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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 28, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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while the west is denying plans to send soldiers to ukraine, the financial times writes that special forces units are already fighting for kiev. the kremlin commented on the provocative statements of western politicians. they went into a breakaway. joe biden and donald trump win internal elections in michigan. american ministries, meanwhile , found themselves on the verge of a shutdown due to lack of funding. and at the games of the future , qualifying competitions in the discipline of fital skateboarding began. what does this type of competition look like and what preparation is needed? athletes. today in moscow they say goodbye to the chairman of the supreme court of russia vyacheslav lebedev. he died on february 23 at the eighty-first year of his life after a serious illness. vladimir putin also arrived at the ceremony in the columned hall of the house of the unions. and now anastasia efimova is in touch with the studio.
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anastasia, hello, tell us how the ceremony went, who came to say goodbye to vyacheslav lebedev? yes, yuri, hello, but in fact at these moments the ceremony has already been completed, very soon the cortege with the body of vyacheslav lebedev will leave the columned hall of the house unions, will head to the cathedral of christ the savior, where the funeral service will take place later today. today, many of those people came to say goodbye. who knew vyacheslav lebedev, those who studied with him in the literal and figurative sense, because it is quite obvious that he personifies an entire era of russian justice, the system of which he de facto formed with his personality, his work, heading the supreme court, first of the rsfsr , then new russia, symbolizing an entire era, and the first to say goodbye to him, the head of state came today, he laid flowers, about 10 minutes of conversation.
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the judicial system of russia in comparison with other countries in the world is the most accessible for citizens, i think this is a huge loss, it’s a great pity for everyone, it’s sincerely a pity that he passed away, my condolences to his family and friends, everyone who knew him who worked with him, and he was such a real hard worker, blessed memory to him. the position of
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vyacheslav lebedev did not imply wide publicity; the judge always knows how to balance, remain, what is called a super-grip, maintain impartiality. them however, it is very important to understand that the supreme court, as the highest authority for resolving a wide variety of disputes, both civil, criminal, and economic, is an extremely important institution for state issues, and, of course, in this sense, the personality of vyacheslav lebedev is impossible.
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camps not under the roof of official assyria. of course, everyone who worked with vyacheslav lebed, all those who came. a forgiveness ceremony was held with the chairman of the supreme court vyacheslav lebedev. in other topics , a suspect was arrested in simferopol for collecting information about russian military in the interests of the ukrainian special services, as reported by the fsb, the detainee received the task from curators in the main intelligence department of the ukrainian defense forces. the information was needed to
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launch missile and artillery strikes against our personnel and military equipment. a criminal case was opened under the article espionage. the maximum penalty is up to 20 years in prison. now the court has chosen a preventive measure. 2 months in custody, i receive a call on my phone from a hidden number, he didn’t introduce himself to me, he just said this and that, i’m from ukraine, please, there there help, it was only after some time that i established that this man works for gur, the general directorate of intelligence of ukraine, for the military he asked to leak only current news, i said that then i am news... of course, well, i will check and send him, then suddenly i came across information about the fact that in melitopol there are military equipment located in several places and russian military personnel are stationed,
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i sent him all this. foreign mercenaries who fought openly in the kiev formations told how ukrainian commanders make money from the sale of western weapons and even from their dead soldiers, these...
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always delayed our salaries, our salaries were never correct, we had to buy all our equipment ourselves, we never received the help that we we wanted, they throw us straight into the heat, it’s clear why, that this money
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can be accumulated further, this is the ukrainian command, and they can get great money for these dead souls, the bodies can be hidden somewhere if they die there...
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the foreigners also said that in addition to retirees, career military specialists from abroad are also active on the ukrainian side. i know there were often cia operatives or fighters here. they are a mercenary, the true goal of the new pmc, the pranksters outlined
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the overthrow of poroshenko and the liquidation of zelensky, the foreigners immediately agreed, well, i was surprised by the ending, how they joyfully swore allegiance to petro poroshenko and were even ready to go and stage a coup in ukraine, overthrow zelensky, so that the wonderful poroshenko became the new president because he promised them grief of everything, then...
