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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 27, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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we’ll skate cleanly on points, you ’ll remember everything, you know everything, we’ll calm down, get ready and win.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary, if there are instructions, does it really read minds or not? premiere , anna ostrovskaya, the investigative committee , she has special dates, who are you all looking at, well, girls, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who the killer is, yes, just look without amateur performances , stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, watch it before everyone else, in the app or online. hello, this is the fifth
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studio of the program, my name is yuri bogdanov, today we’ll talk about the protests of farmers that have spread to many eu countries, and in general about the situation in the eu agricultural markets. so far, all attempts by european officials to somehow smooth out the situation have not yielded very good results . what are the demands, and how might events develop? and what does ukraine have to do with this, we will talk about this with our guest, this is a member of the bundestag from the alternative for germany faction, evgeniy schmidt, mr. schmidt, hello, hello, yes, here we are the day before we saw the center of brussels literally paralyzed, protests took place again in madrid, some other cities, today , if i’m not mistaken, they were announced in warsaw, although it would seem that just recently european bureaucrats and european officials made or at least promised some concessions in relation to farmers and ... some expected
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the protests to subside, but this is not happening, why, how would you explain? actually because no one is going to fulfill the demands of the protesters, that is, there was the course has been taken to fight against our own agricultural producers, it is being carried out quite consistently, that is , subsidies are being abolished, and we know that european agricultural producers are subsidized because there are high taxes, high, high energy prices, and what to do with products, without subsidies , non-competitive, on the other hand , of course, there is an important issue of ensuring one’s own security, but in terms of food, that is, what farmers provide, so, of course, for already for decades, their own farmers were supported by the state, that is, the high taxes that were imposed on them. and now
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, not only in germany, but in the eu as a whole, a course has been taken to reduce subsidies and thereby displace the agricultural producer. there are many factors, including the environmental agenda, that is, supposedly , let’s say, livestock, they are not environmentally friendly, that is , in the future , the germans should be forced, well, here in germany, to stop consuming meat, that is, replace it with some kind some products are vegan, including a discussion going on about, as an alternative... consuming insects, therefore, therefore , this is the policy actually taken by the green parties, parties with such a green color, to put their own agricultural producers in a position where meat production will become unprofitable, well and accordingly, then
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de facto tell the germans, you know, there is no meat, eat some kind of soup there, so all this forced the farm to take to the streets this year. completely justified, that is, we are talking about the fact that their products is becoming uncompetitive, there were mass protests here in germany, which are now gradually being internationalized, that is, they were picked up, as we know, en masse by farmers in france and belgium and other countries, and now they are now being held more centrally in their... in europe, in those places where the european commission makes decisions, although in germany, too, very often local protests still take place, that is, in some cities, farmers on tractors block city centers, organize
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some kind of promotions, that is, yes, we apparently show all this regularly on air, evgeniy, now our director is showing a picture with the composition from which ukrainian grain was poured, tell me, is this the story around ukrainian agricultural products? which are supplied to the eu, what impact does these protests have, are there any components of this dissatisfaction with the fact that cheap grain , including from ukraine, is brought to the countries of the european union, we see that there is also quite a serious controversy and discussion around this, including has developed in political circles in europe? yes, definitely, a certain component, of course, is precisely the supply of ukrainian grain at dumped prices, that is, what the politicians. have taken upon themselves to accept grain here at reduced prices, which naturally hits local grain producers, so let there be protests, including against the supply of cheap ukrainian grain, against
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the fact that the eu market is open to the supply of cheap agricultural products from ukraine, in this regard, a certain part... should be sent to some third states, how possible is this, are there such mechanisms and how can this be done in reality in your opinion? i don’t presume to judge now how realistic this is, there really are opportunities, that is, to save
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the situation, to smooth out a certain part of the protests, especially those agricultural producers from eastern europe who are massively blocking the border with ukraine, which, of course, is a hindrance in general. hungary, romania and so on, that is, they are looking for an opportunity, let’s say, to tell them, to show them that grain will not compete in local market will be transported to a third country. we'll see how effective this measure will be, but so far the protests have not subsided. now
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, i read that in kiev they are announcing the destruction of 160 tons of ukrainian grain in poland, the picture that we have already shown on our broadcast also indicates that grain is being poured directly from the trains, although in kiev. they say that all this is transferred in sealed carriages, all these actions, in general, are such, so to speak, a manifestation of the radicalism of lawlessness on the part of the poles, i have here... arises question, maybe you can comment on whether this is being done by some polish radicals, or is it still happening with the support, maybe there is tacit support from the government? well, here i can’t give an unambiguous answer, because i’m not an expert on polish domestic politics, that is, the only information that comes here, that is , it’s all done by farmers, farmers, embittered farmers, who, uh, who, say,
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with ukraine , so i don’t exclude, of course, the possibility of sabotage by no one, but for now after all, the polish leadership fully supports, at least at the political level of ukraine, yes, mr. shmet, well, i’m finishing the topic of farmers’ protests, because i would like to discuss a few more questions with you, what is your forecast, are you expecting a radicalization of this situation or will some ways out of this situation be found over time? well, i still wouldn’t want to say use the word radicalization, that is, these are still
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protests of ordinary citizens, ordinary people who, due to the short-sightedness of politicians, due to the fact that they do not defend their own interests, they are forced, simply forced to go out into the streets, protest, demand , say, that their rights be taken into account, but we see , nevertheless, that is, of course, the government hoped that in some moment of protest. will subside, that is, people will shout , shout and go home, but it doesn’t happen, the government’s hopes have not come true, the protests are spreading, and some other related industries are joining them, that is , transport workers and simple small entrepreneurs, that is, when was large protest action of farmers in berlin, i went out, talked with the protesters and noticed... the fact that more than half of those who took to the streets are not
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farmers, that is, they are not connected with agriculture in any way, that is, people identify with with these protests , they identify them with themselves, that is, in general they come out against the policies being pursued, which are not being pursued in the interests of their own citizens, that is, everyone says that germany is supposedly declaring its wealth, allocating tens of billions of euros for support there. at in some other countries, including ukraine , taxes are raised for their own people , subsidies are cancelled, life becomes harder and, that is , they don’t see any policies to support their own population, so they are forced to go out into the streets to show that they are dissatisfied . eh, let 's move on from the topic of protests to another rather interesting topic, which directly concerns the activities of the party that you represent. gazetteang writes that in germany the extreme right may be recognized
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as extremists, the alternative for germany can be declared extremist; this will allegedly be done by the federal department for the protection of the constitution and our colleagues refer to the internal correspondence of employees of the internal german intelligence service, which in this correspondence was discussed that the department is working to classify. failures and incompetence of the ruling government coalition , well, indeed the situation causes very acute concern, the fact is that the alternative for germany party, especially against the backdrop of issues of public opinion, continued to throughout.
