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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 27, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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hello, there is a live legal program, hosted by the duty department, in the studio maxim movchan. in moscow, a sentence was passed on the fugitive killer jabbar yusifi, who was wanted by interpol. security forces believe that in a neighboring country he dealt with a local bandit, and then disappeared. in russia, here
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a person involved in a high-profile case was caught because his nerves could not stand it. report by maxim shevchenko. in the pre-trial detention center , jabbar yusifi was almost waiting for the verdict. a year ago he was detained back in march 2023 by employees of the capital’s traffic police, but later it turned out that many law enforcement officers around the world were interested in his person, since he was included in the interpol database. on the day the verdict was announced, the native of azerbaijan hid his emotions under a medical mask, although sanitary the requirements do not oblige you to wear one, but at the same time i felt quite free and relaxed behind bars, turned away from the camera lenses, turning my back to the journalists, and suddenly decided to ask the question: why is everything so bad in russia 24? meeting that is not interesting here? yusifi fell into the hands of the police almost by accident, he did not stop on the road to check documents, the patrol, suspecting something was wrong,
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gave chase to the leaving sedan. vreuto went into reutta, then, albeit short-term, but spectacular pursuit seriously frightened residents of reutov near moscow, especially at a time when yusife’s fussy actions on the road led him to a dead end, he was stuck in a parking lot near a supermarket and couldn’t think of anything better than to just run, inspector matvey governors, with all his strength, set off after the potential attacker , at that moment it may have seemed to me that i probably saw only a handle, a pistol, at that moment it was like an object similar, structural and external, the same pistol seen by the inspector, yusifi, as if feeling that it was not disappeared, tried to throw it away unnoticed , threw it into the snow, and... however , it was not possible to hide the presence of the weapon, later it became clear: the barrel was definitely a criminal one, it used to be pneumatic, but it was skillfully converted into a combat weapon, jabbar’s identity was checked, it turned out that he was also is listed in the interpol database. international interest in his person arose after the resonant reprisal of
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a possible bandit and drug dealer onar mamedov. this video was filmed by surveillance cameras in the ukrainian dnieper back in 2021. here is a man very similar to yusife coming up to the car. makes several shots through the passenger door of the car, the wounded authority mamedov runs from the car, but stumbles and falls on the tram tracks, the killer leaves him no chance, after which he disappears for almost 2 years, only to then fall into the hands of moscow police. before yusifi is handed over to interpol officers, he will have to answer for that same converted pistol. in our country, he was found guilty of illegal trafficking in firearms. the basmanny district court of moscow ordered the sending. yusifi to a general regime colony for 3 years and 2 months. maxim shevchenko, oleg ivanov, lead: duty department. now there is urgent news that our editors receive directly from the leningrad information agency. so, the investigation into a contract killing in st. petersburg led a security official to a gangster’s cache of weapons. in
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an ordinary inconspicuous garage, during the search they found machine guns, sniper rifles, pistols, grenades, explosives, and even grenade launchers. plus, radio stations and fake police ids. personnel. published in the official telegram channel of the investigative committee headquarters russia in st. petersburg and the leningrad region. now the likas will share all this with the murder case. the target of the criminals was one of the successful lawyers, but the killer mistakenly shot the lawyer's driver. we will tell you about all the details of this investigation in the next episode of our program today at 21:30. customs officers receive flowers first. on the eve of march 8 , an endless string of trucks with tulips pulled up to our borders. some will pass inspections without problems. the rest have big questions, how the cunning flower gardeners smelled money, they are trying to escape taxes, vladimir bazov will tell you. tulips in many cultures of the world are harbingers of spring, but man, having conquered nature, broke its laws, taught this elegant flower to bloom at any time of the year, and that’s how love became the engine
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of progress. yes, today the technology of forcing tulips is well known; most of the tulips that you buy by march 8th are grown in russia. forcing technology today has stepped far forward, and russian greenhouse farms use the most modern technologies, growing forced tulips, even without soil. but loving russian men still don’t have enough flowers; they are ready to please their ladies even every day, so russian retailers still rely on exports. in the first 2 months of this year, customs officers processed, just think about it, 12 tons of freshly cut fruit. according to the federal customs service, about 8% of flowers that are imported into russia abroad are handled with violations; as a rule, entrepreneurs either underestimate the cost of the goods or replace one cheap type of flower with another more expensive one, making money from one such truck, an unborn
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businessman can additionally earn up to half a million rubles. our colleagues spoke about one of these schemes in eduard petrov’s investigative program; the criminals tried to pass off elite varieties of tulips and peonies, almost as cheesecakes. if the criminals once again managed to cross the border unhindered , they would receive $3 million for their goods, the developers of the shadow scheme would be arrested, and the cargo would be confiscated by the internal customs service system, which assesses the risks of each shipment and labels those
