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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 28, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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we continue our review of the information picture.
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on this subject there are already subsequent interpretations, including from ministers, the french government itself, including the minister of the armed forces, lekarnu, that we are not talking about sending combat units, but only about expanding training programs and so on, but there are also such self-exposing publications on this subject, today in the european media, including the kolosov media, as we say, in one well-known one there - of a provocative nature, and an analyst writes that, in principle, macron does not he proposed nothing new, because special forces units from france and other nato countries have been in ukraine for a long time. and they actively
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participate, including, they participated in, well , in organizing the physical protection of zelensky, at the initial stage of the special operation and also led, in fact, the operations of attempts related to attempts to cross the dnieper, so there is no need to be surprised here, now. ..
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i must say that on the eve of this paris quasi-summit, they had a rather serious altercation with the german chancellor scholz on the parameters of military assistance to ukraine, they generally disagreed on participation directly in the supply of certain weapons, because... finally, so to speak, he gathered up the willpower and said that - these taurus missiles, after all, berlin should supply it won’t, well, it won’t send troops, so in this situation , macron did such a thing, i must say that the circles in the water went very wide, and across europe, affecting the united states. and so
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on, practically and apart from the ambiguous statement of the lithuanians, everyone else spoke against this, this, so to speak, stuffing of macron, against the idea of ​​direct participation in hostilities by forces or units of troops of western countries, this includes the united states, and the general secretary of nato too. instructors and technical specialists for russia are changing things, can we already say that in fact nato is one of the parties to this conflict? you know, first of all, i believe that this should not surprise us, and i proceed from the fact... that
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our relevant services, including primarily the military, military intelligence and others participating in a special military operation. structures, they know perfectly well who is on the other side of the contact line and what they are doing, and the question of the specific status of each individual person, of course, this will have to be sorted out when they appear before the courts, because the negotiations are on...
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and how is it can it be furnished? for example, can those same bilateral agreements on security guarantees become this basis? well, you know, in principle, according to international law, no one interferes - with any two countries to enter into an agreement on mutual military assistance, or so on. and talk about the organized dispatch of some units of european countries. i think, in practical terms, as the situation develops, it would probably be overkill at the moment, because the situation is developing in such a way that all attempts
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by the ukrainian armed forces to resist our pressure, on some... sections of the front, they fail, and here, as they say, some small units or a single deployment of military personnel, the cause you can’t help, and no matter how western , including european, strategies portray great notes of military art, it must be said that even ... those ukrainian military personnel who were trained in western countries later openly admitted that there was nothing really for them there they were taught that they already, especially people of the older generation, from the experience of serving in the soviet army, they already have a better
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idea of ​​everything, but this, as they say, is a side comment, in principle... well, which countries really can? large countries are clearly not they want, but small ones like the balts, even if they send all their armies, they will disappear without much of a trace. tell me, regarding assistance with weapons, do you have any understanding, idea of ​​how the western allies will continue to help kiev, what kiev can realistically count on in the near future?
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looks in such a way that it means counting on the fact that european countries on their own can replace the contribution of the united states to maintaining the combat capability of the kiev regime, i think that this illusion has been around for a long time
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... to do this at the expense of national budgets, but in the current situation, neither in the eu budget, nor in the national budgets, especially big money, there is no clearing up, and this discussion, it is becoming quite acute , by the way , in it, as usual, the same president macron traditionally played the most active role. who until recently categorically opposed
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arms purchases from third countries, has now changed his position 180° and says that this is quite acceptable, let’s see what it is will end, because the european military-industrial complex, contrary to the optimistic view and with it, is not able to provide in the coming, not only months, but in the coming years, such a scale of production that would be required if the conflict continues of the same size as the ukrainian one over the last 20-odd years. over the years, the european military-industrial complex has shrunk significantly, so our viewers probably remember
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the loud promise of the european union to provide ukraine with a million artillery shells, at first they said a million until the end of the twentieth year, then until the end of the first quarter of the twenty-fourth, now. give weapons for their transfer to ukraine, there are no friendly countries and there will not be, and those
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that can make such deals with the european union are already on the list of unfriendly countries. here is another question that i would like to ask you, the lithuanian ambassador to sweden, the former minister of foreign affairs of the republic, linas lenkavicius, threatened to neutralize this quote kaliningrad against the backdrop of sweden’s accession to nato, what do you think such statements. i know him personally, by the way, but he never amazed me, but as for the specific intellectual thinking of such figures, this statement, well, what does it mean to isolate? well, what can lithuania do, maybe this is our
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visa-free rail transit scheme, but again this is not a decision of lithuania, but of the european union. whether the european union will agree to this, even in the current situation, is still a big question; everything else, i don’t think that lithuania has any possible allies. enough political will, say, made a naval blockade of the kaliningrad region. in the end, kaliningrad is not just a region of russia, there is a base there for the baltic fleet, one of our large formations, so we can talk about what now with the entry of finland into sweden. entry into sweden, we can probably already talk about the practically resolved issue,
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what is it, that the baltic sea is turning into an internal nato lake, no, this will not happen, thank god, in due time, after the great patriotic war, kaliningrad the region became a subject of the rsfsr, and accordingly, despite... despite all the subsequent upheavals, russian territory remained, and vladimir alekseevich, speaking of the harshness of rhetoric and the words that are chosen, i specifically checked with the rion agency.
