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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 27, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm MSK

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prices in half on the yandex market, discounts up to 50% when paying with an alfabank card. if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha debit card and buy it at half price. hello, we will tell you about the main legal events of the day the correspondents of the program are hosted by the duty department and i, maxim movchan. former deputy. he could be one of the secret patrons of businessmen in the chelyabinsk region and allegedly provided them with large government contracts for road repairs. the investigation is proceeding with varying degrees of success. let me remind you that in the summer of 2022, the moscow city court already found belausov and his accomplices guilty, although they could not imprison him then, as if he had evaporated right before the verdict.
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program is broadcast live by the duty department, we continue the release. beware, fake utility workers in the rostov region, policeman. stormed the office of fake repairmen who were robbing gullible apartment owners. attention everyone, according to investigators, the swindlers convinced their victims that they were carrying out an urgent check of double-glazed windows and electrical equipment, then they demanded urgent repairs of something that, in principle, was not broken, and charged a very substantial price for fake services. accomplices concluded with the victims. fictitious contracts for the provision of services at inflated prices, but in fact they did not repair anything, at best they only replaced working equipment. so far, there are only four victims in the criminal case, and the amount of damage for four of them is as much as 15 million rubles. now the police are finding out how many more people
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were deceived by the group; in the meantime, five swindlers were sent to a pre-trial detention center, and another one was under recognizance. the security forces found an arsenal in the garage, a new twist in the case of contract murder in st. petersburg. the alleged orderer of the reprisal against the lawyer is a huge cache of weapons, sniper rifles, machine guns, grenade launchers and explosives. meanwhile, they tried to kill the lawyer with a pistol with a silencer, but the killer misidentified himself and killed his driver. first things first, fedor eliseev. rgd like mukha, several sniper rifles, several kalashnikov assault rifles, and several more sniper rifles, all weapons were just from the assembly line. please note that each sample is on a cover. in the middle of the collapse is a bag of cartridges for all the good stuff, several models of pistols, the classic makarov, a self-loading pistol and the internationally recognized austrian detonator and silencers for them, compact rapid-fire pistols, machine guns, squeezed into this arsenal, as if lost, a modest
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sawn-off shotgun, in addition to guns, walkie-talkies, explosive tracking devices, two plates spent, two grenades, fake documents, in the pasted photo there is a fake id of a police officer from... the probable perpetrator of the contract killing of st. petersburg lawyer viktor patrushev, the largest in recent years a cache of weapons discovered by st. petersburg criminal investigation operatives by employees of the investigative committee belongs to an alleged customer named ginterras alfansa ragauskas, both have already been arrested, just less than a week ago , ragauskas, with tears in his eyes, allegedly sincerely did not understand why he was detained, why he was detained, you understand ? no, the massacre took place in front of dozens of small eyewitnesses, students of an elite gymnasium, and was captured by a surveillance camera. the killer followed the lawyer's car and shot him in the back of the head. to the man who brought the child to school, but misidentified himself, the lawyer’s driver became the victim. there was a man with a black bag, he was rummaging
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around for something from the very beginning, he was shot either in the leg or in the head, he walked somehow slowly, it seems to me that he is not very young . the lawyer's driver died in the hospital, investigators meanwhile. they were actively digging up the past of an active lawyer, who was the real target of the killer. viktor patrushev is known in narrow circles, he handled dubious matters, was put on trial for about fraud worth billions of rubles, but how... every time he got away with it, he is also known for solving other people’s issues and pulling off his own combinations, one of them is connected with a serious legal dispute over a luxury house in an elite area of ​​st. petersburg, which belonged to his wife. the house was listed as collateral, the rights to the property were bought by the same alleged customer of the murder of ginterest alfansa ragauskas, but patrushev bombarded the courts with papers, preventing the decision from coming into force, apparently, then rogauskas decided to eliminate lawyer criminal case. to the production of the first department for investigation of particularly important cases, an investigation is underway. it’s hard to believe that the explosives, grenade launchers
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and other weapons found in the garage were needed to kill the lawyer. it is possible that during the investigation, details that go far beyond the boundaries of a suburban area with luxury real estate will be hidden. fyodor aleseev, maxim movchan, lead, duty department. i would like to add that right now they are continuing to work at the site of the discovery of a large concealed weapon in st. petersburg law enforcement officers. the latest footage from the scene has already been released. the telegram channel is run by the duty department. according to our information, the garage and the discovered arsenal are now being examined by explosives experts. they examine mines and grenades for the presence of warheads. sappers will have to neutralize all explosive objects found. the society of dead theatergoers in moscow began to try those accused of cultural fraud for hundreds of millions of rubles. according to investigators, the scammers cashed out preferential cards in the thousands by swiping fictitious concerts and performances, all supposed costs were compensated with the help of the state. word to alexandra mostova. they wanted to build a business on dead souls, but
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in the end they ended up in the dock. the defendants in the case of fraud with the pushkin card were essentially brought from the pre-trial detention center to the first hearing. once upon a time they shared budget money. now viktor yakubov, emil gurbanov and ilya safonov share a cage in the hall of the basmanny court of the capital. all three, as if by agreement, hide their faces. journalists managed to remove the defendants cases before the trial begins. talk about large-scale thefts, these young people. people clearly don’t want to, can you somehow comment on the accusation? without asking questions, what kind of question is he asking? according to investigators, yakubov, gurbanov and sofonov pulled off a scam almost like gogul, they held a series of concerts for imaginary spectators, for whom the state paid. the scheme worked like this: the offerors rented a cheaper venue, invited little-known artists and convinced the owners of pushkin cards to issue a ticket just like that without visiting. and besides, they hired extras so that they could at least attend the concert.
