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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 28, 2024 6:00am-6:30am MSK

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a terrible accident in the saratov region , six people died, another was injured, two cars collided on the highway near the village of gremyachiy, in order to work at the scene of the accident, rescuers had to use special tools, the circumstances and causes of the accident are being established, all materials have been transferred to the investigation, regional authorities have confirmed, that there were no children among the dead, the injured were already in the hospital, a special military operation was underway, the military
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had knocked out a tank and a self-propelled gun of the ukrainian armed forces on the right bank of the dnieper. enemy armored vehicles tracked with the help of a reconnaissance drone, and the strike was carried out with lancet loitering ammunition. uav crews and dnepr troop groups are constantly present and attacking the positions of ukrainian nationalists in the kherson direction. their firing points, artillery installations, armored vehicles, as well as ammunition depots are destroyed. yes, fall! that is, and the motorized rifles of the southern group of troops destroyed the attack drone-kamika for the neo-nazis, who among the military are called baba yagui. the air defense crew of the first army corps did not allow him to reach our positions. with at the beginning of the year, its fighters have already destroyed more than 100 enemy air targets. the enemy cannot now actively use aviation in this way. we are also armed with the pkk.
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we modified them a little , there is a thermal sight on it, let’s just say, it works very effectively at night, it’s varied, it also works effectively for different drones, including even comics, we also have shotguns, the same thing, so the shotgun is very effective anti-endron. the pentagon acknowledged the incident with its b-52 strategic bomber. these planes designed to carry nuclear weapons as well. a spokesman for the air base confirmed that the engine caught fire and they had to make an emergency landing. the american military assures that the crew was not injured, and flights at the base continue as usual. the incident itself occurred on february 23, but they were in no hurry to disclose the details. and now , nevertheless, they still told us the details during the emergency. landing, the drive controlling
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the generator caught fire, the engine and part of the wing burned through, photographs of the alleged damage were published on social networks, the circumstances of the emergency are still being investigated; whether the bomber was equipped with nuclear weapons; at the time of the emergency, it has not yet commented. in europe and even in the united states, they are hastily disavowing paris’s plans to send nato soldiers to ukraine; the pentagon has already rushed to confirm that its soldiers will fight on the side of kiev; washington will not let go.
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russia will smear them in a few weeks, at most, macron is simply being a little dangerous, trying to please his partners overseas, but at the very first meeting with putin, he will curry favor with him, such is his essence. chapter national association marine lepine did not remain silent, the french president is playing military leader, but we are talking about the lives of our children, about whom he talks so carefree, this is a question of peace or war in our country, she emphasized, and dozens of french have already signed up for this. macron has gone crazy, he needs to be stopped, this is a very serious and irresponsible statement, if we send troops into ukraine, we will obviously become a warring country and fight against russia. france is a nuclear power, russia too, this means the beginning of the third world war. the announcement of a possible ground operation by french soldiers in ukraine changes the nature of the conflict. this is a statement from emmanuel macron that has dire consequences. it was made without
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the slightest parliamentary debate, is this position really well thought out? french farmers are shocked by everything, macron resigns - they shout in the crowd. leave, macron ruined not only the agriculture of the hospital, but also wants to ruin the world, because of him everything is going to ruins, while the leaders of western countries in chaos no less, some immediately declared that there were no negotiations, no one, no one is going to send anyone anywhere, others, after a long silence, suddenly declared that they are pacifists, finland, sweden, poland, the czech republic, italy do not want to fight, the authorities of these countries confirmed almost asynchronously, the heads immediately disowned participation in such adventures. to journalists, germany emphasized macron’s idea more than once, as if on purpose , to support it, coppers immediately stated, with his words macron stirred up a hornet’s nest between scholz and macron, like a black cat ran, there will be no soldiers
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, there will not even be talk about it, once again , as part of the discussion, we discussed something that we agreed on from the very beginning, applicable to the future, namely, that there will be no ground forces on ukrainian territory, etc. ..
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- stoltenberg said, commenting on the situation at the un calling on macron, and at the same time the united states , to avoid inflammatory rhetoric regarding the ukrainian conflict. western leaders flexing their muscles against each other is definitely inappropriate here, the department emphasized. moreover, the main sponsor war biden doesn’t care about human rights at all, writes politics. this happened in afghanistan, iraq, gaza, and continues in ukraine, from which the states only need minerals, its territory and the status of an eternal debtor, why.
