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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 27, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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using ukraine as a springboard for enemy subversive activities against the russian federation. that's all, see you tomorrow. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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hello, the legal program is being broadcast by the duty department. in the studio maxim movchan. metropolitan police are looking into the details of a massive accident involving a taxi. a yellow car flew into the oncoming direction, collected several cars, hit pedestrians and crashed into a road fence. it was only by miracle that everyone survived. details of olga mazurak.
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which car this wheel belonged to, but as the participant in the accident said, at least four cars were damaged, one can only guess how strong the impact was. cctv cameras helped restore the picture of what happened, here is a yellow taxi car taxiing into the oncoming lane, the driver clearly lost control. blow after blow , the cars scatter in all directions, along the way , an out-of-control taxi car rammed several cars, here is one of them, now they are trying to load it onto a tow truck, this is quite problematic, the rear wheel is too strong it was deformed, the participants in the accident are still recovering from shock, the car was parked nearby, but thank god nothing hit it, it crashed at speed, as you can see, into my side car.
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believe and so on, yes, after that i was thrown back, another woman of mine was standing here, the drivers of the passing traffic escaped with fear and broken cars, but after ramming several cars, the taxi then ran into pedestrians , one woman was injured, a passer-by, as i understand it, yes, the second one is here you go, it was only possible to stop the flying taxis by fencing the construction work, if look at the trajectory of the movement, the taxi car was heading. bus stop, along the way the driver hit two women, but who knows how many more victims there could have been if not for this blockage. the taxi driver himself now claims that he felt ill, he allegedly almost lost consciousness while driving, and he does not remember the moment of hitting the woman at all. the coughing attack was very strong, my eyes were blurry, i woke up in this form, you know. now all the details of this accident are being clarified by traffic police officers. chuganov and
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dmitry frolov, lead the duty department. the gang of pyromaniacs poured for a short time. in koma , a gang of teenagers was detained, who, on the orders of certain curators, set fire to doors in residential buildings one after another. miraculously the result. no one was hurt by the pranks, but the perpetrators of minor sabotage risk going to prison for a long time, material by olga zhurinkova. a young man in a hood and a medical mask pours flammable liquid on the door, throws a lit match, and the flames instantly engulf the wooden door. his friend records everything that happens on his mobile camera. these shots which have now become evidence in a criminal case, were filmed by the criminals themselves for a report to the mysterious customer. at the entrance , five-story buildings are visible even after renovation. traces of fire, one of the residents of the house saw teenagers entering the entrance, but of course, he didn’t even know about the purpose of the visit, two boys sat down, ran out from here , ran to this entrance, some kind of bottle fell out, a bottle fell out, then they jumped out and ran away, i got into the car and left for my shift,
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the guys called and said that your house is on fire, according to some reports, teenagers may be were also involved in the arson of an apartment in this house , in the suburbs of saktyvkar, if the residents had not... called rescuers in time, because of the young pyromaniacs the entire wooden house would have burned down, i only saw this, how he, two guys and a girl, they ran out from the entrance, it was during the day or in the evening, in the evening, the teenagers were detained quite quickly, during interrogation, they admitted that through one of the messengers they found a part-time job, for money they carried out tasks of certain curators and provided video reports. as a result of operational search activities the police established the involvement of minors in the commission of illegal acts. aged from 15 to 17 years, two of whom had previously been prosecuted. and there are a lot of such stories. in omsk, a group of young people, also on instructions from certain curators, set apartment doors on fire. a series of nightly arson attacks swept across the city. this is what the entrance to one of the houses looked like, burnt wires, walls from the first to
