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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 27, 2024 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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anti-aircraft gunners of the fifth army of the eastern group are leaving for their next combat duty. there will certainly be a lot of work. in the southern donetsk direction the sky is literally swarming with drones. the enemy is also constantly launching missiles towards mariupol and other populated areas. crews of tor installations are on duty around the clock, protecting ground troops and important industrial and administrative facilities from possible air attacks. the anti-aircraft missile system is capable of detecting targets at a distance of over 30 km, it can simultaneously lead four targets in any weather. right now, for example, it’s cloudy, foggy, cloudy, but in fact the crew sees everything perfectly and is ready to repel an attack at any moment. this unit is on duty at the border of the donetsk people's republic and zaporozhye. his work is especially important now. our assault units are systematically moving forward and need reliable cover. constantly trying
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to calculate the coordinates of infantry and armored vehicles. we didn't have to wait long today. a potential target has been detected on radar. wing type. there is only one goal to destroy consumption. the missile reaches and destroys the target at great speed. means of objective control confirm this. there is only one goal to destroy. tour has plenty of enemies. in the ssu they are constantly trying to track down air defense installations, so-called birds and reconnaissance drones are sent to search, if the enemy manages to detect a torus, they immediately open fire on it from all guns. well, one of our main opponents is, of course, anti-cancer missiles that are launched from airplanes, i’m trying there to improve the work of the khimors, so that the drone would direct the coordinates and the projectile would immediately fly there. that is why.
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anti-aircraft guns are constantly maneuvering carefully camouflaging installations in the forest belt, on my screen there are portions in which i see the entire situation, which are up to 32 km away, you need to look at them carefully, we have both local objects and interference that are very similar, at a certain time they can move a little, go up a little, go down a little, i have to catch it all, since the beginning of the year anti-aircraft gunners from primorye have already destroyed more than twenty air targets, including western cruise missiles. the airspace in the zaporozhye and kherson directions is protected by s300 anti-aircraft missile systems and the latest m3 beech. crews of combat vehicles work in tandem, protecting both military and civilian objects in new russian territories. actions are carried out in pairs, the military covers the sky at all echelons from aviation, ballistic missiles, drones and rocket fire systems of the armed forces of ukraine.
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there is one target, one missile and defeat, that is, it will hit in any case, all targets, the hit coefficient of the complex is 0.96, then those that it captures, those that are given the command to shoot at, and those that are allowed to work on, all targets are effectively hit. russia will continue to strengthen special operations forces and their strike potential, vladimir putin stated this while congratulating the soldiers and veterans of these troops on their professional holiday. the president thanked the special operation forces who are fighting ukrainian neo-nazis and noted their courage and heroism. special words of gratitude to the soldiers who participated in the special military operation. in the most dangerous areas, on the front line. in the deep shadows of the enemy, in
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raids and rapid attacks, you fulfill your assigned tasks with honor. act boldly, competently, decisively. these high qualities, special hardening, have always distinguished fighters and commanders of special operations forces. the decision to create them was dictated by the times and the need to effectively respond to new challenges. in a short period of time, you passed the period of formation with honor. ensured the continuity and development of the unique traditions of the domestic special forces, worthy received baptism of fire and became a powerful striking force of our army. special operations forces units have proven in practice that they are ready, at the first order, to defend their homeland and defend russia’s national interests anywhere in the world. you defended the residents of crimea and sevastopol from the threats of nationalists and punitive forces. have shown
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themselves brilliantly in the fight against terrorism in syria. and today show examples of heroism and courage in battles with neo-nazis. serviceman. defense minister sergei shaigu congratulated the special operations forces; he noted that the fighters they adequately defend the national interests of the country and demonstrate impeccable training. comrades, soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen, officers, dear veterans, february 27 is celebrated as special operations forces day in the armed forces of the russian federation. this holiday personifies the centuries-old traditions of the russian army, which grew stronger during battles. for the integrity and independence of our homeland. i am confident that special operations forces will continue to reliably defend national interests russia and its sovereignty. i congratulate you on this holiday, thank you for your dedicated service, and wish you good health, prosperity and new achievements for the benefit of our fatherland.
