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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 27, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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vladislav davankov , russian presidential candidate, number one on the ballot , it’s time for new ones, remember, we voted for zhirinovsky and the ldpr, i will raise russia from its knees, i will defend the russians, to the great people, great russia!
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nikolai, where are you going, where, where, to work, to the kremlin. that's it, we played at capitalism and that's enough. for nikolai kharitonov, for the communist party of the russian federation, for socialism. my name is vladislav davankov. i came to politics from ordinary life, where people want simple things, to live in abundance, to be happy and confident in the future.
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i’ll remove it, no, leave it, zhirinovsky’s case lives on, slutsky, a candidate for the presidency of russia, we continue the debate of candidates for the post of president.
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let me remind you that we are talking today about international relations, about international politics, the question that i will now propose to answer to our distinguished participants is: how do you assess the prospects for the growing influence of the countries of the global south in the world, and what is their role here? give russia, vladislav andreevich, please, your 4 minutes, in general , relations with such a global... south, in my opinion i think this is such a good second chance not to repeat the mistakes that we made in relations with the west, and this was in the nineties from the nineties, when we simply sent our resources to the west, and received back all the goods in as a result, when an entrepreneur, i remember back in 2003, as entrepreneurs in everything... and they said that our
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state, our country needs protectionist measures so that our entrepreneurs can get on their feet and produce products, goods, the most necessary for our country, but also to export, in the end we came to this only after, well, actually 20 years, when today, here we are as a party, new people, like...
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it’s absolutely wonderful with countries, but we support each other on international platforms, in the international arena, but trade turnover leaves much to be desired. when i talk about new approaches, i believe that this should be taken into account in diplomacy, that the main goal for our representatives in countries should be trade turnover, well, a simple example, we we come to a country in north africa, we have an agreement there that we write off part of the loans, we are met in cars. on american cars, what does this mean? this means that the loans that we gave at one time are used precisely for the trade turnover with unfriendly countries. this approach, in my opinion, is completely inaccurate, we could instead, instead we should be met in our cars, in
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russian cars that we could supply, could supply on credit, could send these cars, buses, kamaz trucks, and... send as trade turnover, this is a more pragmatic approach, and well, other examples, business often goes ahead of our diplomacy, the successes are enormous, our educational platforms are developing well in latin america, in africa, our digital services, we are such providers of solutions in the field of artificial intelligence, these are the areas in...
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big, you can be friends with a lot of people, build normal relationships, and there is no need pay attention to the fact that now such relations are with the west, therefore, for pragmatism and common sense, we have to wait another 4 seconds, thank you very much, leonid eduardovich, please, your 4 minutes, today we are somehow having a debate, so i will allow you to spend half a minute from there are four that i have read.
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listen to what the west tells us, now we are coming out of many such things with great difficulty, this is education, these are many other issues, today we have seen the light, just as the ldpr did today, when the great zhirinovsky passed away, many said slutsky will gravedigger of the party, but we have grown and continue to grow, so at nine. russia is over, we were subjected to various experiments that were not profitable for us. alas, as for your question, i am sure that it will be the stem, the core for today's debate, i will answer briefly. russia and the global south have today
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created a new world majority. the west is choking in agony, latin america, africa, a significant part of the countries. system of world politics and international relations, where each country, its people, culture, history, religion, national language, will become a separate factor of power, influence and decision-making in the world order of the 21st century,
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only in this way, russia and the global south today have created a fundamentally new equilibrium and balance of power on the planet, today a new global majority. does not accept dictates from america, which has already said goodbye to its hegemony, america’s hegemony died in the gas sector, where they were beaten like... in bethlehem there are 14 thousand babies, there are no less old people, women, children, because america supported only one of parties to the conflict, israel. there is no diplomacy in america, as we saw in the last presidential elections, they have nothing and nowhere to export, like american diplomacy. today russia and the countries of the global south already represent the planetary, new global majority, and this new global majority. determine through integration blocks, determine through significant and
