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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 27, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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svoboda predictably screamed about repression, turning everything around as if the defendant had not violated anything, but was persecuting him allegedly for dissent. and today’s hearing was no exception; moreover, an impressive support group came to gawk at the accused, although, perhaps, it would be more correct to call it a group of foreign sponsors, about whom we are talking, anton potkovenko will tell. he tried so hard to denigrate russia once again in court, but in vain. orlov's last word, which is a conscientious stenographer. the new newspaper europe was considered undesirable in russia, before a former member of the board of the liquidated memorial was given 2 and a half years in prison for repeatedly discrediting the russian army, his last word sounded like an epitaph to that very memorial. oleg arlov complained that books are banned in russia, he is talking about the foreign agent bykov, who has no complaints against those who kill russians, he himself said so, and about the foreign agent akunin, who claims that he is in the russian army.
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such a victim, in quotes, of course, victims of the regime, yes, that is, he mentioned everyone there, it is obvious that he understood that this speech would be broadcast in various russophobic so -called media. in european, in western,
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i worked for them. a whole crowd of diplomats came to the announcement of the verdict. great britain, france, germany, spain, czech republic, switzerland, a column of literally cars with diplomatic license plates. here is the ambassador of the european union to russia galarag, with himself. and, of course, the us ambassador to russia, lyn tracy, was there too, here she is. aino publication agents diligently post her photo. and orlov. straight out of your skin the forest, in order to please the sponsors of the no longer existing memorial, accused russia of fascism, russia, not ukraine, where the street is named after bandera, this is the kind of person the western press calls supposedly a human rights activist. the french media relished the way he was dressed in court, the way he winked at his wife, and in general, of course, orlov shouldn’t have talked about fascism, the liquidated memorial burned down largely due to the scandal surrounding the lists i...
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directly text that basayev’s terrorists are terrorists, and he said, he wrote he noted rational behavior, that is , when they shot people, shot hostages, shot in the backs, our policemen at that time, they acted rationally, it turns out. let us also remember the pedophile dmitriev, who is now imprisoned, the entire memorial fervently prayed for him, they say they were branded a non-pervert, and a historian, such historians as dmitry, who at the same time whitewashed the nazis.
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clapping orlova as he was led away after the verdict was announced. he left with a smile, well, for the cameras, most likely, he tried, with by what expression a foreign agent will go to jail, this is the west already. it is unlikely that they will be interested in what kind of benefit they get from those who remained under the rubble of the memorial? well, back to the front-line reports, the daily losses of the armed forces of ukraine in the donetsk sector of the special operation exceeded 400 manpower; in the south donetsk sector, where the group of russian troops vostok performs tasks, up to 130 ukrainian militants were destroyed. our aviation and artillery have worked efficiently in places where they are concentrated, while at the same time , anti-aircraft missiles provide reliable cover from enemy drone aircraft calculations. what are they capable of? anti-aircraft gunners of the fifth army of the eastern group are leaving for the next combat duty, there will certainly be a lot of work, in the southern donetsk direction the sky is literally teeming with drones, the enemy is also constantly launching missiles
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towards mariupol and other populated areas. crews of tor installations are on duty around the clock, protecting ground... important industrial and administrative facilities from possible attacks from the air. the anti-aircraft missile system is capable of detecting targets at a distance of over 30 km. he can simultaneously lead four targets in any weather. right now, for example, it’s cloudy, foggy, cloudy, but in fact the crew sees everything perfectly and is ready to repel an attack at any moment. this unit is on duty at the border of the donetsk people's republic and zaporozhye. his work is especially important now. our assault units are systematically moving forward and need ... today we didn’t have to wait long, a potential target was detected on the radar, wing type, the goal is to destroy the flow rate. the missile
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hits and destroys at great speed the goal and means of objective control confirm this. the target is destroyed at one cost. tor has plenty, the ssu is constantly trying to track down air defense installations. so-called birds and reconnaissance drones are sent to search. if the enemy manages to detect a torus, they immediately open fire on it from all guns. well, one of our main opponents is , of course, anti-radar missiles that are launched from aircraft. i’m trying to improve the work of the himorses there, so that the drone points the coordinates right there flew in accordingly. projectile, which is why anti-aircraft gunners constantly maneuver and carefully camouflage installations in the forest belt. on my screen there are sports in which i see the entire situation, which is up to 32 km away. and you need to look at them carefully. we have both local objects and interference,
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which are very similar. at a certain time , they can move a little, go up a little, go down a little. i have to catch it all. since the beginning of the year, anti-aircraft gunners from primorye have already destroyed more than twenty air targets, including including western. cruise missiles. eduard puningov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the western strategy to contain russia at the hands of the kiev regime and at the cost of the lives of hundreds of thousands of ukrainians is absolutely futile. this is the verdict delivered by sergei shaigu at today’s meeting of his defense ministry colleague. as the head of the department emphasized, after the failure of the summer counterattack , the command of the armed forces of ukraine had no other options but to try to stabilize the front line, no longer thinking about large-scale attack actions, but even this our armed forces do not allow it. details in the material by alexey golovko. the minister of defense and the highest generals of the russian army are summing up the results of the next stage of combat in the areas of the special military operation. sergei shaigu reports on the results achieved in the first two months of this year. since the beginning of the year
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, about 327 km of territory in new regions of the russian federation has been liberated from the nazis in all directions. for the last week. died in this war. many western analysts, even last summer, at the height of the failed counteroffensive, spoke about hundreds of thousands of dead ukrainian armed forces soldiers. the russian minister of defense clarified the data today. on average, since the beginning of the year, the enemy has been losing more than 800 personnel and
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120 units of various weapons, including foreign-made, every day. during the special military operation, the ukrainian armed forces lost everything. over 44,000 military personnel, after the collapse of the counteroffensive , the military command of the armed forces of ukraine is trying to stabilize the situation using the remaining reserves. and to prevent the collapse of the front, it turns out that the kiev regime will suffer its own losses downplays it 14 times, until the last minute they will, of course, remain silent about the loss of such valuable western military equipment, all the past 24 hours in the western segment of the internet continued to accept the fact that the russian army destroyed the american abrams for the first time, someone remained at the stage of denial, they say all this is in photoshop, someone is at the bargaining stage, claiming that the video shows only the penetration of active protection, and the social network instagram began to block from...