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the fifth floor in the gar. it all happened at night when the residents were sleeping. they started taking people out from the upper floors, the people were covered in soot, they were black the man, he has a heart condition, became ill at the emergency hospital. and in the krasnoyarsk territory , a gang of so-called sportsmen was detained; as it turned out, they had screwed up one of the drug markets; on orders, they carried out reprisals against guilty pawnbrokers if they tried to steal goods or money. strong fighters , it seemed, also enjoyed their atrocities: they beat people half to death, broke their fingers, stripped them in the cold, in addition, they regularly set fire to the doors of apartments, bathhouses and country houses, and sometimes made mistakes with addresses. what concerns arson in the koma republic. security forces are now working with the detainees, and it is possible that other episodes will become known during the investigation of the criminal case. the perpetrators are certainly a significant link in the criminal chain, but it is much more important to establish the name of the mysterious customer before he finds new teenagers who are ready to risk other people’s lives for money with their own freedom. olga
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zhurenkova, mikhail shirin, alexander efremov, dmitry manushev, denis novozhilov, lead the duty department. new effective way protect yourself from telephone scammers . all kinds of scammers are being developed in our country. putin signed a law according to which, from march 1, 2025, any citizen will have the right to establish a ban on issuing loans to himself. it is assumed that for this it will be enough to use the necessary option on the government services website or contact the credit history bureau through the mfc. the ban can be lifted just as easily. to realize this opportunity, a special automated information system is already being developed, which will transmit the necessary information to banks and microfinance organizations. it is necessary to find the one who dealt with her from the pskov region, regina kadyrova. they began to look for traces of the child near the river. at this time, divers examined the reservoir. this is logical, if
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you remember the unstable temperature at the end of last year, either frost or thaw. it is clear that the girl simply could have fallen through the ice. this has already happened in the village once. they searched for the girl for almost 2 months, they examined not only the river, according to the investigative committee, they studied abandoned buildings, outbuildings in the village, last sunday , february 25, the body of a child was found... a meter from the polonka river in a grave, in a forest belt. a joint patrol of law enforcement officers and volunteers in the vicinity of the settlement where the child lived discovered her body. on behalf of the chairman of the investigative committee of russia , alexander ivanovich bastrykin, the progress and
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results of the criminal investigation are being monitored by the central office. investigative committee, police, ministry of emergency situations, lisa allerzhi tlepskova, porkhovo and polonoe. from january 1st. we took photographs, excuse me, of the toilet, the bathroom , we looked under the beds , we were all in the same condition yesterday, not just yesterday, it’s been a month and a half or so, yes, there were frosts, when you add it all up, now this is all something so alarming and difficult, an affectionate, obedient, sweet girl, as local residents describe the child, he kept an eye on her. an old kid while my mother was working in pskov. the death of the girl shocked the residents of polonoe. of course, the point is not
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put, now experts have to find out the exact time and cause of the girl’s death, investigators must find the person responsible for the child’s death. regina kadyrova, sergey dyakov, vesti, duty unit, pskov region. head of the ministry of chas of russia alexander kurenkov on an official visit to tula. on the agenda are not only the most important security issues. a large-scale exercise is ahead. strategic facilities are concentrated in the region, and new special equipment awaits regional rescuers. from tula alexandra mostovaya. the history of the great patriotic war is frozen in museum exhibits defense of tula. small arms, machine gun models, soldier uniforms. this exhibition is dedicated to the heroic defense of the city. the wartime environment was recreated here so that every visitor could feel the atmosphere of besieged tula. today, a tour of this museum is given by the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, who arrived in the region. on a working visit, in these heated cars, which are designed for 20-40, and 80 people were traveling, lively in
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the hall of heroes of the tula defense museum, here they honor those who find themselves on the in emergency situations and risking his life, he comes to the rescue even in the most seemingly hopeless cases. the region's fire rescuers were awarded by minister alexander kurenkov and the governor of the tula region, alexey dyumin. your services to the fatherland in the zone of the special military operation have been fulfilled.
