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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 28, 2024 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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the militants made scandalous statements in a conversation with russian pranksters. western special forces are already operating in ukraine, the financial times writes about this. thus, a high-ranking european official commented on the words of the french president about the possibility of sending nato troops to ukraine. primary in michigan and a new victory for donald trump, while the former us president wins all the republican primaries. what does it matter? to michigan for the election and for donald trump personally. games of the future. today is the quarterfinals of the drone race and competition sports programming. our sports correspondent is following the progress of the competition. the court sentenced a ukrainian agent to 11 and a half years for trying to buy components for the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system. about this. reported
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the fsb public relations center. a resident of melitopol, a citizen of ukraine, sergei krivitsky, was detained red-handed in rostov-nadon. the department noted that his guilt has been fully proven. in addition, the fact of krivitsky’s involvement in an attempt to organize the supply of similar products in november 2019 was confirmed devices in the interest of ukrainian intelligence. he will serve his sentence in a maximum security colony, the fsb reports. artillery group. one such installation allows you to cover an area of ​​​​several football fields, destroy everything from strong points to heavy armored vehicles, crews of unmanned aerial vehicles help to accurately point weapons at the target, they are... for example, against
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enemy infantry, so we work day and night around the clock, so as soon as we get the coordinates, the car immediately moves into position, we turn around and practice, drums the army aviation group of the russian aerospace forces was defeated.
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the army aviation of the russian aerospace forces is leaving to carry out a combat mission. in a matter of minutes , the strike link reaches the target, a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces in the affected area of ​​our missiles. and sharply to the left, the pilot leaves the line of fire. the onboard guidance systems of the second helicopter have already detected an enemy object. k-52 completes the defeat of the neo-nazis at crepreine. helicopter k-52. is now considered one of the best helicopters in this direction, the enemy is trying in every possible way to jam the helicopter complex, well, auxiliary systems allow you to complete a combat mission with excellent quality. on the runway , another strike group of the russian aerospace forces army aviation is preparing for combat work. the task is to crack the layered defense of the militants. the pilots act in the interests of the center group of troops. the helicopters are full of ammunition.
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the targets are clear, the group's route is advanced, there are a large number of wires in this direction, up to 100 m high, as if this is not the best place for a helicopter pilot, well, a launch site, so we are routes we try to choose ones that will be in the enemy’s action zone to a minimum. a mandatory visual inspection of the combat vehicle before takeoff and the pilots take their seats in the cockpit, the mi-8 helicopter with the support group has already taken to the skies. it protects the k-52 and mi-35 attack aircraft from possible attacks from the ground. soon the entire group is on a combat course. before the next strike, the pilot slightly lifts the nose of the helicopter. pitching is an element of combat work that allows you to hit enemy targets from a long distance. with such support from air, the advanced units of the center group of troops are taking the defensive lines of the ukrainian armed forces in a pincer movement. alexander katsuba, alexander. malyshev and
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leonid sharov, news. today , the oldest russian senator nikolai ryshkov passed away. he was 94 years old. colleagues in the upper house of parliament at... ryshkov represented the government of the belgorod region in the federation council and only in october last year , due to his age, surrendered his mandate early. she expressed words of condolences in connection with the departure of nikolai ryshkov in her telegram channel head of the federation council valentina matvienko. i wrote it. quote. there was an amazing, bright man, at all stages of his journey, from factory floors to the state planning committee and the leadership of the council of ministers of the ussr, he was a man of work, and with his work he earned honor , respect and a worthy place in history. nikolai
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ryshkov went from a shift foreman to the director of the uralmash plant; from 1956 to 1991, ryshkov was a member of the communist party of the soviet union. council of ministers of the ussr. nikolai ryshkov headed the headquarters for liquidation of the consequences of the chernobyl disaster disaster in 1986, and two years later participated in the rescue of earthquake victims in armenia. in the ninety-first , ryshkov ran for president of the rsfsr as a deputy of the state duma of the second and third convocations of the party, in the late nineties he was twice elected from the belgorod constituency, from 2003 to september 2023, he represented the belgorod region in the federation council. joe
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biden and donald trump win internal elections in michigan. the american media reported this after the votes were counted. according to their data for biden on democratic primaries voted order. 82% of voters, and for trump on republicans about 85%. at the same time , american ministries are right now on the verge of a shutdown due to lack of funding. from the usa, reporting by our own correspondent valentin bogdanov. joe biden's problems are intertwined into one tight ball. if the republicans are not persuaded, then from march 1 the american government will be left without money, and ukraine may forget about it altogether. at a meeting with congressional leaders, the president of the united states is both in favor straw held onto his cheat sheet. we have to figure out how we can continue to fund the government. this is a pressing problem and it is very important to find a solution to it. i think we can do this. and in ukraine this problem is also acute.
