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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 28, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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where atomic bombs are assembled and dismantled. a state of emergency has been declared in sixty counties. games of the future, today is the quarterfinals of the drone race. we are waiting for the live broadcast of our correspondent from kazan. today in moscow they say goodbye to the chairman of the supreme court of russia vyacheslav lebedev. he died on february 23 at the eighty-first year of his life due to a serious illness. vladimir putin also arrived at the ceremony in the columned hall of the house of the unions today. there is a large screen with a portrait of lebedev in the hall and wreaths are placed. vyacheslav lebedev was always in charge supreme court of russia since july 1989. the court sentenced a ukrainian agent to 11 and a half years in prison for trying to buy components for the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system. this was reported by the fsb public relations center. a resident of melitopol, a citizen
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of ukraine, sergei krivitsky was detained in rostov-nadon. the department noted that his guilt has been fully proven. in addition, the fact of krivitsky’s involvement in an attempt to organize the supply of similar devices in the interests of ukrainian intelligence in november 2019 was confirmed. the convicted person will serve punishment in a maximum security colony. the federal antimonopoly service must immediately respond to price increases in the region. state gasoline order. this instruction was given by prime minister mikhail mishustin, the head of fas. at the meeting, maxim shaskolsky reported to the head of government about the situation with prices in the country. a very important function is the function related to pricing. that is, you monitor prices on commodity markets, commodity markets, this directly affects inflation on the economic parameters of the country. i want you to tell me more told how the work is going in... in general, regarding
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price monitoring, with whom do you interact, the government of the russian federation adopted resolution 662, which was prepared by the federal antimonopoly service of russia, it allows the regions to quickly take measures to reduce prices and contain trade margins. currently, such agreements are in effect in 34 regions, where more than 2,200 manufacturers and sellers have accepted price commitments. the practice of concluding agreements has shown itself to be effective in stabilizing chicken egg prices. we directed. in the region recommendations on the procedure for concluding cetam agreements with producers and sellers of chicken eggs, there is now a tendency towards lower prices. the automobile fuel market is also socially significant; on instructions from the government, we check the economic feasibility of various components that are included in the final prices for consumers; if economically unjustified prices are identified, we take antitrust measures. he passed away today .
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since 2003, ryshkov represented the government of the belgorod region in the federation council and only in october last year, due to his age, he handed over his mandate early. the path from shift foreman to director of the ural-mash plant. from 1956 to 1991, ryshkov was a member of the communist party of the soviet union and was a member of the politburo of the cpsu central committee. his service record includes the post of first deputy minister of heavy transport engineering of the ussr, post-chairman of the council of ministers of the ussr. nikolai ryshkov led the headquarters for liquidation of the consequences of the chernobyl disaster in 1986, and two
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years later participated in the rescue victims of the earthquake in armenia. in the ninety-first, ryshkov ran for president of the rsfsr from the communist party, in the late nineties he was twice elected as a deputy of the state duma of the second and third convocations from the belgorod constituency, from 2003 to september 2023 he represented the belgorod region in the federation council. pay as conveniently as possible with alphapay with any smartphone, get a superkick every month, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable! we are going on vacation, and we are going! third year, so open a vtb savings account, rate 16%, save up faster! when you give russian lotto tickets as a gift for a holiday, it may turn out that... gave a million rubles or a mega
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on, hmm, nice, like 3% cashback from sbp. the international multi-sport tournament games of the future continues in kazan. the sports programming tournament started today. we will find out all the details from our correspondent danil makhalin. danila, greetings, the floor is yours, tell us the details of what it all looks like. yes, of course, i’ll tell you, only as quietly as possible, the games of the future are like that. a diverse tournament, which even includes such a discipline as sports programming, and the competition began literally during the last previous hour, the participants are all right behind me, sitting at the tables, here is the largest representation among
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all other disciplines, because 50 people participate here teams, everyone speaks for you, that is, 50 participants who represent 27 different countries most of all , of course here... representatives of russia, but the geography is absolutely wide, there are participants from south america, from asia and from europe, in general, now they are sitting at their computers, they do not have access to the internet, they don’t have the opportunity to use headphones , calculators, any kind of devices, only their brain, only their strengths and knowledge, which they can use here, they have 12 algorithmic problems that they... must solve in 5 hours like this on for 5 hours, but they can only go there a little further in order to drink water or have a snack, and these 5 hours are given to them so that they solve 12 algorithmic problems, if any of the problems are solved incorrectly during this time, then in general, by the end