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it seems they really intend to continue the confrontation with the remaining stock of weapons against the backdrop of our efforts to destroy their potential. it was also emphasized at the hearings that congress must authorize attacks on houthi targets. previously , the armed forces of great britain and the united states attacked two new blows to the ansar allah movement. arab media reported this. let me remind you that the yemeni houthis are attacking in the red sea ships of countries openly supporting israel’s actions in gaza. washington and its allies responded by launching their own military operation. the targets were missile and drone locations, as well as rebel radar stations. the american media responded to the news of the first destruction of the abrams tank in silence, and
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videos of burning armored vehicles that spread on social networks were completely blocked. about the reaction of western propaganda, which is trying to hide defeat on the battlefield, evgeniy nipot will tell. about abrams as a dead man , it’s either good or nothing. apparently, america's largest media outlets have been ordered to adhere to this position. to put it mildly, the anti-crisis is being played out strangely. for example, the leading american media, cnn, washington post, and the new york times, following the deathly silence of the pentagon, decided to simply ignore the report about the first tank destroyed near avdiivka, the pride of the stars and stripes military-industrial complex. at the same time, the publication... of great britain describes what happened, that is called in the smallest detail, because we are not talking about an english car, apparently, in this way they are making up for the losses of their own challengers. the front of opposition, of course, also captured the social network, because
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users could not get around such footage of a beautifully burning pile of american metal. therefore , internet trolls immediately began to question whether abrams was there and was he in the video? they couldn’t distinguish the old models that are in ukraine from the new ones, i think that this won’t really affect anything, everyone has seen these photographs, everyone has seen these videos, it is obvious that this is not, not... not the last loss of the abrams, yes, in the coming weeks, months we will see even more of them burning, just as before we saw burning bradleys, max about everything the rest, for the american military-industrial complex, is in any case a negative point. internet scavengers from the naf organization, created specifically to counter everything russian on the internet , have come up with nothing better than to say that abrams actually don’t explode as brightly as other tanks. the main task is not just to refute, yes, but to blur the discussion in such a way that... the audience does not even have an understanding of clarity, and firstly, whether the tank was really lost or not,
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because there are some resources, yes, that refute this, try to refute it, yes, they don’t do this very well, but as if it might mislead someone, there is information that instagram administrators went further and began simply blocking videos under the pretext of a threat to business reputation, and here it is important to make a reservation about the authenticity of the name of this particular screen difficult to confirm. this is the so-called blurring of unpleasant events on the battlefield, and using modern technologies, social networks, social e- platforms. i’m saying first of all that some sites have already begun to block information about the destruction of the abrams tank, because this causes corporate damage, business damage, and damage to the manufacturer’s reputation. by the way. is it a coincidence about the manufacturer’s reputation, but against the backdrop of reports about the first abrams destroyed by russia, shares of
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the manufacturer general dynamics, which day is trading in the red zone. the european frond is trying to justify the loss of the tank in every possible way , the russian babchenko, recognized as a terrorist , the same one who dreamed of riding an abrams on red square, sings a sad song about the fact that the car is good, they say the ukrainians were mistaken, that in... he released a material entitled american the abrams tank went hunting for russians,
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but something went wrong, now juliana uröbka had to take the rap on her twitter, saying hands off abrams, and it’s not about the armored vehicles, it’s about the kiev regime again something was missing to overcome. western tanks work only in combined arms combat; ukraine has received neither weapons nor training for this. ukraine must be able to attack and destroy russian supplies far beyond the lines. there are soldiers working on the zaporozhye front whose
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tasks include delivering ammunition and fuel to the front line. the drivers' service is dangerous, ukrainian militants are constantly hunting for their vehicles, and moving off-road during muddy times can be difficult. about the heroism of military drivers, reporting by anton stepanenko. he hasn’t looked at the mileage for a long time, what difference does it make, what numbers are there, he knows what it is... but the tasks assigned
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to the guys there are more terrible, any vehicle is a priority target for the enemy, in a covered body you can’t see what the car is carrying, maybe a soldier , and maybe ammunition, it’s advantageous to hit it with one blow, and it depends only on sergeant azarov whether the enemy can hit, he and ordinary duduk residents can talk for hours about front-line roads and paths, where they skidded in impassable mud, where they pulled out a car comrade, where they came under fire or...