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fires in the voronezh, ryazan, ivanovo regions, and of course, i would like to wish that from every business trip, from every assignment, you return healthy and unharmed to your families, to your relatives to your loved ones. thank you for your service. the regional main directorate of the ministry of emergency situations is awaiting re-equipment. during the working trip, the minister handed over 13 units of new special equipment to the fire and rescue units of the tula region. this is a tanker truck based on kamaz and ural, and also. modern passenger cars, in fact, these fire tankers will go on
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combat duty and will soon join the fleet of tula rescuers. off-road vehicles, they will soon disperse to different areas of the region. thanks to high cross-country ability, new the vehicles will quickly reach any scene of the incident, which means that rescuers will save precious time, which is so necessary to save human lives. in the tula region , about six combat crews fly every year. thousands of trips to fires and road accidents , more than 600 people are rescued, the guys, we have 600, large strategic objects are concentrated in the tula region, the issues of their protection for all law enforcement agencies of the region have always been one of the priorities, gradual work is underway, systematic work, a regional component, which is located and deployed on the territory of our region, carries out its tasks to ensure security and other issues that are related to the life of the largest chemical enterprises. and other tasks that face them. information about incidents is received by the situation center of the governor
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of the tula region in real time. the center operates around the clock and is a digital assistant to the regional government. its construction began in april 2021, and after 9 months work began to begin here. we present to your attention a fire safety monitoring panel. another important topic that was discussed during the working trip was a command post exercise to combat floods and wildfires. will be held from march 5 to 6 throughout the country. rescuers will practice their skills during training. almost all regions will take part with the exception of only new territories and border areas. the purpose of the exercise is to be prepared for the fire-dangerous period, let’s say, the measures from admission will be worked out operational information before notification and response and protection of the population, everything related to the exercises and the results of the exercises will be reported to the president of the russian federation.
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at the end of the working trip , the minister checked the equipment of the rescue center of the ministry of emergency situations of russia in arms from... a five-story building in the city of efremov, where a year ago, due to the center's specialists clearing the rubble of a gas explosion, the entrance to the five-story building collapsed, then thanks to the well-coordinated work of the rescuers , they were able to quickly pull it out from under rubble of victims. every day, employees of the ministry of emergency situations in region, they go to emergency scenes and over and over again listen to words of gratitude from those on duty from the tula region. dynamo athletes threw down the gauntlet to the world team. the boxing on the volga match took place in samara. this sport is loved and respected in the volga city. it was here that world champion vasily shishov began his career. the day before, rising stars entered the ring. they fought in seven weight categories from the lightest 48 kg to super
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heavy over 92. the honor of the dynamo society was also defended in the ring. famous boxers also watched the competition, in particular kevin johnson, who received russian citizenship the day before. the match meeting, by the way, ended with the victory of the dynamo athletes with a score of 6:1.
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life imprisonment for the volga maniac, such a punishment was requested by the state for the serial strangler radik tagirov during the debate between the parties in the supreme court of tatarstan. the criminal case file contains 31 murders and three more attempts. elderly women were victims of the maniac. according to investigators, tagirov was ingratiating himself with them trust, for example, helped carry bags from the store. and once in the apartment, he mercilessly dealt with it and carried away all the valuables he found. tagirov himself confessed during interrogations to a series of murders. what position his defense will express during the debate will become known in early march. a multimillion-dollar play on the strings of the soul in moscow sentenced a star psychologist, who in fact turned out to be not only a fraudster, but also a repeat offender. after serving time, she came up with
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a new image for herself and deceived wealthy clients, promising golden square meters. the topic will be continued by ekaterina lekhomanova. with a slight smile on her face , the star psychologist entered the lifortovo courtroom in moscow. on the day of the verdict, natalya ellie decided to put on makeup and wear a snow-white suit. the same cannot be said about her reputation. natalya el probably knew that there would be television cameras in the courtroom; she was used to always appearing on camera. brand new, just a few years ago this spectacular brunette knocked on the doors of famous talk shows, boasted of her status as a family psychologist, then it turned out that her diploma turned out to be a fake, and the main goal the so-called sessions with couples were to ingratiate themselves and lure money, for example, under the pretext of investment. natalya el is with you, and we continue our column on how to become a millionaire, or to buy luxury