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of all these 5 hours they have the opportunity to correct something, it is clear that there are no spectators here, because it would be problematic for them. in such an atmosphere to be monitored throughout this entire time, they have the opportunity to monitor just the broadcasts, which is what they do, that’s how all the participants are now. 27 countries take part here, 50 participants, this is the largest number
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of countries, participants all over the world, everyone knows that the best programmers are from the russian federation, so they very often won various programming olympiads, today they are leaders. well, this discipline, it includes two competitive days, the group stage is scheduled for today, tomorrow the finals will take place, in total they will be here the results of all participants for their 2 days are added up, taking into account the speed of solving this problem, and, of course, correctness, because everything can be done with varying degrees of success. but given the time they are given and how long it is, there
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is, of course, every chance for the participants to cope with the tasks, we are waiting, monitoring the development of events, let me remind you that competitions , in principle, at the games of the future will last until march 3, well and today and tomorrow are the days that are scheduled for sports programming, the studio’s words. yes, danil, thank you, even through the screen you can feel how tense the atmosphere is there, in direct communication with... divide prices in half on the yandex market, discounts up to 50% when paying with an alfabank card. if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha debit card and buy it at half price. any business begins with a person, first i cooked myself, then. the team began to expand, but when there are more clients, you don’t always keep up with demand, with support, development
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accumulate faster. in the west, they hastily disavow paris’s plans to send nato soldiers to ukraine, while in europe they openly admit that ukraine is already western special forces are present, it’s just not officially announced, but the financial times writes about it, citing its sources. the reaction of the west to the scandalous statements of emmanuel macron was studied by maria skorodilka. macron breaks wood, the european family. panic, loud statements by the french president about the possible dispatch of nato troops to ukraine caused a stir, and most importantly, scared the european union. the president of france is delusional, take away the matches from macron, he is like a monkey with dynamite in his hands, french reporters are literally shouting. we hope they they understand that russia will crush them in a few
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weeks, maximum. macron is simply talking dangerous nonsense, trying to please his partners overseas. but at the first meeting with. she didn’t remain silent, the french president is playing military leader, but we are talking about the lives of our children, about whom he talks so carefree, this is a question of peace or war in our country, she emphasized, and dozens of french politicians have already signed up to this. macron has gone crazy, he needs to be stopped, this is a very serious and irresponsible statement, if we introduce troops. this statement by emmanuel macron, fraught with dire consequences, it was made without the slightest parliamentary debate,
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is this position really well thought out? french farmers are shocked by everything. resign - they shout in the crowd. he must go. macron ruined not only the agriculture of the hospital, but also wants to ruin the world, because of him everything is going to pieces. at the same time, the leaders of western countries are no less in chaos. some immediately stated that there were no negotiations and that no one was going to be sent anywhere. others, after after a long silence, they suddenly announced that they were pacifists. finland, sweden, poland, the czech republic, and italy do not want to fight - the authorities of these countries confirmed almost asynchronously. the head of the german ministry of defense immediately disowned participation in such adventures several times, as if on purpose, he emphasized to journalists that germany will not support macron’s idea, the german media immediately declared that with his own words macron stirred up a hornet’s nest between scholz and macron, as if a black cat had run past, there would be no soldier, there won’t even be any talk about it, once again within the framework
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discussions we discussed something that we agreed on from the outset, applicable to the future, britain is not planning a large-scale deployment of troops, sunak's spokesman said. because of ukraine , the united kingdom's weapons reserves are depleted, london confirmed. and even biden made it clear: the united states will not send its troops to fight in ukraine, they said in washington. let me be clear, we have no plans to send american troops to fight in ukraine, the president has made this quite clear. us army, by according to fox news, it is reducing its staff by about 24 people due to difficulties in recruiting . everyone is laughing at biden, the satirists are even tired. put in nato.
