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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 27, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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the topic of defense is the same, this is a challenge of the times today, i think that this will continue in the future, this is life shows and proves, if we skate cleanly, we pass on points, you remember everything, you know everything, we calm down, get together and win. kadyukha, kiss already
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, well, it’s beautiful to go out on the ice, this is skill, come on sank, all the hope is in you, well, old age is not a joy, yes , it’s a whole art to leave beautifully, well, we can’t lose you either , because he loves you , you for a long time, we are now colleagues, i don’t want this for...
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary, if there are instructions, does it really read minds or not? premiere, anna ostrovskaya, the investigative committee , it has special powers, who are you all looking at, well, here’s a girl, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who the killer is, yes, just look without doing anything on your own , seems to be in place, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, look before everyone else, in the app or on the website.
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that against the backdrop of all digitalization, digital probably the main driver turned out to be management, and i believe that in our state and the government devoted a lot of time to this. and by automating services and forms of management, manual mechanisms , when such an emergency situation arises , no one has canceled it, but industrial enterprises are not only our large holdings, integrated structures, but this also applies to the private sector, these are medium and small enterprises, everyone has joined here
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, as a single team, to implement the large-scale tasks that were set - by the president at the request of the ministry of defense and ministry of industry and trade, as a structure that unites all sectors, and it was possible together with the ministry of defense, with which it constantly goes... such team work on the basis of the national defense control center, where a 24-hour headquarters was formed, which is still functioning today, which helped to integrate enterprises, components, manufacturers of materials, raw materials, units with enterprises, manufacturers of finished products, today... to say that these are
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the foundations, as you correctly said, the foundations, those emergency calls and such fast integration. of all enterprises interested in the result, they actually formed the basis for fulfilling the assigned tasks, and i think that our audience does not very well understand what the challenges are, well , look, i’ll just help, soviet industry was designed to produce in gigantic volumes, but it’s impossible to say that these innovations should be implemented quickly, the approach was completely different. you are forced to deal with the fact that the war changes every few months, so we are now talking about fpv drones, but that country is shouting a million fpv drones, armies of drones, foreigners are saying, we will deliver a new type, artificial intelligence, recognition, we are not shouting, but
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we are quietly calmly answering these calls, while we are answering 50% of the world economy, although we they said that we... won’t cope , that we won’t be able to, that we don’t have this, how they managed to introduce private initiative, science, how they managed to sharply shorten the path from the idea to the front, you noticed absolutely correctly, this is the initiative of private companies, entrepreneurs , today she gives those an innovative solution, along with our giants. our integrated structures, which also do not sleep, are engaged every day in introducing the most modern management methods, introducing new innovative solutions, well, i would like to give an example of the era technopolis, and well, this is no longer
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just an educational or scientific structure that was created. ministry of defense so that those conscripts who serve have the opportunity, talented guys , to gain practical experience, and then, if possible, stay or serve in scientific and technical units of the ministry of defense, or move to an enterprise of the military-industrial complex, but today it has become...
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gone to frequencies above 800 denis valentinovich is already writing to me , people are calling me right away, that is, in addition to the army men, then there is any, any option for delivering information is instantly worked out, this is what is needed, now we will work on it, here is an idea, here we will examine, that is, there is no such thing, you don’t need to advise us,
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we know better, on the contrary, the openness is phenomenal, you have a young person working now talented team, deputies, assistants, of course they are just great, that is, at the front, at the factories. that is, you managed to give this dynamism to the structure? thank you very much and in general to all military correspondents , because this feedback, it gives additional motivation and the opportunity that, well, it’s one thing when you are at a machine tool or at a computer workstation, where it is formed -
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they are very different from each other, because new solutions are constantly being introduced, look at the tank, you simply won’t know what this is a combat unit from that tank, which initially even underwent the first modernization there, and what comes out of the workshops of enterprises today is completely systems, constantly, constantly.
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a significant difference, with the exception of only the main cross, which is the basis
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of this machine, this is a titanium structure that holds the actual body of this aircraft, this is such a basis, but everything else is digital, where the component base comes from, because at one time we almost completely lost it production, what is the situation with metal, because as... often happens, the defense-industrial complex pulls out a large number of related industries, westerners are worried about everything, they are trying to cut everything off, why they can’t do it and what we have begun to do ourselves, as for materials , alloys, here we are working quickly with basic industries, they cope with requests and... deliveries are carried out rhythmically, but as for the electronic component base,
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from refrigerators of washing machines, but how our western partners, in quotes, say that this is how russian weapons are made from washing machines, robotic equipment, i thought for a second, this is how many washing machines need to be shoveled from all households already. phenomenal growth in production, and such growth rates have probably never been seen in
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history, not even the soviet union, that is , at what rate we are increasing, while for the first time we are carrying out this kind of industrialization and restructuring using non-repressive methods, where to get people, where to get scientific personnel, how this problem can be solved, what about salaries, you know, is here.