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real estate, el assured that she will help you buy golden square meters for next to nothing. she fraudulently... convinced victims to transfer money to her, allegedly for inclusion in the list of persons having benefits for the purchase of housing. in reality , she had no intention of being able to fulfill her obligations. eventually the impostor was not cleaning their heads, but their wallets. for example, one of her devoted clients is psychotherapist vasily shurov. in this video they are still talking pleasantly, the trust is clearly complete. somehow everything became deeper and calmer. this kind of seething. word for word, an experienced doctor gave his interlocutor almost 3 million rubles, he hoped to buy a house at a profit, the fake psychologist disappeared along with the money, you have complete trust. at this moment the dude is pulling money out of you, she did this not 10 times, not 20, she’s been in this business for 20 years. among the victims were
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and other famous people who gave money without receipts and documents, all on their word of honor, none of them suspected that instead of universities, natalia el’s biography was a harsh school in a women’s colony. hello, dear friends, natalya el is with you. and we continue our series of programs called for life. with a new passport. natalya iosifovna el, according to the previous natalya vasilievna mikhailova. in 2003, mikhailov was already tried for fraud; she spent 8 long years in prison. when i was free, i changed my documents and had facial plastic surgery. started a new life. only the habits remain the same. el mikhailova has deja vu. she was again found guilty of fraud and again sentenced to eight years and six months in a general regime colony. we will also have to pay moral compensation to deceived clients. amount more than 17 million rubles. in a closed institution you will probably have to work a lot to pay off all your debts, but it is unlikely that you will become a psychologist. ekaterina likhomanova, oleg
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ivanov, conductor, duty department. because of 5 rubles. kicked the child out to frost. in the kemberovo region, the bus driver who set up a schoolboy from the salon, is now speaking with investigators. here is a video of the incident, a twelve-year-old boy enters a public transport vehicle and heads towards the driver’s seat. a short relationship ensues between the driver and the schoolboy. dialogue, and then the teenager obediently heads towards the exit. this was not his stop at all, but he had to walk the rest of the way, despite the fact that it was -25° outside. a criminal case has been opened. the drivers of the regular bus, despite the low air temperature , disembarked from the vehicle a twelve-year-old boy who paid for a child's ticket. due to the lack of a certificate from the school confirming the right to discounted travel and an additional 5 rubles. to pay the full fare. investigation of the case. is under the control of the chairman of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin. after carrying out all the necessary measures, the head of the department demanded that the head of the regional ska provide him with a detailed report. queue of happiness in
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krasnodar, the participants of the shooting wedding were detained, whose antics alarmed the townspeople. first, the guests opened fire right in the courtyard of a residential building, and then blocked the highway. wait for it to dance. even an ambulance had to, how it all ended, alina skachkova will tell you. in sunny krasnodar, of course, they heard that love is a weapon, but the wedding guests, what is in the footage, took everything too literally. here the barn's bride emerges from the entrance, and a burst of gunfire comes towards her, at home in ecstasy. it was like a battle cry, after a shooting right in the yard of a residential building, a small wedding army set off to seize the city's roads, it's good from above. how a motorcade of forty cars blocked the highway, the guests were just in a hurry to dance, the dudes simply blocked the entire road
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to krasnodar, krasnodar is such a krasnodar, in short, just people stuck in traffic jams, they honked at a noisy wedding, but it was impossible to make out the road finery, they wished the newlyweds all the best or on the contrary, even an ambulance got stuck in a traffic jam, the doctors had to wait for the guests to dance, and this is a natural ending,
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the residents of krasnodar were very lucky for firing on the street; they got off with fines so far; for comparison, a few weeks ago in karachavo , circassia, the same prank turned the guests into a criminal case for hooliganism with the use of a weapon, now they face up to 7 years. this is how the police are fighting against obscure customs that have long been beyond the bounds of the law, because if earlier shooting... at a wedding was considered something of a talisman against evil spirits, now it’s just an element of courage, all the more dangerous, but if you really want adrenaline, you can and international experience adopt, for example, in scotland, on their wedding day, slop is poured on lovers, after this life together is definitely not scary, teeth are filed at the ball, in some settlements in spain, young people jump off a cliff as a sign of love; it’s better to hang upside down with your loved one than in handcuffs at the police department. skachkova, lead the duty unit. the entire operational tape.
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maxim ovchan was in the studio. see you on the russia-24 tv channel.
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hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg skepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought, together with experts we we are discussing how we...
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we need to mobilize all resources , give me a recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, is there a revolution happening in any structure ?
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how is this day remembered in history? we'll tell you right now. hello. on february 27 , 1617, in the village of stolbova in the novgorod region, peace was concluded between russia and sweden. he went down in history as stolbovsky. the treaty ended the six-year war that began swedes. at first they helped the russians against the poles, and then they treacherously attacked to take away the northwestern lands. but russians.


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