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the first american abrams tank was destroyed by the russian military near avdeevka. the western armored vehicle could not resist the onslaught of our kamik drone. i took it on video. these shots were seen and analyzed by evgeniy cheshkovets. it was these pieces of iron that were supposed to break the back of the russian army. everyday, like a worker , they saw the abrams, they burned the abrams. shots from under avdeevka was filmed by a reconnaissance drone. the american iron monster is rolling off somewhere, it is clear that the animal is not scared, it does not yet know how many real predators there are in these parts. you can absolutely say that. the tank burned down, presumably it was an fpv drone, there is also information that a hand-held anti- tank grenade launcher was added after it was burning from an rpg. it is quite possible that the crew also died in the tank, judging by the fact that apparently the hatches remained closed, and this
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suggests that, as a rule, when evacuating a burning vehicle, no one closes the hatches, moreover, taking into account where this happened, it will be extremely difficult for them to even evacuate the skeleton of this tank, that is. most likely, as the front advances, we will evacuate this tank to our line. a modification of the m1 a1ca tank was disposed of. active protection, if there was one, did not work. even the anti-drone canopy is missing. in common people there is a barbecue. the tank was doomed. abram was in service with the forty -seventh mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. experts say that since this car had to be thrown into battle, it means that the elite in in quotes... the divisions are going very badly, the tank was part of the forty-seventh separate mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, which acts as a fire brigade, that is, it operates in the vdeevsky direction and holds the enemy’s defense flank in the area of ​​berdyche and stepovoye, and accordingly she is using up her western armored vehicles there,
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because if they weren’t there, the front there would have already collapsed, that is, they are forced, this is a forced step from the outside, which is why they are losing not only abrams there, today there was a video on... well, the destruction of another bradley infantry fighting vehicle, which is also used there, was confirmed, that is, they might like to keep them in tula, but this is not possible, because the front is cracking. it’s so nice to say sometimes, and we said it , that abrams would not become the apex predator of the ukrainian conflict, it was immediately clear. this modification was created back in the eighties for tank battles, and is no longer suitable for modern military operations. the tank is extremely vulnerable in the lateral projection and has weak armor.
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itself very heavy, that is, and considering that it is used in conditions of such semi-disturbance, that is, again there are risks associated with the fact that it could get stuck somewhere, that is, in this regard, well, for this theater it is so well enough doubtful. it is reported that the first abram in the zone was burned by soldiers of the fifteenth separate guards motorized rifle brigade, the assault detachment under the command of an officer with the call sign kolovrat distinguished himself, and i would like to say, burn more guys, but most likely it will happen again... soon, our soldiers are not just destroyed the combat car, but probably torpedoed relations between kiev and washington. it is no secret that us representatives urgently asked the ukrainians not to send the abrams into real battle, but they disobeyed, and here is the result: the reputation of the american
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military industry is burning with a blue flame. but reputation is money. everyone remembers how the first leopards blazed in ukraine. then this led to a real collapse in the share price of the german rain metal. indeed, the americans, on the one hand , were happy to give their equipment and sell it to ukraine, on the other hand, they were very reluctant they wanted there to be a clear picture that their abrams are exactly the same. they burn great, just like their competitors' products. if indeed the situation is the same as with leopards, then most likely, american companies will think very hard about whether it is still worth supplying their weapons to ukraine. in total, the ukrainian armed forces do not have a single type of military equipment left that would not know the power of russian weapons. note to kiev and washington that the only tank that is invincible is one that has never fought against our army. in zaporozhye region, a terrorist attack that was being prepared
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by the ukrainian special services was prevented. as the fsb reported, it was planned to commit it using an analogue of a chemical warfare agent. the seized drugs are used to create chemical weapons of mass destruction and were developed in the united states. three citizens of ukraine were detained in this case, a criminal case was opened and is being investigated under two articles: the development and use of weapons of mass destruction. and a terrorist attack. the russian air defense system shot down six rockets in the sky over the belgorod region overnight. this is information from the ministry of defense. as a result of the shelling the day before, three civilians were killed and others were wounded. about all the consequences igor pikhanov. the situation in the region bordering ukraine is quite alarming; militants in the ssu shell the territory almost every day. ukrainian the day before. militants fired at a village bordering ukraine in the graiborovsky district of the city district,
