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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 28, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. the ukrainian army shelled the center of the village of suzemka in the bryansk region, five people were wounded, one of them seriously, governor alexander bahamas said. the administrative building and the railway station platform were damaged. the russian army repelled 19 attacks in so, the group's fighters. the center in the avdeevsky area
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was liberated from the militants in the village of severnoye. zelensky’s formation lost over 100 more soldiers and mercenary officers. two tanks were destroyed in one day, including american abrams and 13 other armored vehicles. well, there are also eight gunships and self-propelled guns, mostly of british american production. attack aircraft 125 and 69 combat drones were shot down. meanwhile, the russian ministry of defense identified the true losses in the ssu. details from denis alekseev. our troops continue to develop their success to the west of avdievka. today , information about the liberation of at least one more settlement, severnaya, was confirmed. obviously, the enemy is no longer able to show , let alone an offensive, effective resistance. only remains effective leave positions. the morale of those who stubbornly tried to hold the line for a long time is clearly broken at the same time.
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excessive weapons, including foreign ones. in total, during the special military operation, the ukrainian armed forces lost over 44,000 military personnel. sergei shaigu, during a meeting of the defense ministry board, focused on the fact that the ukrainian command is trying to stabilize the situation at the expense of the remaining reserves of personnel and equipment. only the backup equipment shows itself differently enchanting, as the suppliers described. in one day, in the zaporozhye direction
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, a nasams air defense launcher on kupinsky, a swedish archer self-propelled gun near artyomovsk, an american paladin were destroyed, and an abrams tank was delicately knocked out near avdeevka. there will be significant damage to both the ukrainian armored vehicle fleet and the military budget, but there is no doubt that kiev will use all its losses in its usual way, and will beg for more and more. a united group of troops using high-precision weapons destroys enemy reserves and does not allow it. overall this indicates the futility of the strategy of the united states of america, the containment of russia at the expense of the lives of ukrainians and large-scale military-economic support for the kiev regime. the united states provokes and threats of a nuclear nature have long been no secret to anyone. they are building up nuclear potential exclusively on the territory. from
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washington to european countries. sergei shaigu emphasized: the united states is adopting promising means of delivering nuclear warheads. but that's not so bad. the territory of ukraine continues to be used as a testing ground biological weapons testing. the united states has formed a network of biological laboratories to study the properties of pathogens in a particular region that can be transmitted to humans and cause a pandemic. of the 330 such objects, about 40 are located on the territory of ukraine; the fact that the ukrainian issue is the sincere intentions of zelensky’s overseas friends to help him and his country is no longer taken seriously by anyone; the western press openly prints headlines like “the tragedy of ukraine is a good deal.” , citing quotes not just from some experts, but from american senators, well at least, as long as we help ukraine with the weapons it needs and economic support, they will fight to the last man, linzigram said this.
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well, or the senator of the armed services committee, all that the united states gives is a modest amount , provided that there is no need to risk life and limb, and so on, the rhetoric in general is understandable. as they say, there is a tactic, they adhere to it, but the loss of half a million people in the armed forces of ukraine, which sergei shaigu spoke about today, of course, does not bother anyone, costs. denis alekseev, lead. the west is not going to send troops to ukraine, the president of finland emphasized this. he summed up the results of the conference of heads of state and government in paris. and i refuted the statements of the french president that such an option is possible. so why?
