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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 27, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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restores its combat effectiveness, as a result of decisive and active actions of our military personnel, the combat potential of the armed forces of ukraine is reduced. on average , since the beginning of the year, the enemy has been losing more than 800 personnel and 120 units of various weapons, including foreign-made ones, every day. in total, during the special military operation, the ukrainian armed forces lost over 400. to stabilize the situation and prevent the collapse of the front. a joint group of troops destroys reserves with precision weapons the enemy, does not allow him to transfer his forces to the line of combat contact, and deprives him of the opportunity to counterattack our positions. in
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general, this indicates the futility of the strategy of the united states of america, the containment of russia at the expense of the lives of ukrainians and large-scale military-economic support for the kiev regime, we will continue to carry out the tasks set by the supreme commander-in-chief in the special operation until its goals are achieved. agenda for today's meeting, colleagues, first we will discuss how problems are solved.
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central asia, in addition, in the region there are over 100 large pro-western non- governmental organizations operating, with more than 16 thousand representative offices and branches. against the backdrop of a special military operation, these ngos significantly increased their anti-russian activities in order to reduce the military-technical, economic and cultural cooperation of the central states. with the russian federation, we are taking proactive measures. this year, in the central military district, the main efforts will be aimed at resolving crisis situations in the countries of the region and participation in family exercises in kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and tajikistan. the result of the training of troops will be the exercise of the collective rapid reaction forces of the csto, interaction 2024, in which the military contingent will take part. five states,
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the formation of part of the district is equipped with the latest weapons, including iskander missile systems and tornado-g multiple launch rocket systems. 18 military units will be organized, more than 360 units of new modernized equipment will enter the troops, as a result, the share of modern models will be 52.8%. the implementation of the planned activities by the end of the year will increase. security in the central asian strategic direction. next, we will discuss the activity plan of the eastern military district. washington continues to use rising tensions on the korean peninsula and in the taiwan region as a pretext to expand its troop presence in the western pacific. this year the scope is expected to increase. joint exercises between the united states and its
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allies at the expense of the military potential of nato member countries. in order to strengthen the military security of the eastern borders of our country, we are taking measures to increase the combat capabilities of the eastern military district. as part of the state defense order in 2024 , it is planned to supply more than 200 units of modern and modernized equipment, including the tornado-s missile defense system, tur mm2 anti-aircraft missile systems and combat ones. armored vehicle typhoon. the main efforts will be focused on preparing reserve battles, as well as training junior specialists for unmanned aerial vehicle operators. also district troops took part in four joint international exercises, where the armed forces of mongolia, india, laos and vietnam will be involved. at the end of the meeting, we will look at how the activity plan of the chief’s department is being implemented. cotton
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protection troops. today, threats of a radiation, chemical and biological nature are provoked by the actions of washington, which is increasing its nuclear potential in the territory. european countries and is adopting promising means of delivering nuclear warheads. in addition, the us formed a network of viola laboratories to study the properties of pathogens in a particular region that can be transmitted to humans and cause pandemics. of the 330 such objects, about forty are located on the territory of ukraine. due to this. in modern conditions, the role of defense troops is increasing every year. during the special operation , the defense troops solve special problems, in particular, they monitor the hazardous situation at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. in july 2023, the threat
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of biological contamination due to the destruction of the kokhovskaya hydroelectric power station dam was eliminated. was more than one and a half thousand objects in the area were disinfected.
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10%. nato countries may send troops to ukraine, the french president did not rule out this, summing up the results of the conference on supporting the zelensky regime, which was held in paris the day before. according to emmanuel macron, european leaders discussed this topic at the meeting, but did not reach an agreement. macron called the supply of ammunition to kiev a priority, and for this the west now intends to involve third countries. the topic will be continued by our european correspondent tasiya melyanova. macron may be pleased with the participants of the ukraine conference. his plan worked. the modest semi-seven in kiev, organized by the prime minister of italy, to which he did not fly, and his large-scale summit with twenty heads of state, to which italy sent only deputy minister meade for show, are two
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big differences. the only problem is how the press assessed the results of the event in paris. the french president really wanted to send a strong signal. "i will go to paris, but the west’s strategy in ukraine has failed, about sending the military to greece, the czech republic do not want
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to hear from ukraine, shells are the only issue on which the allies are in complete agreement, especially since kiev has everything calculated, up to the patron, ukraine received from europe less than half of the promised million, vladimir zelensky complained. the netherlands decided to support czech initiative to find and send kiev ammunition from third countries. the prime minister said that the country will sponsor this idea, allocating 100 million euros for this. this is a czech initiative to increase the supply of shells. at the same time, we must focus on the air defense system. ukraine urgently needs not only more missiles, but more missiles.