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and the village of novaya talovzhanka came under attack from the ukrainian army, as a result , three people were injured in the graiborovsky district, they were hospitalized, four people died, the strike was carried out using a kamikaze drone in the village of novaya tavolozhanka, the strike was carried out on the residential sector, this is practically the center of the settlement as a result. hospitalization will be required, he will report that one of the patients has been transferred to a moscow hospital. ukrainian militants hit populated areas every day, can you imagine what an explosion there was, that this one, these doors, how it happened, it just so happened that the doors were torn out. with locks, this is inside, the chandelier fell, there was
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also a lock hanging here, the lock, the lock remained there, but a door, a corner, this one has fallen out, regional and municipal authorities are providing a lot of help to local residents, for example, construction workers are working here in full swing, they are restoring damaged housing, now the region has come under... the temperature has dropped significantly, so the builders are trying as quickly as possible restore all damaged housing, and restoration work is also underway in belgorod itself, where in mid-february a multiple launch rocket system struck , fragments flew into the apartment, cut walls, everything was broken in the middle , what furniture was there, where the wave reached, in the belgogorod region they joined the ranks of volunteers. they provide great support to military personnel, in every settlement they knit
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camouflage nets, they also pour candles, bake treats, baked goods for military personnel, as well as a large number of residents of the belgorod region joined the armed forces as volunteers, crimes of the ukrainian regime are recorded by employees of the investigative committee, they do not go to every shelling, and also jointly with specialists of operational services... finds out the names of commanders of the ukrainian army who give criminal orders to shell peaceful settlements; criminal cases have been opened on all facts of war crimes. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, victoria dadoyan, vesti belgorod region. residents of liberated avdiivka who had to leave their homes will be able to receive financial assistance for the first time. the authorities of the donetsk republic reported this. there are now almost fifty refugees from this locality in temporary accommodation. plastic bag every fourth person has already provided documents to receive payments. 10,000 rubles for each
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evacuated person, regardless of income or family composition, we will also provide financial assistance in the amount of 5,000. this financial assistance will be paid for a period of 6 months. all citizens who arrive have the right to receive social support measures. it is called - state assistance to low-income families, the amount of such assistance is 4,000 per family, plus if families have minor children. then we we will make an additional payment for each child in the amount of 1,500 rubles. nato is considering the possibility of sending troops to ukraine, leading western media write about this, citing sources, this was discussed at a conference in paris, but there is no consensus now, french president macron said. meanwhile, the kiev authorities have already stated that without us help
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, the armed forces of ukraine are not even ready for defense. german newspapers publish sensational confessions of ukrainian officials. all the details. in person, kyiv authorities in caricatures. ukraine always asks, give, give, but the allies have turned their backs, are running away from ukrainian problems, and are not answering calls. german journalists, citing sources, publish an insight, claiming that a secret meeting of the heads of intelligence services of leading western countries was held in munich last week, at which nato military experts allegedly stated that without supplies of weapons and
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ammunition, kiev will not be able to resist. ukrainian reserves will be exhausted by june at the latest, while europe. according to the sources of the german magazine, she still hasn’t decided what to do next, sponsor france, in particular, does not want a war, supporting the american british military-industrial complex, at its own expense, but ukraine wants more of everything, it demands taurus from germany, but there won’t be any, the german chancellor says again, no, there must be support, as i always said, but the supply of taurus is too complex a topic, what we do can lead, so to speak, to accident. in a war, this cannot be allowed, those who promised to help the most are now vacuuming up weapons around the world, but everyone’s reserves are at zero - the media is ironic. the only thing the us has in abundance is cluster munitions. joe biden, of course, could transfer them to partner countries without the participation of congress, but there is a problem. eu countries simply will not be able to pay for their transportation, experts explain. today
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, the us president will meet with congressional leaders, where they will once again demand approval of aid to ukraine. but american journalists have already stated. biden faces failure, a resolution on removal will be introduced in the us congress, the president from power, mp ken bagh told fox news, biden is being called upon to deal with migrants and strengthen borders, he responds then. yes, i’m planning, but i don’t know anything, my friend trump has already been at the border, that’s his business. the united states announced the introduction of new trade restrictions against 93 companies from different countries, the media write, commenting on the situation for european residents, emotions are no longer...
