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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 28, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country, come to the exhibition forum russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia . let's skate purely on points, if you remember, you know everything.
10:31 am
let's calm down, get together and win, nadyuh, kiss, dad, kiss, yes kiss already, it's beautiful to go out on the ice, this is a skill, come on, sank, all the hope is in you, well, old age is not a joy, yes, it's a whole art to leave beautifully , well, they're losing you we can’t be either, because ierku loves you, he has no taste for you, three nestan. we are now colleagues, i don’t want to do this, how else can i explain it to you? don't look, don't look, or what? yes, if i were you, i would punch myself in the face, that’s it, that’s great, ice three!
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. she has special gifts. who are you all looking at? well, here's the girl. maybe this dream of mine somehow associated with this matter. and do you know who the killer is? yes. just watch without amateur performances. don't move. for some reason i believe you. anna is a medium. let's look before everyone else. in the application.
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or on the website. hello, this is the fifth studio program. my name is yuri bogdanov. today we have quite a lot of news and topics that relate to what is happening in ukraine and the actions of the west in this context. radion miroshnik, ambassador at large for midrossia, is in touch. and a little later the deputy chairman should join the broadcast federation council konstantin kosachov. radion valerievich, hello, hello, yes, i would like to start with the event that was organized at the osce site, which literally the day before yesterday you announced on our air, as far as i understand, a round table, yes, which was dedicated to what has been happening for 10 years on space of ukraine, tell us how the event went, whether you were heard and in general the osce is now capable of fully performing its functions, what do you think, you know, here is the russian delegation of course she took the initiative.
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launched such a detailed discussion with facts, illustrations of the main messages, you know, i am forced to state that many conflict resolution mechanisms, that is, those that were set up, were created in order to avoid bloodshed and in order to block these, you know , the aggressive aspirations of a number of states to solve their problems by military means, these sites are beginning to degrade, but at the osce we could now, probably later.
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was not above the process, which means she participated, she played for one of the parties to the conflict, literally all other things passed through this filter, another story also degraded, not only monitoring, but also guarantees, international guarantees that are given today by international players, they in fact, in many stories they are worth nothing at all, and that is , today we have two active players, this is mr. steinmeier, who is now the president of germany, and 10 years ago he was a minister...
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in this way, they can give out guarantees, if they do not guarantee anything at all, they play exclusively, you know, they engage in such outright manipulations, and you know, the mechanisms themselves have begun to degrade, because when data from a number of missions are now published, and monitoring and observation missions, you know, often these missions simply turn into some kind of excursion, for example, some respected people who were taken there to a dozen cities, and then the ukrainian government provided them with ready-made data, which was agreed again with the same international players. how productive is it in general to declare something on this platform and take part in certain formats, manage to convey information, for example, regarding the same crimes on the part of kiev, are the osce ready to accept some documented facts at least, but you know, firstly, very often
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they are not ready, yes, because many of the data provided by russia are questioned, and they are not used to prepare some final analytical... material, that is, to my great regret, it is possible to declare, it is possible to transmit , but it is possible to influence the final adoption, accepted documents, or some conclusions that would have effective consequences, alas, this mechanism very often fails, so the only reason why we we are there now and let’s say, we are actively trying to work, pushing elbows, but because so that this platform does not simply turn into an openly propaganda field, where , well, with a high name, that
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’s why we are talking about the need making such political decisions, that is, a political procedure, when today we have the entire base, we have confessions there from the head of the gur or the sbu that they carried out, sanctioned, prepared, and carried out some attacks, for example, attacks on the crimean bridge , that
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we have an evidence base that ukraine attacked hospitals, kindergartens, shot people, worked there, militants raped people when they entered. lie mainly on the liquidation or legal assessment of their actions, followed by fair punishment will follow, in this sense we see every reason to launch this political process, which can achieve its result and give the corresponding result, so we are talking about this now,
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here is another statement, you say, that in the near future trials of the commanders of the armed forces of ukraine may take place, they called the trial of the ukrainian authorities inevitable, in this context i would like to return to our conversation...
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terrorist activity, and that is , it will look completely different, so now this is the hysteria that is happening now in kiev, why is zelensky literally hysterical there, shouting that if they don’t give us money within a month, then we will have serious problems, so we understand that this mechanism must make money, in international law in the international procedure there are these evaluative criteria for the actions of the state, which, well, let’s say, to put it mildly, does not correlate with those norms that...
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there are very different assessments from many countries, from the majority, in my opinion , nato countries there have already been statements that they do not plan to do this and are not going to do this, however, there is, with reference to sources of information, that at some point the states seemed to support this initiative, in general , the media space is very shaky on this topic , but nevertheless, do you think this was some kind of verbal rhetoric on macron’s part, or are such plans really being considered?