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there will be no military alliance in ukraine, stoltenberg said. commenting on the situation at the un, they urge macron, and at the same time the united states, to avoid inflammatory rhetoric regarding the ukrainian conflict. western leaders flexing their muscles against each other here is stupid and inappropriate, the department emphasized. moreover, the main sponsor of the war, biden, has absolutely no regard for human rights. “i don’t care,” writes politics. this happened in afghanistan, iraq, gaza, and continues in ukraine, from which the states only need minerals. its territory and status as an eternal debtor, the author of the article emphasizes. mariyalka, news. the wealth of russia should belong to the people. yes. increase taxes for the rich and exempt the poor from taxes. yes. housing and communal services should be in the hands of the state. yes.
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the increase in the retirement age will be cancelled. yes. the state must teach, treat and protect. yes. then kharitonov. for nikolai kharitonov, for the communist party of the russian federation, for socialism. my name is vladislav davankov, i came to politics from ordinary life, where people want simple things, to live in abundance, to be happy and confident in the future. i am running for the presidential election so that we all live with dignity and freedom, in a modern and peaceful country, live with love and the future, live in a new way. vladislav davankov, candidate for president of russia, number one on the ballot. time for something new.
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i’ll remove it, no, leave it, zhirinovsky’s case lives on, slutsky, a candidate for the presidency of russia. my name is vladislav davankov, i came to politics from ordinary life, where people want simple things, live in abundance, be happy and confident in the future. i
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am running for the presidential election so that we all live with dignity and freedom, in a modern and peaceful country, live with love and the future, live in a new way. vladislav davankov, candidate for president of russia, number one on the ballot. time for something new. remember, we voted for zhirinovsky and the ldpr, i will raise russia from its knees, i will defend the russians, to the great people, great russia, don’t lie and don’t be afraid, zhirinovsky, or it will be worse, get up, great russia, not a single one unemployed, homeless, hungry, all these years zhirinovsky, the ldpr fought for you, defended your interests, be true to yourself, vote for the ldpr, vote for sludsky. now economic news, briefly. anton siluanov called the lifting of sanctions against russia a matter of
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time. he made this statement to reporters after a meeting of the finance ministers and heads of the central banks of the brix countries. siiluanov noted that russia will offer states to unite and form an alternative financial system for trade operations. it must be independent of politics. what concerns threats of confiscation of frozen assets. the minister emphasized that russia has something to answer, we will still find a way out of this situation, but these decisions undermine the foundation of the global financial system, which have been developing for years and decades, we have something to answer, since we also have quite sufficient volumes of financial investment assets of foreign investors, our securities, our securities, corporate, government network... transfers that we still carry out for the owners foreign, which means our securities. at the end of the twenty-third year, sbr earned
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a record one and a half trillion rubles in net profit, which is five times more than a year earlier, the report says according to international standards: return on capital exceeded 25%, the bank’s loan portfolio increased by a quarter, to almost 39.5 trillion , and the number of clients has exceeded 111 million. the kazakhstani bank freedom finance has banned transactions with mir cards against the backdrop of us sanctions, frank-media writes about this. the bank asked clients use alternative transfer methods using the swift system, cards issued outside of russia or through bank numbers. at the end of last week, the us ministry of finance imposed sanctions against the operator kartmir company nspk. they stated that there are no restrictions on their side when working with foreign partners; foreign banks themselves decide to accept them.
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the central bank did not resort to such measures for a year and a half. it was economic news. short.
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russia is ready to become a global leader in cybersecurity, says yuri maksimov, co-founder of one of the most successful companies in the industry, positive technologies. the says project will take russia to a fundamentally new level and may even
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lead to the creation.
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well, look, this is one of the entrances of the portals, in the heart of our cyber home, here we have high-tech, our future, the cyber testing ground is the core, the core of our cyber home, wow here. a virtual copy of our country and not only was created, all the hackers, all the it specialists who did something in the country and saw how it works, they transferred their knowledge and created a virtual copy, here every second, every day of the year, essentially there is a big cyber battle, someone from all over the world is attacking this virtual country, we invite hackers from all over the world,


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