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wages have increased in various areas in the industrial complex from 30 to 60%, well, in general in the manufacturing industry by 20%, this, of course , is a serious challenge for us; in
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the last year alone, the twenty-third year, we have attracted more than half a million. new workers to the defense-industrial complex of our country, these are colossal numbers, and uh , if we talk about whether more specialists are needed, yes, of course, we need them, but only by recruiting specialists - we will not solve the problem with you, you remember, we were together not long ago - we talked... at a strategic session on industry and at the final meeting of colleagues of the ministry of industry and trade, for which we thank you very much, we brought this session, and we talked about the fact that today without production automation, without the introduction of robotics products, we will not
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be able to achieve. which are actually facing us in the future, meaning increasing competitiveness and not just increasing the number, such an extensive way of recruiting specialists and expanding the station park, of course this is such complex work that should ultimately reduce blood pressure. to the labor market, but also to train specialists, as i said, systematically, that is, reaching a different technological level, and building new factories, that is, but this became possible, in particular thanks to individual programs, what vladimir vladimirovich spoke about that is, half a million jobs have been created, fantastic growth rates, because low financing rates and 80%
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advance payment, you can immediately live and work. production immediately begins to breathe, as for the military-industrial complex, by the way, in terms of rates, uh, here colleagues were luckier than the basic industries, civilian ones, meaning our support bank, prom svyazbank, which ensures the allocation of loans to a as working capital.
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not to lose the civilian component, so the task is of course very difficult, westerners fled, westerners fled from the automobile market, many western brands left there, industrial capacity is freed up, space for the market is freed up, but it is important that ours entered there, so that there would be no observation, conditionally, of the europeans against the chinese, that is, not to lose our production workers , we need them to do what at an affordable price and of good quality, how do these tasks succeed? decide, well, probably, almost all industries where representatives of unfriendly countries left their place.
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industry, ending with our auto industry, niches are being filled everywhere; if we take the results of last year, we have reached a market volume of 1,300 units in the auto industry, and 50% of them are these are those produced in russia, produced or assembled, but corresponding to the themes. approaches to industrial policy that we are implementing as part of the approved strategy for the development
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of the automotive industry, every year both the number of points and the number of technological operations will increase, and we will not repeat the mistakes that were made as part of the implementation. the first strategy, i can’t say it was wrong, it was absolutely the right decision, we attracted the largest, best manufacturers auto industry, world leaders, but as practice has shown, they are very vulnerable and quickly change their political, actual views and decisions, so this time everything...
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partnership projects, in fact, this does not exclude, this does not exclude, this is normal practice, our president recently, answering a question once again about import substitution, i once again said that we do not have the task of import substituting everything in everything, it should be reasonable in those areas where the question, as i already answered, is also a question of national security, here ... not the question is raised about whether we are doing it with our partners or doing it ourselves, but we are up against a gigantic power, and some already
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think that they can throw their hats at us, there is no need to treat this way, and you, of course, understand better than many that on the other side no one surrendered, they will increase volumes , which means that we cannot calm down , they threaten us all the time, they say that they are going to surprise us with something, they call: new types of weapons, we have something to surprise them with, we have something to answer, we can maintain such a high rate of change in increasing our volumes production in order to stay ahead of them all the time. vladimirevich, well, if we talk about our customer, the ministry of defense and other law enforcement agencies, who purchase russian equipment, and we... ensure the pace and requests that come from the main customers, we also have foreign
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partners, and under contracts with them signed, we also fulfill our obligations, and recently we presented our products in aried, saudi arabia, with great success. we demonstrated only a small part of what we have been doing there for the last 2 years adapted to the actual challenges that arise within the framework of the work of our technology in the nwo. and of course, this technology is in great demand today in foreign markets. and colleagues who are interested understand perfectly well that it has been tested in battle, understands that it has...
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exactly those characteristics that are in demand today and are needed to protect their national interests of these countries, so we will continue the system, systemic work, and you are absolutely right, we definitely don’t want to engage in a lot of head-scratching, relax in any way in no case is it possible, which is why we will continue the systematic work that was carried out before. and we will try to supply the products that our armed forces need, but , as you said, surprise us with new products that are interesting in foreign markets.
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new items will appear in the sovoo zone, which?
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if you count.


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