes against humanity, etc. the shame
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of the soviet people. to establish a fact of legal significance, to admit, crimes committed during the great patriotic war of 1941-1945 , on the territory of the varshevorad region, currently the lugansk people's republic, have been re-established. historical justice for residents of the republic have been restored, the prosecution has done a tremendous job. the appeal to the court was preceded by the joint work of the prosecutor's office, the federal security service, the investigative committee of russia, scientists
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and residents and prisoners of war through bleeding, shooting, hanging, it is known about the theft and destruction of mass executions, torture, torture of peaceful material cultural assets. the fastas created an extensive network of concentration, forced labor and transit camps, which also contained civilians. population. the conditions of detention and treatment of prisoners were aimed at their mass destruction. it was proven that during the period of occupation the punitive forces were shot 19'.
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nazi germany, this is a memorial complex of the unhealed wound of donbass, it serves as a memory of hundreds of civilians who died at the hands of ukrainian punitive forces since 1914. today it was proven that war crimes have no statute of limitations, there will be punishment and justice. the prosecutor's office of the lugansk people's republic, together with other structures, is already working on collecting evidence of the crimes of ukrainian militants in the donbass since 1914. mikhail ermishkin, nikolai pyrkh, svetlana.
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tradition into innovation, only here, in the country on which the sun never sets, 40 million client. if you come across anything, then that too, yes, but here we are today . well, he is engaged in deconstruction in general, and we just tried to invite people for whom there are values ​​that are not
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subject to deconstruction, there is a tradition, but at the same time they they speak, well, in the language of modern art, but i wouldn’t say that, because when there is... some kind of content, you choose a form for it, but this is not real art, yes, art is organic, it’s just modern people, they are recognized by profession.
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well, our first question, we have such a tradition, we ask everyone to bring something with them to the studio that you would like to see happen in russia in 2062, so let’s start with me, nastya, yes, you know, i’ve been thinking for a long time , when i was given this task, i was overcome by greed, because the first thing you think means is what to take into the future, yes, some object dear to you, then you think, well, it’s impossible to choose, then you think, no, what can be useful, that’s what i personally need, as a result i found
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this thing, it’s small, now i’m using it, well, it’s a pencil, yes, i’m enhancing the intrigue, now from here it’s like some kind of trick, that’s it, a piece of paper, guys, i’ll explain to you why, that’s all for me, well, if it’s available. my opportunity to serve is the whole world , so i take with me, this is how our
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artist said in a program about education, he says: it seems that a sheet of paper is, well, sort of blank, yes, this is space from which you can extract anything. anton, the threat is that you can disconnect at any moment, what do you want with you? take 2062 to russia, i’ll bring it now, this is a plate from our steel project. this is what we are doing as a kind of evidence
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of today and the events that are now taking place, we distributed ordinary standard slabs from army vests to modern ones and everyone made some kind of their own composition, there are two slabs, one of them is by alexei gentovt, who is now in my second studio, which i am a prince of, near donetsk, the idea is that... we are generations later, yes, and we are talking specifically about russia later generation, retained the memory of what is happening now and what happened before, excellent.
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so i’ll just ask for a pill, maybe for the first time in a thousand years, and a childhood prompt ticket and... alexey, what are you doing? i grabbed the volume of nomakha by alexander gelyevich dugin. russian logos. i would really like to see in 2062, and this is...
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the leading philosopher of our time or, in the nato classification, the most dangerous philosopher of planet earth? and the 23 previous volumes tell about all the existing logos of planet earth, both huge and tiny. literally before our eyes, in 5 years, alexander gelievich, alone, because no one else can add even a punctuation mark in this text, created the first encyclopedia in russian in... everything,
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anton, here’s a question for you, after all. there is a figure of contemporary art, a moscow i don’t know fashionable character, suddenly now you are broadcasting from the front in this form, it’s just that contemporary art is somehow most often associated with some kind of such, well, not such a position, let’s say yes, here we are that’s why today we want to talk about the role of patriotism in modern art, well, you somehow arrived at this state of mind a long time ago.
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purely, because i’ve been coming here since i was sixteen years old, and for as long as i could, well, as if not to pick up a weapon, i didn’t take it, i was doing humanitarian work, we helped here in hospitals, medical centers, organized charity exhibitions and so on and so forth, but uh, you see, i, well, i had two reasons why i ended up here, firstly, we were friendly from a...
