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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 27, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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kazakhstan and turkmenistan. one of the main topics is the suppression of illegal activities in the equatorium of the sea. during the meeting, delegates will visit a shipbuilding plant in st. petersburg. specialists of the repair battalion in the kupinsky direction are restoring equipment and weapons damaged in battles. mechanics act quickly and work efficiently. combat vehicles are returned to service in a couple of days. igor pikhanov was convinced of this. how neatly the ukrainian military pose against the backdrop of a padded american-made promotional vehicle, russian artillerymen hit it with a mortar, the engine of the vehicle was damaged, repairing western military equipment is a long, labor-intensive process, for this the transport has to be evacuated deep to the rear. meanwhile, russian weapons have shown their effectiveness on the front line, in addition to the fact that they have a large margin of strength and survivability, designers co. well, i think that
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it would be possible to disassemble it and reassemble it somewhere near the battlefield, probably so as not to drag it, say, for a major overhaul. this the armored personnel carrier arrived at the repair base the day before; craftsmen are working on its engine; while performing a combat mission, a ukrainian dropped a mine on it.
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the units are called master generalists; in addition to military equipment, they also restore artillery pieces. we have a well-coordinated organism, that is, the guys were all in one way or another connected with technical specialties before mobilization, somewhere we learn something new, somewhere our colleagues tell us. a shell exploded near this mstab howitzer, and the cannon was damaged by shrapnel. damaged in a matter of days the parts were replaced with new ones. soon the artilleryman's sniper gun. will return to the front, while it has not lost its qualities, with high accuracy the howitzer hits at a distance of up to 30 km, the cumulative projectile damaged the shield, damaged the skin, the recoil brakes, now the skin has already been welded, now we will install a new recoil brake, the military ural is arriving to the garage for a major overhaul, army repairs are carried out here around the clock, in just a couple of days the heart of the car will... sound new,
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specialists will overhaul the engine, mechanics they say at the forefront the equipment operates in extreme conditions, the lives of the soldiers in completing the mission depend on its reliability. troops and equipment arrive without preliminary washing, dirt and clay on board are an element of a kind of camouflage, metal glare in the sun is visible tens of kilometers away for enemy drones. among the team, many were mobilized in a year and a half; they became real professionals for their courage and skill. almost all the fighters were subdivided. awarded orders and medals. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti, belgorodskaya region. the pain can vary. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if pintalgin is available. a universal remedy against different types of pain. pentalgin. let's do without pain. download the app from bpay, link your bank account and you can pay.
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the prospects for the development of artificial intelligence in russia, and what resources are needed for this? talk about this and more in an interview with our channel. do you think this is enough for to cover the needs that currently exist in terms of the development of artificial intelligence in russia? well, as far as i know, this figure, it was exactly calculated for the reason that this would be enough, well, for the near future, but now, unfortunately, several times, well, in my opinion
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, five times, i’m afraid i’ll lie, well, there is a discrepancy, but less, and this is objective, well, that is, simply because rapid growth is very difficult. they are already working in this direction, including we are working, well, that is, it seems to me that the task has been set, indeed the numbers , in my opinion, are quite adequate, well, in any case , as many as you want, here’s how to do it - this is a task, this is not an easy task, because everything
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really comes down to where to get a stock of good applicants, well, then along the chain, well, now together with the applicants we are sagging, well, then there is already at each stage in turn.
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have you now assessed our specialists who deal with artificial intelligence, how competitive are they in the market? well, if we take ours, let’s say, top 100 specialists, then they are certainly absolutely competitive in the market, that’s exactly where to take people, well, maybe a little less, not 100, well, up to 100, so to speak, but if you take it like this, well, let’s do it this way, from one google, from one google. google has more publications at these top conferences on artificial intelligence than our entire country, that is, that is, well, there are, as it were, some difficulties, this does not mean that everything is bad with us, we in fact, we are included in many indicators, somewhere in the top three, somewhere in
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top 10, that is, this simply means that if we want to be leaders, then yes, here we seem to have somewhere to strive, just to also understand, there is a lot now...
