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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 27, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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victory of the swallow in the north. what other details did minister shaigu tell at the ministry of defense board? stand up for the defense of the homeland, defend the national interests of russia anywhere in the world on the first order. today is special operations forces day. vladimir putin congratulated all personnel and veterans. those who are on the front line, behind enemy lines , perform the most difficult tasks. the us military has released a report on the armed forces. russia has a voluminous analysis of 280 pages on social networks, they themselves titled it. do you know your enemy? what tasks look like russian military in the eyes of the americans? another cranberry or a serious document that requires a reaction from the army command, the opinion of military experts. the state duma approved a bill that prohibits placing advertisements on the information resources of foreign agents, and has passed its second reading. what will change for those who are on the ministry of justice lists? when
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the final third reading is held in the lower house of parliament, these are the facts, right now the main thing by this hour: during a special operation, the ssu was lost.
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cbp protection increases every year. on meanwhile, ukraine is undergoing an audit of its armed forces. the president of the country spoke about this in an interview with cnn and emphasized that until the inspection is completed, there will be no expansion of mobilization. at the same time, no one canceled the conscription to the front, and the methods of the ukrainian military commissars remain the same. our correspondent stanislav vasilchenko will tell you more about the situation. ukrainians don’t want to go to slaughter voluntarily, that’s why.
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draft dodgers not the most pleasant words each time you have to first listen to the address, then catch up with the fugitives, and then also resist them in fist fights , and there are fewer and fewer potential conscripts every day, in these photos two ukrainians are trying to cross the border with poland on bicycles, from there they wanted to go to germany, and then to the usa, but the poles did not appreciate the fugitives’ plan, they were given fined and sent back to defend their homeland.
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yes, the document itself has already lost its former privileges. if previously its holders had the opportunity to travel without a visa, for example, in europe, today it is more likely a ticket to war, since the borders for ukrainians are closed today. perhaps they will try to persuade him with some kind of contracts that imply demobilization and the opportunity to leave. but knowing the ukrainian regime and their manners, do not fulfill these promises and forget for tomorrow what they said today. well , we can assume that disappointment with such mercenaries will come very quickly. the irony is that ukrainians themselves no longer need this citizenship; they abandon it in favor of european, american or russian. and your attitude towards the general graves and to the authorities in general has long
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been demonstrated in folk art. this song has already spread across all social networks and the ukrainian public. mikola burst into shock and immediately began screaming. i am russian, and i have always been, i am russian, crimea is russia, stanislav vasilchenko, valeria sapigina, olga alvukhina, news. dear men, a holiday is coming, i’ll tell you a secret on... ozone cashback 3% on sbp for everything, and no matter what you want to give, buy gifts on ozone on sbp at a profit, register on when you're speeding down the highway, you will easily fly past this sign. and in the new
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children's clinic there is something to see besides him. this sign is modestly hidden behind the loud victories at the built stadium. and you certainly won’t have time for him against the backdrop of great talent in the updated one. it's easy to miss russia, but it's impossible not to notice the changes he brought to our lives. national project of russia by decision of the president. when you give russian lotto tickets, it may turn out that you have given a shopping spree worth a million and even 101 poodles, every second ticket wins. buy on the website at stoloto branded stores, smiled, it means you recognized it, smiled, it means it’s real. recognize, love, remember, appreciate, truly,
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there are more clients, you can’t always keep up with demand, with support development does not stop, we expand further, the national project for small and medium-sized businesses is by decision of the president, our business is support your his. where else can dance become a world heritage? sports, an invincible car. go to space and send mom a star from the sky. to be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world. turn a department into... an application, knowledge into a vocation, technology into live communication, work into a dream, tradition into innovation, only
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here, in a country on which the sun never sets. tinkov, 40 million clients in the largest country in the world. russia is interested in helping yemen overcome this.