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i hope we can talk a little about this. every day the consequences of inaction in ukraine are catastrophic. i've spoken to some of our group of seven partners. and you just returned from there. chuck. from a group of senators recently approached zelensky, the leader of the democrats in the senate looked extremely yellow-black in kyiv. in washington, of course, such provincial decor will not be appreciated. it’s difficult for america to sell someone else’s war, and therefore, after leaving biden, the desperate schumer, perhaps for the first time, began to sell it as his own. we cannot afford to wait two or three months, because in this case there will be a split in nato, the allies will turn away from the united states. there is truth. the states have allies with whom there is no need for enemies, the president of france suddenly developed vigorous activity to bring the third world war. macron wanted to send troops to ukraine. a european military source who asked to remain anonymous said that european allies
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had been studying this plan to send troops to ukraine for several weeks and the united states supported the idea. if they really supported it, it was only behind the scenes for now. concerns about biden's health. this is generally a question on which there is no disagreement. 86% of voters believe that the head of the white house is too old to be elected to a second term. i have one person asked many questions about biden's cognitive abilities. the man was very worried and asked whether he could even be responsible for our nuclear weapons and the retaliatory strike strategy. but democratic voters in michigan have no questions left for biden. in a state with the largest arab population in the united states.
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more percent of the vote than nicky haley did in the republican primary, and joe biden appears well on his way to winning the democratic primary, but roughly 16% voted against him, which is alarming a wake-up call for the team. biden is getting a cold shoulder this week at the mexican border as well. the us president is going to the front lines of the migration crisis, and on the same day as his rival. however, a belated attempt to intercept the subpoena is most likely doomed to failure. for the first time since 2015 , a majority of americans began to support the idea of ​​​​building a wall on the border with mexico, that is, the idea that trump was the first to propose. ivan udkin and polina fedorova, news from new york. the central bank
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spoke about the reasons for maintaining the key rates at 16%. alexandra nazarova will tell you how the regulator assesses the situation in the economy. for the first time, the bank of russia revealed the details of the discussion of the key rate, outlined trends in the economy, on the basis of which in february it decided to leave the indicator at 16%, although it also considered the option of increasing it to seventeen. if during the december meeting there were questions regarding the degree and speed of adjustment of the economy and inflation to increases in the key rate, then in recent months it has become obvious that the operation of the transmission mechanism monetary policy accelerated through all channels, in particular, rates on the credit and deposit markets increased, imports and the ruble exchange rate adjusted, inflation expectations of all economic agents decreased, the rate of expansion of loan portfolios decreased, and savings actively grew. saving the level.
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then a significant contribution to the growth of private consumption and a rather serious abnormal contribution of investment in inventories, although unemployment is at a historical minimum, tension in the labor market has ceased to increase, the central bank sees increasing labor mobility increasing labor productivity. participants in the rate discussion also noted the continued high investment activity. in the fourth quarter of 2023, it updated its all-time high. if we look at... at more detailed statistics, then first of all these are various types of industrial production,
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transport and infrastructure in the broad sense of the word, that is, in fact , investments were quite active, and, let’s say, at the state level. according to expectations business in the first quarter of this year , investments will remain at a high level, this will be facilitated by the need to expand production capacities, which are at maximum capacity, rising costs, limited availability of labor resources, as well as... high profits in a number of industries. consumer demand remains at high levels and has just begun to respond to tightening monetary conditions. meanwhile, the regulator’s decision to maintain a high key rate coincided with market expectations, experts say. this indicates, that the communications of the central bank are correct, the signals that it gives are perceived adequately by the market. the market has stopped betting on a further increase and overvaluing the asset.