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with russia, said arnaud klarsvelt, a member of the french council of state. europe should not get involved in a war with russia, which the ukrainian regime is pushing it towards.
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germany with the word thank you, ukraine has problems, so it prepares thanks as best it can, a named list of europeans who, from the point of view of kiev, do not think as they should, sympathize with russia and its the president, which means they must shut up, whether there will be recommendations in addition to names and surnames on how this should be done will soon become known. and mr. macron regarding the need to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, we
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drew attention to the fact that the topic of sending the military to ukraine was actually discussed, we also noted that there is a very rich palette of opinions, there is really no consensus on this matter, a number of countries participating in this event , which was in paris, retain a fairly sober assessment potential dangers of such action potential dangers directly involving. into a hot conflict, involvement already on the battlefield, this, of course, is absolutely not in the interests of these countries, they must be aware of this. russian users of well-known instant messengers report a failure in the operation of resources; according to information from specialized services, about 6,000 complaints have already been received about the work of telegram. let me note that an update to this messenger was released about a day ago. whether this is related to interruptions or not is still being clarified. reasons promise report later. a little over a week.
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the border is still restless , ukrainian armed forces are shelling peaceful settlements, the day before in the village of pochaeva, grayvoronsky urban district, an enemy drone attacked a car, three people died on the spot, four were injured, now they are in the hospital, all the necessary medical care is being provided to them , also the armed forces of ukraine attacked the village of novaya tavalzhanka, one of the artillery mines exploded. in the residential sector at the time of the explosion there were children nearby, they
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were injured, injured, one was diagnosed with a concussion, the second had a leg wound, they were already taken to the regional children's hospital, they were receiving all the necessary help and the issue of transporting one of the wounded to moscow was being resolved, one boy, and his assesses his condition as almost satisfactory, the second boy, who received a... wounds, shrapnel wounds to his legs, we plan to send him to moscow, and i am sure that everyone will recover, we, for our part, will do everything for this necessary. also, a residential apartment building received minor damage , fragments flew into the apartment, cut the walls , everything in the middle was broken, what furniture was there, where the wave reached, cut the facade, the windows were broken with fragments, now the builders are taking measurements... everything will be restored in the near future, but the border area is still uneasy.
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alexander korobov, news, belgorod region. a terrorist attack that was being prepared by ukrainian special services was prevented in the zaporozhye region. as the fsb reported, it was planned to commit it using an analogue chemical warfare agent. three citizens of ukraine were detained, drugs that were used to create chemical weapons, massage and... were confiscated from the united states, a criminal case was opened under two articles: the development and use of weapons of mass destruction and a terrorist act. in the southern donetsk direction , crews of top anti-aircraft missile systems are working on drones of the ukrainian armed forces. the crews work masterfully even on the move, but the february thaw and the heavy vehicle are of no concern. thanks to tours, assault troops move forward more confidently. with details eduard punigov. anti-aircraft gunners of the fifth army of the eastern group are leaving for
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their next combat duty. there will certainly be a lot of work. in the south-donetsk direction. the sky is literally swarming with drones, the enemy is also constantly launching missiles towards mariupol and other populated areas. crews of tor installations are on duty around the clock, protecting ground troops and important industrial and administrative facilities from possible air attacks. the anti-aircraft missile system is capable of detecting targets at a distance of over 30 km. it can simultaneously target four targets in any weather. right now, for example, it’s cloudy. sees perfectly and is ready to repel an attack at any moment. this unit is on duty at the border of the donetsk people's republic and zaporozhye. it's cloudy, but in fact, the calculation of all the work is especially important now. our assault units are systematically moving forward and need reliable cover. the enemy is constantly trying to calculate the coordinates of the infantry and armored vehicles. we didn't
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have to wait long today. potential potential detected on radar target. deep wing. there is only one goal to destroy consumption. the missile reaches and destroys the target at great speed. means of objective control confirm this. the target is destroyed, the cost is one. tour has plenty of enemies. the ssu is constantly trying to track down air defense installations. the so-called birds and reconnaissance drones are sent to search. if the enemy manages to detect a torus, they immediately open fire on it from all guns.