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which may be with violations , today we can confidently say that using risk management system tools, the probability of illegal import, the probability of violation of customs legislation when importing flower products is at a minimum level, and the closer march 8th, the more work for customs officers, more than 300 tons of freshly cut goods are imported daily... this product is perishable, so 63% of cargo is cleared in just 5 minutes, everything else, if there are no violations, is no more than in 4 hours, all so that beautiful ladies receive bright bouquets on time. vladimir bazov, annabalan, dmitry frolov, lead the duty department. the society of dead theatergoers in moscow began to try those accused of cultural fraud for hundreds of millions of rubles. according to investigators, swindlers cashed out preferential cards in the thousands, holding fictitious concerts and performances, all costs would be compensated with the help of the state. word to alexandra mostova. they wanted
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to build a business on dead souls, but in the end they ended up in the dock. persons involved in the case the fraud with the pushkin card was essentially brought to the first meeting from the pre-trial detention center. once they shared budget money, now viktor yakubov, emil gurbanov and ilya safonov share a cage in the hall of the basmanny court of the capital. all three, as if by agreement, hide their faces. journalists managed to remove the defendants.
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there were almost a thousand spectators, the state paid for each of them, so in a matter of months the adventurers received about 200 million rubles from the budget. now this is one of the most high-profile criminal cases related to scams on pushkin's maps, until now most of the scandals have been associated with small- scale swindlers, for example, resellers, why don't you let us in? so in march... theatergoers, spectators bought tickets from their own hands, it turned out that they were all issued using personalized pushkin cards, then the general director of the famous theater, vladimir kekhman, personally came to the victims of the scam. everything that the scanner shows today, you know it very well, unfortunately, this shows that you came through push, we have no right to let you in. pushkin map a promotion that gives young people from 14 to 22 years of age the opportunity to buy tickets. for films, performances, concerts, exhibitions. card denomination 5,000 rubles. they are credited to the state account.
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however, the names of the card and the tickets for it are purchased personal, it is illegal to resell them, but scammers have found ways to cash out money. the internet was flooded with offers to buy pushkin cards for an average of 3.0 rubles. to be convincing, sellers published reviews from satisfied customers. hello everyone, i made it, overtook the pushkin card, took it for myself and to my brother, i saw a channel for buying the pushkin card. in april last year , the now former deputy minister of culture olga irilova was detained in another case of fraud with the pushkin card. according to investigators, the ex-official may be involved in the embezzlement of 125 million budget rubles on excursions to the highest ice cream museum in the world. the institution is located in one of the towers of moscow city, is registered as a private organization and is not officially a museum, but schoolchildren visited it on the pushkin map. there are horns coming. when the deception was revealed.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. burned alive to take revenge, a pyromaniac was sent under arrest in vladivostok, through whose fault a man died,
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thirty-eight-year-old olga pospelova, suspected of a brutal murder. she was probably so obsessed with the idea of ​​taking revenge on her neighbor that she... planned everything in advance, waited until he fell asleep after a joint feast, even then she doused the house with a pre-prepared flammable mixture and set fire to her opponent’s home, before hiding, she also waited , until the flame burns. investigators of the investigative committee of russia inspected the scene of the crime, interrogated the suspect's witnesses, and ordered forensic examinations on the motives for committing the crime due to personal unpleasant relationships. as it turned out, the defendant knew what was in the house. there are several people, and the fire could have spread to neighboring buildings, but even this did not stop it. treatment by kidnapping in khakassia detained the leaders of a semi-legal rehabilitation center, where supposedly they were treated for severe addictions in a matter of weeks, in fact - investigators say that not only did they hold back the forces, but they also siphoned off money through a special charitable fund. material by olga zhurenkova. this is footage of a special operation in
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a private rehabilitation center in khakassia. according to investigators, the organizers also stole forces. kept people under the guise of treatment for alcoholism. the rooms have wooden beds in two tiers, posters with motivational slogans on the wall in the first aid kit, and medical supplies. it is possible that addicts could have been given drugs that only made them sick. worse. i already asked. the likely gang leaders even created a fake charitable foundation to support people with addictions. in a few weeks they promised to completely cure drug and alcohol addiction and even gambling addiction. desperate relatives of sick people seized on these promises. for the saving straw, they believed, they were guaranteed a comfortable stay for patients in the center, rehabilitation therapy, assistance from qualified specialists and subsequent social adaptation. the conditions in which people actually lived can be seen in these photographs. employees of the criminal investigation department of the ministry of internal affairs for the republic of khakassia, with the assistance of colleagues from the main directorate of criminal investigation of the ministry of internal affairs of russia, with the forceful support