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there is a question about the statement of the prime minister of slovakia, who at the conference spoke about the possibility of sending troops to western ukraine. this was discussed today, what do you think about it? at the moment there is no consensus on sending troops, but in nothing should be ruled out in the future on this issue. the partners
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in the ninth coalition announced by france were caught by macron’s statement already at the exit from the elysee palace, and it seemed to make them choke. here is the polish president duda, the one who likes to fight with... i can’t tell you, but the swedish prime minister was not at all lazy, went on national television at the first roosters, reassured the citizens who are fighting in ukraine for ukraine, it seems they really don’t want . we are now fully occupied with sending advanced equipment from sweden to ukraine in various ways,
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as many other countries do. sending troops, ukraine does not require this. this question is not relevant. the french tradition is not the swedish tradition. i respect france's desire to help. and this is again the old euro-atlantic rhetoric, which the russian president spoke about a year ago in an interview with the author and host of the moscow kremlin-putin program, pavel zarubin. again patiently explained not only to the russian audience, but still able to hear parts of the western audience, supplying weapons ukraine, nato, becomes, if not a full participant in the conflict, then an accomplice.
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germany, this cannot be an option and will not be an option, i believe that it will contribute to escalation, also considering that this was food for thought proposed by president macron, as far as i know, no one supported it. however, there is no reason to believe in this sudden european pacifism, because at the aforementioned conference everyone, just the french president, clearly spoke about the introduction of a nato contingent into ukraine. let it slip. anastasia efimova. news. the president of france, when he made
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such statements, either forgot, or most likely, never knew what unseemly role paris played during the second world war. here is our information about the collaboration of the french with the nazis of the third reich. france surrendered to the third reich after only 43 days of resistance. marshal henri pétain headed the new government and, after a personal meeting with hitler, proclaimed a course of cooperation with the nazis. and they felt at ease in france. those wishing to become informants there were so many occupiers that the germans recruited 32 informers in just a couple of months. and tens of thousands of frenchmen voluntarily joined the army of the third reich. as a result , french citizens became the largest nation in europe to fight on the side of the nazis. world war ii, the most motivated were selected into the legion of volunteers against bolshevism and sent to the eastern front
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against the soviet union. it was they who took an active part in the extermination of civilians in belarus and created sonderkommando execution squads. paris had its own ss division charlemagne. it included 7,000 french. among other things, the remnants of these ss men tried to protect hitler in berlin in '45. only captured on the territory of the soviet union. they took more than 23 thousand french citizens; the head of government, marshal pétain, was sentenced to death after world war ii. official paris is involved in the active extermination of jews. at least 76.00 people were sent to death camps. but it was only in the 21st century that a french court found the vichy government complicit in the holocaust. france as an active ally of the third reich had to answer for her crimes and saved her from the occupation regime. only stalin's firm position. the leader of the ussr believed that general charles de gaulle could return
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france to the right path of development, something that modern french seem to have completely forgotten. well, while european politicians are demonstrating an absolute disconnect from reality, in the west there is a growing understanding among many that the world order is changing, and russia has a historical role to play in this process. here are the findings of former american intelligence officer, scott ritter. when yeltsin's health was undermined, when he realized that it was all over, he looked around and suddenly saw that he was surrounded by the most corrupt people in the world, only one person among this entire crowd was not like that, this man's name was vladimir putin. another quality of putin is that he listens to people, he does not come to command, he listens, then they ask questions, receive information, and based on it he proposes a solution, one that suits the situation. he wants free, fair elections, but we are the usa, what are we doing? we do not want, to keep putin in power, so we
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intervene and fund the political opposition, through usaid, through ngos, so the only thing he can do now is win, because he is putin, he is a winner, he has repeatedly proven to everyone that he can win will win. the biden administration believes that the russian army can soon achieve new serious successes in ukraine. this was stated by white house coordinator john kirby, who also admitted that washington has no legal grounds for confiscation of frozen russian assets. we still need powers legislated by congress. only then will the president be able to decide on the use of these assets. second, and equally important, we have coalition partners who are participating in freezing these funds, and we are discussing with our allies how to use the frozen assets. but the states are now trying to force europe to confiscate russian
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assets, but the eu has indicated that this is a violation of laws. moscow has repeatedly warned that it is ready to respond symmetrically to illegal confiscation. american journalist tucker carlson said that the lies of western countries regarding the situation in ukraine have always been obvious to him. that's why he recorded an interview with vladimir putin. he noted that the sanctions imposed by washington.