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the center was defeated by an accumulation of manpower and equipment, the enemy lost up to 485 military personnel, two tanks including an abrams, the german publication bilt, having taken a closer look, have already drawn conclusions that the tank cannot be saved, the ukrainians themselves are to blame for its loss. most likely, the russians, moving west, will capture it and show it to their defense minister and president in moscow. why? the russians managed to destroy it, it was not used the way it would have been used in the west, without
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air support, without soldiers to guard it, it was used as a lone fighter. a honey shot reminded me of invulnerability there is no such thing as technology. the abrams also burned beautifully on the yemen land. the houthis destroyed about 20 american vehicles serving the saudi army. what can we remember about iraqi companies? previously , it was assumed that abrams tanks would quickly begin to suffer losses if they were... returned near the front line against russian troops, because they demonstrated very limited survivability when used by the iraqi army in conditions of much lower intensity. all attempts by the enemy to replenish their resources, the russian army intercepts from the air. a combined group of troops, using high-precision weapons, destroys the enemy’s reserves, does not allow him to transfer his forces to the line of combat contact, and deprives him of the opportunity to counterattack our positions. in general , you will see this. about the futility of the strategy of the united states of america, about containing
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russia at the expense of the lives of ukrainians and large-scale military-economic support for the kiev regime. probably, the remaining abrams will play the role of other contenders for dominance on the battlefield of the german british leopards challengers, which, after the first crashed vehicles, western curators ordered to be removed from the front line so as not to completely ruin the reputation of their vehicles. ukraine received about 230 leopard tanks. however, during the disappointing ukrainian counter-offensive last summer, many of them were stuck in russian defenses, more than twenty were destroyed or abandoned, seven of them were only operational. the russian army, after taking control of such an important avdeevka defense center, continues to advance in donetsk and kupinsky directions. alexey glovko, maxim shchepilov, lead. helicopter patrol, surveillance with a thermal imager, a rapid response team - all this is just for two. who tried to hide from forced mobilization into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. ukrainian border guards showed a video
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of the detention of draft dodgers on the border with romania. the fugitives were only 500 meters away from the saving european shore, but vigilant soul catchers staged a chase in the style of hollywood blockbusters. according to the report, the operator on board the helicopter supervised the patrol's actions. on the ground. thus, as the border detachment proudly reports, two residents of the ivano-frankivsk and chernivtsi regions were detained in just a few minutes. well, ukrainian publications, in turn, scare potential draft dodgers by the fact that independent borders are now monitored with maximum vigilance, they say patrols work day and night and can detect illegal immigrants at the cordon even from a distance of a couple of kilometers, vadim zavochenkov took a closer look at the arsenal of catching, do you want to live not on my shift, the slogan of a cool action movie created by press service of ukrainian border guards.
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if you look at the social networks of the state border service of the square, you get the impression that the department is almost more packed than the army, along with helicopters , numerous drones patrol the border, also, by the way, with thermal imagers, there are camera traps on the trails, as if they are catching animals, not people, rivers, they are patrolling boats, roads, bander cars with
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machine guns, the border guards have western equipment at their disposal, and human resources... quite logical questions, well done, found the ukrainians are looking at this luxury and asking what they are proud of, they catch them like animals in the fields , i wonder where we took a wrong turn, that this is happening here, the state has set priorities, the army does not have enough drones, but catching your citizens, like on safari, is more important than some kind of front, in the ndr , why all this is needed is quite clear, men are fleeing en masse from ukraine, falling under mobilization, in...
