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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 28, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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german equipment is burning again in ukraine, as our hailstones destroy it, we will show footage. the us senate suspects the largest it corporation, they believe that it may not be implementing sanctions very conscientiously, which is why our country continues to receive microchips from the united states, which is already known. european. politicians
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disown macron, what they say about his statements on ukraine and how they assess plans in paris to fight on the side of the kiev regime. the humanitarian disaster in the gas sector is growing, almost 380 thousand are starving palestinians, is there a chance for de-escalation of the conflict? let's start with the progress of the special military operation of the artillerymen. the feasting of troops from the west destroyed a german infantry fighting vehicle of the ukrainian armed forces in the kupinsky direction. in addition, enemy infantry was hit. the strike was carried out by the crew of the grad multiple launch rocket system. one such installation allows you to cover an area of ​​several football fields, destroying everything from strongholds to heavy armored vehicles of militants. calculations help to accurately point the guns at the target. pilot aircraft
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devices, they also record the impact. we work on targets, armored vehicles, on enemy infantry, we work day and night, around the clock, as we receive the coordinates, the vehicle immediately goes to the position, we turn around and work out. in europe and even in the usa. they are hastily disavowing paris’s plans to send nato soldiers to ukraine, the pentagon has already rushed to confirm its soldiers, washington will not be allowed to fight on kiev’s side. at the same time, everyone knows, quote, that western special forces are present in ukraine, they simply don’t say so officially, this is what financial times journalists wrote, citing sources. my colleague maria skorodilka studied the west’s reaction to macron’s scandalous statements. macron breaks wood, the european family.
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panic, loud statements by the french president about the possible dispatch of nato troops to ukraine caused a stir, and most importantly, scared the european union. the french president is delusional, take away the matches from macron. he’s like a monkey with dynamite in his hands, french reporters literally scream. we hope they understand that russia will crush them in a few weeks, maximum. macron is simply talking dangerous nonsense, trying to please his partners overseas. but at the very first meeting with...
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ukraine, we will obviously become a warring country and will fight against russia. france is a nuclear power, russia too. this means the beginning of the third world war. the announcement of a possible ground operation by french soldiers in ukraine changes the nature of the conflict. this is a statement from emmanuel macron that has dire consequences. it was made without the slightest parliamentary debate, is this position really well thought out? french farmers are shocked by everything. resign - they shout in the crowd. he must go. macron ruined not only the agriculture of the hospital, but also wants to ruin the world, because of him everything is going to pieces. at the same time, the leaders of western countries are no less in chaos. some immediately stated that there were no negotiations, that they were not going to send anyone, no one, anywhere. others, after a long silence, suddenly declared that they were pacifists. finland, sweden, poland, the czech republic, and italy do not want to fight, the authorities of these countries confirmed almost asynchronously.
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the head immediately disowned participation in such adventures the german ministry of defense, several times, as if on purpose, emphasized to journalists that germany will not support macron’s idea, the german media immediately declared that they were their own. britain has no plans for a large-scale troop deployment, sunak's spokesman said. because of ukraine , the united kingdom's weapons reserves are depleted, london confirmed. and even biden made it clear: the united states will not send its troops to fight in ukraine, they said in washington. let me clarify. we have no plans
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to send american military personnel fight in ukraine. the president made this quite clear. yes, there is essentially no one to send. us army. fox news is cutting its staff by about 24,000 people due to recruiting difficulties. everyone is laughing at biden, even the satirists are tired. the cherry on the cake was put on nato. there will be no military alliance in ukraine, stoldenberg said. commenting on the situation, the un calls on macron, and at the same time the united states, to avoid inflammatory rhetoric regarding the ukrainian conflict. playing muscles. western leaders against each other a friend here is stupid and definitely inappropriate, the department emphasized. moreover, the main sponsor of the war, biden , does not care about human rights at all, writes politics. this happened in afghanistan, iraq, gaza, and continues in ukraine, from which the states only need minerals, its territory
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and the status of an eternal debtor, the author of the article emphasizes. maria skrazilka, news. the united states launched massive strikes on 230 yemeni positions. rebels, such a statement was made at a hearing in the foreign relations committee of the senate-congress. in total for we've hit more than 230 targets in the houthi-controlled part of yemen over the last few weeks, likely destroying hundreds of their weapons, but the houthis do appear intent on continuing the confrontation with their remaining stockpile of weapons as we continue to destroy their capabilities. the hearings also emphasized that congress must authorize attacks on houthi targets. earlier , the british and us armed forces launched two new strikes against the ansar allah movement, arab media reported. let me remind you, yemeni the houthis are attacking ships in the red sea from countries that openly support israel's actions
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in gaza. washington and its allies responded by launching their own military operation. the targets were missile and drone deployment sites, as well as radar sites.