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dozens of theatergoers, the audience bought tickets from their own hands, it turned out that they were all issued with personalized pushkin cards, then the general director of the famous theater, vladimir kekhman, personally came to the victims of the scam. everything that the scanners show today, you know it very well, unfortunately, this shows that you came according to pushkin, we have no right to let you in. the pushkin card is a promotion that gives young people from 14 to 22 years of age the opportunity to buy tickets to films, plays, concerts, exhibitions. there are five denominations. the internet was
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flooded with offers to buy pushkin cards for an average of 300 rubles. to be convincing , sellers published reviews from satisfied customers. hello everyone, i made one, overtook the pushkin card, made it for myself and my brother, saw a channel for buying pushkin cards, and bought it. in april last year in another case.
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a few days after the operation , a businessman from the capital died; ekaterina lekhamanova has details. these shots are for friends of the famous capital businessman and producer peter gavrilov is now a vivid memory of his turbulent life. celebrating his next birthday, the showman threw a chic party with a photo zone and hot dancing. judging by this entry, it doesn’t seem at all like menenik has any complexes about his
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appearance. on the contrary, he confidently poses for the camera next to a striking brunette. after a while, the influential businessman decided to improve his shape and went under the surgeon’s scalpel to become slimmer; for this he chose one of the most popular clinics in moscow, whose face is no less the famous doctor timur khaidarov, the one who hosts a reality show from the operating room, this is the source we received, this is the taut, beautiful, athletic tummy, the one who had to withstand the boulders of show business. who accused him of poor-quality operations, when i took off my bra a month later, i just lived in stress for a year, i couldn’t look at myself in the mirror. all this fuss near the plastic surgeon’s clinic did not bother businessman pyotr gavrilov, and even numerous inspections by rosdrovnadzor, as a result of which, by the way, gross violations of the law were revealed. at the khaidarov medical center, gavrilov underwent a gastric resection;
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a few days after being discharged from the hospital , he became ill, soon fell into a coma and... during the operation an infection could have occurred, which allegedly led to blood poisoning. khaidarov’s clinic comments on this information with caution. the administration of the iq plastic clinic considers it necessary to bring to the attention of interested parties that in the iq plastic clinic from the moment of opening to the present not a single patient died. we also inform you that plastic surgeon timur
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khaidarov does not perform stomach surgery and did not operate on pyotr gavrilov. probably relatives of the deceased businessman. they will still seek punishment for the star surgeon. according to our information, law enforcement officers have already begun an investigation into this fact. ekaterina lekhomanova, news. duty department. treatment for kidnappings in kakasiya, the leaders of a semi-legal rehabilitation center were detained, where they allegedly treated the most severe cases in a matter of weeks. dependencies. but in reality, investigators say , not only did they hold back the forces, but they also funneled money through a special charitable foundation. material by olga zhirenkova. for footage of a special operation in a private rehabilitation center in khakassia, according to investigators, the organizers kidnapped and forcibly detained people under the guise of treatment for alcoholism. the rooms have wooden beds in two tiers, posters with motivational slogans on the walls. there are medical supplies in the first aid kit. it is possible that addicts could have been given drugs that only made them sick. worse. i already asked. the likely gang leaders
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even created a fake charitable foundation to support people with addictions. in a few weeks they promised to completely cure it. and alcohol addiction and even gambling addiction, desperate relatives of sick people grabbed these promises as if they were a saving straw, they believed, they were guaranteed a comfortable stay for patients in the center, rehabilitation therapy, help from qualified specialists and subsequent social adaptation, in what conditions people actually lived, visible in these shots? employees of the criminal investigation department of the ministry of internal affairs for the republic of khakasi, with the assistance of colleagues from the main criminal investigation department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia, with force support: the collection of the directorate of the russian guard identified the organizer and six participants of an organized criminal group, people were allegedly held by force, humiliated, beaten, all in order to receive from their relatives monthly payments in the amount of 30,000 rubles. in july 2023, the suspect fraudulently kidnapped a woman and a man from the city of abakan and took them by car to a rehabilitation center.
