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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 27, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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well, right now on the russia-24 channel again the main facts of this day. during the special operation , the ssu lost 444,000 people. such data was provided by sergei shaiguna about the board of the ministry of defense. according to the head of the defense department, after the collapse of the counteroffensive, kiev is trying to stabilize the situation using reserves and prevent the collapse of the front. in the last week alone, ukrainian troops were driven out of three settlements of the donetsk people's republic. after taking control of the important
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avdeevka enemy defense center groups of russian troops continue to improve their position in the donetsk and kupyansk directions, taking possession of new frontiers and positions of the armed forces of ukraine. since the beginning of the year , about 327 square kilometers of the territory of new regions of the russian federation have been liberated from the nazis in all directions. over the past week, the usoo have been eliminated. from the settlements of pobeda, lastochkina, northern donetsk people's republic. in other directions, russian troops continuously carry out powerful fire impact on ukrainian targets troops, not allowing them to restore their combat effectiveness. sergei shaigu also noted the role of the khbz troops, who solve special problems during the special operation. today the threats are of a radiation-chemical and biological nature. is provoked
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by the actions of washington, which is building up its nuclear potential on the territory of european countries and adopting promising means of delivering nuclear warheads. in addition, the united states has formed a network of viola laboratories to study the properties of pathogens of a particular region that can be transmitted to humans and cause pandemics. of 330 such objects.
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there is an opportunity in moscow, however, they have already responded and quite unequivocally, and other european countries have become worried. most of them are categorically against sending their soldiers to the zone of the russian special military operation. this was officially stated by the leaders of germany, the czech republic, sweden and even poland, which of all the eu countries takes the least friendly position towards russia. earlier, however, polish politicians hinted that they might still send some limited contingent, that not only the poles, but also...
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we decided today to create a ninth coalition, a coalition for deep strikes, that is, bombs and long-range missiles. starting tonight, we will organize this coalition to attract all countries who have the capabilities and begin supplying new weapons. if the french president had ended there, perhaps the conference he convened in support of kiev could have been considered a failure. in the end, euro-atlantic figures have been trumpeting for years about their readiness to fight to the last ukrainian on every corner. but the journalists had questions. and the french president has a keen desire to feel like a real european leader, and he gave a sensation. there is a question about the statement of the prime minister of slovakia, who at the conference spoke about the possibility of sending troops to western ukraine, this was discussed today, what do you think about it? at the moment there is no consensus on sending troops, but nothing should be ruled out on this issue in the future. partners in the ninth coalition announced by france. this is a statement
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macron was caught just leaving the elysee palace and apparently made him choke. here is polish president duda, the same one who loves to fight with moscow on the pages of newspapers and says that it is better. he wasn’t at all lazy at the first rooster and went on national television to reassure the citizens who, it seems, really don’t want to fight in ukraine for ukraine. we are now fully engaged in sending advanced equipment from sweden to ukraine in various ways, as many
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other countries do. sending troops, ukraine does not require this. this question is not relevant. the french tradition is not the swedish tradition. i respect france's desire to help ukraine. now we are helping ukraine in a different way. and this is again the old euro-atlantic rhetoric, which the russian president spoke about a year ago in an interview with the author and host of the moscow kremlin-putin program, pavel zarubin, again patiently explained not only to the russian audience, but to parts of the western audience that were still able to hear, supplying weapons to ukraine , nato, becomes, if not a full participant in the conflict, then an accomplice to the kyiv crimes for sure. “they supply ukraine with weapons worth tens of billions of dollars, and this is participation in a certain sense, why? because this is not just ordinary military-technical cooperation, they don’t get money for it, they don’t get money, this “these
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weapons are being transferred on a third-party basis, which means that to a certain extent, at least indirectly, this is still complicity in the crimes that the kiev regime is committing, including shelling residential areas.” novorus and donetsk, well, of course, but this very weapon supplied to kiev does not inflict the strategic defeat desired by europe on russia, just as the sanctions pouring out of the cornucopia and the possibility of sending nato military personnel to ukraine, which macron so ungracefully blabbed, are not coping with. one step on the alliance’s chosen path of escalation and direct conflict, the likelihood of which the press secretary was asked today.
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germany, this cannot be an option and will not be an option, i believe that it will contribute to escalation, i also believe that this was food for thought proposed by president macron, as far as i know, no one supported it, however, to believe in this sudden european pacifism. there are no grounds, because at the aforementioned conference everyone clearly spoke about the introduction of a nato contingent into ukraine, the french president just let it slip. anastasia efimova, lead. the statement of the french leader was not left without comment in our foreign ministry. this is
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the advice sergei lavrov gave to emmanuel macron and his associates today. well, everything is known, it all floats in the media space, and it seems to me that... that those who not only express such thoughts, even admit them in their heads, they should still use this head for more rational thoughts, for thoughts that are safer for europe. anna tseveleva, chairman of the defenders of the fatherland foundation, assessed today how measures to support the participants of the special operation are being implemented in vladimir during a trip to the region.