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international submarine cables that connect asia, europe and africa. as the israeli newspaper globus reported, the attacks led to serious interruptions in internet communications. in the gulf countries and india. it is curious that the protection of these cables was one of the reasons for the western coalition to bomb yemen. the damaged cable connects southern europe with egypt, saudi arabia, djibouti, the united arab emirates and india. experts declare a serious violation. gulf countries and , according to preliminary estimates, may take about
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india, which support israel. repairs take 2 months, and there is no guarantee that the houthis will not attack again. prime minister of yemen ahmed awad ben mubarak arrived in moscow the day before, the program of the official visit, in addition to a meeting with the head of the russian foreign ministry, included a meeting with state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin and chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko. let me remind you that ahmed awad ben mubarak headed the government of yemen on february 5. he also retained the post of minister of foreign affairs. the visit to russia is his first foreign visit in his new position. 9 trillion rubles of investment were attracted in russian federal districts by the end of 2023. the prime minister announced this russia's mikhail mishustin, summing up the work of deputy prime ministers as curators of federal districts. about successes, plans and tasks zinaida kurbatova. growth of gross regional product, investment in the region, increase in the number of jobs, income
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of the population, four key indicators by which the development of the region is assessed. 2.5 years ago, deputy prime ministers were assigned supervision of eight federal districts. today we summed up the results of the first stage of the program; it lasted from 2021 to december 2023. first of all they grow off-budget investments. finally 2023 succeeded. 57 throughout the country, 33 have already been launched, 100 will start working this year, we also considered
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support measures from the federation, this includes debt restructuring, budget loans, the institution of supervision has already demonstrated its worth, the governor can directly contact the deputy prime minister, in this case the deputy prime minister will resolve issues not only in what is called his area of ​​responsibility, yes, but in general they ensure coordination with the entire government, that’s why the mechanism effective. the north caucasus federal district, which is supervised by alexander novak, can boast of good achievements; this is a region through which transport and logistics routes pass, connecting russia with its neighbors, which are important for trade turnover. the number of jobs here has increased by 30%, and unemployment has decreased. it’s just that investments amounted to about 25%, almost 360 billion rubles were invested during this period in additional funds for the implementation of projects, this in such industries as tourism development and transport development. at the session
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we talked about success in different regions, this included the construction of pharmaceutical factories in mordovia, there is an emphasis on medicines for...
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relationships have been built here with our veterans, with our families, there are a lot of interesting initiatives, today, in particular, we heard some initiatives for the first time, we will definitely try to implement them at the legislative level. russia is one of the top five countries in terms of economic size, and gdp growth in the next 3 years will be more than 2%. and
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it will gradually increase to 3%, despite sanctions, a pandemic and other risks, about this stated. first deputy prime minister andrei belousov speaking at the international exhibition at the russia forum at entrepreneurship day, details from alena logvinova. over the past 20 years, our economy has managed to undergo a significant restructuring; if you look at the statistics from 2000 to 2023, the volume of the manufacturing industry has increased by almost 2 and a half times. the unemployment rate at the end of 2023 barely exceeded 3%, this is a historical minimum. the volume of housing construction last year. amounted to 110 million km, life expectancy has reached age 74, and the poverty rate is now below 10%. over these 20 years, we have created a modern competitive industry that can solve almost any problem that the country faces. suffice it to say that this industry has been almost completely
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renewed. over 20 years, almost 100% capacity, 85% capacity. russia is among the top five countries in terms of gdp volume at purchasing power parity, despite covid and the restrictions that began to be introduced against our country back in 2014, our country is quite confidently moved into the rankings of world powers, one of the important factors is the support of entrepreneurship, for example,
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its potential partner, the third is to adapt its products to its export market, it is to obtain the necessary certificates, it is to do the correct labeling, packaging there in the correct
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languages , fourth - to ensure delivery, organize delivery of ip - these are all issues related to finance, if you need to insure it, if you need to take out a loan, if you need to organize payment there, according to the forecast ministry of economic development, this year russian gdp will grow by 2.3%, that’s what the central bank says. to their clients amounts blocked in qiwi, we are talking about funds that will not cover compensation from the deposit insurance agency. the dia will return the money, but with a caveat: the total amount of payments is more than 4 billion rubles. the list