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they don’t want to give up power just like that, on the one hand, on the other hand, they are not able to conduct politics in the interests of citizens, so it was decided to resort to such undemocratic methods as , let’s say, putting some pressure on our party, stigmatizing, denigrating, in general the strategy can be traced in the direction of banning the party, that
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is, this option considers a complete complete ban, completely in favor. banning a party, that is, it’s not so easy to do, but nevertheless there are certain mechanisms for banning party and for this they need to officially declare the party extremist, that is, in germany there is such a certain feature, this is a special service, called the federal agency for the protection of the constitution, which does nothing else, it stands, that is, it... reports directly to the government and designed to ensure that the events of the second half of the last century do not repeat in germany, that is , extremists did not come to power, that is, they make sure that there are no extremist political movements inclinations, now, at the moment , this special service is being used with might and main by the ruling
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political circles to put pressure on the opposition, that is, under some completely fictitious pretexts... the opposition party is declared extremist, that is , some completely ridiculous, far-fetched statements, this is supposedly an alternative for germany, he believes that the germans are germans, in fact, the germans are citizens of germany, that is, some kind of casuistry, a play on words, all of this ends up in the conclusion of this special service and is presented as extremist trends, tell me?
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the perception of the current migration policy , when the doors of the state are thrown open to everyone who wants it, that is, anyone can come in and say, i want to get asylum to stay here, in fact, almost forever, again, more than a million ukrainians, all this puts a lot of pressure on our social system , the crime situation among
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migrants is very tense, there is not enough housing, that is... in many large cities it is simply impossible to find cheap rental housing, and there are many other problems, but in general it is simple a huge ballast on the neck of the state, on the neck of the german taxpayer, and we just say, guys, let’s somehow decide on the borders, maybe set them, well, not open for everyone, that is , look a little towards limiting this an uncontrolled flow of people into our country because we simply cannot accept everyone here. to feed everyone, and this is changing as right-wing radicalism, mr. schmit, yes, i would also like to discuss one topic, in general this situation, of course, we will closely monitor it to observe, including your comments on this topic, to wait if this process continues, a topic i would like to touch upon with you further, this is a discussion around the supply of long-range missiles, we see that this is being discussed quite actively, including in the bundestag, tell me , what do you think,
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what will this discussion lead to, will these taurus missiles, and first of all on... they need to be said, be delivered to kiev, indeed, the discussion is already underway, has been going on for several months, that is after scholz, well, let’s just say, partners in the north atlantic alliance pushed him through in terms of supplies of leopard tanks, now there is a certain kind of pressure, including from the members of his coalition, from the quasi-opposition, christian... our party from the very beginning of the conflict, she opposed any supply of weapons to the conflict zone , in favor of a diplomatic solution, and of course,
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because of such rhetoric, we are accused of having ties with moscow, which is labeled putin’s fifth column, and so on, that is, a discussion it’s going on, whether there will be deliveries in the future, it’s hard to say, but the pressure is felt and the pressure is very...
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who suffered as a result of yesterday's attack by the ukrainian armed forces, the day before the drone-kamikad attacked a car with construction workers, what is the situation today? the aircraft of the center group hit another fifty military targets in the ssu within 24 hours; in the south donetsk direction, drones are being used against drones; we will tell you more about the progress of the special operation. special operations forces soldiers, as
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the head of state, accept congratulations from the president and the minister of defense. appreciated their contribution to the defense of the homeland. protests by polish farmers are gaining momentum. will the european union succeed? redirect the flow of cheap agricultural products from ukraine to other countries and what is the amount of damage? in the zaporozhye region , a terrorist attack was prevented, which was being prepared by the ukrainian special services; they were going to use chemical weapons. fsb officers stormed two private houses. where three terrorists were located, all citizens of ukraine, they were detained, drugs were confiscated from them, an analogue of a chemical warfare agent that is used to create chemical weapons of mass destruction. all this was developed in the usa, a criminal case was opened under two articles at once. the russian air defense system shot down a ukrainian drone over night.


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