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the russian academy of sciences, the only academic institute that has received this is such a center, well, there really are some pretty cool developments there, well, i won’t specifically advertise anyone there now, but i’ll just list for the heap what, for example, we have learned, well, our colleagues there from skaltech have learned to forecast quite accurately fires, then there is a fairly accurate forecast for 95 diseases in 80-90% of cases in those regions where there may be a fire, the accuracy of the forecast is with the help of a solution. artificial intelligence there also reaches about 90%, based on data, not necessarily images, there
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may be different data, and this too, well, this actually somewhere even exceeds the capabilities of doctors, that is, it’s just that artificial intelligence works , well, german oskarovich recently spoke about this quite vividly, but that is, it really is so, that is, there really are such people implementation, they are absolutely competitive with the same solutions around the world, but i would not say that this is something so ingenious, it is enough to say that it is applied.
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and i would say that we are quite at the forefront here, but if we say that there are some super achievements of ours, well, how can i say, in general, the number of some such breakthroughs is, well, it happens that per year there not a single breakthrough, but the last breakthrough was probably around twenty-three, here are the large language models that are there, but it wasn’t with us, but we quite quickly, well, they intercepted it , yes, that is, that means they began to develop it, and it seems to me that it is very important here, even, well, at this stage, not so much to directly generate it ourselves, it would be cool to notice, but at least to have time to quickly learn this and create this at home, this is already not bad, i also know that there are tasks to increase up to 80% of the volume of specialists, workers in general...
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in the near future we will see approximately the following picture: people will not so much teach there subject area, although this is also how much will they teach how to correctly communicate with some large language model, so that the necessary knowledge can be quickly obtained from this language model when necessary, well, what can be called prompting, well, that is, how to communicate correctly, ask requests prompts, well, this language model, to get it right quickly. such a language of communication with artificial intelligence, in particular, it is quite likely that in the coming years
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, i don’t know, 80% of programmers will actually program, asking for a large language model, write me such and such a piece of code, well just in words, she writes a bubble sort, they write it in writing, then and then i want to insert this there and so on, that’s how and moreover, taking into account the fact that there are thousands of characters there can give an answer, well, there are tens of thousands of characters, then this means you can write quite large pieces of programs. thus, just at a time, for one request, in this sense it turns out that if we say that we need it specialists, we no longer need such specialists who will write these simple codes, it’s like co-evolution like that, yes, that is, we are changing. based on what we ourselves reproduce, then we change the world, the world changes and we ourselves begin to change, that is, absolutely true, yes, that is, with a high probability, what will happen is what we ourselves too, in this, by the way, is there is a certain risk that when artificial intelligence can do everything for us, this is precisely possible in that we
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will degrade a little, but i don’t know, it’s like there are such risks too, that is.
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taxes can lead to such industrial revolution, that completely different specialists are needed, do you agree with this, what risks do you see in this sense? well, i probably agree, yes, that is, indeed, well , many compare what is happening now with such a deliberate revolution, and this is not only german oskarovich, but probably the main ambassador in our country is german oskarovich, these are the people who are around him, they don’t just talk about it. they basically do this, that is, they really check it with their hands, that is, i’m just with many one of them is familiar, that is, yes, they really have such a revolution in their company or, as it were , an industrial revolution in particular, he talked about the fact that we already know that artificial intelligence is capable of not just learning based on the data that is loaded into it,
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that it is capable of generating some data that is not loaded into it, but of course, of course. this is a normal story, and moreover, well, somehow it seems that, well, that’s how everything is going, this is just in a sense in the direction of a strong artificial intelligence, that in the end he will try to realize himself, but there is nothing so unusual in this, this is a natural stage of development, well, more or less the final one, that in the process, well , that is, something is inherent, but maybe training programs have been laid down.