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a conversation between one of the fathers of the kiev maidan, sergei pashinsky , and a political strategist close to the zelensky administration appeared on the internet, in which according to journalists, pashinsky cynically admits that the weapons that the west sends to ukraine are resold by kiev officials.
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alexandra nazarova. polish farmers are no longer able to tolerate brussels’ agricultural policy; in order to protect their market from cheap ukrainian agricultural products, they are blocking the borders not only with ukraine, but also with germany and slovakia. they cover road transport with nails and spoil the cargo that travels by rail. in fact, the products are cheap and cover the entire volume of products provided by the local manufacturer. and with a high degree of probability, despite the fact that. the european commission is still trying so to speak, to cancel the bans that countries have individually introduced, again, taking into account the fact that they will soon have elections to the european parliament, here the european commission. be careful, large-scale protests by polish farmers began on february 9, they demand to limit or ban the transport of cheap agricultural products from ukraine, strengthen support for national
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livestock farming, and also oppose the european union’s green course. the protest is supported even in the men's agricultural sector in poland. now farmers are also going to check trucks on the border with lithuania for ukrainian grain and not without reason. polish farmers suspect it is grain. turns around and comes back. we have information that ukrainian grain is ground in lithuania, and lithuanian flour is exported to poland. supposedly from lithuanian grain. we have such information. warsaw advocates a partial restriction of the import of ukrainian agricultural products to europe, taking into account the market situation. currently , wheat, corn, corn and sunflower seeds cannot be imported into poland. they only go in transit, but according to farmers they are displacing polish products from other markets. eu countries. the opposition insists on a complete ban. former prime minister matteusz morawiecki also spoke in favor of the embargo. almost half of poles support this solution to the problem. and
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from march 1, the border blockade will be resumed by carriers who demand the introduction of licenses for ukrainian competitors. over 2 years, the european union exported agricultural products worth 6 billion euros to ukraine, and purchased them there for 25 billion. losses for its farmers from simplifying trade with ukraine. the commission estimated it at 19 billion euros. ukraine its the products filled 66% of the european market's need for imports; for example , 3.2 million wheat were supplied there. 52% met the import needs for corn, 64% for corn, 31% for sunflower, this is the first half of the year alone, and of all there are about 30-32 million tons of agricultural products that are supplied to the european market, as it should be. transit through the territories of poland, hungary, bulgaria, slovakia, romania and so on, more than half remains in the european union, because there is
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nowhere to transport it. poland announced its readiness finance the supply of ukrainian grain to starving countries, but this cannot be done without assistance from kiev, and brussels calls on it to work on reorienting exports outside the european union. the situation is becoming difficult in the european market, so ideally we need to help ukraine with transit transportation through seaports so that products can go to countries where ukraine has traditionally sold grain. but this requires a positive approach, cooperation from kiev, this is a key factor. our ukrainian partners must have a good understanding of the situation of european farmers. frankly, no market can withstand such an influx in such a short time. however, kiev is not yet cooperating and intends to protect the interests of ukrainian business in the conflict with poland. meanwhile, farmers' protests are intensifying across europe.