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look, are these some kind of signals or is this an attempt on the part of some european politicians to show something or prove something to their partners, what do you think or maybe to the internal audience? i think, i think this is primarily an exercise in self-hypnosis, what is it does it mean neutralization? yes, if there is a third world war, there will probably be a neutralized kaliningrad and much more, starting with lithuania and... many european and not only states, but this will be the end of civilization as we know it today, and in all others in cases, a person with a fevered imagination can talk about neutralizing part of russian territory, or, let’s say
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, politically correct, too enthusiastic, another question. regarding what is happening in ukraine, vladimir zelensky against the backdrop of surrender avdeevki said that an audit is being conducted in the ukrainian troops, what do you think this will give and whether it will give, and whether this can be considered an attempt to shift responsibility to the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, and the question arises, which leadership is the past or the current one, well, for starters, it’s not very clear , what is meant by the term audit, if they count money that is stolen and disappeared in unknown directions, this is one thing, if they count lost, lost equipment, including that received from western powers, this is another audit, but the most serious an audit, of course, is required in relation to personnel
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and participants. svo from the ukrainian side, zelensky the other day, well , actually, in paris, he named the figure 31,000 , which, of course, is far from the real one, and this was denied by our ministry of defense, so uh, well, i don’t know, they can start, of course, with financial aspects, then many will also have to be removed from their positions, and if we talk about... military failures, then there is no way to do without bringing to justice those who are not in the payroll, in kiev . vladimir alekseevich, if possible, briefly to the last question, do you think the west will play the transnistrian card, if so, how? undoubtedly , he will, in fact, already be acting out. you
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know, well, it plays out like with the help of the current pro-western. leadership of moldova and the current situation for transnistria is worsening literally every day, we are talking about chisinau’s measures in the economic sphere, including various kinds of taxes, but i ’ll give you this example, the import of russian and belarusian medicines through moldova and transnistria is prohibited. by the way, this is already so to speak, a sign of a possible impending humanitarian catastrophe. in other words , you can expect unpleasant surprises here in this in this in this region too. i thank you for your comment, thank you very much for answering the question. let me remind you that the first deputy chairman of the federation committee on defense
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and security, vladimir chizhov, was on the direct line. a meeting of the intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation between russia and iran has begun in tehran, as deputy prime minister alexander novo said, a key area for joint work is energy. now my colleague, anna lazareva, is in touch, she is a vorane. anna, greetings, tell us how the visit of the russian delegation is going? yuri , hello, alexander novak’s day was scheduled literally minute by minute, the vice president of iran mahammad mahber began with a meeting with the first presidential administration of iran, the meeting lasted about 30 minutes, topics for discussion between the two countries. iran has entered an organization
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such as brix, and work is also progressing successfully in the opec plus format. now there are meetings one after another within the framework of the permanent russian-iranian commission on trade and economic cooperation, they take place in different formats, broad and narrow. and let's listen to a fragment of alexander's opening speech. very broad, and it concerns not only the economic development of the two countries, here healthcare, education here, but of course, special attention to the energy
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sector. today we discussed in detail the issues of the oil and gas complex, i am confident that the agreements reached during the negotiations will give the necessary impetus
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for... to video footage that appears , including on the internet, in social networks, a volcano began to erupt in the south of mexico, throwing a table of ash and steam into the sky for several kilometers,
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but due to the activity of the crater, the local airport has already canceled about thirty flights, authorities evacuated residents of nearby areas, there are no reports of casualties yet, we will closely monitor developments . more than 3 million russians applied to participate in online voting in the country’s presidential elections, this was announced by: chairman of the central election commission ella pomfilova at a meeting of the commission, yet more than 80% of voters plan to vote at polling stations. firstly, of course , one of the best wonderful public observation centers will operate in moscow, precisely because all the voting stations familiar to muscovites have all been reduced, retained, their number in one school has been reduced, there is no need for one there, let's say. well, not five, but two, or not four, but one, yes, taking into account the fact that most muscovites really choose decks, but for everyone,
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a voter, a resident of moscow, has the opportunity to go to his usual polling station and vote, which is equipped, all equipped with video surveillance equipment, so all the necessary opportunities are there and... everything will be used as well as voting at home for those who need it . the state and prospects for the development of domestic industry were discussed today in the state duma; the head of the ministry of industry and trade denis mantorov met with the committee on industry and trade. he noted that good rates of development are now being demonstrated almost all industries, including those that were recently in dire straits. now our focus is primarily on the tasks of achieving technological sovereignty. we count
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on your full support in their implementation, and i have no doubt that together with the relevant committee, factions and every interested deputy we will be able to fully unleash the full potential of our russian industry.
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now economic news, briefly: russia begins to supply pork to china, the main thing the customs administration of the prc allowed three russian enterprises to its market, according to
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interfax, the right to export. received mirotor, velikiye luki meat processing plant and tambov bacon. let me remind you that the supply of pork has been banned since 2008; according to estimates from the national union of pig farmers, the export of this meat to china can reach 200,000 tons per year. this year, russian hotels may launch a non-refundable rate, deputy minister of economic development dmitry vakhrukov announced this. the measure will allow tourists to save on accommodation. according to russian union of tourism industry.
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commenting on the results, the head of the bank, german gref , noted that 2023 was a record year for sber in many respects, in particular in lending, as the total loan portfolio grew by 27%, to almost 39.5 trillion. and at the end of the year, alrosa paid almost one and a half billion rubles in excess profit tax, as stated in the ifrs report. as for financial results, net profit decreased by 15%. up to 85 billion rubles revenue , on the contrary, grew by 9%, totaling 322 billion. experts believe that sanctions will not stop sales of alrosa will only lead to an increase in prices for rough diamonds. against the backdrop of reporting , the company's shares decline within 2%. it was economic news, briefly.


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