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colossal expenditures of energy, and as soon as this is the first, second, well, what does it require energy, so to speak, no, that’s all, that is , it doesn’t work, well, at the same time we know that the international community is thinking about some kind of restrictive stories, yes, how to limit the development of artificial intelligence, a development for which we are not yet ready, just this month
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the european parliament adopted a law on artificial intelligence, where, for example, it cannot be used to divide people into categories. they do it too, but it costs a lot of effort, the same gig gpt chat, that is, well , first germanovskich’s colleagues did it all as it was on those data, and
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then the model began to produce some incorrect answers in some places, this is a huge job here’s a filter, like filtering somehow in this sense, well, whatever you try to do, it will still pop up, you can still come up with a request that it will somehow answer incorrectly, in this sense, don’t just be offended by it there’s something else there that... there’s something built into it, well, you just need to understand what this big language model is, so it ate up half the internet, all the knowledge that exists, some of this knowledge is openly hostile to us maybe there's something else she's trying to of this knowledge to draw some conclusions, understand some principles, how it works, part of the knowledge there is fundamentally incorrect, that is, well, that is, well, well, that is, well, false in the sense that it’s just, well, like a proof with an error conditionally , so she’s trying to learn from this, she doesn’t always recognize it, what ’s right and what’s wrong. then it generates something, well, of course, well, here we need to make adjustments for this, but the main idea here is that trying
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to do all this artificially is actually to some extent, well reduce development, that is, here it still seems to me, that is, it should be , but it’s just necessary, well, how can i say, well, just don’t ask such requests, that is , engage in nonsense, use these systems for their intended purpose in order to get offended , what do you think in our country? is there, well , should there be, maybe there are, you will tell us about attempts to use artificial intelligence in some real sector, and for scientific development? well, as far as i know, this is in physics, chemistry, biology, and this is what all of us do large companies, uh, well, they are already moving in this direction, talking about some breakthroughs , that’s exactly what i know in detail, probably, now i won’t talk about it, because well, really, this is all kind of
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well, thanks to the calculator i am there , well, this is such an element, and here we need to understand to what extent it is really artificial intelligence, did all the work there for you, or did you just type something into a computer, calculate it and just do it a more convenient tool, here you really need to understand it, depending on there situations, but in general i can say for sure that such classical areas of science. like chemistry, biology, physics, they are changing a lot now and indeed, including the discovery of new materials - this too, but well , artificial intelligence is used, this is known,
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we have very little time left, but i want to ask, what do you think, as a result of this entire conversation of ours, is it necessary, for example, to introduce classes in schools on some kind of familiarization with the possibilities and risks of using artificial intelligence, that is, so that from an early age children already understand what is the advantage here, there are risks, you know, it seems to me that if they teach mathematics and physics well in school, this will already make a huge difference, something really massive, artificial intelligence - this is like a superstructure on top of this, it can be completed at the institute, yes, you can start for individual schoolchildren, including in sirius, but they also now come into contact with this through these tools, homework, i’m just very correct question is it me just now i spoke in general, to say , they didn’t understand me... it’s right that now let’s just teach artificial intelligence, but - that is, we need to teach the base first of all, because it’s difficult to build normal artificial intelligence if there’s no base, it’s the same as there, first you need to learn the alphabet
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, then, well, in general, write texts or read something, but in this sense, that is, first you still need to learn mathematics to some extent, on the other hand, that’s it what you say is, in my opinion, also extremely it is important, not even applicable to the mathematical base, but to teach schoolchildren in general that they are so big.
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the mover could vote. how does it all work here? and just like in a regular area. you present your passport, receive a ballot, make a choice and vote. how will your ballot be saved? the boxes are sealed, the ballots from them will be kept in bags until the end of voting. there will also be observers at the site. we need to create the future ourselves and do it together, we are very different, we speak different languages, but we one aspiration, a diverse and open world for everyone, every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival, let's start the future together, find out more at, watch before anyone else, let's meet, veronik polnayatsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse with blunt trauma skulls
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to sacredly observe the constitution of the russian federation, to strictly comply with the requirements of military regulations, the orders of commanders and chiefs, i swear, i swear, i swear, to fulfill with dignity. thanks to those who are true to these words. become a warrior. service by contract of the russian federation. message from the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live. february 29 at 12:00 moscow time.
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let's return to the main news:
1:00 pm
france can send its... firstly, because as soon as france sends its military to ukraine to fight the russian army, france automatically becomes a participant in the war, with all the accompanying circumstances .


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