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at the launch of missiles from the lebanese side, then additionally identified and destroyed the group’s positions in several areas. and on other topics, the pentagon acknowledged the incident with its b-52 strategic bomber. these aircraft are designed to also carry nuclear weapons. air base representative confirmed: the engine caught fire and we had to make an emergency landing. the american military assures that the crew was not injured, and flights at the base continue. as usual, the incident itself occurred on february 23, but they were in no hurry to disclose the details, here are the details: during an emergency landing, the drive controlling the generator caught fire, burning the engine and part of the wing, photographs of the alleged damage were published on social networks, the circumstances of the emergency once again follow:
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was there a bomber equipped with nuclear weapons at the time of emergency, has not yet commented. a in the senate, meanwhile, a new scandal. subcommittee on investigations is trying to understand why anti-russian sanctions are not working at all, primarily in the technology sector, the closure of which should have left our country without... microchips, and according to senators, american semiconductor manufacturers are doing nothing to really limit it to exports, they decided to call representatives of the four largest corporations, including intel and amd, for a conversation; they were required to explain why they suddenly increased exports to countries that, according to washington, help moscow circumvent sanctions. politicians themselves admit that the anti-russian economic course is collapsing right before our eyes. american manufacturers fuel and support the growing russian military
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machine, with components used in missiles, drones, munitions and other weapons. our sanctions system is a lie, our export control regime is fatally ineffective. so we have to face the truth, i doubt we can plug the holes, we have to face reality, we continue to put pressure on russia, and they have nuclear weapons. for the first time revealed the details of the discussion of the key rate, the regulator outlined trends in the economy, on the basis of which in february it
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decided to leave the indicator at 16%, although it also considered the option of increasing it to seventeen. if during the december meeting there were questions regarding the degree and speed of adjustment of the economy and inflation to increases in the key rate, then in recent months it has become obvious that the operation of the transmission mechanism of the monetary policy accelerated through all channels, across all economic agents, the rate of expansion of loan portfolios decreased, and savings actively grew. the central bank noted that maintaining the rate level will allow inflation to return to the target 4%. meanwhile, gdp growth, which last year was well above expectations of 3.6%, may indicate stronger potential for the russian economy. cyber ​​defense is the new oil, russia now has an export product that could potentially bring in
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hundreds of billions of dollars internationally market, these are technologies for protecting entire states from cyber attacks, it is being developed by the cyberus project, in which the most successful private it companies and a number of state corporations have joined forces. dozens of countries have already shown interest in the product, and negotiations are ongoing with a number of them at the highest level. this is discussed in the one-on-one program. the arrival of several very high-ranking officials from friendly countries at the level of royal families, who should, with whom
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we are having this conversation. since the royal families, something tells me it will be the middle east, god forbid, which of the russian companies entered the project, through what channels sales will go and what the cyber un is, watch the 1:1 program with anna lazareva after 11 o’clock moscow time. for the first time began exporting liquefied natural gas. the first batch was produced at the lukoil project of the italian eni moren 12. its capacity is about 4.5 billion cubic meters per year. lukoil's share is 25%. oeni is 65. she is the one who sells lng. thanks to the first batch, the republic of congo is included in the group of lng exporting countries, which opens up opportunities for economic growth and contributes to the global energy balance. at the end of the issue , let me remind you that the exchange rates for today are: the dollar is 92
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rubles 4 kopecks, the euro is 99.92. and that's all i have for now. dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original program besagon tv. i hope you remember them and enjoy them. at the tynda airport - this is the amur region, the first stage of major repairs has been completed, reconstruction began less than a year ago, in the summer of twenty-three, they changed it. the floor was updated, new walls were installed alexey cherbakov saw the equipment and what the building looks like now. summer 2023, bare walls, a completely unpresentable view of tynden airport, bags of cement everywhere and workers working in one room or another. 20 specialists worked on the transformation of the airport terminal, in shifts in stages, first
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they made the roof, dismantled the old covering, sheathed everything with new corrugated sheets and replaced the gutters. the inside of the building was stripped almost down to the concrete. it was impossible to enter the airport terminal building, it was just a heap, just the concrete was lying, the bags were standing, but we still worked, we also saw off , the flights did not stop, the planes continued to fly, then everything was cleaned up, now you see what came of it, what happened, they updated not only the floor, the walls, the ceiling, the windows and doors, but also furniture with equipment, ranging from seats for passengers to monitors under the scoreboard. we installed an improved video surveillance system, both inside and outside the building; these modern devices stand apart. they installed two new interoscopes for us, previously, we didn’t have an interoscope here in the waiting room, and we accepted passengers’ luggage directly into storage, that is, the passenger walked, no matter how inconvenient it was, came, checked in, went with the luggage to
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the security check area, now the passenger has checked in here, there is an interoscope right next to it, luggage drop off, and loaders. the transformation of equipment was allocated 52 million by the center for the development of territories for internal rubles in preparation for the anniversary of bama, the airport will also be able to receive those aircraft, partially completed and work will continue which i accepted earlier, yes, this is there-24, this is for the development of the adjacent territory. the bombardier itself, the helicopters, and most importantly, the comfort... of passengers staying in the terminal building itself has improved a lot. i think that those guests who come to us for their fiftieth birthday by air will be pleased. there are plans to reconstruct the runway. the project has been approved. the duration of the work is 25-26 years. the extended runway will be able to accommodate larger aircraft, which will increase the number of flights and, as a result, passenger flow.