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in ingushetia, fighters participating in the special operation were given 20 off -road vehicles, personal protective equipment and equipment, special equipment and more. equipment. max was organized by the coordinator of the working group on issues from... addressed today in hostilities, in this regard we are our guys, well, what they need, we are doing everything for our speedy victory, to achieve all the goals set for us, our president, and the tasks must be decided , victory must be clear soon for us. region, the regional stage of the professional skills championship has begun, this is a unique platform where high school and
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college students will compete for leadership in 71 competencies. this year more than 800 young professionals are participating in the competition. this year we have expanded the number of competencies to seventy-one, last year there were 50, we added several humanitarian ones, tourism, and it. and i’m sure the guys will prove themselves here too. this is our future, many of the guys already work in companies, on internships, some work part-time and connect their lives with the khabarovsk territory with our industrial partners. in crimea, on the uevpatori coast , they rescued dolphin, a young red book the mafalina was discovered the day before. local residents immediately turned to volunteers, and only thanks to the quick response of help, the animals were able to be evacuated to the dolphin rescue center. alexandra perfileva has the details, the dolphin needs
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help, the dolphin is alive, well, but the guys who understand this will only arrive in 3 hours in boots there to somehow support him so that he has some water, whoever can, drive up to prometheus , later this call for help for a dolphin that washed up on the coast of crimea spread across all social networks, and the mammal will be helped, in the ice. in the water, volunteers literally fought for the life of a red book animal, we arrived in the first half of the day , the animal was immediately examined, diagnostic measures began, blood was drawn, but no injuries were found on the animal, the water was very cold, and... because the tide was just increasing, we gradually got all wet , a whole rescue operation was launched in evpatoria, until late at night, volunteers, eyewitnesses, did not leave the animal, they doused and gave water to it. marine melting cetaceans, without water
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, without humidity, yes, cannot stay on the surface for a long time, it is necessary to wet their skin or cover it with some damp rags so that their skin does not dry out and there is no cracking or damage. according to volunteers and doctors, the rescued mammal is still a very young dolphin. the male is only 2-3 years old, and his weight is no more than 100 kg. the bottlenose dolphin is the largest and rarest species of black sea dolphins and is listed in the red book. the animal was in very in a serious condition, was completely disoriented, it turned to us . the serene sea, the volunteers, probably raised the right wave, which quickly reached the central control apparatus, and we made a decision with a voice to actually satisfy their request to remove the dolphin and move it to the dolphin house, now the forecasts for his condition are very cautious and...
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now the dolphin is safe, doctors have already taken all the necessary tests. we definitely say that the animal is sick, that something is bothering him, the forecast for today moment of caution until research results are available. all necessary blood tests have been taken, an ultrasound examination will be carried out in the future, the animal receives rehydration, that is, the animal receives additional treatment. these are some of the exclusive shots of the survivor already in the quarantine pool.
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i can’t even believe that the dolphin is recovering so quickly. he began to dive, began to move. calm environment, swimming pool, warm water. ahead of dolphin, all the necessary treatment awaits examination. alexandra perfileva, lead. president of russia at debates are starting on the main tv channels, watch them on our air. hello, this is a debate of candidates for the post of president of the russian federation on the russia 24 channel. we are starting, the topic today is international politics. i will introduce the participants who are with us here in our studio, this is vladislav andreevich davankov, a candidate for the post of president of the russian federation from the political party “new people”.