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of the collectorate of the directorate of the russian guard, identified the organizer and six participants of the organized criminal group. people were allegedly forcibly restrained, humiliated, beaten, all in order to receive monthly payments of 30,000 rubles from their relatives. in july 2023, the suspects fraudulently kidnapped a woman and a man from the city of alabakan and took them by car to rehabilitation center, where they were illegally detained, using physical force and exerting psychological violence in conditions that precluded the opportunity to leave the institution. the place where the center was located was chosen away from the prying eyes of the village. hanykh station with a population of only 200 people. and there are a lot of stories like this where, under the guise of getting rid of addiction, people were held by force, and money was extracted from relatives. one of the most sensational is the death of actor dmitry maryanov in a private rehabilitation center near moscow. for nine for days he was given strong sleeping pills and antipsychotics, despite the fact that the center did not have a license to provide medical services.
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according to investigators , maryanov could have been saved if the employees had called an ambulance in time, but management. allegedly forbade it, why didn’t they call an ambulance? another high-profile story from the nizhny novgorod region, where former addict karasev himself organized a rehabilitation center. the scheme is classic: people were kidnapped, handcuffed, injected with an unknown substance that suppressed the will, and taken to rehabilitation center where they kept him under lock and key. well, what do you think, here’s a crucian carp, i’ve already said enough. as for the charitable foundation from khakassia, investigators seized the mobile phones of the probable organizers of the criminal group. documents, computer, storage media, everything that may be of interest, it is possible that during the investigation of the criminal case, new victims of the actions of pseudo-healers will appear in the materials. olga zhurenkova, dmitry manushev, lead, duty unit. the police detained the daring raiders who, according to investigators , robbed a jewelry store in fryazin, moscow region. the robbers had 50 seconds. the footage shows one of the criminals
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standing guard while another destroys a display case with a crowbar and shovels jewelry into a backpack. frightened employee. they manage to press the panic button, but the masked strangers are already far away, in total they managed to steal 155 items, and what exactly did you do , tell me, well, what did i do, i just stood there, searches were carried out in the houses of repeat offenders, but no jewelry was found there, judging by everything, sold out a long time ago, tags from jewelry were found in the apartment of one of the detainees , accepted.
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at the capital's auto club, visitors look at fancy cars, and racers talk about their technical characteristics, but filip ros, who recently drove these ballids to talyat for the zhigulevskaya mile festival, can tell about another event in the center of which he found himself. instead of showing skill on the ice while driving, philip, at great risk to his life, saved people from the fire .
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evacuations began as flames rose before the eyes of the guests of the establishment. at first , visitors could not believe the seriousness of what was happening, crowded at the entrance and waited to be let back in. on the night of february 10-11, the restaurant was 100% full, as usual, because of this, a huge number of people gathered here. 800 km in a minute was engulfed in fire, which burst straight out of it. everyone will definitely remember this fire. meanwhile, the real drama flared up on the floor above in the hotel with the self-explanatory name of the heat. there were people left there, philip rossa
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helped lead the disoriented hollowmen out colleague, one of the youngest racers, twenty-one-year-old alexey pokhomov. after evacuating the bar, he returned to the smoke-filled building again. i walked in and black smoke immediately started coming out behind me. i enter the hotel and see the fire alarm is not working, the lights are off everywhere, i turn on the flashlight. people started leaving their rooms, everyone, roughly speaking , everyone was sleepy, no one understood anything, i warned everyone that we were on fire, that we had a fire, the fire brigade who arrived on the scene began to put out the fire from the tanks, but there was only water in them for a few minutes, they didn’t even suspect then, that the battle with the flames will last for 12 hours, more than a hundred employees of the ministry of emergency situations will be involved. it was extremely difficult to cope with the fire, especially at first, when the fire spread very quickly throughout the premises. adding to the difficulty was the fact that the hydrant hatches were covered in ice and covered with snow, so we had to literally look for them by touch. miraculously, there were no casualties in the terrible fire; only two hotel guests
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needed medical help. one of the victims immediately refused hospitalization, the second was sent to a medical institution where he is currently receiving all the necessary medical care. the preliminary cause of the fire is a short circuit in the electrical wiring and , according to eyewitnesses, neither the fire alarm nor the home removal system on the floor where the hotel rooms were located... worked, the cause will be established during examinations, investigators, according to media reports, are checking information that the talyate embankment, where the sky complex burned down , was reconstructed in violation of fire safety requirements, and the facilities could not be allowed to be put into operation arrested in a bribery case, oleg boyko, at that time the head of the samara department of the ministry of emergency situations. deputies, however, argue that responsibility for such risks should be on entrepreneurs, all systems must be operational, and...
