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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 28, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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customers exceeded the 111 million mark. commenting on the results, the head of the bank, german gref , noted that 2023 was a record year for sber in many respects, in particular in lending. thus, the total loan portfolio increased by 27%, to almost 39.5 trillion. and alrosa paid almost 1.5 billion rubles in excess profit tax at the end of the year. this is stated in the ifrs report. as for financial results. net profit decreased by 15% to rub 85 billion. revenue , on the contrary, grew by 9%, totaling 322 billion. experts believe that sanctions will not stop sales of alrosa will only lead to an increase in prices for rough diamonds. against the backdrop of reporting , the company's shares decline within 2%. it was economic news. short. we are alexander
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and dmitry kvashnin. i calculated a model of a super-hard material for industry, and i calculated a model for a super-sensitive gas analyzer. and this is grandpa. thanks to his ingenuity, we became interested in science. develop an interest in science from childhood. enroll in science majors. rf. well, credit card debts are hanging and interest is dripping. need halva. you take out credit cards you transfer debts to the holwa. hunt, check your instinct, we are going on vacation, and we are going, for the third year, so open a savings vtbet, rate 16%, save up faster,
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and open a business account with free service. alfabank is the best bank for business. six juicy nuggets for only 69 rubles. to a delicious point. new yandex browser. give me neurosil. put together a presentation. with such pictures that the client will melt. oh, honeys. download new ones. now it
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will appear, come on, what is there a card that earns itself, a debit card gazprombank with a stable income of up to 35%. i saw. a sign in the heavens, in the harsh winter, something will appear that has never happened, the stars of the worlds will come together, where east and west meet, big and small, people and robots, deft eyes and precise hands will come together, but no one knows who will take the heavenly trophy , games of the future, subscribe and watch the broadcast on social networks, this is the same vacuum cleaner, the top vacuum cleaner. top headphones, and also top choice,
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top quality discounts up to 50%, powerful harera hair dryer with a 50% discount for only 3.999 in emfidio and el dorado. a true legend is immediately visible, almost impossible to touch. but not for you, this is your legendary alfabank credit card. order a free credit card with a whole year without interest and receive a superkick in rubles. every month, and also withdraw cash from any atm for free, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable! banking business vtb group in russia serves about one 1.3 million active clients of enterprises and entrepreneurs. as part of its strategy for working with small medium-sized businesses until 2026, vtb focuses on as a client.
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nika inkovaya looked into the relationship and what results the bank wants to achieve. increase the number of clients. small medium-sized entrepreneurs to one and a half times the loan portfolio by at least 1.4 times and increase the turnover of foreign economic activity in friendly currencies. vtb bank presented a new strategy for working with small medium-sized businesses until 2026. over the past strategic period, vtb has increased its client base by 2 and a half times. today, banking business groups in russia serve approximately 1.3 million enterprises and entrepreneurs taking into account.
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this is a fairly serious indicator. vtb participates in all major government support programs for businesses in the small medium-sized enterprise segment; the share of preferential programs in the bank’s loan portfolio as of january 1, 2024 accounted for over 22%. the top regions in terms of the volume of such financing include moscow, voronezh, lipetsk regions, stavropol and krasnodar territories. we participate in all government programs that were launched during the pandemic. some of them, of course, stopped their existence, because they have achieved their goals, and other programs that are aimed at developing precisely the segments with which we work of small medium-sized businesses, these programs continue to work, continue to work actively, we actively participate in them. as part of the new development strategy, vtb
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sets ambitious goals to increase its loan portfolio by at least 1.4 times by 2026. in addition, increase the customer base many times over. at the same time, vtb is betting on... fundamentally new standards of relations and services, we are talking about comprehensive work on personalization and care for each client, through all the bank’s products and services. the client wants to be promptly and quickly served at the bank, but at the same time there is a category of people who still want live, physical communication with bank employees, when he can calmly come there to drink a cup of tea or talk about some household matters. it ’s easy to understand, here is this bank, no matter how loyal or disloyal it is to it, this is, in my understanding, a bank with a human face, which provides one hundred percent service, and this service has feedback and responds to those requests that arise from the client and responds personally. another important
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area of ​​vtb’s work is foreign economic activity. in the next 3 years, the bank plans to significantly increase this segment. the goal is to increase the market share of international payments by more than . an important task for the bank is to contribute to
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ensuring the technological sovereignty of the country. vtb was one of the first to announce its participation in the digital ruble implementation project. already in this year the bank will offer businesses this payment format, as well as new products. based on smart contracts.