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globally significant programs on a regional scale, how the world will develop in twenty first centuries, therefore the balance of russia and the countries of the global south... unity, and the fact that russia plays a key role here, is truly the most important factor for the future world order on the planet of the 21st century. thank you, leonid eduardovich, evgeniy yurievich, please, your 4 minutes. thank you, well, since we really have a debate, then i thank you, dear leonid eduardovich. you say that you have now seen the light, but the fact is that the communists have never gone blind, we have seen the light. yes, you said, we don’t need it to see clearly "the healthy part of the cpsu, and then the communist party of the russian federation, even during the years of gorbachev's perestroika,
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and then during the years of yeltsin's hard times, all subsequent decades, said that a criminal foreign policy was being pursued in relation to our country, to our civilization in all directions and vectors , especially as regards our relations with the americans and europeans, we ourselves surrendered all our conquests. first of all, in eastern europe, we must understand that the organization of the warsaw pact was the first defense shield of our country, it was a great idea of ​​stalin, who wanted to create a security train around our state, so that the tragedy of 1941 would not be repeated, any sensible person could understand this, but apparently gorbachev, yeltsin and company, such obvious things were either incomprehensible , that is, they were just fools. or they were simply national traitors, so i invite our viewers to draw this conclusion for themselves;
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as for the global south, i would not use such a term in relation to asian countries, first of all, that is, china, india, vietnam, the states of asia minor or western asia, and so on, because our relations with them are long-standing, but very uneven, we just need to understand that now both beijing and ...
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some economic interests, in order to stand, defend their political
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positions and get an ally, albeit temporary, to solve specific problems; these are all issues of current politics. and one more important circumstance: russia can play a very important role in relations with the south. positive and, perhaps, the only role in the modern situation of a mediator in the relationship between the main ones. players of the asian continent, well, for example, between the same china and the same india, since we know that they have had a territorial conflict for a long time, and above all in tibet.
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of course, causes a lot of discussion, and since the nineties, of course, since the beginning of the nineties, and regarding which in our country, in my opinion, such a paradigm has already developed on how to deal with this region, this integration processes, in your opinion, what importance should and should be given to this process, what should we bet on here. vladislav andreevich, please, 4 minutes. yes thank you. for this question, but if you allow me, i will also allow myself to object to my colleague from the communist party of the russian federation, because well, this is where i started with this, this is the difference, the difference in approaches, the difference in generations, about what we are talking about, what was the policy regarding africa, we issued loans, we
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shipped grain to the soviet union already at the end, as a result, we ourselves had empty shelves. v in the end, the economy destroyed the soviet union , not politics, but the economy, internal , well, how wrong i am, well, that’s how it happens, because you put it out there, you had time to speak out, so it’s very important not to repeat mistakes in the same way with ours, with our closest friends, neighbors, i lived and worked in five countries and... i worked all in uzbekistan, kazakhstan, tajikistan, kyrgyzstan, so i know how sensitively we need to treat these relationships, since this is not just economic ones relations, these are cultural relations, these are families that were built, as we were built as one country, today it is important
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not to repeat these mistakes, each country is independent, it is economic attraction to each other. allows you to have good connections, a simple example, georgia, georgia, which proceeds from the fact that yes, there was a conflict in 2008, but it did not support sanctions because it understands that without russia it is difficult, difficult to support its own economy, well, what do i want to say again, here we can talk about each...
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and uh, so the problems that exist now, i am sure that we will overcome, overcome together, it is important here for us ourselves, how we can set an example for russia to others, and show how it is developing our country , what kind of relations we have, these are the conditions on which to build relations with our closest friends, closest, and...