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got everything wrong. joe biden was released on a tv show. our correspondent in the states, dmitry melnikov, saw what came of it. biden cannot gather stadiums of supporters like trump, but with such low ratings, he needs his own show. nbc television channel and host the evening show satmyers gave the platform to biden. the script is approved, the jokes are memorized, there is laughter in the studio. rehearsed. recently some secret documents were leaked and i don't want to embarrass you, but i want to ask you about the fact that you are 81 years old. who the hell told you this, it's secret. first, you should take a look at this other guy who will soon be the same age as me, but he can't remember his wife's name. a jab from trump,
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who really isn't doing well at all. on the family front, unlike biden, who... aviators, there are also rumors about a secret conspiracy between the biden campaign and the popular singer taylor swift in the fight against trump. you are now in the spotlight, can you confirm or deny that there is an active conspiracy between you and miss swift. where did you get this information from? it's classified.
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hamas reported that the american president’s confidence was too premature and an agreement was still far away. surprise at the words of the us president was expressed in office of israeli prime minister netanyahu, but biden talks about internal problems in a relaxed, casual manner, and reports that on thursday he will finally visit the border with mexico. what i didn't know was that my good
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friend trump would be there too. are you planning to communicate with migrants? i do not want anything. announce before the visit, the secret service doesn't like my premature announcements. the white house planned biden's urgent visit to texas as soon as it learned that trump was going to fly there on thursday. at headquarters republicans have already accused biden of insincerity and that he is targeting trump in an attempt to distract attention from the migration catastrophe. at the same time , trump and biden are not going to meet with each other in texas; they will be nearby, but in different localities. after 3 years of lies , the white house announced that biden, out of the blue , was going to visit the border for only the first time. actually, for the second time, but i can’t dare to call the last visit a full-fledged one. this will happen on thursday. and how convenient, on the same day the former president trump will also visit the border. but the election show is taking ominous forms, while donald trump is being harassed by courts and millions
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in fines; his son donald trump, jr., received an envelope containing an unknown white powder. arrived at the scene. in addition to the powder, the chemical defense team found a threatening letter in the envelope. a direct hint of murder. the authors of the message recalled president kennedy and lee harvey oswald, as in the case of kennedy, now the trumps are accused of having ties with the soviet union. the white powder in trump jr.'s house turned out to be harmless, here it is biden jr.'s relationship with powders continues to excite americans. and in order to debunk rumors about his addiction, hunter gave an interview in which he said that he would quit from... decades, for example, but what if , having sobered up, he realized that in this new reality his father should not be president, and for the sake of the future country, he
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shouldn’t even run for office. reality takes on a different form when you are sober. and the crisis funnel is spinning ever stronger. already on march 1 , the us government faces another shutdown, cessation of funding, which is now proceeding according to a temporary scheme. biden invited the leaders of both houses of congress. an emergency meeting to discuss both the vote on government spending and the fate of financial assistance to ukraine, but opinions are already being heard that it is unlikely that a positive result for the white house will be achieved, and although formally financing one’s own government and allocating money to kiev are in no way connected, in this election campaign everything turns into a weapon in battle. trump supporters are seriously alike intend to arrange a shutdown for america to stop the work of government bodies, because that’s all. now he’s hindering biden, he’s only playing into trump’s hands. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. in crimea , in yevpatoria, a dolphin was rescued, which was found
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on the shore. the animal was quickly evacuated, and alexandra perfileva will tell you what happened next. the dolphin needs help, the dolphin is alive. but the guys who understand this will arrive only after 3 hours. in boots there to somehow support, so that he is in the water, whoever can, drive up on prometheus, later this call for help for a dolphin, which was washed up on the coast of crimea, will spread across all social networks, and the mammal will be helped, in the icy water volunteers literally fought for the life of a red book animal, we arrived in the first half a day, the animal was immediately examined, diagnostic measures began, and blood was drawn. and no injuries were found on the animal, the water was very cold, and due to the fact that the run-up was just increasing, we gradually everyone got wet. a whole
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rescue operation unfolded in evpatoria, until late at night, eyewitness volunteers did not leave the animal, doused it and gave it water. marine metamorphs , without water, without humidity, yes, they cannot stay on the surface for a long time, it is necessary to wet their skin and... open it with some damp rags so that their skin does not dry out and there is no cracking or damage. according to volunteers and doctors, the rescued mammal is still a very young dolphin. the male is only 2-3 years, and its weight is no more than 100 kg. the bottlenose dolphin is the largest and rarest species of black sea dolphins and is listed in the red book. the animal was in a very serious condition, it was completely disoriented, it turned to us serenely, my volunteers , they probably lifted something like this...