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the central bank decided to revoke the license of the gifest bank. this is the second such incident in just a week. previously , the kiwi lost the right to carry out activities. whether this means the beginning of a new series of reviews was discussed by my colleague dmitry morocco, he joins the broadcast. dmitry, greetings. what caused the closure of two banks in a row? yes, welcome. the grounds are similar, according to the regulator, both banks violated industry regulations regulations, including those regarding laundering of illegal proceeds. a year and a half of calm suddenly two revocations of the license within a period. following qiwi , hephaestus bank lost its right to operate. as noted in
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the regulator’s decision, he repeatedly violated federal banking laws, as well as anti -money laundering requirements. reimbursement of funds to hephaestus' clients will be handled by the deposit insurance agency. according to preliminary data, we are talking about an amount of more than 180 million rubles. payments will begin no later than march 13. the central bank indicates that it gave him several instructions during the year. money is fully refunded. earlier , on february 21, qiwi bank lost its license;
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tochka joint stock company stated that it would refund funds to its clients stuck in bank accounts. we are talking about amounts that will not cover the compensation of the deposit insurance agency. the total amount of payments from the dia will be more than 4 billion rubles. the list of recipients includes almost 300 individuals, about 11 thousand individual entrepreneurs and... companies, however there is also an insurance limit of 1.4000 rubles. per depositor, the agency does not compensate for everything above. also, through the dia, it will be possible to apply for a refund of money from qiwi wallets, of which there are more than 9 million, the amount of funds on them reaches almost 4.5 billion rubles, which is almost the same as on deposits. in terms of assets in kiev, it ranked eighty-ninth among the country's banks; according to the central bank, it, like hephaestus, violated federal laws, including anti-money laws.
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potential candidates for license revocation has also become noticeably less, but if we are talking about banks from the top 30, then in recent years there have been no noticeable problems with them. the last time the regulator applied such a measure as revocation of a license was in august 2022. in total , two banks lost their licenses in the twenty-second year; for comparison, in the twenty-first there were 20 revocations, in the twentieth 16. as of january 1, 2024 , there were 324 banks,
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it follows from the central bank data, while 100 of them had a basic license, 224 a universal one. the basic one provides on the one hand simplified regulation, on the other hand, a number of restrictions. at the same time, more than 40% of the total banking business in the country is consolidated in the hands of the five largest credit institutions. i think that the central bank has worked quite well in this direction since 2015. when significant measures were taken to improve the banking system, i hope that there are not many unscrupulous banks left, to which the central bank has claims, and this phenomenon will not become widespread again and there won’t be some kind of massive purge of the banking sector, but perhaps there are some other claims from the central bank to some banks , and we will see this in the near future, not far away... in november, the chairman of the central bank, elvira nabeulina, announced that in recent years the regulator has managed
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to withdraw from the market 452 unscrupulous banks by revoking their licenses. according to her, this has led to the fact that the banking system is now absolutely healthy and no longer requires monetary support; on the contrary, it itself helps the economy. let's check your memory. remember in detail what. you did 3 days ago , if the question seems difficult, an innovative drug called apepet can help with memory problems, it helps improve cerebral blood flow, restore memory and attention, the choice should... be balanced, time-tested, for the head to work, divide in half, prices on the yandex market, discounts up to 50% when paying with an alfabank card, if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha debit card and buy for half the price. hmm, she smiled, that means she recognized her,
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she smiled, that means she was real! they recognize, love, they remember, appreciate, truly, psb is a bank for the present, now it will appear, come on! well , what about a card that earns itself: a gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35%. avito has an inspiring sale of electronics and discounts of up to 70%. pay as conveniently as possible with alpha pay with any smartphone and receive a superkick every month.
