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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 27, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] which, unfortunately, was not the first, in my opinion, the fourth resolution that was submitted to the un security council calling for a ceasefire during the hostilities, and the first resolution on this topic was introduced on october 15 by the russian federation, and the fourth by algeria on last week, all these resolutions were blocked by the united states, we
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also noted... aspects, i am also still awaiting my meeting with the chairman of the state duma and the chairman of the federation council, during our meeting, and this morning i discussed foreign relations, especially in light of the important date we celebrated in november. last year marked 95 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations and i also want to convey best wishes to foreign minister sergei viktorovich lavrov and the russian people from the governing presidential council of yemen, we also discussed the prospects for bilateral cooperation in various fields, in
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particular. we work in accordance with all documents and resolutions of the security council in order to achieve peace, we support the efforts of saudi arabia to resolve of this crisis that is happening in our country, and we also strive to work within the framework of the roadmap developed by hans drunber. also, we are always open and welcome various initiatives aimed at achieving peace, we are ready to study them and... work with them, but unfortunately, we are faced, as before, with the fact that due to the escalation of events in the red sea, it is the fault of the houthis, we cannot work effectively in this direction, since such
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steps by the houthis undermine security and stability in the region and interfere with working for achieving internal consensus. and this is the problem of the red sea. not only the result of what is happening, say, in the gas sector , so we have a clear position, and we support the palestinian people, but in this aspect i want to say that it was the houthis, their behavior in the red sea that led to the militarization of the red sea now being observed seas, and the situation is really tense. long before israel committed aggression against the gaza strip. the houthis practiced such things in the red sea, so this is not something new. and we can't talk about freedom of navigation
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while there is an armed group that does not obey the government, the authorities, which is taking aggressive actions
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against... and also we cannot sit idly by,
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because our people are suffering, they do not have access to fuel , nutrition, because of these practices that the houthis are committing in relation to the palestinian issue. we discussed with our russian partners how things are and we also agree that the palestinian people have the right to create our independent state with its capital in east jerusalem, we will also work in this direction, and we understand that
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double standards are used regarding what is happening in the gas sector, and we in yemen take a clear, understandable position on the palestinian problem, we share the position of the russian federations in this aspect. good afternoon, a question to both dear ministers, as you know, the situation in the red sea is tense, and how the impacts of the movement in the red sea affect the world. it is enough to point out that because of this
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prices for insurance, say, ships, have increased , this affects the global situation, and we are not even talking about prices inside yemen, and this impact is direct, it is essentially an impact on goods that are delivered, including
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to yemen, this has negative consequences. we observed phenomena that directly harm global trade long before the crisis began in the red sea in connection with the houthi shelling; over the past two years, the illegal, aggressive actions of the west have had precisely this effect, as part of a campaign of unprecedented
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sanctions. hello, i’m cheering you on. sergey viktorovich, a question for you. ukrainian president vladimir zelensky said that kiev intends to convey its settlement plan to moscow at the second conference in switzerland. however , she added that she does not consider this to be negotiations. here's how you can comment on this statement by zelensky and how russia feels about the upcoming event in switzerland, thank you.
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well, it's difficult for me. he said that this would not be considered negotiations, well, a normal person understands that an ultimatum is meant, from an ultimatum zelensky. never refused, his whole ten-point formula remains an obvious ultimatum, they are trying to lure as many countries as possible to various events to discuss this paper,
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and i saw, one of my good comrades showed me what advice the europeans give zelensky? when organizing these gatherings around the peace formula, the main advice is that do not gather as many countries as possible, promise anything to get them to come, if they don’t like this formula, tell them, let them choose from it something innocent, food security or energy security is mentioned in particular, let them come, support the need
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to feed everyone, keep everyone warm, a family photo, and the more people there are in this photo, the more convincing, as they believe, ours will be an explanation that russia is now opposed to all progressive humanity, it’s funny, this obsession with photographs, it
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has been present in western politics for a long time... we lost avdievka, because of you we are retreating, well they are used to talking to their masters like this, such delusions of grandeur
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are very visible. a large group of politicians, and not only in the republican party, insists that we must first protect ourselves, the united
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states, and the problem of illegal migration, it has already acquired enormous proportions, and is seriously worrying, this is rampant crime , drug trafficking, and in general a violation of those actually the principles on which he lives... to force him to abandon christian ones , now they want to turn him into a skyscraper the most famous one-story america, which values, in europe, too, not everyone likes the process of continuing to pump ukraine with weapons, you see what demonstrations, protests, farmers are organizing in poland,
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slovakia, and the czech republic. on the part of the same european politicians who do not notice anything around them, do not notice anything about the problems of their countries, think only about ukraine, continue to make statements that... russia is to blame for the worst food crisis in the world, and food prices are now lower, what they were in 1900 in 2021, but i repeat once again, europe is overwhelmed with grain, it is simply being destroyed by farmers who are furious that their products
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are inferior to cheap dumping. from the fact that europe has pumped and continues to pump into ukraine, but returning to the main question, the number of conferences , of course, is now increasing, which are being convened in the west, and the goal is to compensate for the sharp drop in attention and the sharp reduction in the financial ability to support the
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zelensky regime. western countries to allocate $100 billion
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annually for 10 years to developing
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countries to finance. this was a live broadcast of sergei lavov’s press conference following negotiations with a colleague from yemen. voting at home. eh, it’s not the right time, i’m sick, i’ll have to miss the elections. why? will you vote at home?
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how is it? if the reason is good, you can. well, of course, sealed portable boxes are used for home voting. that's good, and i'll vote. we continue our review


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