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of recipients includes almost 300 individuals, about 11 thousand individual entrepreneurs and 9,000 legal entities. depositors will have their deposits returned, but payments have an insurance limit of 1,400,000 rubles. the agency will not compensate for anything above. found a solution for its clients ao-points. accounts were opened for 20 thousand clients of the outlet using qiwi licenses; the organization will reimburse exactly that part that dia insurance will not cover. in total, about 8 billion payments according to preliminary data. the first payments are scheduled for march 5. clients included in the list of depositors of the deposit insurance agency, who have entered into an agreement with the point of purchase of the rights of claim, will receive the difference between 1,400 thousand rubles in the account balance. for example, if 12 million rubles were frozen in accounts at a point based on a qiwi bank, the client will receive 1,400 thousand rubles from the dia, and 10,600,000
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the ruble will be credited to tochka. the outlet will buy back the rights and claims against qiwi from its clients, and will assume the risks of subsequent collection of funds. payments will be made to accounts opened with a bank license. qiwi wallets are not covered by this measure, but in the future they also intend to return them as a question. will be handled by dia. however, insurance does not cover wallets. compensation will be made during the compulsory liquidation or receivership of kiwibank. assets for settlements with all creditors according to preliminary there is enough information, the dia reports say. the agency counted more than 9 million qiwi wallets with a total amount of 4,400,000 rubles. almost the same as for deposits. representatives of the international company qiwi commented on the revocation of the bank’s license, i emphasize. there were no signs of bankruptcy, there are no prerequisites to believe that the bank had financial difficulties,
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most likely we are talking about non- financial problems, so creditors and depositors can hope that will receive full compensation during the procedure with... 4 billion is gained precisely due to the large number of wallets, on each of them one can say symbolic amounts, depending on the anonymity, on completely anonymous ones a little more than 200 rubles on average on wallets with simplified authentication of 328 , most 2.0 are among account holders with full identification. in fact, all those assets and capital that kiwibank had at the time of revocation of the license, all of this. will be implemented in favor of clients, and accordingly, if anything remains from assets, from the bank's capital, this will already be distributed between the owners and
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shareholders. following russia , kyrgyzstan canceled the registration of qiwi bank ; according to the head of the payment systems department of the national bank of the country, aibek sultan aliyev, the issue of reimbursement of depositors’ funds is being worked out as usual , taking into account insurance instruments and contractual relations between payment systems and commercial banks of kyrgyzstan. let's skate cleanly on points, you remember everything, you know everything, we calm down, let's get together and win, kadyukha , kadyukha, kiss, dad, kiss, yes, kiss already, well, it's beautiful to go out on the ice, this is a skill, come on, sank, all the hope is in you, well, old age
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is not a joy, right? leaving beautifully, a whole art, well, we can’t lose you either, because irkutsk loves you, inflatable you, coach, we are now our colleagues, i don’t want to do this, how else can i explain it to you, don’t look, don’t look, okay, good yourself itself, illuminates the whole world. yes , if i were you, i would punch myself in the face, that’s all, that’s cool, three ice.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions, she definitely reads minds or not, the premiere, anna ostrovskaya, the investigative committee, she has a special person, who are you all looking at, well, this girl is standing at work, maybe , this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who the killer is, yes, just look without doing anything on your own. seems to be in place, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, we look before everyone else, in the application or on the website,
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voting by location. mobile voter. if on voting days you find yourself far from your polling station, you can vote at your location at any polling station in the country. to do this, you need to submit an application no later than march 11 to any election commission or to the mfc or to government services. and you can vote at the chosen polling station. divide in half, prices on yandex market, discounts up to 50% when paying with an alfabank card. if you don’t have a card, order a free debit alpha card and buy at half price.
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only dad can have an appetite for sausage anywhere will tame daddy will help a strong appetite a snack will not harm a strong appetite sausages will help we are going on vacation and we are going for the third year so open a vtb savings account with a rate of 16%, save up faster. onions with sesame seeds, two cutlets with onions, special sauce, cheese, salads, cucumbers, legendary view, this is big hit, big hit, only at a tasty point, now it will appear, well, what about a card that earns itself, a gazprombank debit card with a stable income up to 35% when you give russian lotto tickets as a gift, it may turn out that you gave away shopping on the...


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