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look at them carefully, we have both local objects and interference that are very similar, at certain times they can be slightly move, go up a little, go down a little, i have to catch it all, since the beginning of the year , anti-aircraft gunners from primorye have already destroyed more than twenty air targets, including western cruise missiles. eduard ponigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. russia will continue to strengthen special operations forces, equip them with new weapons and increase their mobility, he said.
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and today show examples of heroism and courage in battles with neo-nazis. my name is vladislav davankov, i came to politics. from ordinary life, where people want simple things, live in abundance, be happy and confident in the future. i am running for the presidential election so that we all live
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with dignity and freedom, in a modern and peaceful country, live with love and the future, live in a new way. vladislav davankov, time for new ones. their homes will be able to receive financial assistance for the first time, the authorities of the donetsk republic reported this. there are now almost fifty refugees from this locality in temporary accommodation. every fourth person has already provided a package of documents to receive payments. 10 thousand rubles for each the evacuated person, regardless of income or family composition, will also provide financial assistance in the amount of 500, this is the financial assistance she will pay. for a period of 6 months, all citizens who stay, they also have the right to receive a measure of social support, it is called
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state assistance to low-income families, the amount of such assistance is 4,000 per family, plus, if families have minor children, then we will make an additional payment for each child in the amount of 1500 rubles. in crimean photography. rescued a dolphin which was washed ashore by the sea, it turned out to be a young dolphin, a species listed in the red book. employees of the center for the study, rescue and rehabilitation of dolphins transported the animals to a special pool and are now examining them. according to them, sick mammals usually wash ashore. over 5 years, there were more than 3,000 such cases in crimea and sevastopol alone. specialists ask you to immediately report them to the center’s emergency numbers and under no circumstances try to push the dolphins back into the sea on your own. at least 30 thousands of farmers took part in the star march in warsaw, protesters walk through the city center with polish flags, burn bonfires en masse and sing national songs.
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footage of an abrams tank, which local farmers made from manure, is also being circulated on social networks. the main demand of the demonstrators is to limit the import of ukrainian products into the european union. the protesters also insist that the polish government abandon the green standards of the european union. joe biden said he hopes to achieve a ceasefire in the sector.
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they have a restrained influence, despite the fact that, in general, trade turnover increased significantly last year even in these difficult conditions, we agreed.
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waters of the red sea and the gulf of adon, which arose in connection with the shelling of commercial ships by the yemeni houthis, was largely a consequence of the unprecedented escalation of the palestinian-israeli conflict, as well as the yemen crisis that dragged on for 9 years. we do not justify the shelling of commercial ships, no matter how these shellings are justified, but we also cannot
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justify it.
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including for civil shipping, then there is a set goal, due to the methods that were used to achieve it, it turned out to be even more distant and increasingly difficult to achieve, we are concerned that until the end of the armed confrontation and until the situation in the red sea is stabilized, it is unlikely that it will be possible to begin the implementation of the so-called
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road... maps of the yemen settlement to launch an inclusive national dialogue under the auspices of the un, in this sense, the mentioned power adventure of washington and london actually disrupts the corresponding diplomatic efforts of our partners in saudi arabia, in the sultanate of oman, and the special envoy of the un secretary general hans grundberg, synchronized their watches with other relevant ones.
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we also noted the need, in parallel with the continuation of the ceasefire to provide humanitarian assistance, to intensify efforts to create the necessary conditions in the interests of the speedy resumption of the negotiation process between the palestinians and israelis on all issues of final status.


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