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i told you that the economy did not destroy the soviet union, but the criminal policy of gorbachev destroyed the soviet union, and from which was he part of the party? 15 what kind of ticket did he wear? he wasn’t a communist, vladislav andreevich, you still have 15 seconds, what does that have to do with what party he was from? thank you, dear tv viewers, vladislav davankov, the party of new people is number one on the ballot of all. well, we are not finishing yet, we are not finishing our program, leonid eduardovich, please, your 4 minutes, debates are debates, but the ldpr always tells the truth. you and i know each other well, and you are a historian, but here, as far as europe and european organizations are concerned, for being there, it is easy to find in
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on the internet, and wherever gennady andreevich spoke, and his colleagues, the ldpr has always since the nineties used the council of europe, its parliamentary assembly and many other european organizations to pursue our foreign policy line, in general they believed that...
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everything possible to bring back our compatriots home to those very empty spaces where they must resolve the issues of development of today's russia to those same empty spaces that in no case should become empty, which is why today we propose to sharply lower the mortgage rate lending for villagers, so that young people do not disappear from rural areas after finishing school, we must accept again. many foreign applicants who will graduate from our universities, receive the best higher education in the world, will become presidents, prime ministers, heads of major corporations, we
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are now just starting to do this again, but of course we need to open russian schools, broadcast in russian, now broadcasting in russian is more than 100 times lower than at the beginning... but we it’s more difficult to talk from within, we are not heard enough, all this in complex and many other tasks of creating new major integration projects in the field of agriculture in the banking sector, in fact, today there are more than a hundred of them in the commonwealth of independent states and... infrastructure programs aimed at of people. russia has always been a separate force in the community of independent states, we will not lose ours.
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and the ukrainians are a people close to us; simply by the will of fate, they became hostages of american aggression against russia. having won, and we are confident of victory this year and we will do everything possible and impossible for this. we will be able to restore everything lost. temporary balance in the post-soviet space, but not to influence and determine , to interact wisely, create new projects, programs, revive the cementing foundation of the russian world and russian civilization, our great russian language, preserve it, this is the main thing and the eurasian union and many other integration blocks are destined for success. thank you, leonid eduardovich. well first of all i i would like to say that it is unlikely that any sensible person will reproach the communists, in particular gennady andrevvich zyuganov, my
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trustee, nikolai khritonov, for the fact that they are not patriots, they have always acted, no, no, i’m not talking about you in this case, they always supported the interests of russia where it was possible and even impossible, they said that the russian...
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we never bought ukraine, we bought ukraine with cheap gas, don’t interrupt me, chernomdin himself even spoke about this, when he was ambassador to ukraine, we they sold our gas for 50 dollars, while germany for 250-300, let’s not say, putin himself said at one time that over these two decades we have financed ukraine for at least 200 billion dollars,
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precisely at the expense of ours... germany , it seems that we built close trade and economic ties that were very beneficial to germany, its... industry, its economy, its social sphere, and what is left of this now, that is , politics and ideology prevailed here in its pure form, for lack of time i want to say that we now need to place special emphasis in relations with the former countries of the soviet union, the republics of the soviet union, the creation of a single history textbook and a single information and educational space,
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both for school, for and for... so that later we do not have to again carry out denazification of our historical territories, and lastly, as for the baltic states, stop playing beryulki with the baltic states, lastly, friends, vote for the candidate of the communist party of the russian federation, nikolai kharitonov, thank you, evgeniy, thank you, dear candidates for
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the position of president. russian federation, leonid eduardovich, vladislav andreevich, thank you too. by the way, the topic of education is one of the topics chosen for debate, so after a while we can argue or debate on this issue. also, let me remind you, on russia 24, these were debates, they will be held this week tomorrow and the day after tomorrow at 19:15. and of course, come to the presidential elections of the russian federation on... march. thank you for your attention. message from the president of the russian federation vladimir putin, federal assembly. live broadcast on february 29 at 12:00 moscow time. we need to create the future ourselves and do it together. we are very
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different, we speak different languages. but we have one desire, a diverse and open world for everyone. every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival. let's start the future together. find out more at this is a big information evening, and that’s what we’ll talk about in the next hour. their task is to remain invisible, their goal is to effectively complete tasks. output and building technician, warehouses, as well as personnel, how the russians work.


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