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look, well done, transporting the mammal took 25 minutes, they transported it in such a special bath, rest, now the dolphin is safe, doctors have already taken all the necessary tests. we clearly say that the animal is sick, that it something is bothering me. the forecast for today is cautious until the results of the research are received, all the necessary blood tests have been selected
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, an ultrasound examination will be carried out in the future, the animal is receiving rehydration, that is , the animal additionally receives fluid, these are some of the exclusive shots of the rescued bottlenose dolphin already in the quarantine pool, according to volunteers even i can’t believe that the dolphin is recovering so quickly, he began to dive, began to move, calm environment for you... in kazan at the first ever games of the future qualified for the drone race, who was seen better by our special correspondent makhalin. sudden movements, sometimes elusive to the eye and the characteristic sound with which the drones rush along the track, skirting and flying around specially installed obstacles in order to equalize all participants, the weight of each device
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is at least 1 kg with identical. the drones have the same appearance, the fairings may be slightly different, the teams may change some small details, the propellers may be different, the motors may be different, the internal electronics are hidden inside, there is room for creativity, drone racing takes place in open areas, but the pilots themselves are located in a comfortable container, where seats with chairs are equipped for them. and joysticks, a process that requires extreme concentration regardless of accumulated experience. i worked in a radio-controlled model store, and the boys just started bragging that look, this incredible sport has appeared, drone racing, it was the fifteenth year, they bought themselves drones from china with aliexpress, they assembled them themselves, and simply said, natasha, buy my drone, they wanted new drones, they wanted to sell the old ones to me,
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buy my drone, look, you won’t. the first girl in russia to engage in drone racing, maybe even in the world. qualification in this form involves racing on a simulator; each team has two participants, their goal is to show the best time in virtual reality, because on the basis of this, competitors are distributed before the final part. not everyone here knows each other. on paper everyone understands that there is more experienced pilots, there are less, but in fact this will not matter much, here everything will start from scratch for all teams. labor reserves, kazan. the stadium is the only place at the games of the future where the competition will be held without spectators, these are the safety standards, so the stands will remain empty and it will be possible to follow the start only via broadcast. and this is what the largest extreme park in russia looks like, a record area of ​​42 m, combining an open part and an indoor part, built just 3 years ago, that will be used in the games of the future. ideal.
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everything is unpredictable in my opinion, i’m only confident in real tricks, but it will be great, there is nervousness before the cyber part, there if it’s possible to do both. most bemmixers are certainly closer to the physical part of the competition, here they are like fish in water, everything is clear, everything is familiar, but this is not enough for the start fidgetel. at this tournament, the main task is to perform tricks cleanly, not only for...
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the halves pass by points, you remember everything , you know everything, we calm down, get together and win, kiss, dad, kiss, kiss already, well it’s beautiful to go out on the ice, it’s a skill, come on, sank, all the hope is in you, well, old age is a joy, yes, it’s a beautiful thing to leave, it’s a whole art, well, we can’t lose you either,
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because irkutsk loves you, let’s translate from clerical to i understand, it’s not
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so scary.


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