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the us policy is absolutely baseless. and the new york times emphasized that the desire of european leaders to distance themselves from macron’s idea only proves how disunited the military alliance is. the kremlin said today that nato's hostile rhetoric towards russia is a reason for additional security measures. the expansion of nato, the advancement of nato's military infrastructure towards our borders, hostile rhetoric from states that are members of the north atlantic alliance, that's all. of course, a cause for deep concern and a basis for taking additional measures to
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ensure our safety. kaliningrad is a russian region, it is located on the baltic, and it will always be so. sending nato troops to ukraine will no longer save the situation in which the ussr found itself. the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova, stated this in an interview with the satellite radio station. she emphasized that macron's words shocked paris' nato allies. not just a statement, you have to ask the question, why is it made this statement before again spelling it out, but no one understood it, to be honest, i’m now talking about his own partners, friends, allies, whom he will send to guard zelensky’s bunker, such a shame , of course for france, the us, uk, italy, spain, poland, czech republic and slovakia all stated that they do not plan to deploy their
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troops in ukraine. there will be no german or nato troops on ukrainian soil. the chancellor of germany made this promise to the germans. state duma prohibited placing advertisements on information resources for agents. deputies voted for the appropriate changes to the laws on media and advertising. the explanatory note states: the initiative is aimed at countering hidden interference from abroad in the internal affairs of our country. 3% on sbp on everything, and it doesn’t matter what you want
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technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. banking business vtb group in russia serves about 1,300 thousand active clients of enterprises and entrepreneurs. as part of its strategy, working with small medium-sized businesses until 2026, vtb places emphasis on the quality of client relationships. nika inkovaya looked into what results the bank wants to achieve. increase the number of clients
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small medium-sized entrepreneurs have one and a half times the loan portfolio of at least 1 and... turnover of foreign economic activity in friendly currencies. vtb bank presented a new strategy for working with small medium-sized businesses until 2026. over the past strategic period, vtb has increased its client base by 2 and a half times. today, the banking business group in russia serves about 1.3 million enterprises and entrepreneurs. taking into account the actual activity of registered legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, it turns out to be every third. portfolio grew to 3 trillion 100 billion rubles, and the passive portfolio amounted to 3.6
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trillion rubles. this is a fairly serious indicator. vtb participates in all major government support programs for businesses in the small medium-sized enterprise segment; the share of preferential programs in the bank’s loan portfolio as of january 1, 2024 accounted for over 22%. in the top regions for
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another important area of ​​vtb’s work is foreign economic activity. in the next 3 years, the bank plans to significantly increase this segment. the goal is to
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more than double the market share of international payments. at the same time, the organization is already noticing a reorientation of clients towards trade with friendly countries and an increase in the volume of payments in national currencies. at the end of 2023, turnover increased almost six times compared to 22, the number of clients increased by 4 and a half times. the number of new contracts with friendly countries increased by 60%. we will focus, and are already doing so, on supporting the foreign economic activities of our clients. this is facilitated, among other things, by the large and extensive network of our foreign banks in friendly countries in the branch network also in friendly countries. moreover, the calculations in these directions in friendly flights are growing, growing quickly. an important task for the bank is to deposit. contribution to ensuring the technological sovereignty of the country. vtb was one of the first to announce its participation in the digital ruble implementation project. already this year , the bank will offer businesses this payment format,
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as well as new products based on smart contracts.
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now the economic news is short: anton silanov called the lifting of sanctions against russia matters of time, such a statement.
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investments of foreign investors, our securities, our securities, corporate, government, all those transfers that we continue to carry out for the owners of foreign, therefore, our securities. this year , non-refundable rates may be launched in russian hotels, deputy minister of economic development dmitry vakhrukov announced this. the measure will allow tourists to save on accommodation, according to the russian union of travel industry. the cost of hotel accommodation will be reduced by 20-30%. for for ateliers, such a tariff will also be profitable, according to minek’s estimates; due to cancellations of reservations by tourists, hotels in russia do not receive more than 20 billion rubles per year. in 23, sbir earned one and a half trillion rubles in net profit, which is five times more than a year earlier, the report says according to international standards. return on capital exceeded 25%, and the number of clients exceeded 111
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million. commenting on the results, the head of the bank, german gref, noted that 2023 was a record year for sber in many respects, in particular lending, so the total loan portfolio grew by 27%, to almost 39.5 trillion. and at the end of the year, alrosa paid almost one and a half billion rubles in excess profit tax, as stated in the ifrs report. as for financial results, net profit decreased by 15% to 85 rubles. experts believe that the sanctions will not stop alrosa’s sales, on the contrary, increasing by 9%, totaling 322 billion, but will only lead to an increase in prices for rough diamonds. against the backdrop of reporting, the company's shares decline within 2%. it was economic news, briefly.
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hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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structure is undergoing evolution. increase the number of clients of small medium-sized entrepreneurs by one and a half times, the loan portfolio by at least 1.4 times and increase the volume of foreign economic activity in friendly currencies. vtb sets such goals as part of its new strategy for working with small medium-sized businesses. business until 2026 year, while the bank is relying on fundamentally new standards of service relations, we talked about this and more with the deputy president and chairman of the board of vtb bank, denis bortnikov. denis aleksandrovich, hello, we are meeting with you in kaliningrad at one of the iconic points.


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