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parachute jumps and training descents from a helicopter even in frost. in the krasnoyarsk territory, on the eve of the fire season, federal exercises for pilots and paratroopers of the air forest security began. about how they work real-world skills? in the report by alexander usatenko. training of instructors, paratroopers, pilots, and test pilots of the federal security aviation forest is in full swing. in the krasnoyarsk territory, with the arrival of warmer weather , the fire season will begin; in the south of russia and the far east it is already open, which means forest firefighters must be ready. in order to obtain special permits to extinguish forest fires, specialists must practice descents from a helicopter and perform 12 parachute jumps. now the temperature outside is -30°. for jumping close to extreme, parachutists parachute from a height of 1 km, after exiting the plane they have only a few seconds to orient themselves and accurately determine the
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landing site. the point is practically invisible from above, but the landing occurs exactly on the target, the task. we completed it, came next to the cross, it was a control and familiarization jump after the winter, after a break, in general, the first jump was fine, the system was checked, it works in all modes, each specialist has extensive experience in fire fighting and more than one hundred jumps with by parachute, but every exit from the plane is almost like the first, after i think there is the first, probably hundreds are left with just excitement that you have to complete some task at the moment of the jump, you are worried that everything will be accurate. so that the parachute doesn’t let you down, the parachute won’t let you down if you did everything correctly during installation. packing a parachute is the basics of the profession. after each jump, forest firefighters practice this
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skill over and over again. it all starts with an inspection to make sure everything is in stock, everything is intact, there are no breaks, the rubber bands are already intact, in addition to aerial training , instructors take exams and physical training tests , specialists from nine regions of the country came to krasnoyarsk for federal exercises , the siberian frosts didn’t scare the guests, they froze well, i’m probably jumping for the second time in my life at 30°, well, that’s a challenge . perform after successfully passing the exams , instructors will receive permission to train the federal aviation forestry reserve. by april 1, all flight personnel must be ready to extinguish forest fires. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, sergey larionov, elena goleeva. news: krasnoyarsk region. a prize of 175.00 dollars and the most spectacular show of the first phyzital tournament, the game of the future. the winner of the robot battle super final was named in kazan. for first place.
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teams from russia and india competed. danila makhalin will tell you in more detail who won. fiery greetings from the finale of the battle of robots or there is no smoke without fire. passions in the main fight became so intense that one of the cars simply caught fire. we came out with a spark. if the weapon works, we have a good chance. as soon as it fails, pushing is not our strong point. almost from the very beginning, the indian robot and his rival from st. petersburg after. the collisions deprived themselves of two weapons and therefore could not cause any damage to each other, but in the end the robotics team from india emerged victorious, taking the jackpot of $175,000. we did really hard work to, we were really happy, we believed in victory, when our opponent started to smoke, we understood that they had no choice, luck was on our side, thank you kazan, it was cool, their robots
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battle. one of the most spectacular events at the games of the future: the tickets are all sold out, the kazan circus is overcrowded, especially since it’s the final. a colorful picture and simple rules that adults and children can understand. here is a moment that, on the one hand, is exciting, on the other hand, memorable and vivid, as teams take their robot to battle, take it to carts. the average power of the destructive impulse of these robots is several. it turns out that it’s like with mike tyson and his famous one-ton punch, that is, we can assume that in our robot hides five tyson jerseys , which deliver an uncompromising force blow to any object that falls within the range of our hammer, a place that teams often use, a welding zone, the ability to quickly fix something in your robot, although this will already be relevant for their next starts, the battle of robots ended and gave the audience in kazan a lot of emotions that can now
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be preserved and... all the achievements at the main exhibition site of the country. 131 exposition, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events. everything that russia admires. immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere
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of pride for your country. we'll skate cleanly, we'll pass on points.


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