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hello. hello. leonid eduardovich slutsky, candidate for the post of president of the russian federation from a political party ldp. face of the candidate for the post of president of the communist party of the russian federation nikolai kharitonov. gentlemen, i will now inform you from the russian federation from a political party how today’s program will be structured, we have the following regulations, there will be three blocks, at the beginning of each there will be one question on an already designated topic, the answer will be 4 minutes for each, there will be four such blocks , beyond the 10th
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level, this is often helped by inter-party interaction, but these are, for example, issues, climate issues, well, in general , i can say that my generation and politicians, who often come from european countries, they are from the generation that is about cooperation, i have been an entrepreneur most of my life, i have opened five companies, two of them are international, well, there are no illusions that... i don’t have any fascinations in the west, but it is important to proceed from pragmatism and common sense in relations with the west and europe. this pragmatism, it comes from the fact that if you can’t reach an agreement now, then you need to work with other countries, there are many countries that
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to any problem between there, for example, russia and ukraine, and... there are many such examples, these are india, turkey, in the sense of how we move forward, in my opinion, we need to develop relations with other countries, the world is big, now we have we have made great progress in cooperation with the countries of latin america, with the countries of africa, this cooperation is needed. this is the key to such a future and not to repeat the mistakes that we made with the west before the start of the special military. we allowed the military operation to simply sell our resources and get back goods, and this, in fact, was often the focus of our
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relationship diplomacy, i will talk about cooperation with other countries in other blocks, thank you very much, leonid eduardovich, please, your 4 minutes, thank you, yes, we are in a situation where the collective the west in the ninety-first year after the collapse... based on which it was assumed that 10% of rich families, as george soros said back in
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the nineties, would graduate from universities in the anglo-saxon world and return to russia as representatives of those western companies, and the rest will simply turn into some kind of poorly educated youth community , the opposite happened. it so happened that the confrontation between the collective west, and between the collective west, between essentially the forces of evil, and russia, which reached its apogee in recent years, probably the starting point here was the crimean spring, the return of crimea and sevastopol home, i am an honorary citizen of crimea, i participated in those events, and they wanted... just to somehow move russia away from the processes that are taking place in the post-soviet space, they they were afraid that russia wants to drag
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ukraine into the eurasian economic union, they remembered the paradigm of the sbigniewo brzezinsky palaget, a unipolar world, where the single pole of influence would be washington in the 20th century, russia and ukraine would be a superpower, without it, on the contrary, he wrote. in the book the great chessboard in 1997. and the processes of confrontation with russia began, which resulted in more than 18,000 unfounded economic sanctions, and nothing happened, our economy, as well as the social sphere, is strengthening. and further a situation began with the support of all ukraine, zelensky’s statement on... that ukraine wants to have nuclear weapons. against the background of a biological laboratory in ukraine, which performed
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experiments on military personnel of the ukrainian armed forces. against the backdrop of an unprecedented confrontation induced and provoked by the west. of course, for us such a situation was impossible. and now it’s probably the last one. russia did not start the war, russia will finish it, so now we see that in the west politicians of different calibers are already seeing the light, already in europe, from consensus on supporting ukraine came out, slovakia, hungary, the netherlands. which i will be able to say a little later, i am sure of this, is the center of the new world majority, russia chairs the cis this year, russia
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chairs the brix this year, but the main thing is that russia is today the main bearer, the bearer of those processes that oppose the movement west to the third world war. russia will win. thank you, leonid eduardovich. evgeniy yurievich, please, your 4 minutes. yes, well, i want to say that russia has historically developed on the european continent in eastern europe, so it is quite obvious that our relations with the european powers are deep and ancient . over these centuries, the nature of the level of these relations has been different, it is clear that the pinnacle of our relations with ... the european continent was the era of the soviet union, when we were equal partners, not only with the countries of the east, but primarily
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with the countries of western europe, in particular. united states of america. remember our most foreign of all foreigners ministers of foreign affairs, mr. kozyrev, who now lives in the united states of america. who publicly stated that russia has no national interests, that we will move in a pan-european, pan-human process, to defend so-called universal human values, well, what we have come to, it is quite obvious why over the last 10 years there has been a sharp deterioration in our relations with the west , primarily with the united states and western european countries, but it is quite obvious that this is a solution to the crimean problem.
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moreover, i want to note that immediately after the adoption of crimea, or rather the return of crimea to russia, the so-called royal institute of international affairs in london, it adopted a program called the challenge to russia, where it was clearly stated that from now on, after the return of crimea, it is necessary to radically change policies of all western powers. in relation to russia, stop making any attempts to tie it to western civilization, it is useless, it is necessary to declare a life-or- death war on it, and what was stated in this report that regardless of who will be the head of the russian state, well, in this case putin’s name was mentioned, it was directly stated that in this case we are not interested in who will be the president of the country,
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putin or anyone else. that is, the west already in the fifteenth year set for itself this goal, task, it is quite obvious that the coup d’état in ukraine was precisely one of the elements of solving this problem, so a war of extermination was really declared on us, in this case i recall the famous speech by joseph isarionovich stalin on november 6, 1941 at the mayakovskaya metro station on the occasion of the twenty-fourth anniversary of the great.
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that russia started this war, gentlemen, the west started this war at the end of the thirteenth or fourteenth year on the territory of historical russia, cut this off once and for all, on our territory, under the guise of a civil war , in fact, there is a new aggression of the west against russia, from this must be assumed, the west will only speak as a strong partner, we have just talked. about the so-called collective the west and about relations with it, now let’s take a break for a block of political advertising and talk about the global south. my name is vladislav davankov, i came to politics from ordinary life, where people want simple things, to live in abundance, to be happy and confident in the future. i'm going to the
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presidential elections. so that we all live with dignity and freedom in a modern and peaceful country, live with love and the future, live in a new way. vladislav davankov, russian presidential candidate, number one on the ballot, time for new ones. remember, we voted for zhirinovsky and the liberal democratic party. i will raise russia from its knees, i will protect the russians. great people, great russia. don't lie and don't be afraid. shirinovsky. or it will be worse, get up, great russia, not a single unemployed, homeless, hungry, all these years zhirinovsky, the ldpr fought for you, defended your interests, be true to yourself, vote for the ldpr, vote for slutsky, today on the london stock exchange oil has risen in price by 3%,


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