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bills and fines arrive regularly. why the rights disappeared, but the responsibilities remained, andrei romanov figured out. artfully, but remains only his own shadow, ufa resident alexander nikolaev
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opens with effort. driver's door of an old foreign car frozen in a snowdrift, gets behind the wheel, tries to start the car, but it shows no signs of life, it’s for the better, because you can’t drive this car onto the road, according to the documents it doesn’t exist, as the owner of deonexi alexander nikolaev, i was listed as dead and the car is listed as deregistered, so i drive i have no right to it, and all my documents have rights, no matter how invalid they are, absolutely everything that will be deleted from... the list of survivors alexander found out in 2021, on that day he was stopped by traffic police officers. they checked the database for a long time and told alexander that he died in months ago. the police issued a ticket to the walking dead man for driving without registration. despite the status of a deceased person, ufimets is still charged taxes and sent receipts for utilities. representatives of government agencies enter into correspondence with the official dead man. there is a certificate where i work. response from the prosecutor, but
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they can’t help, that alexander was alive, he reported to the passport office 3 years ago, they opened the database, he says, well, yes, you have an error here, let us say, we’ll send the error there to federal base, well, perhaps, that is , all this will be corrected, let's wait for the new year, it was, well, in november of twenty-two, after the new year i came to the passport office, they said, well, we can’t do anything, then alexander, as best he could, he wrote a statement of claim to the court, it gradually became clear that he was included in the lists of the dead after his full-grandmother died in the couple with a similar date of birth, now, according to the documents, the dates of death coincide for both alexanders. the problem is actually allowed officials, because when making an entry
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about the deceased. the birthplace of this person was not reflected, we will restore all the data, we will restore that the person is alive, and after that , it will probably be possible to apply for compensation for moral damages. such cases are not uncommon in russia , for example, in yakutia, the clerk wrote out a death certificate in the name of local resident nikolai zakharov, after the police thought that they had found his body, the clothes were, well, not so new, and i suggested verbally . just that the corpse of a man may be similar to citizen zakharov. muscovite yulia verklova was notified that she was considered dead via sms. this is where it all started. i received an sms from the bank saying that my passport is invalid. usually, those who were prematurely deleted from the list of the living manage to defeat the bureaucratic machine and resurrect alexander nikolaev from ufa, while only on the way to this goal, and one day the officials’ mistake almost became
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a prophecy. electric bike, because you don’t need a license for it, but unfortunately, i’m out of it fell, was injured, was treated for a long time, was on sick leave for 9 months, now alexander is healthy, the only thing left to do is to prove to the officials that he is still alive, andrei romanov, mikhail shirin, elena stepanova, maintain the duty department, the entire operational legal news feed telegram channels are run by the duty department and an honest detective, subscribe, also our investigations and daily releases on the watch platform, go to the tab. turn on an honest detective. and our release is now complete. maxim ovchan was in the studio. before meetings on the russia 24 tv channel at 21:30. dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original program besagon tv. i hope you remember them and enjoy them.
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now on the russia-24 channel again the main facts of this day: during the special operation in the ssu , 444,000 people were lost. such data was provided by sergei shaiguna about the board of the ministry of defense. according to the head of the defense department, after the collapse of the counteroffensive, kiev is trying to stabilize the situation using reserves and prevent the collapse of the front. only for the last one within a week, ukrainian troops were knocked out of three.


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