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position, in the modern situation, i would say , in the modern world, it’s strange to me, yes, but it’s so mainstream, quite, well , it became common for people at some point, that we are such peace-loving people, that patriotism in this situation leads, well, to some the military conflict there, yes, this contradicts the love of peace.
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position, i had two such stages : the first stage was when mobilization was announced, and at that time i was alone in the village, my son was in moscow, my husband was also in moscow, and naturally, rumors flew, i have a lot of friends from liberal environment, which they started calling me and telling me, hide your son, something like that, and i understood that i didn’t understand where the edges of this mobilization were, it seemed like my son was a white ticket guy, he... but still i didn’t understand and i was very scared when you're alone and they're there, and you know, at some
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point i felt that if i didn't formulate this into an image, i just - i won't survive, well, i don't know what will happen to me, you know, i won’t survive this, and i wrote a poem, which is the only poem i wrote in my life while crying, so... for real, it was called my war , this is how writing it, i understood that i would publish it right away, because it is very necessary for women like me, who, just like me, are also in fear, in the understanding that they have to give up their children, husbands and , in fact, then follow them themselves, because what can they do if all yours go, yes, this was the first stage of acceptance according to...
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language first, which means, i’m for it so that each country has its own borders, that is, i am against globalism, but for the richness of cultures, one, i am for the richness of religion, so that there are crosses, crescents, crosses, oranges everywhere, let everyone do what they want, two, i am for the family to raise children as important, and not the state, three, i am for dad and mom four, i am for a man and a woman, now i will tell them all this, maybe we will understand each other, they are a children's publishing house, intelligent people, guys, when i said this, they had such faces, it turned out that i not only didn’t get in, but i i didn’t get hit even once, you know, just from the word at all, and then they began to twist me
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hands, explain something to me about the world, about everything, i tried to tell them, well, guys, now they’ll come to you with an ax, as you will, we’ll come to an agreement, they say, and i ’m looking at the director of the publishing house, i’m thinking, oh maybe he doesn’t have a wife at all, i’m no longer understanding, as if i already understand, but i’m starting somehow, and then i asked, so what? you want , well, really, why did you call me, i understand , you are embarrassed, you suddenly found out that you published a book, it’s just a patriot, almost under the gun, well, specifically, what do you want, it turned out to be very simple, they want me to take down this article and these poems, and the most wonderful thing is that i immediately have this barrel of jam and how many bags of cookies there are, and how the bad guy was offered, they said, we are ready to conclude an agreement with you for everything
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... i’ll tell you, in defense of so many people who found themselves in terrible situations as a result of finding themselves on the completely other side of the barricades, they also went through this moment when you think how much money you will get, how many books they will hand over in italy, and even then more somewhere, because this is a large publishing house, just remove two texts, but just , guys, i was thinking, you know , but i refused, why can i calmly talk about this now, that’s all already? nothing will happen, there won’t be these books in italian, there in french and so on, but this was the moment, this is what you asked about, how this happens, well, that’s it, well, that is , i understood that in general the essential answer is that you are for these five points, relatively speaking, yes, which you listed, there is a man and a woman, there is a family there and so on, so well, i kind of signed up for something else
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, i said, guys, i can’t, you understand, this... now i would have already got this concept of the claw stuck in the abyss of the whole bird, you understand when they say to me: how did they get to the point of betrayal? a little bit? alexey, you are such a rare species, i would say, represent here, not here at all, in general in russia, in the sense that you always have your aesthetics of your artistic expression, it has always been so patriotic, imperial,
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eurasian. but at the same time, paradoxically, it seems that now you were accepted by this whole liberal art party and you participated in all sorts of benalevas, so you exhibited your eurasian imperial art there, and how did it happen that you seem to have been there many years ago, so to speak, how to say so a symbol of some kind of patriotic art, but at the same time you were not canceled, but then, on the contrary , this whole community accepted you? since russian money did not raise artists patriot? most likely error was superimposed upon error, this is the only principle of my existence at a time when liberals were fierce in our country, i have not changed at all , just like anton since i was fifteen, i speak and act approximately from my youth, in ninety- three i ended up in ostankino and in the morning in white house, then interacted with...
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