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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 28, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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let's return to one of the first topics of our issue: today in moscow they are saying goodbye to the chairman of the supreme court of russia vyacheslav lebedev. now our correspondent anastasia efimova joins the broadcast. anastasia, greetings, we are waiting for details from you about how the ceremony is going. yes, daria, hello, the ceremony continues in the columned hall of the house of the unions, right at these moments, literally behind me are the doors to the main hall, where this very ceremony is...
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for citizens. vyacheslav lebedev passed away in his eighty-first year, while remained a very modern person, despite his advanced age. by the way, few people know about this, but in europe, and he was considered the creator of one of the most progressive digital justice systems, perhaps the most progressive system on the continent, and this is also the merit of vyacheslav lebedev. and he worked at the head of the supreme court, probably the most turbulent times, until some point it seemed that the nineties were the most turbulent years, but as we understand, in recent times the current era is also full shocks, to which the supreme court and the legal system of russia, under the leadership of vyacheslav lebedev, also adapted very well, was this a coronavirus pandemic, were these sanctions, and was this an actual break in relations with european partners?
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the petrovs have holidays ahead , valentine's day for renovations, putty day and international wallpapering day, don't limit yourself, a cash loan from post bank with a comfortable payment from 1. rubles is enough for what you need and for something pleasant, come get money, post bank for ovito wings.
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electronics sales and discounts up to 70%. buy an osaga on the comparison site and win a car. you can only insure one car with us until april 26th. and win a second or a million rubles, choose osaga or any other insurance and take part in the draw, compare on your side when you give russian lotto tickets, it may turn out that you have given a million-dollar shopping experience and even 101 poodles win every second ticket, buy on the website in branded stores, pay as conveniently as possible with alphapay with any smartphone and receive a supercake every month. simply profitable, alpha profitable! it is so pure that it is invisible, but gives incredible power. gas. rolf ultra's ultra-pure engine oil base, synthesized from gas using two innovative technologies gtl and pao, ensures maximum
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engine performance. roolol - a new era of motor oils. but what about credit card debts, interest and interest? need a holwa. you take out credit cards, transfer debts. this is news from philip trofimov studios. a large-scale failure in the work of telegram and other things, what exactly it is connected with is not yet officially known was reported, but the state duma suggested the reasons were due to the reconfiguration of roskomnadzor equipment.
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disruptions in access to services began around 12:30 moscow time; they primarily affected telegram users, but there were complaints about the work of the messenger, whatsapp, and youtube video services. telecom operators and is controlled by this equipment, which is installed by roskomnadzor, it is designed to filter traffic blocking access to
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content prohibited in russia. another story, one way or another connected with russian internet regulators found it in the register of prohibited sites. from the sections of steam, this is the world's largest digital distribution service for games, the gaming community, and so on, there are many russian players and russian game makers there, despite the fact that it complies with american sanctions and you cannot buy anything there from russia. so, just a couple of hours after this message, roskomnadzor excluded the community section in stim from the prohibited ones, as stated, because information prohibited in russia was removed from there. to global news, which in...
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numerous functions that i rarely use, why can’t i just tell the phone: “listen, i need to buy something for my daughter for her birthday, or i want to go on vacation, and the artificial intelligence itself accesses services, does something with my applications, immediately produces results, no intermediate steps, in 5-10 years none of us will use it anymore.” we will use a voice interface or something even simpler to access directly to application functionality. it should be noted that , to some extent , at least two more companies are trying to implement something similar, for example, the startup rabit will begin shipping such an r1 assistant in march;
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the pre-order for the first batch of 10,000 devices was sold out in 2 days. this is a small box with a small screen, microphone and camera, in fact, the interface of a large cloud one. which is trained not to answer questions, to perform tasks in those applications in which the user is authorized in advance, this can be anything from calling a taxi before any operations in photoshop, while the neuroscience takes into account: the context is constantly being additionally trained independently and forcibly, trying to become a truly personal assistant for a specific person, but it is not positioned as a replacement for a smartphone, only as an addition. another startup, humaine, promises to send smartphones into the past. it was founded by people from apple 7 years ago, they managed to collect a quarter of a billion dollars of investment from microsoft qualcom, the head of open aa, and it only recently became known. what are they doing there, they did it there a small brooch that you can interact with using voice commands or
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gestures, there is no screen, but it is possible to project an image on the palm of your hand, this is again an actual interface in the gpt chat, plus calls and a messenger, but more importantly, this is also a platform, functionality, which will be developed, including by third-party developers. deliveries were promised again in march, but were pushed back to april. well here... a project from the daughter of telecom and brand ai, where the second company is training the neural network to solve practical problems to interact on behalf of the user with the world, and the first one of the world's largest telecoms with colossal influence on the market, all this in the form of just a smartphone, familiar, not frightening with its novelty, but now without applications. message from the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live broadcast tomorrow at 12:00 moscow time. vladivostok is located
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at approximately the same latitude as sochi, but the weather here is completely different. have you decided to find out what solutions already exist for entrepreneurs who are developing their business on far east. the schedule is very tight, and we are increasing it, increasing it, increasing it. it seems to me that there is not enough time to build here. yes. if you ask anyone. how is the situation there, if he tells you, great, then we won. ftb bank presents a new strategy for working with the small medium-sized business segment until 2026. over the past five years , the client base in this segment has grown 2 and a half times and today the banking business of the vtb group in russia serves about 1,3000 active ones. look in special
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reporting by nika inkova. cream so that it becomes smooth, well , you can take any recipe from the internet, we’ll make a little decoration, well, let’s drink tea, alena khon, owner of the berezka confectionery shop, vulan ud, launched production in 2015, it was so very russian-mathematical model, behind all this there was actually work from the beginning. with numbers, we understood that in order to enter the market, we need to present something to the public that did not exist before. alena and her team
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make blast-frozen cakes; at first they conceived the project as a small family one business, but after they began selling products in retail chains, the concept had to be revised and borrowed funds were raised for a soft loan. alena contacted vtb bank. then, when we realized that we needed to expand specifically and we most likely. people who know what they want know in general what goals they set for themselves and what tools they will use
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to achieve their goals. one of the main tools for the development of small medium-sized businesses in russia, attracting leverage. the vtb group in our country serves 1.3 million enterprises and entrepreneurs, which means that approximately every third operating business in russia. use the brand's products and services; working with small medium-sized businesses is one of the key areas for vtb bank. the credit institution has developed a development strategy until the twenty-sixth year with an emphasis on technology, digitalization and comprehensive customer support. to learn more about the bank’s work with entrepreneurs in the regions, you came to kaliningrad, where a business day was held with the support of vtb. kaliningrad is
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the birthplace of small medium-sized businesses, in fact, because enclaveness, it contributes to the fact that...