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the pre-december meeting there were questions regarding the degree and speed of adjustment of the economy and inflation to increases in the key rate, then in recent months it has become obvious that the action of the transmission mechanism of monetary policy has accelerated through all channels, in particular increased rates on the credit and deposit markets, imports and the ruble exchange rate adjusted, inflation expectations of all economic agents decreased, the rate
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of expansion of loan portfolios decreased, and actively grew savings in the central bank noted that maintaining the rate level will allow inflation to return to the target 4%. meanwhile, gdp growth, which was significantly higher last year, expectations of 3.6%, may indicate stronger potential for the russian economy. cyber ​​defense is the new oil. russia now has an export product that could potentially bring hundreds of billions of dollars on the international market, technologies for protecting entire states from cyber attacks. its development.
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what if cyber warfare or cyber terrorism is committed against you? operation , it will take place approximately like this: energy, communications, logistics, we will not just give you our products, we will help you create your own industry that will be ready for the most sophisticated attacks, now we are planning the arrival of several very high-ranking officials from friendly countries at the level of royal families, who should, well, with whom we are having this conversation. since the royal families, something tells me it will be... middle eastern. god willing. which russian companies entered the project? "cyberus." in what directions will sales go and what is cyber-un? watch the program one-on-one with anna lazareva after 11 o'clock moscow time. the republic of congo began exporting liquefied natural gas for the first time. the first batch was produced by the lokoil project and the italian
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ene marrin-12. its capacity is about 4.5 billion cubic meters per year. share. coyle has 25%, eni - 65. it is she who sells lng. thanks to the first batch, the republic of the congo is included in the group of lng exporting countries, which opens up economic opportunities growth contributes to the global energy balance. at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the exchange rates for today are 92 rubles 4 kopecks. euro 99.92. and that's all i have for now. address of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live broadcast tomorrow at 12:00. moscow time today on the london stock exchange oil prices rose by 3%.
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the market itself will regulate everything, we will turn off this chatter completely. we played at capitalism and that's enough. for nikolai kharitonov, for the communist party of the russian federation, for socialism. my name is vladislav davankov. i came to politics from ordinary life, where people they want simple things, to live in abundance, to be happy and confident in the future. i am running for the presidential election so that we can all live with dignity and freedom, in a modern and peaceful country. candidate for the presidency of russia, number one on the ballot, time for new ones, remember, we voted for zhirinovsky and the ldpr,
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i will raise russia from its knees, i will defend the russians, to the great people, great russia, do not lie and do not be afraid, zhirinovsky, or will worse, get up, great russia, not a single unemployed, homeless, hungry, all these years zhirinovsky, ldpr, fought for you, defended your interests, be true to yourself! vote for the ldpr, vote for slutsky! it is difficult to find a person in russia who would not dream of justice and a better life. few people know that at our national enterprises the salary is more than 100,000 rubles. free medicine, education, interest-free housing, every second family has many children. and it will be like this everywhere.
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russian presidential candidate, number one on the ballot, time for new ones. i'll remove it, no, leave it. zhirinovsky case slutsky candidate for president of russia lives. almost 380 thousand palestinians are forced
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to endure hunger. this statement was made at a meeting of the un security council. the food situation in the gas sector is catastrophic. according to estimates , they are experiencing a catastrophic fifth phase, the most severe phase of acute food shortages, characterized by exhaustion, critical levels of malnutrition, and increased mortality rates. hundreds of palestinians gathered in khan yunis and rafahi near the border with egypt alone in order to have time to pick up humanitarian aid. boxes of food were sent using parachutes; they could fall into the sea at any moment, leaving local residents without food.
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advanced deliveries that took place in the twenty -fourth year and this equipment is already working at the beginning of the year, well, in the clinics they themselves have seen the equipment, which with was set ahead in 23rd year, this is the right approach, we see that there is attention to the rural population, the information system, well, requires some improvements, but in general it exists, but we will need to work on it more together. mode, certain priorities for the management of patients in the clinical group with chronic diseases.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.


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