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center where they were illegally detained, using physical force and exerting psychological violence in exclusionary conditions. opportunity to leave the establishment. the place where the center was located was chosen away from prying eyes, a village near khanykh station with a population of only 200 people. and there are a lot of such stories where, under the guise of getting rid of addiction, people were forcibly held back, and money was extracted from relatives. one of the most sensational is the death of actor dmitry maryanov in a private rehabilitation center near moscow. for nine days he was given potent sleeping pills and antipsychotics. despite the fact that the center did not have a license to provide medical services. maryanov’s version of the investigation could have been saved if the employees had called an ambulance in time, but management allegedly forbade it. another high-profile story from the nizhny novgorod region there.
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the will suppressor was taken to a rehabilitation center, where he was kept under lock and key. well, what do you think, is this a crucian carp? as for the charitable foundation from khakassia, investigators seized the mobile phones of the probable organizers of the criminal group, documents, computer, storage media, everything that may be of interest, it is possible that during the criminal investigation... new victims of the actions of pseudo-healers will appear in the materials. olga zhurenkova, dmitry manushev, lead, duty unit. in moscow, a sentence was passed on the fugitive killer jabbar yusifi, who was wanted by interpol. security officials believe that in a neighboring country he dealt with a local bandit and then fled to russia. here, a person involved in a high-profile case was caught because his nerves could not stand it. maxim's report shevchenko. in the pre-trial detention center, jabbar yusifi waited for a verdict for almost a year; he was detained back in. in march 2023, employees of the capital's traffic police, but later it turned out that many law enforcement officers around the world were interested in his person, since he
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was included in the interpol database. on the day the verdict was announced, the native of azerbaijan hid his emotions under a medical mask, although sanitary requirements do not oblige him to wear such, and at the same time he felt quite free and relaxed behind bars, turning away away from the camera lenses, turning his back to the journalists, he suddenly decided to ask himself. the question is, why is everything so bad in russia 24? what, well, other meetings that are not interesting here. yusifi fell into the hands of the police almost by accident, he did not stop on the road to check his documents. the patrol, suspecting something was wrong, gave chase to the departing sedan. i went to reutto, wrong. then, albeit a short, but spectacular chase, seriously frightened the residents of reutov near moscow, especially at a time when yusifi’s fussy actions on they brought him along the road. at a dead end, he was stuck in a supermarket parking lot and couldn't think of anything better than to just run. inspector matvey governors, as best he could, set off after the potential attacker. at that moment,
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perhaps it seemed to me that i saw, probably, just a handle, a pistol, at that moment it was like an object similar, structural, and external. the same pistol, seen by inspector yusifi, as if feeling that he would not hide, tried to quietly throw it away, threw it into the snow, but to conceal its presence. it turned out that he is also listed in the interpol database. international interest in his person arose after the resonant reprisal of a possible gangster and drug dealer manar mamedov. this video was filmed by surveillance cameras in the ukrainian dnieper back in 2021. here a man, very similar to yusife, approaches the car and fires several shots. passenger door of the car. the wounded authority mamedov runs from the car, but stumbles and falls onto the tram tracks. the killer leaves him no chance, after which he disappears for almost 2 years, only to then fall into the hands
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of moscow police. before yousifi will be handed over to interpol officers, he will have to answer for that same converted pistol. in our country, he was found guilty of illegal trafficking in firearms. the basmanny district court of moscow ordered yusife to be sent to a general colony. honest detective. a ufa citizen who is not in bashkiria, a local resident knocks on the thresholds of officials’ offices to prove
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that he is alive, writes complaints, files lawsuits, but remains only his own shadow, who regularly comes, counting fines. why did rights disappear, but responsibilities remained? andrey romanov sorted it out. a resident of ufa , alexander nikolaev, with effort opens the driver's door of an old foreign car frozen in a snowdrift, gets behind the wheel. the traffic police officers spent a long time checking with the database and told alexander that he died in chita several months ago. the police issued a fine to the walking dead man for driving a car without registration, despite
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his status...
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the place to be searched after a very loud wedding was not announced, now the security forces are figuring out where he got the machine gun from and whether the shooting was really carried out with blank cartridges? all operational legal news feed in telegram channels run by the duty department and the honest detective, subscribe, also our investigation, watch daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective, our release is now complete, maksimovchan was in the studio, see you on russia 24 tv channel.
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this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today’s agenda. their task is to remain invisible, their goal is to be effective. completing tasks, disabling equipment, warehouses, as well as personnel, how russian specialists work in the border zone and behind enemy lines. along with how about a dead person, it’s either good or nothing. the american media ignores the news about the first american tank destroyed, just as western propaganda is trying to cover up the inconvenient thing.


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