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they are so driven, there are several directions that they have chosen for themselves, but an important aspect here is that they they built this whole story on an ecological basis, because their raw material is containers, which must be destroyed and recycled, we direct, we recruit, we let go, let’s go for now flogs, we get it, we get it, we took part. in the regional business battle startup competition in the twenty-third year, it began in april, we submitted an application along with other 85 participants, went through to the full-time stage, and to our great joy we became the winners of this competition and took the main prize from vtb bank of 1 million rubles. which we have already used up, we
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bought equipment for our second production workshop. the glassblowing workshop is located in a historical building. in the very center of kaliningrad, part is reserved for guest space, where conduct master classes and thematic lectures. this is our glass melting furnace, where the glass is loaded, where it is melted at a temperature of 1.160°. therefore, we will warm you here now. and now we will collect our glass. second room. they are still preparing for launch; a production workshop will soon open there, where interior glass will be made. at every stage of the competition , the vtb team helped us, there were some people in marketing, there were other people in finance, so for us the most difficult thing, as for any for beginners and entrepreneurs - this is finance, because we must understand how effectively we can count our own
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funds with which we started and how we can plan further development, our strategy is written in such a way that... this summer a new trawler was launched dmitry kozharsky, built at the vyborg shipyard, the customer of the vessel is the for group, which unites large fishing companies in the northwestern region of russia. the trawler was equipped with modern equipment that allows waste-free process fish, produce fillets,
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canned food and fish meal. the new vessel is able to release on the day of order. the history of the fishing collective farm for the homeland began back in the forties. today it is
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a holding company with a full production cycle, from fishing to production and sale of finished products. in the twentieth year, together with vtb bank, we decided to implement an investment project, we built the newest modern plant, not only today in the kaliningrad region, not only in russia, but by the standards...
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the throughput capacity is 1800 people per hour. the cable car is planned to be launched at the end of 2024. it will lift vacationers to the training slopes without transfers. the volume of investments in the project exceeds 1 billion rubles. there are plans to build four more infrastructure facilities with the participation of the bank. the first object is the construction of an eight-story four-star building, associated. the second project is a cable car project, the construction of an eight-seater gondola
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cable car with a length of 1.156 m, a lifting capacity of 2.0 people per hour, the third project is the construction twelve-story building, the fourth object is our catering station at this mark, station 2500, we are interested in all areas of the economy, absolutely everything, we have good competence in construction, regional infrastructure projects, we are present in all federal programs for supporting small medium-sized businesses, accordingly, within the framework of all these programs, and we will also continue our work. raman, how do you like the simulator? great, convenient? very convenient, functional, and most importantly, comfortable. roman dudushkin, a former bodybuilder,
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is professionally versed in sports equipment. the simulators have proven themselves for many years, but i want to say that there are already quite a lot of them in moscow, and in the region i would like to see both the line and geography expand. these outdoor exercise machines are made by mbb. funds, btb bank removed a huge burden from us in terms of organizing bureaucratic processes, that is, it coordinated, especially with various
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organizations that support... small-medium businesses, organizations and so on further, and we were not involved in administration , this is a very important point, so when large contracts are underway, payment is required under these contracts at the end after completion of the work, we need working capital for materials, and accordingly the bank acted as a guarantor of these contracts, in last year, at the state level, they announced the main directions for the development... of small medium-sized businesses in the country, among the priorities are to stimulate the creation of new enterprises, increase the duration the life of projects and structurally support them, all these areas, according to the new three-year strategy, are being developed by vtb. the client wants to be promptly and quickly served at the bank, but at the same time there is a category of people who still want live, physical communication with employees.
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let's look before everyone else, let's meet, veronika pavlovna vosentsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse, with a blunt trauma to the skull, vasnetsova, always one step ahead, four,
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sign. and we look. in moscow they treat the chairman supreme court of russia vyacheslav lebedev , the president of russia also came to pay tribute to the memory in the columned hall of the house of the unions. they swore an oath without much thought, the foreign mercenaries talked to pranksters who posed as poroshenko and agreed to participate in the rebellion against zelensky. while the west
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is denying plans to send soldiers to ukraine, the financial times writes that special forces units are already fighting for kiev. the kremlin commented on the provocative statements of western politicians. we're off the hook, joe. biden and donald trump win internal party elections in michigan. meanwhile, the american ministries found themselves on the verge of a shutdown due to lack of funding. and at games. in the future , qualifying competitions in the discipline of skateboarding have begun, what does this type of competition look like and what preparation do athletes need? in moscow today , the chairman of the supreme court of russia , vyacheslav lebedev, is being treated; he died on february 23 at the eighty-first year of his life after a serious illness. for the ceremony in the columned hall of the house vladimir putin also arrived at the unions. and now on...


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