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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 27, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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federal assembly. live broadcast on february 29 at 12:00 moscow time. the russian army repelled 19 attacks in the control zone. fighters from the center group in the ovdeevsky sector liberated the village of severnaya from militants. zelensky’s formation lost over 1,100 more soldiers and mercenary officers. during the day, two tanks were destroyed, including the american abrams and 13 other armored vehicles, as well as eight howitzers and self-propelled guns, mostly british-american production. an attack aircraft was shot down.
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loses more than 800 personnel and 120 units of various weapons, including foreign ones. in total, during the special military operation, the ukrainian armed forces lost over 400,400 military personnel. sergei shaigu, during a meeting of the defense board, focused on the fact that the ukrainian command is trying to stabilize the situation at the expense of the remaining personal reserves. and equipment, only the reserve equipment does not show itself as enchantingly as the suppliers described: in one day , the nasams air defense launcher was destroyed in the zaporozhye direction, in kupinsky, swedish self-propelled gun archer, near artyomovsk, american paladin, not far from avdievka, an abrams tank was delicately shot down. there will be significant damage to both the ukrainian armored vehicle fleet and the military budget, but there is no doubt that kiev will use all its losses in its usual way, it will beg. more and more.
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a combined group of troops uses high-precision weapons to destroy the enemy’s reserves, does not allow him to transfer his forces to the line of combat contact, and deprives him of the opportunity to counterattack our positions. overall this is indicates the futility of the strategy of the united states of america, the containment of russia at the expense of the lives of ukrainians and large-scale military-economic support for the kiev regime. nuclear threats have long been no secret to anyone. they are building up nuclear potential exclusively in areas away from washington in european countries. sergei shaigu emphasized: the united states is adopting promising means of delivering nuclear warheads, but this is not so bad; ukrainian territories continue to be used as a testing ground for biological weapons. usa formed a network of biological laboratories to study the properties of pathogens in a specific region . transmitted to humans due to
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pandemics; out of 330 such objects, about 40 are located on the territory of ukraine. the fact that the ukrainian issue is the sincere intentions of zelensky’s overseas friends to help him and his country is no longer taken seriously by anyone. the western press openly prints headlines like “the tragedy of ukraine is a good deal”, they quote quotes from not just some experts, american senators, well , at least while we are helping ukraine with weapons in... adhere , so on, the rhetoric is generally clear, in the usa it is a modest amount, provided that not the states, as they say, have tactics, they have to risk their lives and limbs, well, well, those losses in the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine, half a million people, about whom sergei shaigu spoke today, of course, zelensky
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is desperately afraid that the front may suddenly collapse and demands that military commissars be sent to the front line at any cost. more and more mobilized. about the methods of the authorities stanislav vasilchenko. go to the slaughter voluntarily, ukrainians don’t want to. therefore , every time, military commissars first have to listen to not the most pleasant words addressed to them from draft dodgers, then catch up with the fugitives, and then also confront them in fist fights. yes, there are fewer and fewer potential recruits every day. in these photos, two ukrainians are trying to cross the border into poland on bicycles. wanted to go to germany, and then to the usa, but the poles did not appreciate the fugitives’ plan, gave them a fine and sent them back to defend their homeland. men in ukraine end, but the kiev authorities are not discouraged and are launching an attraction of unprecedented generosity. the cabinet of ministers adopts a number of resolutions that determine the procedure
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for obtaining ukrainian citizenship. in kiev they really hope that all foreign mercenaries will want to become ukrainians. i'm sure citizens of other countries who took part. armed conflict entered into a contract and were in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, everyone, plus members of their families, will receive ukrainian citizenship if they wish, and even if all documents confirming residence in ukraine are expired, they will still be valid. but it’s unlikely that foreign mercenaries went to ukraine to get a new passport; many did not hide that for them it was more of a safari than helping an independent country, and the document itself had already lost its former privileges. if earlier its holders had the opportunity to travel without a visa, for example, in europe, now today.