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built over several centuries, i emphasize, several centuries, our
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confrontation, uh, did not begin with with the emergence of the nato bloc and the warsaw pact organization, not with the emergence of the iron curtain, the westerners have been waging a cold war with the entire surrounding world, i emphasize with the entire surrounding world , for centuries in order to ensure their superiority, and through this superiority to ensure their... prosperity - which never stopped, i wanted to ask just the question in this context: could macron say this in order to push - the lower house of the american parliament to quickly - support help to kyiv. well, they say, if you don’t support, then you’ll have to send troops, without a doubt, this is part of a big game, and of course, the europeans are extremely uninterested and don’t want to take on the main time of maintaining ukraine militarily, economically, because ukraine is a kept country without a doubt, and
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here the europeans will pump the american congress for the speedy allocation of the appropriate one. resources by all possible and impossible means, and what macron said, i repeat once again, should not be taken as a kind of reservation, and even more so as a reflection of a personal position, this is a consistent line to consolidate nato in more decisive positions of support for ukraine, but i repeat once again, turning everything that happens into our own, common, undisguised, open war declared by russia from the outside west. you said the day before that... if such actions follow, this could be interpreted as a declaration of war, how should russia react, in your opinion, from a diplomatic and military point of view? well, first of all, we have already responded in an exhaustive manner , macron’s statement yesterday was outlined at all levels by russia’s decisive position as a position
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of non-acceptance and denial of this prospect, well, you quoted me, i think this is general... the russian position on the interpretation of such a prospect as nato entering into direct confrontation with russia, although it is clear that now this confrontation can hardly be considered indirect, but there are still some, so to speak, red lines that have not been crossed, they will definitely be passed in this case, further, the russian response, well , from a military point of view, should be determined by the military, the supreme... commander , of course, in the first place, but from my point of view, in this case, those armed forces , nato members, that will appear on the territory of ukraine, absolutely will be legitimate targets for the russian armed forces, no one should have any doubt about this, but if the situation demands it, i’m speaking here, i ’m expressing my personal point of view as a politician, but if the military
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situation demands it, then the same goals may articles centers already in the corresponding territories of nato countries, decision-making centers, centers for training relevant specialists , centers for the production of relevant weapons, because this will be a fundamentally different situation in which we will have to suppress the armed resistance of nato members to russia using the territory of ukraine, but this is a prospect that i repeat, i would not like to imagine now in any real categories, and i hope that our current reaction...
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what is russia’s position on this matter? means is it that these countries automatically become, well, at least, unfriendly? yes, without any doubt this will be so, and we see that already now many countries, understanding this prospect and not wanting to lose normal friendly relations with our country without any pressure from our side, i say this quite sincerely, are themselves refusing, in firm , in a harsh manner, they refuse...
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to what extent this creates serious risks for our country, how should we react, these are the statements of some politicians that the baltic sea now turns out to be nato's internal sea, how would you comment? well... of course, additional risks arise, especially if significant armed forces and weapons of nato countries are permanently stationed on swedish territory, and i think that
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this is a very real prospect, and even more so if sweden, like regional power will begin to support nato's ambitions to turn the baltic sea region into a controlled area, what is called an inland sea. it's in mostly rhetoric, at the level of rhetoric we, in any case, i do not see the need to take any specific actions other than those being taken in the current regime, but if sweden goes the route of making some practical decisions that would increase military threats for russia, of course, the russian side will certainly follow response measures of a more applied nature than those that... are taken automatically in terms of our control over what is happening on territory of nato countries, this control will, in any case, now extend to the territory
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of sweden, we will most closely monitor what is happening there, and react promptly to it if necessary. konstantin iosifovich, thank you for your comment, thank you for taking part in our program. let me remind you that we had connections with the deputy chairman of the federation council, konstantin kosachov, and before that. we are closely monitoring developments and will return to all these topics, including on our news broadcast. deposit is the best interest in savings - this is an easy way to profitably invest money online. just one button to invest in your child’s future. has already been done, one button savings grow with the maximum rate, one button, and you look forward with confidence, together
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10:58 am
we invite you to watch reruns of our original program besagon tv. hope you will remember them and enjoy them.
10:59 am
a revelation from western mercenaries who are fighting in ukraine about how the commanders of the ukrainian armed forces profit from the sale of western weapons and even from their own dead soldiers? the militants made the scandalous statement in a conversation with russian pranksters. the west is already operating in ukraine. special forces, as financial times writes about this, a high-ranking european official commented on the words of the french president about the possibility of sending nato troops to ukraine. man-epoch, nikolai ryshkov, the oldest russian senator and head of the council of ministers of the soviet union. he was 94 years old. large-scale fires in texas are so large that the plant where
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nuclear weapons are assembled and dismantled had to be stopped. games of the future, today the inclusion of our correspondent from kazan. quarterfinals of the drone race, we are waiting for the live event . today in moscow they say goodbye to the chairman of the supreme court of russia vyacheslav lebedev. he died on february twenty-third at the eighty-first year of his life due to a serious illness. for the ceremony in the columned hall of the house. vladimir putin also arrived today. there is a large screen with a portrait of lebedev in the hall, and wreaths are placed. vyacheslav lebedev has permanently headed the supreme court of russia since july 1989. the court sentenced a ukrainian agent to 11.5 years in prison for trying to buy components for the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system. this was reported by the fsb public relations center.


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