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not just profitable, alpha profitable. if you get up more than twice at night. afalaza! at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. we're going on vacation! and we are going to! third year, open a vtb savings account, rate 16%. save up faster! what's a good car for you? mileage, condition, comfort, and smells like new! there is a good car for everyone, find it on the author. a real legend is immediately visible, it is almost impossible to touch it, but not for you, this is your legendary alfabank credit card. order a free credit card with a whole year without interest and receive a supercake in rubles every month, and
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also withdraw cash for free from any atm. not just profitable, alpha profitable. alice, turn on the timer for 5 minutes, she will hear your voice, even if the environment is noisy, set the timer, alice, turn on the music, turn it on, she will also like it louder, what you love, meet the new spring colors of yandex station midi with alisai, buy on yandex market and get cashback 1,500 plus points. alfabank for business. register for free and open a business account with free.
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rosatom is one of the most efficient and high-tech state corporations in our country, so it is important for us to create conditions for its development, at the same time we need a constant dialogue with the company,
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with the ministry to which this state corporation belongs, given that we... have begun preparing for the government report, it is important for you and me to understand how state corporations work, where there is a need support, creation of additional capabilities, rosatom has completely replaced foreign software at its facilities, said alexey likhachev. another important topic of his speech was the production of civilian products, its share at rosatom enterprises exceeded 50%. are fulfilled 100%, despite the multiple growth in certain areas. in addition, we are proactively developing samples of non-nuclear weapons and military equipment, some
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of which have already been put into production and are being used in the special military operation zone. the head of rosatom also touched upon the situation around the zaporozhye npp. the corporation's specialists have restored the physical protection of the station and now there are no technological threats or other risks to the station. in moscow today they said goodbye to the chairman supreme court of russia vyacheslav lebedev. he died on february 23 at the eighty-first year of his life after a serious illness.
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vladimir putin also arrived at the ceremony in the columned hall of the house of the unions. a word from my colleague anastasia yafimova. a person who not only, as is commonly said in such cases, made an invaluable contribution to the formation of the legal system, but rather his name is identical to this very legal system. took more than three decades, essentially symbolizing an entire era in modern history. be the first to say goodbye to vyacheslav the head of state, vladimir putin, came to lebedev today and laid a bouquet on him.
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just as part of a meeting with the russian president on february 6, then they talked about the humanization of legislation on the digitalization of russian justice. by the way, european colleagues considered this very digitalization.
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colleagues talk about how much he will be
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missed for his impartial, always fair view of the processes taking place around him. of course, with vyacheslav mikhailovich, first of all, issues of protecting childhood connected us and i will say, extremely extraordinary, it so happened that i had to do it together with my colleagues. to look for and develop new solutions that did not exist before us , we managed to do this, then together, having found these solutions, these steps, we took a step and the first children were returned to russia because of the camps not under the control of official syria. the era of vyacheslav lebedev was definitely not simple, it coincided not only with critical, turning-point events in the history of the country, but with... the turbulence of recent years and the coronavirus pandemic unleashed by the west sanctions war and , in fact, a break in relations with european partners; by the way, the chairman of the supreme court was
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one of the first to insist on establishing connections with colleagues in the sco brix and the asia-pacific region, and he also always remained very sensitive to any issues, a man with a capital “m” , a professional in his field, but for me it is very important that he was also an athlete himself, he was involved in boxing, he loved hockey very much, in our conversations, when i met him at hockey or outside of hockey, he was always interested sports, a very sincere, professional person, and vyacheslav lebedev also raised... a generation of his students, each of whom will certainly continue his work in their posts. vyacheslav mikhailovich lebedev, a man who is the embodiment of a great lawyer, a great judge, an amazing person. i knew him well personally, we communicated for many years, often, and i was honored by his friendship, an amazing
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storyteller, old-minded, charming. to his fatherland, the russian federation. i swear! i swear! i swear! it is sacred to observe the constitution of the russian federation. strictly fulfills the requirements of military regulations, orders of commanders and superiors. i swear,
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i swear, i swear, to fulfill my military duty with dignity, to courageously defend the freedom, independence and constitutional system of russia, the people of the fatherland, thanks to those who are true to these words, become a warrior, service under the contract of the russian federation. dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original besagon tv program. i hope you... remember them and enjoy them.
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kaliningrad, an integral part of russia, will always be so, the kremlin’s tough response to statement by a lithuanian politician. a certain lines lenkavicius invited to neutralize kaliningrad if russia threatens to challenge nato. well, what will actually happen? answer from the president's press secretary. protect transnistria from the economic blockade of chisinau. this is an appeal, or rather, a cry for
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