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the central bank will continue to increase, but the corporate sector is already showing less sensitivity to changes in interest rates; the regulator considers the associated risks for financial stability to be insignificant. at the same time, bank deposits are becoming more and more attractive. saving sentiment among russians is strengthening, and real bond yields federal loan with an indexed face value already exceeds 5% per annum. as for the foreign exchange market, the situation remains the same. participants in the discussion at the central bank agreed to increase the forecast for the average
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key rate for this next year. they also emphasized that special care is now needed when choosing its trajectories. the reduction should be smooth so that the population does not have a sharp transition from a savings model of behavior to a consumer one. message from the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly. my broadcast is tomorrow at 12:00 moscow time. now footage from the government house. dear maxim avseevich, on the eve of the twentieth anniversary. federal antimonopoly service, i want to congratulate you on this holiday, in your person the entire team of you, those related to the service, thank you for your work, i want to say that the federal antimonopoly service has done everything to ensure that there is a competitive environment in russia, so that create all the mechanisms, all the elements of a market economy,
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for this purpose everything was implemented necessary elements, this is first... thank you for your kind words addressed to the service, thank you for your constant attention to issues of protecting competition, really controlling pricing in socially significant product markets, the federal antimonopoly service deals with it on an ongoing basis,
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primarily this concerns food products , in russia there are a large number of manufacturers, sellers of such... implementation of this solution, prices are reduced. we also studied the reasons for changes in prices for chicken eggs, and faster rates were identified growth in wholesale prices for manufacturers compared to rising costs and increased profitability in the wholesale segment. as a result of the work carried out, 10 cases of violation of antimonopoly legislation were initiated in ten
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regions of the russian federation, including on the basis of the conclusion of anti-competitive agreements, and the government of the russian federation created an effective enforcement mechanism to increase food production volumes. it must be said that the federal antimonopoly service has agreed on the trade and sales policies of the manufacturer mineral fertilizers, and we monitor their compliance. the government of the russian federation adopted resolution 662, which
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was prepared by the faz of russia; it allows regions to quickly take measures to reduce prices and curb trade margins. currently, such agreements are in force in thirty-four regions, where more than 2,200 manufacturers and sellers have accepted price commitments. the practice of concluding agreements has shown itself to be effective in stabilizing chicken egg prices. we sent recommendations to the regions on the procedure for concluding price agreements with producers and sellers of chicken eggs, there is now a downward trend in prices. the automobile fuel market is also social. significant, on instructions from the government, we check the economic feasibility of various components that are included in the final prices for consumers; if economically unjustified prices are identified, we take antimonopoly response measures, so based on the results of inspections, 30 antimonopoly cases were initiated in 19 regions, as a result of joint work ministries, departments, changes in retail
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fuel prices in the twenty-third year did not exceed the rate of inflation according to... our experience in reducing prices for medicines helped save the fund 12.5 billion rubles. the systematic work of the service in
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the construction materials markets determines both the ability of citizens who plan to purchase or build housing, and the pace of construction of socially significant facilities that are being built as part of national projects. on behalf of the government, we checked... various manufacturers found that there are monopolistic high prices in the market for hot rolled steel, flat rolled products, sheet glass, aerated concrete blocks, reinforcement, cement, raw materials for the production of clay, and wood materials. based on the results of the consideration of the cases, companies were issued orders aimed at containing prices and ensuring competition. in addition, the companies received economically unjustified income, therefore. companies have been assigned turnover fines, and the courts have already supported the fas position in many cases. we receive a large number of complaints from consumers about
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cellular communication services and tariffs. mobile operators occupy a collective dominant position, for this reason we check the economic justification of the established tariffs. if we see an increase in revenue, while reducing costs, failure to implement investment programs. the big four set an economically unjustified fee for distributing the internet from subscriber devices, a warning was issued about the need to cancel such