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need this citizenship, refuse it in favor of european, american or russian, and their attitude towards mass graves and towards the authorities in general has long been demonstrates in folk art, this song has already spread across all social networks and ukrainian public pages. mikola jumped up in shock and immediately began shouting, i am russian, and i have always been, i am russian. the west is not going to send troops to ukraine, the president of finland emphasized this; he summed up the results of the conference of heads of state
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and government in paris , refuting macron’s statement that such an option is possible. the german minister of defense spoke in the spirit that european boots will not trample ukrainian soil, but... why then macron suffered, anastasia efimova found out. when there is no agreement among the comrades, the estonian kaja kalas coughs reflexively, the german scholz fidgets nervously in his chair to make things go smoothly, emmanuel macron speaks out, one for all. we decided today to create a ninth coalition, a coalition for deep strikes, that is, long-range bombs and missiles. starting tonight, we will organize. coalition to attract all countries who have the capabilities and begin supplying new weapons. if the french president had perhaps ended his convened meeting with this support for kiev, the conference could be considered a failure, after all, about the readiness to fight to the last ukrainian , euro-atlantic figures have been trumpeting it
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on every corner for a year, but the journalists had questions, and the french president had a strong desire to feel like a real european leader, and he gave a sensation. the one who loves to fight with moscow on the pages of newspapers, and says that it would be better if russia were not on the map at all, he even grabbed his umbrella, hearing what prospects were in front of him, and drew paris. the most ardent the discussion was generally conducted around the issue of sending troops to ukraine, there was absolutely
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no agreement on this issue, opinions are different and there are absolutely no such decisions, which country made the proposal to send troops to ukraine? i can’t tell you such details, but the swedish prime minister was not at all lazy, went on national television at the first rooster, reassuring the citizens who were fighting in ukraine for... but it seems they really don’t want ukraine. we are now fully engaged in shipping advanced equipment from sweden to ukraine in various ways, as many other countries do. sending troops, ukraine does not require this. this question is not relevant. the french tradition is not the swedish tradition. i respect france's desire to help ukraine. now we are helping ukraine in a different way, providing advanced tools. and this is again the old euro-atlantic rhetoric, which the russian president spoke about a year ago. in an interview with the author and host of the moscow kremlin program, putin pavel zarubin again patiently explained not only the russian
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audience, but still able to hear parts of the western audience, by supplying weapons to ukraine, nato becomes, if not a full participant in the conflict, then certainly an accomplice in the kiev crimes. they supply ukraine with weapons worth tens of billions of dollars, and this is part of the publicity.
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in the comments to macron’s speech, there are so many diagnoses given to the french president that it would really be a good idea for him to have his health checked. orban, scholz, stoltenberg, do not send troops to ukraine, swear in the morning, that's it. germany, this
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cannot be an option and will not be an option, i believe that it will contribute to escalation, i also believe that this was food for thought proposed by president macron, as far as i know, no one supported it. however, there is no reason to believe in this sudden european pacifism, because at the aforementioned conference everyone clearly spoke about the introduction of a nato contingent into ukraine. the french president just let it slip. anastasia efimova. news. nato does not allow alliance troops to be transferred to ukraine. secretary general jens stoltenberg stated this. the same was reported by the us authorities and a dozen other countries, including great britain, the czech republic, hungary, poland , sweden, slovakia, greece, finland, spain, italy and germany. no one is going to fight for kiev, but the ukrainians are not against it.
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resistance. marshal henri pétain headed the new government and, after a personal meeting with hitler, proclaimed a course of cooperation with the nazis. and they felt at ease in france. there were so many people who wanted to become informants for the occupiers that the germans only in a couple of months, they recruited 32 informers, and tens of thousands more frenchmen voluntarily joined the army of the third reich. as a result, the citizens of france became the largest nation in europe in terms of numbers, fighting in... they were the ones who
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took an active part in the extermination of civilians in belarus, creating the sonder firing squads. paris had its own ss charlemagne division, it included 700 frenchmen, among other things, the remnants of these ss men tried to defend hitler in berlin in 1945, only in captivity in... the century the french court recognized the government hang up those involved in holocaust. france, as an active ally of the third reich, had to answer for its crimes; only stalin’s firm position saved it from the occupation regime. the leader of the ussr believed that general
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charles de gaulle would be able to return france to the right path of development, something that the modern french seem to have completely forgotten. well, while european politicians are demonstrating an absolute disconnect from reality, many in the west have a growing understanding that the world order is changing, and russia has a role in this process. historical role. here are the conclusions of former american intelligence officer scottar. when yeltsin's health was undermined, when he realized that it was all over, he looked around and suddenly saw that he was surrounded by the most corrupt...
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we still need powers legislated by congress, only then will the president be able to decide on the use of these assets . second, and equally important, we have coalition partners who are involved in freezing these funds, and we are discussing with our allies, how to use frozen assets. but the united states
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is now trying to force europe to confiscate russian assets, but the eu has indicated that this is a violation of laws. repeatedly warned that it would respond symmetrically to illegal confiscation. with the active support of deputy prime ministers , more than 350 initiatives are being implemented in russian regions. it was possible to establish effective interaction with federal districts. this is the assessment mikhail mishustin gave at the strategic session. read more about the results of zinaet kurbatova. gross regional product growth, investment in the region, increase in the number of jobs, income. population, four key indicators by which the development of the region is assessed. 2 and a half years ago, deputy prime ministers were assigned supervision of eight federal districts. today we summed up the results of the first stage of the program; it lasted from 2021 to december 2023. first of all , off-budget investments are growing. finally, in 2023,
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it was possible to attract almost 9 trillion rubles. over the past 2.5 years, over 230 have been created and support measures from the federation include debt restructuring and budget loans. the institute of supervision has already demonstrated its worth. the governor, the palpred can directly contact the deputy prime minister, and the deputy prime minister will resolve issues not only in their area of ​​responsibility, yes, but in general they ensure coordination with the entire government. this is why the mechanism
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is effective. the north caucasus federal district, which is supervised by alexander novak, is a region that can boast of good achievements. through which transport and logistics routes pass, connecting russia with its neighbors, important for trade turnover. the number of jobs here has increased by 30%, and unemployment has decreased. moreover, the investment amounted to about 25%. almost 360 billion rubles were invested during this period in additional funds for the implementation of projects, in such sectors as tourism development and transport development. about successes in different regions, this is the construction of pharmaceutical factories in mordovia, there is an emphasis on medicines for diabetes in moscow, there is a specialization of medicines for cancer patients, this is the ice arena in st. petersburg.