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you can do something similar yourself, for example, sew it from heat-insulating material, which is sold in literally any hardware store, how much the draft dodgers have already pulled this off, we have never we’ll find out, and secondly, yes , the ukrainian border guards have serious equipment, but is it enough to close the entire border,
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experts are unlikely to say, as for security, here’s the technical support of the state border, it... the states and mexico, yes, no matter how much they build these walls there, it’s still, so to speak, unlikely to help them in anything, and with ukraine’s frail budget, they are unlikely to be able to technically provide all this, well, we can show certain sections of the border where they really have they're all chiki-fuki there, on the other hand the enormous length of this border, it cannot be ensured with all our might, in general, they continue to intimidate while life is still glowing in you, they will not let you leave ukraine, but we will remind you, even if the escape did not go according to plan, instead of romania you ended up at the front, there is hope, the purity of the volga is warmer than the waves of the danube or tisza. let's return after a short advertisement, here's what we'll talk about: putting up housing at
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half price, just to sell, why residents. in the south-east of ukraine they are massively getting rid of their own apartments, who is causing panic? you can you can endlessly wait for favorable conditions from your bank, you can take time off from work to go to the bank, or you can open a reliable online deposit in rosbank at 16% per annum. rosbank - real opportunities. if you get up more than twice at night, afalase. at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. this is the same hair dryer! the same hairdryer! and also top quality discounts up to 50%. robot vacuum cleaner for only 16.999. well, are the credit card debts still hanging and accruing interest? need
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savings, is an easy way to profitably invest money online. just one button, the investment in your child’s future has already been made. one button, savings grow at the maximum rate. one button and you're in confidence. you look forward, together, open a deposit with the best interest rate with a maximum rate of up to 16% per annum in sberbank, save more profitably with prime. the transcarpathian region is in first place, followed by lviv and rivne regions , only then kiev. statistics from the ukrainian media, which were revered in which regions of ukraine are now the most expensive to film. and it turned out that the capital, which previously naturally dictated conditions to the market, is no longer among the leaders, in the same transcarpathian in uzhgorod, the cost of rental housing
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has almost doubled in just a year, all because there is no curfew there, and local businessmen are not easy to profit from their own compatriots who are moving closer to the hungarian border. in the south-eastern regions, on the contrary, there is something like a depression in the real estate market, the situation in kharkov, for example. the ukrainian press describes it quite gloomily, and if prices for renting square meters, as stated, are simply falling, then sales are hitting the bottom, i studied the trend anastasia ivanova. it’s already an uncomfortable nest, a burden from which they would rather get rid of. and it doesn’t matter that the initial cost of the property has to be reduced by half. what to do, given these realities? which ones exactly? the russians are coming - they are scaring the ukrainian media, the residents of kharkov, odessa and nikolaev, keeping silent. the fact that the reason for the massive sale of housing sits on the bank account, when zelensky introduced this new law on mobilization, plus the whole situation that is unfolding in ukraine,
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ukrainians withdrew 29 billion, taking into account the fact that there are fewer ukrainians, since there are more than 10 million left, accordingly, they do not trust the authorities in the first place, and people, of course, want to keep some of their assets, it’s easier now to sell everything, bury this money, withdraw it into a crypt, i don’t know, even burn it, than just give it to the criminal kiev regime, hence the sharp drop in prices for apartments, supply is higher than demand, in the central regions of nikolaev there are dozens of advertisements for the sale of real estate, let’s take one-room apartments as an example, you can easily find them for 2 million, if you translate into rubles before understanding, speaking about the center of kharkov, there the price is for one-room apartment about 50 km, about 3 million, again rubles, for example, a one-room apartment in the historical district of the moldovan odessa, almost 50 square meters, renovated by the owners. they leave the equipment for less than 5 million rubles or about 50 thousand dollars, although until recently it was twice as expensive, but what then on the periphery of odessa? 10 km. pete cosmetic
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renovation, five-story buildings, you see, 7.0, that's it, there are 10 square meters, 20 thousand, 27, 27, that is , a one-room apartment in a nine-story building will cost somewhere around 25-27 the population of ukraine, which is located in the zone of combat contact, in the zone special military operation is intimidated by ukrainian propaganda, i must say, it has quite a... humane effect on the human psyche, telling true stories about russian soldiers and about the order that reigns in the territories controlled by the russian military, this is precisely the reason for such an outbreak of real estate activity , they are selling without hope of returning - realtors say, ukrainians who fled to europe are now remembering their housing, the money is running out, social payments to the independent there are almost no refugees, but those who still hope
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to return, give in on price... but there was not enough money, at least someone will benefit from the housing panic, the greater the number of people who left there, the worse the situation on the real estate market, accordingly, in kharkov it’s just became a hostage of this general rule , those who, let’s say, are wealthier, they will simply leave kharkov sooner or later, well, simply because living in a front-line city is very difficult, and, as a rule, the middle class, especially there are all sorts of creative people,
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it specialists , they...pack very quickly the suitcases are leaving, and as for serious restoration there, ukraine is not doing this and is no less bad than, for example, with fortifications. ukrainian realtors, although they call the current situation on the real estate market, are confident that this is not the limit. the supply of available apartments is increasing. apparently, selling your only roof to someone else and having at least some money in your hands is much more reliable than entrusting housing to a country with a nominal government.
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address of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live broadcast on february 29 at 12:00 moscow time.
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the russian army repelled 19 attacks in su, and fighters from the center group in the avdeevsky sector.


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