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a fee, and this warning was complied with, the fee was cancelled. now is such a difficult time, without doubts, you need to keep in touch both with manufacturers of goods and services, products, and with networks, since the pricing process is complex and the chain affects... uh , the end consumer directly, but what is very important is to protect against an unscrupulous, say, manufacturer or from poor quality delivery, but to the consumer, this is also one of the functions of fas. but against the backdrop of demand development, when demand develops, the supply of goods and services should naturally develop, this is very important. and without a doubt, labor productivity the innovativeness, let's say, of the solutions that are offered, especially, should also develop. in modern trading tools, now a lot of trade is moving to the e-commerce sector, this is a platform that
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trades goods and services, this includes car sharing, these are taxi services and many other platforms, and here in pricing you need, as they say, to keep your eyes open, because without a doubt, it is necessary to understand how this business is structured, all the elements, and to control the price... what the service does in in this direction, how well do you feel what is happening there now? dear vladimirovich, indeed, when considering consumer requests, we are increasingly faced with examples of so-called dynamic or arithmetic algorithmic pricing; such price-setting mechanisms are used when determining prices for travel services, rail transport, air travel, taxi services, hotel business, and so on. obviously, as a rule, no increase in cost occurs, but there is additionally unreasonable price pressure on the consumer, which cannot be called
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economically justified. the issue of dynamic pricing, of course, is in the sphere of supply and demand balance, while we use soft regulation tools in order to find optimal solutions to contain prices for services, taking into account the balance. the need for payback for the service and the social responsibility of this business. well, for example, in february of this year we issued a warning to one of the largest airlines about the need to develop a commercial policy that will provide for the establishment of tariffs at an economically feasible level. vaxim, the service has enough power to control the prices of education, including in such, say, complex instruments and structures as electronic platforms. it is necessary, well, in the literal sense of the word, to identify unscrupulous suppliers of goods and services or those who unreasonably raise prices for services and supplies, and
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to respond in those ways. which are available in the arsenal of the federal antimonopoly service, and of course, organize interaction with the federal treasury and the federal tax service; in this sense, such close interaction is necessary in order to immediately take response measures in the event of an increase in prices, and i would like to especially emphasize that this it is important to do this, including when carrying out the function of working with the state defense order, this is a very important area, and the department here has everything... control measures. mikhail mishustin met with the head of the federal antimonopoly service, maxim shaskolsky, to effectively deal with it. foreign mercenaries who fought on the side of kiev openly spoke about how ukrainian commanders make money from the sale of western weapons and even from their dead soldiers. they thought that they were making these confessions in a conversation with petro poroshenko, but in fact,
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the russians were communicating with them on behalf of the former head of ukraine. the mercenaries responded to an online advertisement about recruiting foreigners for a new pmc. in during online interviews we promised a good and stable salary. as a result , two americans and an australian got in touch. they reported that they had escaped from the so-called ukrainian international legion. the reason is the stupidity of the command, complete confusion on the battlefield and regular delays in salaries. and one more interesting point from this conversation. the pranksters said that pmcs were being created. in order to remove zelensky, two foreigners immediately agreed and swore allegiance to the fake poroshenko, the third, as it turned out, wrote a denunciation against them to the sbu. i i know that the prevention and elimination of the consequences of computer attacks were discussed by secretary of the security council nikolai patrushev with the special representative of the president of nicaragua, lauriana ortega. the negotiations took place in the country's capital, monago. as the press service of the soviet union's apparatus reported, the parties did the same.
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discussed issues of interaction in the economic sphere under conditions of sanctions pressure. earlier, patrushev said that moscow would help latin america fight attempts by american interference in internal affairs. we value and principled non-adherence to the western policy of anti-russian sanctions. the current version of our foreign policy concept specifically identifies the need for support. american states subject to pressure from the united states and its allies to ensure sovereignty and independence. powerful wildfires have broken out in texas. according to the latest data, more than 800 km have already burned. the cause of such large-scale fires was record high air temperatures and gusty winds. texas governor declares state of emergency in sixty counties. the press also reports
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about the suspension. the work of a local nuclear bomb assembly plant is the main facility where america's nuclear arsenal is maintained. it is known that all employees from the production have already been evacuated; the fire has not yet been localized near the enterprise. large-scale projects, modern technologies, new horizons, russia of the present and... touch all the achievements at the main exhibition site of the country. 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events. everything russia fascinates. immerse yourself in the incredible.
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