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sanctions influenced the need to choose other technologies, the purchase of other equipment, this is all being done, not a single project will stop, they will all be implemented, but unfortunately for a number of projects the engine has already been affected for a year and a half. based on the results of the session, conclusions were drawn, new instructions were given, the main goal was to set even more ambitious goals in the regional development strategy. zinaeda kurbatova, conduct oncology. a little more. weeks remain before the start of the main voting in the presidential elections, but while work is underway in the regions to inform voters in a targeted manner, this project of the central election commission of precinct commissions, which
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is called inform. how does he work? varvara nevskaya knows. the main news that was discussed today at the central election commission is the equator of the inform week project. election commission employees have been informing the population for 10 days now. eye to eye, from apartment to apartment, from house to house, in any conditions, in frost -60 in yakutia, overcoming snowdrifts, on
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reindeer sleds, snowmobiles, on helicopters, on foot along potholes, in small towns, in villages, in aulakh, climbing in the caucasus high in the mountains, or somewhere in the wilderness in the forest, they are trying to reach everyone. our person to every voter. the chairman of the central election commission especially emphasizes no campaigning, only information, which, according to pomfilova, will help, among other things, increase turnout in the upcoming presidential elections. the project is being implemented, let me remind you, in 88 regions of our country, that is, in all except the capital, except moscow. and more than 89 precinct commissions are involved in it, it runs from february 17 to march 7 of this year, using a special tablet equipped with special applications, commission employees go to voters and talk
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about which candidates are represented in the upcoming presidential elections, what voting methods are available, and also answer any questions that arise and are always ready to provide the necessary information, for example, in saratov , more than 6,000 crawlers are involved in informing the population, and
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to cast their vote in the presidential elections early, and early voting is also organized for residents of remote cities villages, in winter and summer, in heat and frost , despite difficult weather conditions, we, a member of the precinct election commission , reach every difficult area where our citizens live in order to exercise our constitutional right. hunters, fishermen, reindeer herders,
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logging workers, and mining workers will also be the first to cast their votes as part of early voting. this is how the weather station staff and the mayak keeper have already given their voice in magadan. we permanent participants in these elections. look forward to. we are sealing the boxes with ballots, which will be stored until the voting results are tabulated. for all regions, regardless of the actual start date, early voting must end before march 14. at the end of it , the box. the voting papers will be sealed and only after the completion of elections throughout the country, delivered to the election commissions, they will be opened , that is, during the counting of votes after the closure of polling stations on march 17. varvara nevskaya, igor kuznetsov, andrey nikolaev and olga belotserkovskaya, news. in ingushetia, the fighters participating in the special operation were given 20 off-road vehicles, personal protective equipment and equipment, special equipment,
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and other equipment. the action was organized by the coordinator of the working group on nwo issues in the republic, state duma deputy bikhan barakhoev. our guys are asking, well, what they need. today in combat. in this regard, we are doing everything for our speedy victory, to achieve all the goals set for us by our president, the tasks must be solved, there must be victory. definitely, it will be with us soon. cooperation between moscow and havana in the field of security was the main topic of the meeting between russian security secretary nikolai patrushev and the leader of the cuban revolution, raul castre. patrushev emphasized that moscow stands for the development of a strategic partnership. secretary sabez has already discussed all the details with the president of the cuban state. there is an intense
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dialogue going on. alive, well, but the guys who understand this will arrive only after 3 hours, in boot covers there, to somehow support him, so that he will have some water, whoever can, drive up to prometheus, later this call for help for a dolphin that washed up on the coast of crimea will spread across all social networks, and the mammal will be helped; in the icy water, volunteers literally fought for the life of the red book animal. we arrived in
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the early afternoon. the animal was immediately examined, diagnostic measures began, blood was drawn , but no injuries were found on the animals, the water was very cold, and due to the fact that the run-up was just increasing, we gradually got wet, everything turned around in evpatoria whole rescue operation, until late at night the ochavitsa volunteers did not leave the animal, they doused and gave water to them, marine metamorphs and... without water, without humidity, yes, they cannot stay on the surface for a long time, it is necessary to wet their skin, or cover them with damp then with rags so that their skin does not dry out and there is no cracking or damage. according to volunteers and doctors, the rescued mammal is still a very young dolphin. the male is only 2-3 years old, and his weight is no more than 100 kg. bottlenose dolphin - the largest and rarest species of black sea
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dolphins, listed. and we made a decision to actually satisfy their request to remove the dolphin and move him to a dolphin sanctuary. now the forecasts for his condition are very cautious and veterinarians are examining him, they will probably continue to give forecasts for him...
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fin is safe.


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