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the global transformation of tyndinsky airport will not end with just internal work. as soon as the temperature allows, workers will begin to change the external appearance of the building so that by the anniversary of gam the main air harbor from the northern city will shine in all its glory. alexey cherbakov, alexander vasiliev, conduct the amur region. and again the topic is a special military operation, a helicopter strike group destroyed a strong point and infantry of the ukrainian armed forces. the crews completed the combat mission in difficult weather conditions. from krasnolimansky direction reporting by our war correspondent alexander katsuba.
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with excellent quality. on the runway, another strike group of the russian aerospace forces army aviation is preparing for combat work. the task is to crack the layered defense of the militants. the pilots act in the interests of the group of troops-center. the ammunition load is full, the helicopters are fueled, the targets are clear. the forward group's route. in this
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direction there are a large number of wires up to 100 m high. how would it be for a helicopter pilot? not the best place to launch therefore, we try to choose routes such that we are as little as possible in the enemy’s zone of action. mandatory visual inspection of the combat vehicle before departure and the pilots take their seats in the cockpit. the mi-8 helicopter with the support group has already taken to the skies. it protects the k-52 and mi-35 attack aircraft from possible attacks from the ground. soon the entire group is on a combat course. before the next strike, the pilot. lifts the nose of the helicopter. pitching is an element of combat work that allows you to hit enemy targets from a long distance. at such air support is provided to the forward units of the group.
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we develop, build and produce, we create a country in which we want to live ourselves, we defend our homeland, we greet guests brightly, and we confidently move forward, our future, we create together, my name is vladislav davankov, i came to politics from ordinary a life where people want simple things, to live in abundance, to be... happy and confident in the future. i am running for the presidential election so that we all live with dignity and freedom, in a modern and peaceful country, live in love and
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future, lived in a new way. vladislav davankov, russian presidential candidate, number one on the ballot. time for something new. remember, we voted for zhirinovsky and the liberal democratic party. i will raise russia from its knees. i will defend the russians, the great people. great russia, don’t lie and don’t be afraid, shirinovsky or it will be worse, get up, great russia, not a single unemployed, homeless, hungry person. all these years, zhirinovsky and the ldpr fought for you, defended your interests, be true to yourself, vote for the ldpr, vote for slutsky. oil prices rose on the london stock exchange today by 3%.
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kharitonov is for the communist party of the russian federation, for socialism, now we’ve played capitalism and that’s enough time for sports news for nikolai. ticket sales for the russia-serbia friendly match have started. tell me more. tatyana, the match will take place in moscow on march 21. and for our team this will be the first match against a european team in 2 and a half years. the russian football union announced the start of ticket sales for a friendly match between the national teams of russia and serbia. the game will take place on march 21 in moscow at the dynamo stadium. for the russian team it will be the first match against a european team since november '21. for the serbian national team, in turn, the match in moscow will become part of the preparation for the european championship in germany, where serbia qualified for the first time since the yugoslav national team. also in march
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, the russian team will play against paraguay, it will be on the twenty-fifth. the russia-paraguay match will also be held in moscow, also at the dynamo stadium. tickets for this game will go on sale shortly. midfielder denis glushakov will continue his career in armenia. the day before, the champion of russia as part of spartak arrived in yerevan. signed a contract with the urartu club. the agreement runs until the end of the current season. at the winter training camp, glushakov worked with rostov, a contract with which was never signed. but the footballer’s previous club was spartak from kostroma. the midfielder played seven matches for this team in the second league. and also yesterday evening glushakov made his debut for his new club in the match of the armenian premier league urar tunik. denis came on as a substitute in the second half.
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the competition takes place in a unique extreme park, the largest in russia. about my colleague danilo makhalin will tell you about the features of the tournament. sudden movements, sometimes
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imperceptible to the eye, and the characteristic sound with which drones rush along the track, skirting and flying around specially installed obstacles. in order to equalize all participants, the weight of each device is not less than 1 kg with an identical frame. the drones have the same appearance. there may be different fairings with slightly different shapes. teams can change some small subtleties. propellers may differ, motors may differ. the internal electronics are hidden inside here, there is room for creativity here. drone racing takes place in open areas, but the pilots themselves are located in a comfortable container, where they are equipped with seats, fbv glasses and joysticks, a process that requires extreme concentration, regardless of accumulated experience. i worked in a radio-controlled model shop, and the boys just started bragging that look, this incredible
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sport of droning has appeared, it was 15. not everyone here knows each other, on paper everyone understands that there are more experienced pilots, there is me, but in fact it will not matter much, here everything will start for all teams with a clean slate. labor reserves, the kazan stadium, the only place at the games of the future where competitions will be held without spectators, these are the safety standards, so the stands will remain empty, it will be possible to follow the start only by broadcast, and this is what the biggest one looks like.
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the park in russia has a record area of ​​42 m, combining an open part and a covered part, which was built just 3 years ago, and will be used in the games of the future. ideal conditions, all the guys enjoy it, i can say not only for myself. i don’t see any difficulties in this uram park. there is nervousness before the cyber part, everything there is not predictable in my opinion, i am only confident in real tricks, but it will be great if it works out.
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we will take on this case, it will be...
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an honest detective.


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